Resend implicit ACK for a repeated broadcast (#1628)

GUVWAF 2022-08-13 17:09:43 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 73a1ea59f4
commit 63c8f15d38
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@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ bool ReliableRouter::shouldFilterReceived(MeshPacket *p)
sendAckNak(Routing_Error_NONE, getFrom(p), p->id, p->channel);
DEBUG_MSG("acking a repeated want_ack packet\n");
} else if (wasSeenRecently(p, false) && p->hop_limit == HOP_RELIABLE) {
// retransmission on broadcast has hop_limit still equal to HOP_RELIABLE
DEBUG_MSG("Resending implicit ack for a repeated floodmsg\n");
MeshPacket *tosend = packetPool.allocCopy(*p);
tosend->hop_limit--; // bump down the hop count
return FloodingRouter::shouldFilterReceived(p);