TiddlyWiki5/editions/fr-FR/tiddlers/_PETTIL - Forth for the Com...

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caption: "PETTIL - Forth for the Commodore PET" par Charlie Hitselberger
created: 20140716085406905
modified: 20141116112847700
tags: Examples
title: "PETTIL - Forth for the Commodore PET" by Charlie Hitselberger
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
url: http://chitselb.com/files/tiddlypettil.html
Un interprète Forth véloce pour le [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], écrit en langage assembleur 6502. Le TiddlyWiki contenant la documentation du programme est automatiquement engendré à partir du code source<<dp>> voir https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project