# Geeksville's current work queue You probably don't care about this section - skip to the next one. For app cleanup: * DONE make device build always have a valid version * DONE do fixed position bug https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-device/issues/536 * check build guide * generate autodocs * write devapi user guide * DONE update android code: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding/migration * only do wantReplies once per packet type, if we change network settings force it again * make gpio watch work, use thread and setup * make hello world example service * make python ping command * make python gpio read a bit cleaner * DONE have python tool check max packet size before sending to device * DONE if request was sent reliably, send reply reliably * DONE require a recent python api to talk to these new device loads * DONE require a recent android app to talk to these new device loads * DONE fix handleIncomingPosition * DONE move want_replies handling into plugins * DONE on android for received positions handle either old or new positions / user messages * on android side send old or new positions as needed / user messages * test python side handle new position/user messages * DONE make a gpio example. --gpiowrb 4 1, --gpiord 0x444, --gpiowatch 0x3ff * DONE fix position sending to use new plugin * DONE Add SinglePortNumPlugin - as the new most useful baseclass * DONE move positions into regular data packets (use new app framework) * DONE move user info into regular data packets (use new app framework) * DONE test that positions, text messages and user info still work * DONE test that position, text messages and user info work properly with new android app and old device code * fix the RTC drift bug * move python ping functionality into device, reply with rxsnr info * use channels for gpio security https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-device/issues/104 For high speed/lots of devices/short range tasks: - When guessing numhops for sending: if I've heard from many local (0 hop neighbors) decrease hopcount by 2 rather than 1. This should nicely help 'router' nodes do the right thing when long range, or if there are many local nodes for short range. - fix timeouts/delays to be based on packet length at current radio settings * update faq with antennas https://meshtastic.discourse.group/t/range-test-ideas-requested/738/2 * update faq on recommended android version and phones * add help link inside the app, reference a page on the wiki * turn on amazon reviews support * add a tablet layout (with map next to messages) in the android app # Old docs to merge MESH RADIO PROTOCOL Old TODO notes on the mesh radio protocol, merge into real docs someday... for each named group we have a pre-shared key known by all group members and wrapped around the device. you can only be in one group at a time (FIXME?!) To join the group we read a qr code with the preshared key and ParamsCodeEnum. that gets sent via bluetooth to the device. ParamsCodeEnum maps to a set of various radio params (regulatory region, center freq, SF, bandwidth, bitrate, power etc...) so all members of the mesh can have their radios set the same way. once in that group, we can talk between 254 node numbers. to get our node number (and announce our presence in the channel) we pick a random node number and broadcast as that node with WANT-NODENUM(my globally unique name). If anyone on the channel has seen someone _else_ using that name within the last 24 hrs(?) they reply with DENY-NODENUM. Note: we might receive multiple denies. Note: this allows others to speak up for some other node that might be saving battery right now. Any time we hear from another node (for any message type), we add that node number to the unpickable list. To dramatically decrease the odds a node number we request is already used by someone. If no one denies within TBD seconds, we assume that we have that node number. As long as we keep talking to folks at least once every 24 hrs, others should remember we have it. Once we have a node number we can broadcast POSITION-UPDATE(my globally unique name, lat, lon, alt, amt battery remaining). All receivers will use this to a) update the mapping of who is at what node nums, b) the time of last rx, c) position. If we haven't heard from that node in a while we reply to that node (only) with our current POSITION_UPDATE state - so that node (presumably just rejoined the network) can build a map of all participants. We will periodically broadcast POSITION-UPDATE as needed based on distance moved or a periodic minimum heartbeat. If user wants to send a text they can SEND_TEXT(dest user, short text message). Dest user is a node number, or 0xff for broadcast. # Medium priority Items to complete before 1.0. # Post 1.0 ideas - finish DSR for unicast - check fcc rules on duty cycle. we might not need to freq hop. https://www.sunfiretesting.com/LoRa-FCC-Certification-Guide/ . Might need to add enforcement for europe though. - make a no bluetooth configured yet screen - include this screen in the loop if the user hasn't yet paired - if radio params change fundamentally, discard the nodedb - re-enable the bluetooth battery level service on the T-BEAM - provide generalized (but slow) internet message forwarding service if one of our nodes has internet connectivity (MQTT) [ Not a requirement but a personal interest ] # Low priority ideas Items after the first final candidate release. - implement nimble battery level service - Nimble implement device info service remaining fields (hw version etc) - Turn on RPA addresses for the device side in Nimble - Try to teardown less of the Nimble protocol stack across sleep - dynamic frequency scaling could save a lot of power on ESP32, but it seems to corrupt uart (even with ref_tick set correctly) - Change back to using a fixed sized MemoryPool rather than MemoryDynamic (see bug #149) - scan to find channels with low background noise? (Use CAD mode of the RF95 to automatically find low noise channels) - If the phone doesn't read fromradio mailbox within X seconds, assume the phone is gone and we can stop queing location msgs for it (because it will redownload the nodedb when it comes back) - add frequency hopping, dependent on the gps time, make the switch moment far from the time anyone is going to be transmitting - assign every "channel" a random shared 8 bit sync word (per of datasheet) - use that word to filter packets before even checking CRC. This will ensure our CPU will only wake for packets on our "channel" - the BLE stack is leaking about 200 bytes each time we go to light sleep - use fuse bits to store the board type and region. So one load can be used on all boards - Don't store position packets in the to phone fifo if we are disconnected. The phone will get that info for 'free' when it fetches the fresh nodedb. - Use the RFM95 sequencer to stay in idle mode most of the time, then automatically go to receive mode and automatically go from transmit to receive mode. See of manual. - Use fixed32 for node IDs, packetIDs, successid, failid, and lat/lon - will require all nodes to be updated, but make messages slightly smaller. - add "store and forward" support for messages, or move to the DB sync model. This would allow messages to be eventually delivered even if nodes are out of contact at the moment. - use variable length Strings in protobufs (instead of current fixed buffers). This would save lots of RAM - use BLEDevice::setPower to lower our BLE transmit power - extra range doesn't help us, it costs amps and it increases snoopability - make a HAM build: just a new frequency list, a bool to say 'never do encryption' and use hte callsign as that node's unique id. -from Girts - don't forward redundant pings or ping responses to the phone, it just wastes phone battery - don't send location packets if we haven't moved significantly - scrub default radio config settings for bandwidth/range/speed - show radio and gps signal strength as an image - only BLE advertise for a short time after the screen is on and button pressed - to save power and prevent people for sniffing for our BT app. - make mesh aware network timing state machine (sync wake windows to gps time) - this can save LOTS of battery - split out the software update utility so other projects can use it. Have the appload specify the URL for downloads. - read the PMU battery fault indicators and blink/led/warn user on screen - discard very old nodedb records (> 1wk) - handle millis() rollover in GPS.getTime - otherwise we will break after 50 days - report esp32 device code bugs back to the mothership via android - change BLE bonding to something more secure. see comment by pSecurity->setAuthenticationMode(ESP_LE_AUTH_BOND) Changes related to wifi support on ESP32: - iram space: https://esp32.com/viewtopic.php?t=8460 - set https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-guides/external-ram.html spi ram bss - figure out if iram or bluetooth classic caused ble problems - post bug on esp32-arduino with BLE bug findings # Spinoff project ideas - an open source version of https://www.burnair.ch/skynet/ - a paragliding app like http://airwhere.co.uk/ - How do avalanche beacons work? Could this do that as well? possibly by using beacon mode feature of the RF95?