kopia lustrzana https://github.com/miklobit/TiddlyWiki5
Add support for ordering tags by the 'list-before' and 'list-after' fields
See the discussion here: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywikidev/AXDJEjcAphs/discussionprint-window-tiddler
@ -554,7 +554,31 @@ exports.sortByList = function(array,listTitle) {
for(t=0; t<array.length; t++) {
title = array[t];
if(list.indexOf(title) === -1) {
// Entry isn't in the list yet, so either append or insert;
// obey list-before and list-after if present for relative insertion point
var tiddler = this.getTiddler(title),
pos = -1;
if(tiddler) {
var beforeTitle = tiddler.fields["list-before"];
if(beforeTitle === "") {
pos = 0;
} else if(beforeTitle) {
pos = list.indexOf(beforeTitle);
} else {
var afterTitle = tiddler.fields["list-after"];
if(afterTitle) {
pos = list.indexOf(afterTitle);
if(pos >= 0) {
if(pos >= 0) {
} else {
return titles;
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
title: test-tags.js
type: application/javascript
tags: [[$:/tags/test-spec]]
Tests the tagging mechanism.
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
describe("Tag tests", function() {
// Create a wiki
var wiki = new $tw.Wiki();
// Add a few tiddlers
title: "TiddlerOne",
text: "The quick brown fox in $:/TiddlerTwo",
tags: ["one","TiddlerSeventh"],
modifier: "JoeBloggs",
modified: "201304152222"});
title: "$:/TiddlerTwo",
text: "The rain in Spain\nfalls mainly on the plain and [[a fourth tiddler]]",
tags: ["two"],
modifier: "JohnDoe",
modified: "201304152211"});
title: "Tiddler Three",
text: "The speed of sound in light\n\nThere is no TiddlerZero but TiddlerSix",
tags: ["one","two","TiddlerSeventh"],
modifier: "JohnDoe",
modified: "201304162202"});
title: "a fourth tiddler",
text: "The quality of mercy is not drained by [[Tiddler Three]]",
tags: ["TiddlerSeventh"],
modifier: "JohnDoe"});
title: "one",
text: "This is the text of tiddler [[one]]",
list: "[[Tiddler Three]] [[TiddlerOne]]",
modifier: "JohnDoe"});
title: "$:/TiddlerFive",
text: "Everything in federation",
tags: ["two"]});
title: "TiddlerSix",
text: "Missing inaction from TiddlerOne",
tags: []});
title: "TiddlerSeventh",
text: "",
list: "TiddlerOne [[Tiddler Three]] [[a fourth tiddler]] MissingTiddler",
tags: []});
title: "Tiddler8",
text: "Tidd",
tags: [],
"test-field": "JoeBloggs"});
title: "Tiddler9",
text: "Another tiddler",
tags: ["TiddlerSeventh"],
"list-before": "a fourth tiddler"});
title: "Tiddler10",
text: "Another tiddler",
tags: ["TiddlerSeventh"],
"list-before": ""});
title: "Tiddler11",
text: "Another tiddler",
tags: ["TiddlerSeventh"],
"list-after": "Tiddler Three"});
// Our tests
it("should handle custom tag ordering", function() {
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[tag[TiddlerSeventh]]").join(",")).toBe("Tiddler10,TiddlerOne,Tiddler11,Tiddler Three,Tiddler9,a fourth tiddler");
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
created: 20140312124037773
modified: 20140312124106267
tags: concepts
title: TiddlerTags
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
! Introduction
Tiddlers can be assigned categories by assigning one or more tags. For example, tiddlers representing individuals might be tagged ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate the relationship to the author.
Multiple tags can be applied to the same tiddler. Used effectively they provide a powerful way to explore content related to a tiddler.
TiddlyWiki offers several useful features based on the convention that a tag itself can be interpreted as the title of a tiddler.
! Using Tags
Tags are displayed at the top of the tiddler as coloured pills. Clicking on a tag pill drops down a menu showing links to all the tiddlers that carry that tag, along with a link to the tiddler representing the tag itself.
When editing a tiddler, the tags pills have a small ''x'' icon that allows them to be removed individually. There is also a text box to type the name of a new tag to be added, and a dropdown autocomplete list that shows matching tags that are in use.
! Tag Manager
The tag manager is available via a button at the top of the sidebar tab "Tabs", or you can link directly to [[$:/TagManager]].
! Assigning Colours and Icons to Tag
The colour used to draw a tag pill is taken from the ''color'' field of the tiddler titled with the tag. The colour can be specified as any CSS value (more modern browsers show a colour picker for the ''color'' field).
An icon can be associated with a tag by placing the title of the tiddler containing the image into the ''icon'' field of th etiddler titled with the tag.
See the tag {{done||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for an example.
! Tag Ordering
The ordering used to return a list of the tiddlers with a particular tag is determined by the following rules:
* First, any tiddlers that are listed in the ListField of the tag tiddler are placed into a new list in the same order
* Second, any unplaced tiddlers that have the field ''list-before'' are placed before the tiddler specified in the field
** (if the ''list-before'' field is empty then the unplaced tiddler is placed at the start of the list)
* Third, if any unplaced tiddlers have the field ''list-after'' then they placed immediately after the tiddler specified in the field
* Finally, any remaining unplaced tiddlers are placed at the end of the list
! System Tags
See SystemTags for information about the special system tags that TiddlyWiki uses for configuration.
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
created: 201308300925
modified: 201308300927
created: 20130830092500000
modified: 20140312122907113
tags: fields
title: ListField
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. It is defined as an ordered sequence of tiddler titles, and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see TiddlerTags for details
* The `list` [[filter|TiddlerFilters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|TiddlerFilters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
Reference in New Issue