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// com.geeksville.mesh.IMeshService.aidl
package com.geeksville.mesh;
// Declare any non-default types here with import statements
parcelable DataPacket;
parcelable NodeInfo;
parcelable MyNodeInfo;
This is the public android API for talking to meshtastic radios.
To connect to meshtastic you should bind to it per
The intent you use to reach the service should look like this:
val intent = Intent().apply {
Once you have bound to the service you should register your broadcast receivers per
// com.geeksville.mesh.x broadcast intents, where x is:
// RECEIVED_DATA for data received from other nodes. payload will contain a DataPacket, this action is DEPRECATED (because it sends all received data)
// far better to instead use RECEIVED.<portnumm>
// RECEIVED.<portnumm> - will **only** deliver packets for the specified port number. If a wellknown portnums.proto name for portnum is known it will be used
// (i.e. com.geeksville.mesh.RECEIVED.TEXT_MESSAGE_APP) else the numeric portnum will be included as a base 10 integer (com.geeksville.mesh.RECEIVED.4403 etc...)
// NODE_CHANGE for new IDs appearing or disappearing
// CONNECTION_CHANGED for losing/gaining connection to the packet radio
// MESSAGE_STATUS_CHANGED for any message status changes (for sent messages only, other messages come via RECEIVED_DATA. payload will contain a message ID and a MessageStatus)
At the very least you will probably want to receive RECEIVED_DATA.
Note - these calls might throw RemoteException to indicate mesh error states
interface IMeshService {
/// Tell the service where to send its broadcasts of received packets
/// This call is only required for manifest declared receivers. If your receiver is context-registered
/// you don't need this.
void subscribeReceiver(String packageName, String receiverName);
* Set the ID info for this node
If myId is null, then the existing unique node ID is preserved, only the human visible longName/shortName is changed
void setOwner(String myId, String longName, String shortName);
/// Return my unique user ID string
String getMyId();
Send a packet to a specified node name
typ is defined in mesh.proto Data.Type. For now juse use 0 to mean opaque bytes.
destId can be null to indicate "broadcast message"
messageStatus and id of the provided message will be updated by this routine to indicate
message send status and the ID that can be used to locate the message in the future
void send(inout DataPacket packet);
void deleteMessage(int packetId);
void deleteAllMessages();
Get the IDs of everyone on the mesh. You should also subscribe for NODE_CHANGE broadcasts.
List<NodeInfo> getNodes();
/// Return an list of MeshPacket protobuf (byte arrays) which were received while your client app was offline (recent messages only).
/// Also includes any messages we have sent recently (useful for finding current message status)
List<DataPacket> getOldMessages();
/// This method is only intended for use in our GUI, so the user can set radio options
/// It returns a RadioConfig protobuf.
byte []getRadioConfig();
/// This method is only intended for use in our GUI, so the user can set radio options
/// It sets a RadioConfig protobuf
void setRadioConfig(in byte []payload);
/// This method is only intended for use in our GUI, so the user can set radio options
/// It returns a ChannelSet protobuf.
byte []getChannels();
/// This method is only intended for use in our GUI, so the user can set radio options
/// It sets a ChannelSet protobuf
void setChannels(in byte []payload);
/// Send Shutdown admin packet to nodeNum
void requestShutdown(in String nodeId);
/// Send Reboot admin packet to nodeNum
void requestReboot(in String nodeId);
Is the packet radio currently connected to the phone? Returns a ConnectionState string.
String connectionState();
/// If a macaddress we will try to talk to our device, if null we will be idle.
/// Any current connection will be dropped (even if the device address is the same) before reconnecting.
/// Users should not call this directly, only used internally by the MeshUtil activity
/// Returns true if the device address actually changed, or false if no change was needed
boolean setDeviceAddress(String deviceAddr);
/// Get basic device hardware info about our connected radio. Will never return NULL. Will return NULL
/// if no my node info is available (i.e. it will not throw an exception)
MyNodeInfo getMyNodeInfo();
/// Start updating the radios firmware
void startFirmwareUpdate();
/// Return a number 0-100 for firmware update progress. -1 for completed and success, -2 for failure
int getUpdateStatus();
int getRegion();
void setRegion(int regionCode);
/// Start providing location (from phone GPS) to mesh
void setupProvideLocation();
/// Stop providing location (from phone GPS) to mesh
void stopProvideLocation();