sforkowany z mirror/meshtastic-firmware
@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ Hard resetting via RTS pin...
5. cd into the directory where the release zip file was expanded.
6. Install the correct firmware for your board with `device-install.sh firmware-_board_-_country_.bin`.
- Example: `./device-install.sh firmware-HELTEC-US-0.0.3.bin`.
7. To update run `device-update.sh firmware-_board_-_country_.bin`
- Example: `./device-update.sh firmware-HELTEC-US-0.0.3.bin`.
6. Install the correct firmware for your board with `device-install.sh -f firmware-_board_-_country_.bin`.
- Example: `./device-install.sh -f firmware-HELTEC-US-0.0.3.bin`.
7. To update run `device-update.sh -f firmware-_board_-_country_.bin`
- Example: `./device-update.sh -f firmware-HELTEC-US-0.0.3.bin`.
Note: If you have previously installed meshtastic, you don't need to run this full script instead just run `esptool.py --baud 921600 write_flash 0x10000 firmware-_board_-_country_-_version_.bin`. This will be faster, also all of your current preferences will be preserved.
Reference in New Issue