Encapsulate logic for handling popups

Jeremy Ruston 2012-11-06 14:11:11 +00:00
rodzic b81b2c0c63
commit 083ac7a4bf
1 zmienionych plików z 31 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -44,6 +44,37 @@ Popup.prototype.cancel = function() {
Trigger a popup open or closed. Parameters are in a hashmap:
textRef: text reference where the popup details are stored
domNode: dom node to which the popup will be positioned
qualifyTiddlerTitles: "yes" if state tiddler titles are to be qualified
contextTiddlerTitle: title of tiddler providing context for text references
contextParents: parent stack
wiki: wiki
Popup.prototype.triggerPopup = function(options) {
// Get the textref of the popup state tiddler
var textRef = options.textRef;
if(options.qualifyTiddlerTitles === "yes") {
textRef = "(" + options.contextParents.join(",") + "," + options.contextTiddlerTitle + ")" + textRef;
// Get the current popup state tiddler
var value = options.wiki.getTextReference(textRef,"",options.contextTiddlerTitle);
// Check if the popup is open by checking whether it matches "(<x>,<y>)"
var popupLocationRegExp = /^\((-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+)\)$/;
if(popupLocationRegExp.test(value)) {
} else {
// Set the position if we're opening it
"(" + options.domNode.offsetLeft + "," + options.domNode.offsetTop + "," +
options.domNode.offsetWidth + "," + options.domNode.offsetHeight + ")",
exports.Popup = Popup;