WiZ connected Plugin for Domoticz home automation. Controls WiZ connected devices your network (mainly on/off switches and Lights).

Zaktualizowano 2021-11-25 08:14:52 +00:00

collection of Arduino sketch examples of transmitting on the Helium network with several LoRaWAN development boards.

Zaktualizowano 2021-11-22 18:25:07 +00:00

The software webscrapes data from wsprnet.org, filter out calls from the balloons and decode additional telemetry and apload to habhub tracker / aprs-fi

Zaktualizowano 2021-11-18 18:37:04 +00:00

Implementation of several digital signal filters and functions for the generation of synthetic (surrogate) time-series.

Zaktualizowano 2021-10-27 11:21:23 +00:00

A simple Python file chooser widget for use in Jupyter/IPython in conjunction with ipywidgets

Zaktualizowano 2021-09-15 22:24:00 +00:00

Single Program Transport stream muxer

Zaktualizowano 2021-09-10 20:59:46 +00:00

A pocket sized FT8 Transceiver utilizing Teensy 3.6, Si4735 and Si5351 technology.

Zaktualizowano 2021-09-09 12:57:06 +00:00

Compact isolated version of J-Link v9

Zaktualizowano 2021-09-06 15:50:58 +00:00

Ionization Chamber (a device to measure radioactivity level)

Zaktualizowano 2021-08-15 15:28:52 +00:00

Micropython stepper motor driver on ULN2003

Zaktualizowano 2021-08-10 11:06:33 +00:00

Python library for communicating with iCOM radios using CI-V. Developed for and only tested on IC-AC120E airband radio.

Zaktualizowano 2021-07-29 13:49:08 +00:00

This website displays live (mostly) glider traffic. Talking about http://live.glidernet.org

Zaktualizowano 2021-07-25 14:00:54 +00:00

JT65/JT9/JT4/FT8/WSPR/FSQ Encoder Library for Arduino

Zaktualizowano 2021-07-19 20:44:24 +00:00


Zaktualizowano 2021-07-14 14:59:38 +00:00

digital-filter-designer. a website application where you can design your desired digital filters online you can try it here: https://badra022.github.io/digital-filter-designer/

Zaktualizowano 2021-06-21 08:58:23 +00:00

HabBoy is a linux/webApp to help observe and chase after High Altitude Balloons. (https://ukhas.org.uk/)

Zaktualizowano 2021-06-10 09:43:55 +00:00

tool to convert bitmaps into MicroPython code fragments

Zaktualizowano 2021-06-06 11:29:22 +00:00

generate secure passwords

Zaktualizowano 2021-06-05 18:40:24 +00:00

MPLAB XC C Compiler for avr: GCC compiler restrictions removal

Zaktualizowano 2021-05-31 16:44:09 +00:00