
347 wiersze
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#include "power.h"
#include "NodeDB.h"
#include "PowerFSM.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "utils.h"
// FIXME. nasty hack cleanup how we load axp192
#include "axp20x.h"
#ifdef TBEAM_V10
AXP20X_Class axp;
bool pmu_irq = false;
Power *power;
using namespace meshtastic;
#if defined(NRF52_SERIES)
* Internal Reference is +/-0.6V, with an adjustable gain of 1/6, 1/5, 1/4,
* 1/3, 1/2 or 1, meaning 3.6, 3.0, 2.4, 1.8, 1.2 or 0.6V for the ADC levels.
* External Reference is VDD/4, with an adjustable gain of 1, 2 or 4, meaning
* VDD/4, VDD/2 or VDD for the ADC levels.
* Default settings are internal reference with 1/6 gain (GND..3.6V ADC range)
#define AREF_VOLTAGE 3.6
#define AREF_VOLTAGE 3.3
* If this board has a battery level sensor, set this to a valid implementation
static HasBatteryLevel *batteryLevel; // Default to NULL for no battery level sensor
* A simple battery level sensor that assumes the battery voltage is attached via a voltage-divider to an analog input
class AnalogBatteryLevel : public HasBatteryLevel
* Battery state of charge, from 0 to 100 or -1 for unknown
* FIXME - use a lipo lookup table, the current % full is super wrong
virtual int getBattPercentage()
float v = getBattVoltage() / 1000;
if (v < noBatVolt)
return -1; // If voltage is super low assume no battery installed
if (v > chargingVolt)
return 0; // While charging we can't report % full on the battery
return 100 * (v - emptyVolt) / (fullVolt - emptyVolt);
* The raw voltage of the batteryin millivolts or NAN if unknown
virtual float getBattVoltage()
// Tested ttgo eink nrf52 board and the reported value is perfect
// DEBUG_MSG("raw val %u", raw);
1000.0 * 2.0 * (AREF_VOLTAGE / 1024.0) * analogRead(BATTERY_PIN);
* return true if there is a battery installed in this unit
virtual bool isBatteryConnect() { return getBattPercentage() != -1; }
/// If we see a battery voltage higher than physics allows - assume charger is pumping
/// in power
virtual bool isVBUSPlug() { return getBattVoltage() > 1000 * chargingVolt; }
/// Assume charging if we have a battery and external power is connected.
/// we can't be smart enough to say 'full'?
virtual bool isChargeing() { return isBatteryConnect() && isVBUSPlug(); }
/// If we see a battery voltage higher than physics allows - assume charger is pumping
/// in power
const float fullVolt = 4.2, emptyVolt = 3.27, chargingVolt = 4.3, noBatVolt = 2.1;
} analogLevel;
Power::Power() : OSThread("Power") {}
bool Power::analogInit()
DEBUG_MSG("Using analog input for battery level\n");
// disable any internal pullups
#ifndef NO_ESP32
// ESP32 needs special analog stuff
#ifdef NRF52_SERIES
analogReference(AR_INTERNAL); // 3.6V
// adcStart(BATTERY_PIN);
analogReadResolution(10); // Default of 12 is not very linear. Recommended to use 10 or 11 depending on needed resolution.
batteryLevel = &analogLevel;
return true;
return false;
bool Power::setup()
bool found = axp192Init();
if (!found) {
found = analogInit();
enabled = found;
return found;
void Power::shutdown()
#ifdef TBEAM_V10
DEBUG_MSG("Shutting down\n");
/// Reads power status to powerStatus singleton.
// TODO(girts): move this and other axp stuff to power.h/power.cpp.
void Power::readPowerStatus()
if (batteryLevel) {
bool hasBattery = batteryLevel->isBatteryConnect();
int batteryVoltageMv = 0;
int8_t batteryChargePercent = 0;
if (hasBattery) {
batteryVoltageMv = batteryLevel->getBattVoltage();
// If the AXP192 returns a valid battery percentage, use it
if (batteryLevel->getBattPercentage() >= 0) {
batteryChargePercent = batteryLevel->getBattPercentage();
} else {
// If the AXP192 returns a percentage less than 0, the feature is either not supported or there is an error
// In that case, we compute an estimate of the charge percent based on maximum and minimum voltages defined in
// power.h
batteryChargePercent =
clamp((int)(((batteryVoltageMv - BAT_MILLIVOLTS_EMPTY) * 1e2) / (BAT_MILLIVOLTS_FULL - BAT_MILLIVOLTS_EMPTY)),
0, 100);
// Notify any status instances that are observing us
const PowerStatus powerStatus =
PowerStatus(hasBattery ? OptTrue : OptFalse, batteryLevel->isVBUSPlug() ? OptTrue : OptFalse,
batteryLevel->isChargeing() ? OptTrue : OptFalse, batteryVoltageMv, batteryChargePercent);
DEBUG_MSG("Battery: usbPower=%d, isCharging=%d, batMv=%d, batPct=%d\n", powerStatus.getHasUSB(),
powerStatus.getIsCharging(), powerStatus.getBatteryVoltageMv(), powerStatus.getBatteryChargePercent());
// If we have a battery at all and it is less than 10% full, force deep sleep
if (powerStatus.getHasBattery() && !powerStatus.getHasUSB() && batteryLevel->getBattVoltage() < MIN_BAT_MILLIVOLTS)
} else {
// No power sensing on this board - tell everyone else we have no idea what is happening
const PowerStatus powerStatus = PowerStatus(OptUnknown, OptUnknown, OptUnknown, -1, -1);
int32_t Power::runOnce()
#ifdef TBEAM_V10
// WE no longer use the IRQ line to wake the CPU (due to false wakes from sleep), but we do poll
// the IRQ status by reading the registers over I2C
if (axp.isVbusRemoveIRQ()) {
DEBUG_MSG("USB unplugged\n");
if (axp.isVbusPlugInIRQ()) {
DEBUG_MSG("USB plugged In\n");
Other things we could check if we cared...
if (axp.isChargingIRQ()) {
DEBUG_MSG("Battery start charging\n");
if (axp.isChargingDoneIRQ()) {
DEBUG_MSG("Battery fully charged\n");
if (axp.isBattPlugInIRQ()) {
DEBUG_MSG("Battery inserted\n");
if (axp.isBattRemoveIRQ()) {
DEBUG_MSG("Battery removed\n");
if (axp.isPEKShortPressIRQ()) {
DEBUG_MSG("PEK short button press\n");
// Only read once every 20 seconds once the power status for the app has been initialized
return (statusHandler && statusHandler->isInitialized()) ? (1000 * 20) : RUN_SAME;
* Init the power manager chip
* axp192 power
DCDC1 0.7-3.5V @ 1200mA max -> OLED // If you turn this off you'll lose comms to the axp192 because the OLED and the axp192
share the same i2c bus, instead use ssd1306 sleep mode DCDC2 -> unused DCDC3 0.7-3.5V @ 700mA max -> ESP32 (keep this on!) LDO1
30mA -> charges GPS backup battery // charges the tiny J13 battery by the GPS to power the GPS ram (for a couple of days), can
not be turned off LDO2 200mA -> LORA LDO3 200mA -> GPS
bool Power::axp192Init()
#ifdef TBEAM_V10
if (axp192_found) {
if (!axp.begin(Wire, AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS)) {
batteryLevel = &axp;
DEBUG_MSG("AXP192 Begin PASS\n");
// axp.setChgLEDMode(LED_BLINK_4HZ);
DEBUG_MSG("DCDC1: %s\n", axp.isDCDC1Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("DCDC2: %s\n", axp.isDCDC2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("LDO2: %s\n", axp.isLDO2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("LDO3: %s\n", axp.isLDO3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("DCDC3: %s\n", axp.isDCDC3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("Exten: %s\n", axp.isExtenEnable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_ON); // LORA radio
// axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); // GPS main power - now turned on in setGpsPower
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC2, AXP202_ON);
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_EXTEN, AXP202_ON);
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC1, AXP202_ON);
axp.setDCDC1Voltage(3300); // for the OLED power
DEBUG_MSG("DCDC1: %s\n", axp.isDCDC1Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("DCDC2: %s\n", axp.isDCDC2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("LDO2: %s\n", axp.isLDO2Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("LDO3: %s\n", axp.isLDO3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("DCDC3: %s\n", axp.isDCDC3Enable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
DEBUG_MSG("Exten: %s\n", axp.isExtenEnable() ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MAUnset) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA100) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA190) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA280) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA360) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA450) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA550) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA630) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA700) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA780) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA880) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA960) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA1000) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA1080) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA1160) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA1240) {
} else if (radioConfig.preferences.charge_current == ChargeCurrent_MA1320) {
#if 0
// Not connected
//val = 0xfc;
//axp._writeByte(AXP202_VHTF_CHGSET, 1, &val); // Set temperature protection
//not used
//val = 0x46;
//axp._writeByte(AXP202_OFF_CTL, 1, &val); // enable bat detection
#ifdef PMU_IRQ
pinMode(PMU_IRQ, INPUT);
PMU_IRQ, [] { pmu_irq = true; }, FALLING);
axp.adc1Enable(AXP202_BATT_CUR_ADC1, 1);
// we do not look for AXP202_CHARGING_FINISHED_IRQ & AXP202_CHARGING_IRQ because it occurs repeatedly while there is
// no battery also it could cause inadvertent waking from light sleep just because the battery filled
// we don't look for AXP202_BATT_REMOVED_IRQ because it occurs repeatedly while no battery installed
// we don't look at AXP202_VBUS_REMOVED_IRQ because we don't have anything hooked to vbus
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("AXP192 Begin FAIL\n");
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("AXP192 not found\n");
return axp192_found;
return false;