sforkowany z mirror/meshtastic-firmware
Merge branch 'dev' into cubecell
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Hard resetting via RTS pin...
# Meshtastic Android app
The companion (optional) Meshtastic Android app is [here](https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-Android). You can also download it on Google Play.
The companion (optional) Meshtastic Android app is [here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geeksville.mesh&referrer=utm_source%3Dgithub-dev-readme). You can also download it on Google Play.
# Python API
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
arm-none-eabi-readelf -s -e .pio/build/nrf52dk/firmware.elf | head -80
nm -CSr --size-sort .pio/build/nrf52dk/firmware.elf | grep '^200'
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Not all of these features are fully implemented yet - see **important** disclaim
- Shows direction and distance to all members of your channel
- Directed or broadcast text messages for channel members
- Open and extensible codebase supporting multiple hardware vendors - no lock in to one vendor
- Communication API for bluetooth devices (such as our Android app) to use the mesh. An iOS application is in the works. And [Meshtastic-python](https://pypi.org/project/meshtastic/) provides access from desktop computers.
- Communication API for bluetooth devices (such as our Android app) to use the mesh. An iOS application is in the works. And [Meshtastic-python](https://pypi.org/project/meshtastic/) provides access from desktop computers.
- Very easy sharing of private secured channels. Just share a special link or QR code with friends and they can join your encrypted mesh
This project is currently in beta testing but it is fairly stable and feature complete - if you have questions please [join our discussion forum](https://meshtastic.discourse.group/).
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Note: Updates are happening almost daily, only major updates are listed below. F
Our Android application is available here:
[![Download at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geeksville.mesh](https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/static/images/badges/en_badge_web_generic.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geeksville.mesh&referrer=utm_source%3Dhomepage%26anid%3Dadmob)
[![Download at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geeksville.mesh](https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/static/images/badges/en_badge_web_generic.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geeksville.mesh&referrer=utm_source%3Dgithub-homepage)
The link above will return older more stable releases. We would prefer if you join our alpha-test group, because the application is rapidly improving. Three steps to opt-in to the alpha- test:
@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
# High priority
- why is the net so chatty now?
- modem sleep should work if we lower serial rate to 115kb?
- device wakes, turns BLE on and phone doesn't notice (while phone was sitting in auto-connect)
- E22 bringup
- nrf52 free memory https://learn.adafruit.com/bluefruit-nrf52-feather-learning-guide/hathach-memory-map
- encryption review findings writeup
- cubecell
- turn on modem-sleep mode - https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/issues/1142#issuecomment-512428852
last EDF release in arduino is: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/commit/1977370e6fc069e93ffd8818798fbfda27ae7d99
IDF release/v3.3 46b12a560
IDF release/v3.3 367c3c09c
kevinh@kevin-server:~/development/meshtastic/esp32-arduino-lib-builder$ python /home/kevinh/development/meshtastic/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dout --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 /home/kevinh/development/meshtastic/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin
cp -a out/tools/sdk/* components/arduino/tools/sdk
cp -ar components/arduino/* ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32@src-fba9d33740f719f712e9f8b07da6ea13/
last EDF release in arduino is: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/commit/1977370e6fc069e93ffd8818798fbfda27ae7d99
IDF release/v3.3 46b12a560
IDF release/v3.3 367c3c09c
kevinh@kevin-server:~/development/meshtastic/esp32-arduino-lib-builder\$ python /home/kevinh/development/meshtastic/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esptool*py/esptool/esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dout --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 /home/kevinh/development/meshtastic/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin
cp -a out/tools/sdk/* components/arduino/tools/sdk
cp -ar components/arduino/ ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32@src-fba9d33740f719f712e9f8b07da6ea13/
# Medium priority
@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ During the beta timeframe the following improvements 'would be nice'
Items after the first final candidate release.
- dynamic frequency scaling could save a lot of power on ESP32, but it seems to corrupt uart (even with ref_tick set correctly)
- Change back to using a fixed sized MemoryPool rather than MemoryDynamic (see bug #149)
- scan to find channels with low background noise? (Use CAD mode of the RF95 to automatically find low noise channels)
- If the phone doesn't read fromradio mailbox within X seconds, assume the phone is gone and we can stop queing location msgs
@ -2,11 +2,24 @@
## Misc work items
RAM investigation.
nRF52832-QFAA 64KB ram, 512KB flash vs
nrf52832-QFAB 32KB ram, 512kb flash
nrf52840 256KB RAM, 1MB flash
"framework-arduinoadafruitnrf52": {
"type": "framework",
"optional": true,
"version": "https://github.com/meshtastic/Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino.git"
## Initial work items
Minimum items needed to make sure hardware is good.
- set power UICR per https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/28562/nrf52840-regulator-configuration
- DONE set power UICR per https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/28562/nrf52840-regulator-configuration
- switch charge controller into / out of performance mode (see 8.3.1 in datasheet)
- write UC1701 wrapper
- Test hardfault handler for null ptrs (if one isn't already installed)
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
23K + messages
+ heap of 30ish packets, 300ish bytes per packet: 8KB
+ 14KB soft device RAM
a) we should store all ToPhone message queued messages compressed as protobufs (since they will become that anyways)
b) shrink packet pool size because none of that storage will be used for ToPhone packets
c) don't allocate any storage in RAM for the tophone messages we save inside device state, instead just use nanopb callbacks to save/load those
d) a smarter MeshPacket in memory representation would save about 4KB of RAM?
2000790c 00003558 B devicestate // 16KB
2000b53c 00001000 b _cache_buffer // 4KB flash filesystem support
20003b1c 000006b0 B console
2000d5f4 00000400 b vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory::uxTimerTaskStack
2000da04 00000400 b _acUpBuffer
2000c558 0000036c B Bluefruit
2000c8d8 00000358 b _cdcd_itf
2000e54c 00000258 B _midid_itf
2000d0dc 00000200 b ucStaticTimerQueueStorage.9390
2000e044 00000200 b _mscd_buf
2000e284 000001cc b _vendord_itf
2000d410 00000190 b vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory::uxIdleTaskStack
2000374c 0000016c D __global_locale
2000de48 0000012c B USBDevice
2000afa4 00000100 b Router::send(_MeshPacket*)::bytes
2000aea4 00000100 b Router::perhapsDecode(_MeshPacket*)::bytes
200039b0 000000f4 B powerFSM
20004258 000000f0 B screen
2000cd7c 000000c4 b _dcd
2000cc68 000000c0 b _usbd_qdef_buf
2000b3c4 000000bc B Wire
2000cef4 000000a8 B Serial2
2000ce4c 000000a8 B Serial1
2000e498 000000a8 B _SEGGER_RTT
2000b498 000000a4 B InternalFS
2000dfb8 0000008c b _hidd_itf
2000b260 00000088 b meshtastic::normalFrames
2000cfdc 00000064 b pxReadyTasksLists
2000b340 00000060 b meshtastic::drawTextMessageFrame(OLEDDisplay*, OLEDDisplayUiState*, short, short)::tempBuf
200036ec 00000060 d impure_data
2000b104 00000060 B bledfu
2000b0a4 00000060 B blebas
20003684 00000058 D _usbd_qdef
200038c0 00000058 d tzinfo
2000d5a0 00000054 b vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory::xTimerTaskTCB
2000d3bc 00000054 b vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory::xIdleTaskTCB
2000d308 00000050 b xStaticTimerQueue.9389
2000b1f4 00000050 B hrmc
2000b1a4 00000050 B bslc
20004360 0000004c B service
2000d374 00000048 b m_cb
2000df74 00000042 b _desc_str
2000cd3c 00000040 b _usbd_ctrl_buf
20004214 00000040 B realRouter
2000e244 00000040 b _mscd_itf
2000b164 00000040 B bledis
20003634 00000038 d _InternalFSConfig
2000cc30 00000031 b _usbd_dev
2000398c 00000020 B periodicScheduler
2000cfa4 00000020 b callbacksInt
2000de10 0000001f b fw_str.13525
20003974 00000018 b object.9934
2000ae68 00000018 B nodeDB
2000366c 00000018 d _cache
2000b314 00000014 b meshtastic::drawNodeInfo(OLEDDisplay*, OLEDDisplayUiState*, short, short)::signalStr
2000b300 00000014 b meshtastic::drawNodeInfo(OLEDDisplay*, OLEDDisplayUiState*, short, short)::lastStr
2000b2ec 00000014 b meshtastic::drawNodeInfo(OLEDDisplay*, OLEDDisplayUiState*, short, short)::distStr
200041e0 00000014 b getDeviceName()::name
2000d0b8 00000014 b xTasksWaitingTermination
2000d0a4 00000014 b xSuspendedTaskList
2000d08c 00000014 b xPendingReadyList
2000d06c 00000014 b xDelayedTaskList2
2000d058 00000014 b xDelayedTaskList1
2000d2f0 00000014 b xActiveTimerList2
2000d2dc 00000014 b xActiveTimerList1
2000b480 00000014 B SPI
2000c8c4 00000014 B Serial
2000cd28 00000014 b _ctrl_xfer
2000de30 00000011 b serial_str.13534
2000c544 00000010 b BLEAdvertising::_start(unsigned short, unsigned short)::gap_adv
20003614 00000010 d meshtastic::btPIN
2000434c 00000010 b sendOwnerPeriod
2000ae8c 00000010 b staticPool
2000e484 00000010 B xQueueRegistry
20003b04 00000010 B stateSERIAL
20003af4 00000010 B stateSDS
20003ae4 00000010 B stateON
20003ad4 00000010 B stateNB
20003ac4 00000010 B stateLS
20003ab4 00000010 B stateDARK
20003aa4 00000010 B stateBOOT
200041f8 00000010 B ledPeriodic
2000b244 00000010 B hrms
2000d9f4 00000010 b _acDownBuffer
2000b3b8 0000000c B preflightSleep
20004208 0000000c B powerStatus
2000e540 0000000c B nrf_nvic_state
2000b3ac 0000000c B notifySleep
2000b3a0 0000000c B notifyDeepSleep
2000e463 0000000b b __tzname_std
2000e458 0000000b b __tzname_dst
2000b338 00000008 b meshtastic::estimatedHeading(double, double)::oldLon
2000b330 00000008 b meshtastic::estimatedHeading(double, double)::oldLat
200041d0 00000008 b zeroOffsetSecs
2000ae80 00000008 b spiSettings
200038b8 00000008 D _tzname
20003b14 00000008 B noopPrint
2000cfc4 00000008 b channelMap
2000cf9c 00000008 b callbackDeferred
200043ac 00000006 b ourMacAddr
2000435c 00000004 b MeshService::onGPSChanged(void*)::lastGpsSend
2000b32c 00000004 b meshtastic::estimatedHeading(double, double)::b
2000b328 00000004 b meshtastic::drawNodeInfo(OLEDDisplay*, OLEDDisplayUiState*, short, short)::simRadian
2000362c 00000004 d meshtastic::Screen::setup()::bootFrames
20003628 00000004 d meshtastic::Screen::handleStartBluetoothPinScreen(unsigned long)::btFrames
200039ac 00000004 b onEnter()::lastPingMs
2000ae9c 00000004 b generatePacketId()::i
2000ae88 00000004 B RadioLibInterface::instance
2000b2e8 00000004 b meshtastic::nodeIndex
20003610 00000004 d meshtastic::targetFramerate
2000c554 00000004 B BLEService::lastService
200041cc 00000004 b timeStartMsec
200036dc 00000004 d sbrk_heap_top
2000d364 00000004 b _loopHandle
2000c540 00000004 b guard variable for BLEAdvertising::_start(unsigned short, unsigned short)::gap_adv
2000d0d0 00000004 b xYieldPending
2000d35c 00000004 b xTimerTaskHandle
2000d358 00000004 b xTimerQueue
2000d0cc 00000004 b xTickCount
2000d0a0 00000004 b xSchedulerRunning
2000d088 00000004 b xNumOfOverflows
2000d084 00000004 b xNextTaskUnblockTime
2000d304 00000004 b xLastTime.9343
2000d080 00000004 b xIdleTaskHandle
2000d054 00000004 b uxTopReadyPriority
2000d050 00000004 b uxTaskNumber
2000d04c 00000004 b uxSchedulerSuspended
2000d048 00000004 b uxPendedTicks
2000d044 00000004 b uxDeletedTasksWaitingCleanUp
2000d040 00000004 b uxCurrentNumberOfTasks
2000d360 00000004 b uxCriticalNesting
2000cc64 00000004 b _usbd_q
2000e478 00000004 B _timezone
200036e0 00000004 D SystemCoreClock
2000c53c 00000004 b _sem
2000d0d8 00000004 b pxOverflowTimerList
2000cfd8 00000004 b pxOverflowDelayedTaskList
2000cfd4 00000004 b pxDelayedTaskList
2000d0d4 00000004 b pxCurrentTimerList
2000cfd0 00000004 B pxCurrentTCB
2000e470 00000004 b prev_tzenv
2000360c 00000004 D preftmp
20003608 00000004 D preffile
2000b25c 00000004 B nrf52Bluetooth
2000d370 00000004 b m_usbevt_handler
2000d36c 00000004 b m_sleepevt_handler
2000d368 00000004 b m_pofwarn_handler
2000e454 00000004 B __malloc_sbrk_start
2000e450 00000004 B __malloc_free_list
2000e480 00000004 B MAIN_MonCnt
2000e47c 00000004 b initial_env
200036e8 00000004 D _impure_ptr
200041d8 00000004 B gps
2000e7a4 00000004 B errno
20003918 00000004 D environ
2000cfcc 00000004 b enabled
2000ae64 00000004 B displayedNodeNum
2000e474 00000004 B _daylight
2000b254 00000004 B crypto
2000ce44 00000004 B count_duration
2000de0c 00000004 b _cb_task
2000de08 00000004 b _cb_queue
2000de04 00000004 b _cb_qdepth
2000de44 00000004 B bootloaderVersion
200041f5 00000001 b ledBlinker()::ledOn
20003604 00000001 d loop::showingBootScreen
200041f4 00000001 b loop::wasPressed
2000b494 00000001 b DefaultFontTableLookup(unsigned char)::LASTCHAR
2000aea0 00000001 b generatePacketId()::didInit
20003624 00000001 d meshtastic::prevFrame
2000b258 00000001 b bleOn
200041dc 00000001 B timeSetFromGPS
20004348 00000001 B ssd1306_found
2000ce49 00000001 B pin_sound
2000e494 00000001 B nrfx_power_irq_enabled
2000ce48 00000001 B no_stop
20003630 00000001 D neo6M
2000ce40 00000001 b _initialized
200036e4 00000001 D __fdlib_version
20003970 00000001 b completed.9929
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/* Linker script to configure memory regions.
geeksville: modified this to simulate a nrf52832 but with a sd140 soft device. So I can
see how the memory footprint works on this lower end CPU. Note: to work with sd140 in my bootloader
I need to start ram at 0x6000 (instead of the correct 0x3600 for sd132) - so I have less
RAM available than on a real 832.
GROUP(-lgcc -lc -lnosys)
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x26000, LENGTH = 0x6D000 - 0x26000
/* FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x26000, LENGTH = 0xED000 - 0x26000 */
/* SRAM required by S132 depend on
* - Attribute Table Size
* - Vendor UUID count
* - Max ATT MTU
* - Concurrent connection peripheral + central + secure links
* - Event Len, HVN queue, Write CMD queue
/* RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20003600, LENGTH = 0x20010000 - 0x20003600 */
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20006000, LENGTH = 0x20010000 - 0x20006000
. = ALIGN(4);
.svc_data :
PROVIDE(__start_svc_data = .);
PROVIDE(__stop_svc_data = .);
} > RAM
.fs_data :
PROVIDE(__start_fs_data = .);
PROVIDE(__stop_fs_data = .);
} > RAM
INCLUDE "nrf52_common.ld"
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ debug_tool = jlink
build_type = debug ; I'm debugging with ICE a lot now
; note: liboberon provides the AES256 implementation for NRF52 (though not using the hardware acceleration of the NRF52840 - FIXME)
build_flags =
${env.build_flags} -Wno-unused-variable -Isrc/nrf52 -Isdk-nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/include -Lsdk-nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/lib/cortex-m4/hard-float/ -lliboberon_3.0.3
${env.build_flags} -Wno-unused-variable -Isrc/nrf52 -Isdk-nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/include -Lsdk-nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/lib/cortex-m4/hard-float/ -lliboberon_3.0.3
src_filter =
${env.src_filter} -<esp32/>
@ -166,8 +166,9 @@ debug_init_break =
extends = nrf52_base
board = nrf52840_dk_modified
lib_deps =
UC1701 ; for temp testing
# For experimenting with RAM sizes
# board_build.ldscript = linker/nrf52840_s140_sim832.ld
; The PPR board
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ board = ppr
lib_deps =
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e7f181ef6fd4e38c40e0d0be552149f8bbe75a66
Subproject commit 72cbde93ffbc2ee917f9d7328558475e02a91cba
@ -152,7 +152,10 @@ void setup()
// i2c still busted on new board
#ifndef ARDUINO_NRF52840_PPR
// Buttons & LED
@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ void setup()
new SimRadio();
if (!rIf->init())
if (!rIf || !rIf->init())
@ -110,8 +110,10 @@ void NodeDB::resetRadioConfig()
void NodeDB::init()
void NodeDB::installDefaultDeviceState()
memset(&devicestate, 0, sizeof(devicestate));
// init our devicestate with valid flags so protobuf writing/reading will work
devicestate.has_my_node = true;
devicestate.has_radio = true;
@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ void NodeDB::init()
devicestate.radio.has_channel_settings = true;
devicestate.radio.has_preferences = true;
devicestate.node_db_count = 0;
devicestate.receive_queue_count = 0;
devicestate.receive_queue_count = 0; // Not yet implemented FIXME
@ -139,12 +141,17 @@ void NodeDB::init()
pickNewNodeNum(); // Note: we will repick later, just in case the settings are corrupted, but we need a valid
// owner.short_name now
sprintf(owner.long_name, "Unknown %02x%02x", ourMacAddr[4], ourMacAddr[5]);
sprintf(owner.short_name, "?%02X", myNodeInfo.my_node_num & 0xff);
sprintf(owner.short_name, "?%02X", (unsigned)(myNodeInfo.my_node_num & 0xff));
void NodeDB::init()
if (!FSBegin()) // FIXME - do this in main?
DEBUG_MSG("ERROR filesystem mount Failed\n");
// FIXME - report failure to phone
assert(0); // FIXME - report failure to phone
// saveToDisk();
@ -210,7 +217,7 @@ const char *preftmp = "/db.proto.tmp";
void NodeDB::loadFromDisk()
#ifdef FS
static DeviceState scratch;
// static DeviceState scratch; We no longer read into a tempbuf because this structure is 15KB of valuable RAM
auto f = FS.open(preffile);
if (f) {
@ -219,16 +226,17 @@ void NodeDB::loadFromDisk()
// DEBUG_MSG("Preload channel name=%s\n", channelSettings.name);
memset(&scratch, 0, sizeof(scratch));
if (!pb_decode(&stream, DeviceState_fields, &scratch)) {
memset(&devicestate, 0, sizeof(devicestate));
if (!pb_decode(&stream, DeviceState_fields, &devicestate)) {
DEBUG_MSG("Error: can't decode protobuf %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
installDefaultDeviceState(); // Our in RAM copy might now be corrupt
// FIXME - report failure to phone
} else {
if (scratch.version < DEVICESTATE_MIN_VER)
if (devicestate.version < DEVICESTATE_MIN_VER) {
DEBUG_MSG("Warn: devicestate is old, discarding\n");
else {
DEBUG_MSG("Loaded saved preferences version %d\n", scratch.version);
devicestate = scratch;
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Loaded saved preferences version %d\n", devicestate.version);
// DEBUG_MSG("Postload channel name=%s\n", channelSettings.name);
@ -238,6 +246,7 @@ void NodeDB::loadFromDisk()
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("No saved preferences found\n");
DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: Filesystem not implemented\n");
@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ class NodeDB
/// read our db from flash
void loadFromDisk();
/// Reinit device state from scratch (not loading from disk)
void installDefaultDeviceState();
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@ void RadioLibInterface::startSend(MeshPacket *txp)
printPacket("Starting low level send", txp);
setStandby(); // Cancel any already in process receives
configHardwareForSend(); // must be after setStandby
size_t numbytes = beginSending(txp);
int res = iface->startTransmit(radiobuf, numbytes);
@ -91,9 +91,6 @@ class RadioLibInterface : public RadioInterface, private PeriodicTask
virtual void startReceive() = 0;
/** start an immediate transmit */
void startSend(MeshPacket *txp);
/** if we have something waiting to send, start a short random timer so we can come check for collision before actually doing
* the transmit
@ -108,12 +105,20 @@ class RadioLibInterface : public RadioInterface, private PeriodicTask
virtual void doTask();
/** start an immediate transmit
* This method is virtual so subclasses can hook as needed, subclasses should not call directly
virtual void startSend(MeshPacket *txp);
/// Initialise the Driver transport hardware and software.
/// Make sure the Driver is properly configured before calling init().
/// \return true if initialisation succeeded.
virtual bool init();
/** Do any hardware setup needed on entry into send configuration for the radio. Subclasses can customize */
virtual void configHardwareForSend() {}
* Convert our modemConfig enum into wf, sf, etc...
@ -14,7 +14,19 @@ bool SX1262Interface::init()
float tcxoVoltage = 0; // None - we use an XTAL
#ifdef SX1262_RXEN // set not rx or tx mode
pinMode(SX1262_RXEN, OUTPUT);
#ifdef SX1262_TXEN
pinMode(SX1262_TXEN, OUTPUT);
#ifndef SX1262_E22
float tcxoVoltage = 0; // None - we use an XTAL
float tcxoVoltage =
1.8; // E22 uses DIO3 to power tcxo per https://github.com/jgromes/RadioLib/issues/12#issuecomment-520695575
bool useRegulatorLDO = false; // Seems to depend on the connection to pin 9/DCC_SW - if an inductor DCDC?
@ -23,6 +35,12 @@ bool SX1262Interface::init()
int res = lora.begin(freq, bw, sf, cr, syncWord, power, currentLimit, preambleLength, tcxoVoltage, useRegulatorLDO);
DEBUG_MSG("LORA init result %d\n", res);
#ifdef SX1262_TXEN
// lora.begin sets Dio2 as RF switch control, which is not true if we are manually controlling RX and TX
if (res == ERR_NONE)
res = lora.setDio2AsRfSwitch(false);
if (res == ERR_NONE)
res = lora.setCRC(SX126X_LORA_CRC_ON);
@ -81,6 +99,13 @@ void SX1262Interface::setStandby()
int err = lora.standby();
assert(err == ERR_NONE);
#ifdef SX1262_RXEN // we have RXEN/TXEN control - turn off RX and TX power
digitalWrite(SX1262_RXEN, LOW);
#ifdef SX1262_TXEN
digitalWrite(SX1262_TXEN, LOW);
isReceiving = false; // If we were receiving, not any more
completeSending(); // If we were sending, not anymore
@ -94,6 +119,18 @@ void SX1262Interface::addReceiveMetadata(MeshPacket *mp)
mp->rx_snr = lora.getSNR();
/** start an immediate transmit
* We override to turn on transmitter power as needed.
void SX1262Interface::configHardwareForSend()
#ifdef SX1262_TXEN // we have RXEN/TXEN control - turn on TX power / off RX power
digitalWrite(SX1262_TXEN, HIGH);
// For power draw measurements, helpful to force radio to stay sleeping
// #define SLEEP_ONLY
@ -102,7 +139,13 @@ void SX1262Interface::startReceive()
#ifdef SX1262_RXEN // we have RXEN/TXEN control - turn on RX power / off TX power
digitalWrite(SX1262_RXEN, HIGH);
// int err = lora.startReceive();
int err = lora.startReceiveDutyCycleAuto(); // We use a 32 bit preamble so this should save some power by letting radio sit in
// standby mostly.
@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ class SX1262Interface : public RadioLibInterface
* Start waiting to receive a message
virtual void startReceive();
* We override to turn on transmitter power as needed.
virtual void configHardwareForSend();
* Add SNR data to received messages
@ -51,5 +57,4 @@ class SX1262Interface : public RadioLibInterface
virtual void setStandby();
@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
#define member_size(type, member) sizeof(((type *)0)->member)
/// max number of packets which can be waiting for delivery to android - note, this value comes from mesh.options protobuf
#define MAX_RX_TOPHONE (member_size(DeviceState, receive_queue) / member_size(DeviceState, receive_queue[0]))
// FIXME - max_count is actually 32 but we save/load this as one long string of preencoded MeshPacket bytes - not a big array in RAM
// #define MAX_RX_TOPHONE (member_size(DeviceState, receive_queue) / member_size(DeviceState, receive_queue[0]))
#define MAX_RX_TOPHONE 32
/// max number of nodes allowed in the mesh
#define MAX_NUM_NODES (member_size(DeviceState, node_db) / member_size(DeviceState, node_db[0]))
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PB_BIND(NodeInfo, NodeInfo, AUTO)
PB_BIND(MyNodeInfo, MyNodeInfo, AUTO)
PB_BIND(DeviceState, DeviceState, 4)
PB_BIND(DeviceState, DeviceState, 2)
PB_BIND(DebugString, DebugString, 2)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ typedef struct _DeviceState {
pb_size_t node_db_count;
NodeInfo node_db[32];
pb_size_t receive_queue_count;
MeshPacket receive_queue[32];
MeshPacket receive_queue[1];
bool has_rx_text_message;
MeshPacket rx_text_message;
uint32_t version;
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ typedef struct _ToRadio {
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_init_default {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}}
#define NodeInfo_init_default {0, false, User_init_default, false, Position_init_default, 0, 0}
#define MyNodeInfo_init_default {0, 0, 0, "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define DeviceState_init_default {false, RadioConfig_init_default, false, MyNodeInfo_init_default, false, User_init_default, 0, {NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default}, 0, {MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default, MeshPacket_init_default}, false, MeshPacket_init_default, 0}
#define DeviceState_init_default {false, RadioConfig_init_default, false, MyNodeInfo_init_default, false, User_init_default, 0, {NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default}, 0, {MeshPacket_init_default}, false, MeshPacket_init_default, 0}
#define DebugString_init_default {""}
#define FromRadio_init_default {0, 0, {MeshPacket_init_default}}
#define ToRadio_init_default {0, {MeshPacket_init_default}}
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ typedef struct _ToRadio {
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_init_zero {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}}
#define NodeInfo_init_zero {0, false, User_init_zero, false, Position_init_zero, 0, 0}
#define MyNodeInfo_init_zero {0, 0, 0, "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define DeviceState_init_zero {false, RadioConfig_init_zero, false, MyNodeInfo_init_zero, false, User_init_zero, 0, {NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero}, 0, {MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero, MeshPacket_init_zero}, false, MeshPacket_init_zero, 0}
#define DeviceState_init_zero {false, RadioConfig_init_zero, false, MyNodeInfo_init_zero, false, User_init_zero, 0, {NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero}, 0, {MeshPacket_init_zero}, false, MeshPacket_init_zero, 0}
#define DebugString_init_zero {""}
#define FromRadio_init_zero {0, 0, {MeshPacket_init_zero}}
#define ToRadio_init_zero {0, {MeshPacket_init_zero}}
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ extern const pb_msgdesc_t ManufacturingData_msg;
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_size 93
#define NodeInfo_size 132
#define MyNodeInfo_size 110
#define DeviceState_size 15100
#define DeviceState_size 5305
#define DebugString_size 258
#define FromRadio_size 322
#define ToRadio_size 316
@ -36,15 +36,18 @@ class UC1701Spi : public OLEDDisplay
#include "variant.h"
#ifdef ERC12864_CS
#include <UC1701.h>
static UC1701 lcd(PIN_SPI_SCK, PIN_SPI_MOSI, ERC12864_CS, ERC12864_CD);
void testLCD()
// PCD8544-compatible displays may have a different resolution...
void testLCD() {
// PCD8544-compatible displays may have a different resolution...
// Write a piece of text on the first line...
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Hello, World!");
// Write a piece of text on the first line...
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Hello, World!");
@ -59,12 +59,6 @@ void setBluetoothEnable(bool on)
#ifdef ARDUINO_NRF52840_PPR
#include "PmuBQ25703A.h"
PmuBQ25703A pmu;
void nrf52Setup()
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ static void waitEnterSleep()
if (millis() - now > 30 * 1000) { // If we wait too long just report an error and go to sleep
ESP.restart(); // FIXME - for now we just restart, need to fix bug #167
assert(0); // FIXME - for now we just restart, need to fix bug #167
@ -289,8 +289,6 @@ esp_sleep_wakeup_cause_t doLightSleep(uint64_t sleepMsec) // FIXME, use a more r
return cause;
// not legal on the stock android ESP build
@ -310,4 +308,4 @@ void enableModemSleep()
config.light_sleep_enable = false;
DEBUG_MSG("Sleep request result %x\n", esp_pm_configure(&config));
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ static const uint8_t SCK = PIN_SPI_SCK;
// #define SX1262_ANT_SW (32 + 10)
#define SX1262_RXEN (22)
#define SX1262_TXEN (24)
#define SX1262_E22 // Indicates this SX1262 is inside of an ebyte E22 module and special config should be done for that
// ERC12864-10 LCD
#define ERC12864_CS (32 + 4)
Reference in New Issue