Changed gps coordinate formats to use sprintf()

srichs 2021-08-30 04:42:14 -06:00
rodzic 8edac1f86c
commit 5c6355489f
1 zmienionych plików z 82 dodań i 58 usunięć

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@ -390,6 +390,19 @@ static inline double toDegrees(double r)
return r * 180 / PI;
// A struct to hold the data for a DMS coordinate.
struct DMS
byte latDeg;
byte latMin;
double latSec;
char latCP;
byte lonDeg;
byte lonMin;
double lonSec;
char lonCP;
// A struct to hold the data for a UTM coordinate, this is also used when creating an MGRS coordinate.
struct UTM
@ -399,6 +412,17 @@ struct UTM
double northing;
// A struct to hold the data for a MGRS coordinate.
struct MGRS
byte zone;
char band;
char east100k;
char north100k;
uint32_t easting;
uint32_t northing;
* Converts lat long coordinates to UTM.
* based on this:
@ -448,42 +472,22 @@ static struct UTM latLongToUTM(const double lat, const double lon)
return utm;
// Converts lat long coordinates to an UTM string.
static String latLongToUTMStr(double lat, double lon)
UTM utm = latLongToUTM(lat, lon);
return String( + String( + " " + String(utm.easting, 1) + " " + String(utm.northing, 1);
// Converts lat long coordinates to an MGRS string.
static String latLongToMGRSStr(double lat, double lon)
// Converts lat long coordinates to an MGRS.
static struct MGRS latLongToMGRS(double lat, double lon)
const String e100kLetters[3] = { "ABCDEFGH", "JKLMNPQR", "STUVWXYZ" };
UTM utm = latLongToUTM(lat, lon);
String mgrs = String( + String( + " ";
MGRS mgrs; =; =;
double col = floor(utm.easting / 100000);
char e100k = e100kLetters[( - 1) % 3].charAt(col - 1);
mgrs.east100k = e100kLetters[( - 1) % 3].charAt(col - 1);
double row = (int)floor(utm.northing / 100000.0) % 20;
char n100k = n100kLetters[( - 1) % 2].charAt(row);
int easting = (int)utm.easting % 100000;
int northing = (int)utm.northing % 100000;
return mgrs + String(e100k) + String(n100k) + " " + String(easting) + " " + String(northing);
// Converts decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds.
static String decDegreesToDMS(double val, char compassPoint)
double decDeg = val;
if (val < 0)
decDeg = decDeg * -1;
int d = floor(decDeg);
double minutes = (decDeg - d) * 60;
int m = floor(minutes);
int s = (minutes - m) * 60;
return String(d) + "°" + String(m) + "'" + String(s) + "\"" + compassPoint;
mgrs.north100k = n100kLetters[(].charAt(row);
mgrs.easting = (int)utm.easting % 100000;
mgrs.northing = (int)utm.northing % 100000;
return mgrs;
@ -496,50 +500,70 @@ static String decDegreesToDMS(double val, char compassPoint)
* it will be displayed for a couple of seconds then scroll over to the rest of the string
* for a couple of seconds.
static String latLongToDMS(double lat, double lon)
static struct DMS latLongToDMS(double lat, double lon)
char latCP; // compass point direction for latitude
char lonCP; // compass point direction for longitude
DMS dms;
if (lat < 0) latCP = 'S';
else latCP = 'N';
if (lat < 0) dms.latCP = 'S';
else dms.latCP = 'N';
if (lon < 0) lonCP = 'W';
else lonCP = 'E';
double latDeg = lat;
return decDegreesToDMS(lat, latCP) + " " + decDegreesToDMS(lon, lonCP);
if (lat < 0)
latDeg = latDeg * -1;
static String getGPSCoordinateString(const GPSStatus *gps)
auto gpsFormat = radioConfig.preferences.gps_format;
String coordinates = "";
dms.latDeg = floor(latDeg);
double latMin = (latDeg - dms.latDeg) * 60;
dms.latMin = floor(latMin);
dms.latSec = (latMin - dms.latMin) * 60;
if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatDMS)
coordinates = latLongToDMS(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatUTM)
coordinates = latLongToUTMStr(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatMGRS)
coordinates = latLongToMGRSStr(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
else // Defaults to decimal degrees
coordinates = String(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, 6) + " " + String(gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7, 6);
if (lon < 0) dms.lonCP = 'W';
else dms.lonCP = 'E';
return coordinates;
double lonDeg = lon;
if (lon < 0)
lonDeg = lonDeg * -1;
dms.lonDeg = floor(lonDeg);
double lonMin = (lonDeg - dms.lonDeg) * 60;
dms.lonMin = floor(lonMin);
dms.lonSec = (lonMin - dms.lonMin) * 60;
return dms;
// Draw GPS status coordinates
static void drawGPScoordinates(OLEDDisplay *display, int16_t x, int16_t y, const GPSStatus *gps)
auto gpsFormat = radioConfig.preferences.gps_format;
String displayLine = "";
if (!gps->getIsConnected())
if (!gps->getIsConnected()) {
displayLine = "No GPS Module";
else if (!gps->getHasLock())
display->drawString(x + (SCREEN_WIDTH - (display->getStringWidth(displayLine))) / 2, y, displayLine);
} else if (!gps->getHasLock()) {
displayLine = "No GPS Lock";
displayLine = getGPSCoordinateString(gps);
display->drawString(x + (SCREEN_WIDTH - (display->getStringWidth(displayLine))) / 2, y, displayLine);
display->drawString(x + (SCREEN_WIDTH - (display->getStringWidth(displayLine))) / 2, y, displayLine);
} else {
char coordinateLine[22];
if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatDMS) {
DMS dms = latLongToDMS(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%2i°%2i'%2.0f\"%1c %3i°%2i'%2.0f\"", dms.latDeg, dms.latMin, dms.latSec, dms.latCP,
dms.lonDeg, dms.lonMin, dms.lonSec);
} else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatUTM) {
UTM utm = latLongToUTM(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%2i%1c %6.0f %7.0f",,, utm.easting, utm.northing);
} else if (gpsFormat == GpsCoordinateFormat_GpsFormatMGRS) {
MGRS mgrs = latLongToMGRS(gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%2i%1c %1c%1c %5i %5i",,, mgrs.east100k, mgrs.north100k,
mgrs.easting, mgrs.northing);
} else // Defaults to decimal degrees
sprintf(coordinateLine, "%f %f", gps->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gps->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
display->drawString(x + (SCREEN_WIDTH - (display->getStringWidth(coordinateLine))) / 2, y, coordinateLine);
/// Ported from my old java code, returns distance in meters along the globe