Use GeoCoord class in Screen.cpp

Sam 2021-10-03 15:52:46 -04:00
rodzic 91bc051e6d
commit bf695a5f36
1 zmienionych plików z 18 dodań i 371 usunięć

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "plugins/TextMessagePlugin.h"
#include "target_specific.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "gps/GeoCoord.h"
#ifndef NO_ESP32
#include "mesh/http/WiFiAPClient.h"
@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ std::vector<MeshPlugin *> pluginFrames;
// Stores the last 4 of our hardware ID, to make finding the device for pairing easier
static char ourId[5];
// GeoCoord object for the screen
GeoCoord geoCoord;
static bool heartbeat = false;
@ -385,363 +389,6 @@ static void drawGPSAltitude(OLEDDisplay *display, int16_t x, int16_t y, const GP
static inline double toRadians(double deg)
return deg * PI / 180;
static inline double toDegrees(double r)
return r * 180 / PI;
// A struct to hold the data for a DMS coordinate.
struct DMS
byte latDeg;
byte latMin;
double latSec;
char latCP;
byte lonDeg;
byte lonMin;
double lonSec;
char lonCP;
// A struct to hold the data for a UTM coordinate, this is also used when creating an MGRS coordinate.
struct UTM
byte zone;
char band;
double easting;
double northing;
// A struct to hold the data for a MGRS coordinate.
struct MGRS
byte zone;
char band;
char east100k;
char north100k;
uint32_t easting;
uint32_t northing;
* Converts lat long coordinates to UTM.
* based on this:
static struct UTM latLongToUTM(const double lat, const double lon)
const String latBands = "CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXX";
UTM utm; = int((lon + 180)/6 + 1); = latBands.charAt(int(lat/8 + 10));
double a = 6378137; // WGS84 - equatorial radius
double k0 = 0.9996; // UTM point scale on the central meridian
double eccSquared = 0.00669438; // eccentricity squared
double lonTemp = (lon + 180) - int((lon + 180)/360) * 360 - 180; //Make sure the longitude is between -180.00 .. 179.9
double latRad = toRadians(lat);
double lonRad = toRadians(lonTemp);
// Special Zones for Norway and Svalbard
if( lat >= 56.0 && lat < 64.0 && lonTemp >= 3.0 && lonTemp < 12.0 ) // Norway = 32;
if( lat >= 72.0 && lat < 84.0 ) { // Svalbard
if ( lonTemp >= 0.0 && lonTemp < 9.0 ) = 31;
else if( lonTemp >= 9.0 && lonTemp < 21.0 ) = 33;
else if( lonTemp >= 21.0 && lonTemp < 33.0 ) = 35;
else if( lonTemp >= 33.0 && lonTemp < 42.0 ) = 37;
double lonOrigin = ( - 1)*6 - 180 + 3; // puts origin in middle of zone
double lonOriginRad = toRadians(lonOrigin);
double eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1 - eccSquared);
double N = a/sqrt(1 - eccSquared*sin(latRad)*sin(latRad));
double T = tan(latRad)*tan(latRad);
double C = eccPrimeSquared*cos(latRad)*cos(latRad);
double A = cos(latRad)*(lonRad - lonOriginRad);
double M = a*((1 - eccSquared/4 - 3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64 - 5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256)*latRad
- (3*eccSquared/8 + 3*eccSquared*eccSquared/32 + 45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024)*sin(2*latRad)
+ (15*eccSquared*eccSquared/256 + 45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024)*sin(4*latRad)
- (35*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/3072)*sin(6*latRad));
utm.easting = (double)(k0*N*(A+(1-T+C)*pow(A, 3)/6 + (5-18*T+T*T+72*C-58*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A/120)
+ 500000.0);
utm.northing = (double)(k0*(M+N*tan(latRad)*(A*A/2+(5-T+9*C+4*C*C)*A*A*A*A/24
+ (61-58*T+T*T+600*C-330*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A*A/720)));
if(lat < 0)
utm.northing += 10000000.0; //10000000 meter offset for southern hemisphere
return utm;
// Converts lat long coordinates to an MGRS.
static struct MGRS latLongToMGRS(double lat, double lon)
const String e100kLetters[3] = { "ABCDEFGH", "JKLMNPQR", "STUVWXYZ" };
UTM utm = latLongToUTM(lat, lon);
MGRS mgrs; =; =;
double col = floor(utm.easting / 100000);
mgrs.east100k = e100kLetters[( - 1) % 3].charAt(col - 1);
double row = (int)floor(utm.northing / 100000.0) % 20;
mgrs.north100k = n100kLetters[(].charAt(row);
mgrs.easting = (int)utm.easting % 100000;
mgrs.northing = (int)utm.northing % 100000;
return mgrs;
* Converts lat long coordinates from decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds format.
static struct DMS latLongToDMS(double lat, double lon)
DMS dms;
if (lat < 0) dms.latCP = 'S';
else dms.latCP = 'N';
double latDeg = lat;
if (lat < 0)
latDeg = latDeg * -1;
dms.latDeg = floor(latDeg);
double latMin = (latDeg - dms.latDeg) * 60;
dms.latMin = floor(latMin);
dms.latSec = (latMin - dms.latMin) * 60;
if (lon < 0) dms.lonCP = 'W';
else dms.lonCP = 'E';
double lonDeg = lon;
if (lon < 0)
lonDeg = lonDeg * -1;
dms.lonDeg = floor(lonDeg);
double lonMin = (lonDeg - dms.lonDeg) * 60;
dms.lonMin = floor(lonMin);
dms.lonSec = (lonMin - dms.lonMin) * 60;
return dms;
// Raises a number to an exponent, handling negative exponents.
static double pow_neg(double base, double exponent) {
if (exponent == 0) {
return 1;
} else if (exponent > 0) {
return pow(base, exponent);
return 1 / pow(base, -exponent);
* Converts lat long coordinates to Open Location Code.
* Based on:
static void latLongToOLC(double lat, double lon, char* code) {
char tempCode[] = "1234567890abc";
const char kAlphabet[] = "23456789CFGHJMPQRVWX";
const byte CODE_LEN = 12;
double latitude;
double longitude = lon;
double latitude_degrees = min(90.0, max(-90.0, lat));
if (latitude_degrees < 90) // Check latitude less than lat max
latitude = latitude_degrees;
else {
double precision;
if (CODE_LEN <= 10)
precision = pow_neg(20, floor((CODE_LEN / -2) + 2));
precision = pow_neg(20, -3) / pow(5, CODE_LEN - 10);
latitude = latitude_degrees - precision / 2;
while (lon < -180) // Normalize longitude
longitude += 360;
while (lon >= 180)
longitude -= 360;
int64_t lat_val = 90 * 2.5e7;
int64_t lng_val = 180 * 8.192e6;
lat_val += latitude * 2.5e7;
lng_val += longitude * 8.192e6;
size_t pos = CODE_LEN;
if (CODE_LEN > 10) { // Compute grid part of code if needed
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
int lat_digit = lat_val % 5;
int lng_digit = lng_val % 4;
int ndx = lat_digit * 4 + lng_digit;
tempCode[pos--] = kAlphabet[ndx];
lat_val /= 5;
lng_val /= 4;
} else {
lat_val /= pow(5, 5);
lng_val /= pow(4, 5);
pos = 10;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Compute pair section of code
int lat_ndx = lat_val % 20;
int lng_ndx = lng_val % 20;
tempCode[pos--] = kAlphabet[lng_ndx];
tempCode[pos--] = kAlphabet[lat_ndx];
lat_val /= 20;
lng_val /= 20;
if (i == 0)
tempCode[pos--] = '+';
if (CODE_LEN < 9) { // Add padding if needed
for (size_t i = CODE_LEN; i < 9; i++)
tempCode[i] = '0';
tempCode[9] = '+';
size_t char_count = CODE_LEN + 1;
if (10 > char_count) {
char_count = 10;
for (size_t i = 0; i < char_count; i++) {
code[i] = tempCode[i];
code[char_count] = '\0';
struct GeoCoord {
double latitude;
double longitude;
double height;
struct OSGR {
char e100k;
char n100k;
uint32_t easting;
uint32_t northing;
// Converts the coordinate in WGS84 datum to the OSGB36 datum.
static struct GeoCoord convertWGS84ToOSGB36(double lat, double lon) {
// Convert lat long to cartesian
double phi = toRadians(lat);
double lambda = toRadians(lon);
double h = 0.0; // No OSTN height data used, some loss of accuracy (up to 5m)
double wgsA = 6378137; // WGS84 datum semi major axis
double wgsF = 1 / 298.257223563; // WGS84 datum flattening
double ecc = 2*wgsF - wgsF*wgsF;
double vee = wgsA / sqrt(1 - ecc * pow(sin(phi), 2));
double wgsX = (vee + h) * cos(phi) * cos(lambda);
double wgsY = (vee + h) * cos(phi) * sin(lambda);
double wgsZ = ((1 - ecc) * vee + h) * sin(phi);
// 7-parameter Helmert transform
double tx = -446.448; // x shift in meters
double ty = 125.157; // y shift in meters
double tz = -542.060; // z shift in meters
double s = 20.4894/1e6 + 1; // scale normalized parts per million to (s + 1)
double rx = toRadians(-0.1502/3600); // x rotation normalize arcseconds to radians
double ry = toRadians(-0.2470/3600); // y rotation normalize arcseconds to radians
double rz = toRadians(-0.8421/3600); // z rotation normalize arcseconds to radians
double osgbX = tx + wgsX*s - wgsY*rz + wgsZ*ry;
double osgbY = ty + wgsX*rz + wgsY*s - wgsZ*rx;
double osgbZ = tz - wgsX*ry + wgsY*rx + wgsZ*s;
// Convert cartesian to lat long
double airyA = 6377563.396; // Airy1830 datum semi major axis
double airyB = 6356256.909; // Airy1830 datum semi minor axis
double airyF = 1/ 299.3249646; // Airy1830 datum flattening
GeoCoord osgb;
double airyEcc = 2*airyF - airyF*airyF;
double airyEcc2 = airyEcc / (1 - airyEcc);
double p = sqrt(osgbX*osgbX + osgbY*osgbY);
double R = sqrt(p*p + osgbZ*osgbZ);
double tanBeta = (airyB*osgbZ) / (airyA*p) * (1 + airyEcc2*airyB/R);
double sinBeta = tanBeta / sqrt(1 + tanBeta*tanBeta);
double cosBeta = sinBeta / tanBeta;
osgb.latitude = atan2(osgbZ + airyEcc2*airyB*sinBeta*sinBeta*sinBeta, p - airyEcc*airyA*cosBeta*cosBeta*cosBeta); // leave in radians
osgb.longitude = atan2(osgbY, osgbX); // leave in radians
osgb.height = 0;
//osgb height = p*cos(osgb.latitude) + osgbZ*sin(osgb.latitude) -
//(airyA*airyA/(airyA / sqrt(1 - airyEcc*sin(osgb.latitude)*sin(osgb.latitude)))); // Not used, no OSTN data
return osgb;
* Converts lat long coordinates to Ordnance Survey Grid Reference (UK National Grid Ref).
* Based on:
static struct OSGR latLongToOSGR(double lat, double lon) {
char letter[] = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // No 'I' in OSGR
double a = 6377563.396; // Airy 1830 semi-major axis
double b = 6356256.909; // Airy 1830 semi-minor axis
double f0 = 0.9996012717; // National Grid point scale factor on the central meridian
double phi0 = toRadians(49);
double lambda0 = toRadians(-2);
double n0 = -100000;
double e0 = 400000;
double e2 = 1 - (b*b)/(a*a); // eccentricity squared
double n = (a - b)/(a + b);
GeoCoord osgb = convertWGS84ToOSGB36(lat, lon);
double phi = osgb.latitude; // already in radians
double lambda = osgb.longitude; // already in radians
double v = a * f0 / sqrt(1 - e2 * sin(phi) * sin(phi));
double rho = a * f0 * (1 - e2) / pow(1 - e2 * sin(phi) * sin(phi), 1.5);
double eta2 = v / rho - 1;
double mA = (1 + n + (5/4)*n*n + (5/4)*n*n*n) * (phi - phi0);
double mB = (3*n + 3*n*n + (21/8)*n*n*n) * sin(phi - phi0) * cos(phi + phi0);
// loss of precision in mC & mD due to floating point rounding can cause innaccuracy of northing by a few meters
double mC = (15/8*n*n + 15/8*n*n*n) * sin(2*(phi - phi0)) * cos(2*(phi + phi0));
double mD = (35/24)*n*n*n * sin(3*(phi - phi0)) * cos(3*(phi + phi0));
double m = b*f0*(mA - mB + mC - mD);
double cos3Phi = cos(phi)*cos(phi)*cos(phi);
double cos5Phi = cos3Phi*cos(phi)*cos(phi);
double tan2Phi = tan(phi)*tan(phi);
double tan4Phi = tan2Phi*tan2Phi;
double I = m + n0;
double II = (v/2)*sin(phi)*cos(phi);
double III = (v/24)*sin(phi)*cos3Phi*(5 - tan2Phi + 9*eta2);
double IIIA = (v/720)*sin(phi)*cos5Phi*(61 - 58*tan2Phi + tan4Phi);
double IV = v*cos(phi);
double V = (v/6)*cos3Phi*(v/rho - tan2Phi);
double VI = (v/120)*cos5Phi*(5 - 18*tan2Phi + tan4Phi + 14*eta2 - 58*tan2Phi*eta2);
double deltaLambda = lambda - lambda0;
double deltaLambda2 = deltaLambda*deltaLambda;
double northing = I + II*deltaLambda2 + III*deltaLambda2*deltaLambda2 + IIIA*deltaLambda2*deltaLambda2*deltaLambda2;
double easting = e0 + IV*deltaLambda + V*deltaLambda2*deltaLambda + VI*deltaLambda2*deltaLambda2*deltaLambda;
OSGR osgr;
if (easting < 0 || easting > 700000 || northing < 0 || northing > 1300000) // Check if out of boundaries
osgr = { 'I', 'I', 0, 0 };
else {
uint32_t e100k = floor(easting / 100000);
uint32_t n100k = floor(northing / 100000);
byte l1 = (19 - n100k) - (19 - n100k) % 5 + floor((e100k + 10) / 5);
byte l2 = (19 - n100k) * 5 % 25 + e100k % 5;
osgr.e100k = letter[l1];
osgr.n100k = letter[l2];
osgr.easting = floor((int)easting % 100000);
osgr.northing = floor((int)northing % 100000);
return osgr;
// Draw GPS status coordinates
static void drawGPScoordinates(OLEDDisplay *display, int16_t x, int16_t y, const GPSStatus *gps)
@ -757,33 +404,33 @@ static void drawGPScoordinates(OLEDDisplay *display, int16_t x, int16_t y, const
} else {
if (gpsFormat != GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatDMS) {
char coordinateLine[22];
geoCoord.updateCoords(int32_t(gps->getLatitude()), int32_t(gps->getLongitude()), int32_t(gps->getAltitude()));
if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatDec) { // Decimal Degrees
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%f %f", gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%f %f", geoCoord.getLatitude() * 1e-7, geoCoord.getLongitude() * 1e-7);
} else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatUTM) { // Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM utm = latLongToUTM(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%2i%1c %06.0f %07.0f",,, utm.easting, utm.northing);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%2i%1c %06i %07i", geoCoord.getUTMZone(), geoCoord.getUTMBand(),
geoCoord.getUTMEasting(), geoCoord.getUTMNorthing());
} else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatMGRS) { // Military Grid Reference System
MGRS mgrs = latLongToMGRS(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%2i%1c %1c%1c %05i %05i",,, mgrs.east100k, mgrs.north100k,
mgrs.easting, mgrs.northing);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%2i%1c %1c%1c %05i %05i", geoCoord.getMGRSZone(), geoCoord.getMGRSBand(), geoCoord.getMGRSEast100k(),
geoCoord.getMGRSNorth100k(), geoCoord.getMGRSEasting(), geoCoord.getMGRSNorthing());
} else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatOLC) { // Open Location Code
latLongToOLC(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7, coordinateLine);
} else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatOSGR) { // Ordnance Survey Grid Reference
OSGR osgr = latLongToOSGR(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
if (osgr.e100k == 'I' || osgr.n100k == 'I') // OSGR is only valid around the UK region
if (geoCoord.getOSGRE100k() == 'I' || geoCoord.getOSGRN100k() == 'I') // OSGR is only valid around the UK region
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%s", "Out of Boundary");
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%1c%1c %05i %05i", osgr.e100k, osgr.n100k, osgr.easting, osgr.northing);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%1c%1c %05i %05i", geoCoord.getOSGRE100k(),geoCoord.getOSGRN100k(),
geoCoord.getOSGREasting(), geoCoord.getOSGRNorthing());
display->drawString(x + (SCREEN_WIDTH - (display->getStringWidth(coordinateLine))) / 2, y, coordinateLine);
} else {
char latLine[22];
char lonLine[22];
DMS dms = latLongToDMS(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
sprintf(latLine, "%2i° %2i' %2.4f\" %1c", dms.latDeg, dms.latMin, dms.latSec, dms.latCP);
sprintf(lonLine, "%3i° %2i' %2.4f\" %1c", dms.lonDeg, dms.lonMin, dms.lonSec, dms.lonCP);
sprintf(latLine, "%2i° %2i' %2.4f\" %1c", geoCoord.getDMSLatDeg(), geoCoord.getDMSLatMin(), geoCoord.getDMSLatSec(),
sprintf(lonLine, "%3i° %2i' %2.4f\" %1c", geoCoord.getDMSLonDeg(), geoCoord.getDMSLonMin(), geoCoord.getDMSLonSec(),
display->drawString(x + (SCREEN_WIDTH - (display->getStringWidth(latLine))) / 2, y - FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL * 1, latLine);
display->drawString(x + (SCREEN_WIDTH - (display->getStringWidth(lonLine))) / 2, y, lonLine);