add crude charging detection for 'dumb' voltage based battery sensors

Kevin Hester 2020-10-18 09:44:29 +08:00
rodzic 485c476f17
commit 8fd3cb1aac
1 zmienionych plików z 20 dodań i 4 usunięć

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@ -52,10 +52,13 @@ class AnalogBatteryLevel : public HasBatteryLevel
float v = getBattVoltage() / 1000;
if (v < 2.1)
if (v < noBatVolt)
return -1; // If voltage is super low assume no battery installed
return 100 * (v - 3.27) / (4.2 - 3.27);
if (v > chargingVolt)
return 0; // While charging we can't report % full on the battery
return 100 * (v - emptyVolt) / (fullVolt - emptyVolt);
@ -76,7 +79,20 @@ class AnalogBatteryLevel : public HasBatteryLevel
* return true if there is a battery installed in this unit
virtual bool isBatteryConnect() { return getBattVoltage() != -1; }
virtual bool isBatteryConnect() { return getBattPercentage() != -1; }
/// If we see a battery voltage higher than physics allows - assume charger is pumping
/// in power
virtual bool isVBUSPlug() { return getBattVoltage() > chargingVolt; }
/// Assume charging if we have a battery and external power is connected.
/// we can't be smart enough to say 'full'?
virtual bool isChargeing() { return isBatteryConnect() && isVBUSPlug(); }
/// If we see a battery voltage higher than physics allows - assume charger is pumping
/// in power
const float fullVolt = 4.2, emptyVolt = 3.27, chargingVolt = 4.3, noBatVolt = 2.1;
} analogLevel;
Power::Power() : OSThread("Power") {}
@ -146,7 +162,7 @@ void Power::readPowerStatus()
const PowerStatus powerStatus =
PowerStatus(hasBattery ? OptTrue : OptFalse, batteryLevel->isVBUSPlug() ? OptTrue : OptFalse,
batteryLevel->isChargeing() ? OptTrue : OptFalse, batteryVoltageMv, batteryChargePercent);
DEBUG_MSG("Battery: hasUSB=%d, isCharging=%d, batMv=%d, batPct=%d\n", powerStatus.getHasUSB(),
DEBUG_MSG("Battery: usbPower=%d, isCharging=%d, batMv=%d, batPct=%d\n", powerStatus.getHasUSB(),
powerStatus.getIsCharging(), powerStatus.getBatteryVoltageMv(), powerStatus.getBatteryChargePercent());