; Define the Index of the Write In Progress (WIP) bit in the status register. Valid options are in the range of 0 to 7.
; Define page size for commands. Valid sizes are PAGE256 and PAGE512.
; Custom instructions to send to the external memory after initialization. Format is instruction code plus data to send in between optional brakets.
; These instructions will be executed each time the qspi peripheral is initiated by nrfjprog.
; To improve execution speed on consecutive interations with QSPI, you can run nrfjprog once with custom initialization, and then comment out the lines below.
; Numbers can be given in decimal, hex (starting with either 0x or 0X) and binary (starting with either 0b or 0B) formats.
; The custom instructions will be executed in the order found.
; For MX25R1635F on TTGO board, only two data lines are connected
; This example includes two commands, first a WREN (WRite ENable) and then a WRSR (WRite Satus Register) enabling Quad Operation and the High Performance