sforkowany z mirror/meshtastic-firmware
27 wiersze
533 B
27 wiersze
533 B
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
VERSION=`bin/buildinfo.py long`
SHORT_VERSION=`bin/buildinfo.py short`
rm -f $OUTDIR/firmware*
mkdir -p $OUTDIR/
rm -r $OUTDIR/* || true
# Make sure our submodules are current
git submodule update
# Important to pull latest version of libs into all device flavors, otherwise some devices might be stale
platformio lib update
pio run --environment native
cp .pio/build/native/program $OUTDIR/meshtasticd_linux_amd64
cp bin/device-install.* $OUTDIR
cp bin/device-update.* $OUTDIR