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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/wikiparser.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: global
The wiki text parser processes blocks of source text into a parse tree.
The parse tree is made up of nested arrays of these JavaScript objects:
{type: "element", tag: <string>, attributes: {}, children: []} - an HTML element
{type: "text", text: <string>} - a text node
{type: "entity", value: <string>} - an entity
{type: "raw", html: <string>} - raw HTML
Attributes are stored as hashmaps of the following objects:
{type: "string", value: <string>} - literal string
{type: "array", value: <string array>} - array of strings
{type: "styles", value: <object>} - hashmap of style strings
{type: "indirect", textReference: <textReference>} - indirect through a text reference
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
var WikiParser = function(vocabulary,type,text,options) {
this.wiki = options.wiki;
this.vocabulary = vocabulary;
// Save the parse text
this.type = type || "text/vnd.tiddlywiki";
this.source = text || "";
this.sourceLength = this.source.length;
// Set current parse position
this.pos = 0;
// Initialise the things that pragma rules can change
this.macroDefinitions = {}; // Hash map of macro definitions
// Instantiate the pragma parse rules
this.pragmaRules = this.instantiateRules(this.vocabulary.pragmaRuleClasses,0);
// Parse any pragmas
// Instantiate the parser block and run rules
this.blockRules = this.instantiateRules(this.vocabulary.blockRuleClasses,this.pos);
this.runRules = this.instantiateRules(this.vocabulary.runRuleClasses,this.pos);
// Parse the text into runs or blocks
if(this.type === "text/vnd.tiddlywiki-run") {
this.tree = this.parseRun();
} else {
this.tree = this.parseBlocks();
Instantiate an array of parse rules
WikiParser.prototype.instantiateRules = function(classes,startPos) {
var rules = [],
self = this;
$tw.utils.each(classes,function(RuleClass) {
// Instantiate the rule
var rule = new RuleClass(self,startPos);
// Only save the rule if there is at least one match
if(rule.matchIndex !== undefined) {
return rules;
Skip any whitespace at the current position. Options are:
treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true if newlines are NOT to be treated as whitespace
WikiParser.prototype.skipWhitespace = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var whitespaceRegExp = options.treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace ? /([^\S\n]+)/mg : /(\s+)/mg;
whitespaceRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;
var whitespaceMatch = whitespaceRegExp.exec(this.source);
if(whitespaceMatch && whitespaceMatch.index === this.pos) {
this.pos = whitespaceRegExp.lastIndex;
Get the next match out of an array of parse rule instances
WikiParser.prototype.findNextMatch = function(rules,startPos) {
var nextMatch = undefined,
nextMatchPos = this.sourceLength;
for(var t=0; t<rules.length; t++) {
var matchPos = rules[t].findNextMatch(startPos);
if(matchPos !== undefined && matchPos <= nextMatchPos) {
nextMatch = rules[t];
nextMatchPos = matchPos;
return nextMatch;
Parse any pragmas at the beginning of a block of parse text
WikiParser.prototype.parsePragmas = function() {
while(true) {
// Skip whitespace
// Check for the end of the text
if(this.pos >= this.sourceLength) {
// Check if we've arrived at a pragma rule match
var nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.pragmaRules,this.pos);
// If not, just exit
if(!nextMatch || nextMatch.matchIndex !== this.pos) {
// Process the pragma rule
Parse a block from the current position
terminatorRegExpString: optional regular expression string that identifies the end of plain paragraphs. Must not include capturing parenthesis
WikiParser.prototype.parseBlock = function(terminatorRegExpString) {
var terminatorRegExp = terminatorRegExpString ? new RegExp("(" + terminatorRegExpString + "|\\r?\\n\\r?\\n)","mg") : /(\r?\n\r?\n)/mg;
if(this.pos >= this.sourceLength) {
return [];
// Look for a block rule that applies at the current position
var nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.blockRules,this.pos);
if(nextMatch && nextMatch.matchIndex === this.pos) {
return nextMatch.parse();
// Treat it as a paragraph if we didn't find a block rule
return [{type: "element", tag: "p", children: this.parseRun(terminatorRegExp)}];
Parse a series of blocks of text until a terminating regexp is encountered or the end of the text
terminatorRegExpString: terminating regular expression
WikiParser.prototype.parseBlocks = function(terminatorRegExpString) {
if(terminatorRegExpString) {
return this.parseBlocksTerminated(terminatorRegExpString);
} else {
return this.parseBlocksUnterminated();
Parse a block from the current position to the end of the text
WikiParser.prototype.parseBlocksUnterminated = function() {
var tree = [];
while(this.pos < this.sourceLength) {
return tree;
Parse blocks of text until a terminating regexp is encountered
WikiParser.prototype.parseBlocksTerminated = function(terminatorRegExpString) {
var terminatorRegExp = new RegExp("(" + terminatorRegExpString + ")","mg"),
tree = [];
// Skip any whitespace
// Check if we've got the end marker
terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;
var match = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);
// Parse the text into blocks
while(this.pos < this.sourceLength && !(match && match.index === this.pos)) {
var blocks = this.parseBlock(terminatorRegExpString);
// Skip any whitespace
// Check if we've got the end marker
terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;
match = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);
if(match && match.index === this.pos) {
this.pos = match.index + match[0].length;
return tree;
Parse a run of text at the current position
terminatorRegExp: a regexp at which to stop the run
WikiParser.prototype.parseRun = function(terminatorRegExp) {
if(terminatorRegExp) {
return this.parseRunTerminated(terminatorRegExp);
} else {
return this.parseRunUnterminated();
WikiParser.prototype.parseRunUnterminated = function() {
var tree = [];
// Find the next occurrence of a runrule
var nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.runRules,this.pos);
// Loop around the matches until we've reached the end of the text
while(this.pos < this.sourceLength && nextMatch) {
// Process the text preceding the run rule
if(nextMatch.matchIndex > this.pos) {
tree.push({type: "text", text: this.source.substring(this.pos,nextMatch.matchIndex)});
this.pos = nextMatch.matchIndex;
// Process the run rule
// Look for the next run rule
nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.runRules,this.pos);
// Process the remaining text
if(this.pos < this.sourceLength) {
tree.push({type: "text", text: this.source.substr(this.pos)});
this.pos = this.sourceLength;
return tree;
WikiParser.prototype.parseRunTerminated = function(terminatorRegExp) {
var tree = [];
// Find the next occurrence of the terminator
terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;
var terminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);
// Find the next occurrence of a runrule
var runRuleMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.runRules,this.pos);
// Loop around until we've reached the end of the text
while(this.pos < this.sourceLength && (terminatorMatch || runRuleMatch)) {
// Return if we've found the terminator, and it precedes any run rule match
if(terminatorMatch) {
if(!runRuleMatch || runRuleMatch.matchIndex >= terminatorMatch.index) {
if(terminatorMatch.index > this.pos) {
tree.push({type: "text", text: this.source.substring(this.pos,terminatorMatch.index)});
this.pos = terminatorMatch.index;
return tree;
// Process any run rule, along with the text preceding it
if(runRuleMatch) {
// Preceding text
if(runRuleMatch.matchIndex > this.pos) {
tree.push({type: "text", text: this.source.substring(this.pos,runRuleMatch.matchIndex)});
this.pos = runRuleMatch.matchIndex;
// Process the run rule
// Look for the next run rule
runRuleMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.runRules,this.pos);
// Look for the next terminator match
terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;
terminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);
// Process the remaining text
if(this.pos < this.sourceLength) {
tree.push({type: "text", text: this.source.substr(this.pos)});
this.pos = this.sourceLength;
return tree;
Parse a run of text preceded by zero or more class specifiers `.classname`
WikiParser.prototype.parseClassedRun = function(terminatorRegExp) {
var classRegExp = /\.([^\s\.]+)/mg,
classNames = [];
classRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;
var match = classRegExp.exec(this.source);
while(match && match.index === this.pos) {
this.pos = match.index + match[0].length;
var match = classRegExp.exec(this.source);
this.skipWhitespace({treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true});
var tree = this.parseRun(terminatorRegExp);
return {
"class": classNames.join(" "),
tree: tree
exports.WikiParser = WikiParser;