
802 wiersze
31 KiB

package com.geeksville.mesh.model
import android.content.Context
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import android.os.RemoteException
import android.view.Menu
import androidx.core.content.edit
import androidx.lifecycle.asFlow
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.asLiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import com.geeksville.mesh.*
import com.geeksville.mesh.ClientOnlyProtos.DeviceProfile
import com.geeksville.mesh.ConfigProtos.Config
import com.geeksville.mesh.ModuleConfigProtos.ModuleConfig
import com.geeksville.mesh.database.MeshLogRepository
import com.geeksville.mesh.database.QuickChatActionRepository
import com.geeksville.mesh.database.entity.Packet
import com.geeksville.mesh.database.entity.MeshLog
import com.geeksville.mesh.database.entity.QuickChatAction
import com.geeksville.mesh.LocalOnlyProtos.LocalConfig
import com.geeksville.mesh.LocalOnlyProtos.LocalModuleConfig
import com.geeksville.mesh.MeshProtos.User
import com.geeksville.mesh.database.PacketRepository
import com.geeksville.mesh.repository.datastore.ChannelSetRepository
import com.geeksville.mesh.repository.datastore.LocalConfigRepository
import com.geeksville.mesh.repository.datastore.ModuleConfigRepository
import com.geeksville.mesh.service.MeshService
import com.geeksville.mesh.util.GPSFormat
import com.geeksville.mesh.util.positionToMeter
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.combine
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flatMapLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.launchIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.mapLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.osmdroid.bonuspack.kml.KmlDocument
import org.osmdroid.views.MapView
import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.FolderOverlay
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Locale
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
/// Given a human name, strip out the first letter of the first three words and return that as the initials for
/// that user. If the original name is only one word, strip vowels from the original name and if the result is
/// 3 or more characters, use the first three characters. If not, just take the first 3 characters of the
/// original name.
fun getInitials(nameIn: String): String {
val nchars = 4
val minchars = 2
val name = nameIn.trim()
val words = name.split(Regex("\\s+")).filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
val initials = when (words.size) {
in 0 until minchars -> {
val nm = if (name.isNotEmpty())
name.first() + name.drop(1).filterNot { c -> c.lowercase() in "aeiou" }
if (nm.length >= nchars) nm else name
else -> { it.first() }.joinToString("")
return initials.take(nchars)
class UIViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val app: Application,
private val meshLogRepository: MeshLogRepository,
private val channelSetRepository: ChannelSetRepository,
private val packetRepository: PacketRepository,
private val localConfigRepository: LocalConfigRepository,
private val moduleConfigRepository: ModuleConfigRepository,
private val quickChatActionRepository: QuickChatActionRepository,
private val preferences: SharedPreferences
) : ViewModel(), Logging {
var actionBarMenu: Menu? = null
var meshService: IMeshService? = null
val nodeDB = NodeDB(this)
private val _meshLog = MutableStateFlow<List<MeshLog>>(emptyList())
val meshLog: StateFlow<List<MeshLog>> = _meshLog
private val _packets = MutableStateFlow<List<Packet>>(emptyList())
val packets: StateFlow<List<Packet>> = _packets
private val _localConfig = MutableStateFlow<LocalConfig>(LocalConfig.getDefaultInstance())
val localConfig: StateFlow<LocalConfig> = _localConfig
val config get() = _localConfig.value
private val _moduleConfig = MutableStateFlow<LocalModuleConfig>(LocalModuleConfig.getDefaultInstance())
val moduleConfig: StateFlow<LocalModuleConfig> = _moduleConfig
val module get() = _moduleConfig.value
private val _channels = MutableStateFlow(ChannelSet())
val channels: StateFlow<ChannelSet> = _channels
private val _quickChatActions = MutableStateFlow<List<QuickChatAction>>(emptyList())
val quickChatActions: StateFlow<List<QuickChatAction>> = _quickChatActions
private val _ourNodeInfo = MutableStateFlow<NodeInfo?>(null)
val ourNodeInfo: StateFlow<NodeInfo?> = _ourNodeInfo
private val requestId = MutableStateFlow<Int?>(null)
private val _packetResponse = MutableStateFlow<MeshLog?>(null)
val packetResponse: StateFlow<MeshLog?> = _packetResponse
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
meshLogRepository.getAllLogs().collect { logs ->
_meshLog.value = logs
viewModelScope.launch {
packetRepository.getAllPackets().collect { packets ->
_packets.value = packets
localConfigRepository.localConfigFlow.onEach { config ->
_localConfig.value = config
moduleConfigRepository.moduleConfigFlow.onEach { config ->
_moduleConfig.value = config
viewModelScope.launch {
quickChatActionRepository.getAllActions().collect { actions ->
_quickChatActions.value = actions
channelSetRepository.channelSetFlow.onEach { channelSet ->
_channels.value = ChannelSet(channelSet)
combine(nodeDB.nodes.asFlow(), nodeDB.myId.asFlow()) { nodes, id -> nodes[id] }.onEach {
_ourNodeInfo.value = it
combine(meshLog, requestId) { packet, requestId ->
if (requestId != null) _packetResponse.value =
packet.firstOrNull { it.meshPacket?.decoded?.requestId == requestId }
debug("ViewModel created")
private val contactKey: MutableStateFlow<String> = MutableStateFlow(DataPacket.ID_BROADCAST)
fun setContactKey(contact: String) {
contactKey.value = contact
val messages: LiveData<List<Packet>> = contactKey.flatMapLatest { contactKey ->
val contacts: LiveData<Map<String, Packet>> = _packets.mapLatest { list ->
list.filter { it.port_num == Portnums.PortNum.TEXT_MESSAGE_APP_VALUE }
.associateBy { packet -> packet.contact_key }
val waypoints: LiveData<Map<Int, Packet>> = _packets.mapLatest { list ->
list.filter { it.port_num == Portnums.PortNum.WAYPOINT_APP_VALUE }
.associateBy { packet ->!!.id }
.filterValues {!!.expire > System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 }
* Called immediately after activity observes packetResponse
fun clearPacketResponse() {
requestId.value = null
_packetResponse.value = null
fun generatePacketId(): Int? {
return try {
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("RemoteException: ${ex.message}")
return null
fun sendMessage(str: String, contactKey: String = "0${DataPacket.ID_BROADCAST}") {
// contactKey: unique contact key filter (channel)+(nodeId)
val channel = contactKey[0].digitToIntOrNull()
val dest = if (channel != null) contactKey.substring(1) else contactKey
val p = DataPacket(dest, channel ?: 0, str)
fun sendWaypoint(wpt: MeshProtos.Waypoint, contactKey: String = "0${DataPacket.ID_BROADCAST}") {
// contactKey: unique contact key filter (channel)+(nodeId)
val channel = contactKey[0].digitToIntOrNull()
val dest = if (channel != null) contactKey.substring(1) else contactKey
val p = DataPacket(dest, channel ?: 0, wpt)
if ( != 0) sendDataPacket(p)
private fun sendDataPacket(p: DataPacket) {
try {
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("Send DataPacket error: ${ex.message}")
private fun request(
destNum: Int,
requestAction: suspend (IMeshService, Int, Int) -> Unit,
errorMessage: String,
configType: Int = 0
) = viewModelScope.launch {
meshService?.let { service ->
val packetId = service.packetId
try {
requestAction(service, packetId, destNum)
requestId.value = packetId
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("$errorMessage: ${ex.message}")
fun getOwner(destNum: Int) = request(
{ service, packetId, dest -> service.getRemoteOwner(packetId, dest) },
"Request getOwner error"
fun getChannel(destNum: Int, index: Int) = request(
{ service, packetId, dest -> service.getRemoteChannel(packetId, dest, index) },
"Request getChannel error"
fun getConfig(destNum: Int, configType: Int) = request(
{ service, packetId, dest -> service.getRemoteConfig(packetId, dest, configType) },
"Request getConfig error",
fun getModuleConfig(destNum: Int, configType: Int) = request(
{ service, packetId, dest -> service.getModuleConfig(packetId, dest, configType) },
"Request getModuleConfig error",
fun setRingtone(destNum: Int, ringtone: String) {
meshService?.setRingtone(destNum, ringtone)
fun getRingtone(destNum: Int) = request(
{ service, packetId, dest -> service.getRingtone(packetId, dest) },
"Request getRingtone error"
fun setCannedMessages(destNum: Int, messages: String) {
meshService?.setCannedMessages(destNum, messages)
fun getCannedMessages(destNum: Int) = request(
{ service, packetId, dest -> service.getCannedMessages(packetId, dest) },
"Request getCannedMessages error"
fun requestTraceroute(destNum: Int) = request(
{ service, packetId, dest -> service.requestTraceroute(packetId, dest) },
"Request traceroute error"
fun requestPosition(destNum: Int, position: Position = Position(0.0, 0.0, 0)) {
try {
meshService?.requestPosition(destNum, position)
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("Request position error: ${ex.message}")
fun deleteAllLogs() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun deleteAllMessages() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun deleteMessages(uuidList: List<Long>) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun deleteWaypoint(id: Int) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
companion object {
fun getPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences =
context.getSharedPreferences("ui-prefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
/// Connection state to our radio device
private val _connectionState = MutableLiveData(MeshService.ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)
val connectionState: LiveData<MeshService.ConnectionState> get() = _connectionState
fun isConnected() = _connectionState.value != MeshService.ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED
fun setConnectionState(connectionState: MeshService.ConnectionState) {
_connectionState.value = connectionState
private val _requestChannelUrl = MutableLiveData<Uri?>(null)
val requestChannelUrl: LiveData<Uri?> get() = _requestChannelUrl
fun setRequestChannelUrl(channelUrl: Uri) {
_requestChannelUrl.value = channelUrl
* Called immediately after activity observes requestChannelUrl
fun clearRequestChannelUrl() {
_requestChannelUrl.value = null
var txEnabled: Boolean
get() = config.lora.txEnabled
set(value) {
updateLoraConfig { it.copy { txEnabled = value } }
var region: Config.LoRaConfig.RegionCode
get() = config.lora.region
set(value) {
updateLoraConfig { it.copy { region = value } }
fun gpsString(p: Position): String {
return when (config.display.gpsFormat) {
Config.DisplayConfig.GpsCoordinateFormat.DEC -> GPSFormat.DEC(p)
Config.DisplayConfig.GpsCoordinateFormat.DMS -> GPSFormat.DMS(p)
Config.DisplayConfig.GpsCoordinateFormat.UTM -> GPSFormat.UTM(p)
Config.DisplayConfig.GpsCoordinateFormat.MGRS -> GPSFormat.MGRS(p)
else -> GPSFormat.DEC(p)
val isRouter: Boolean = config.device.role == Config.DeviceConfig.Role.ROUTER
/// hardware info about our local device (can be null)
private val _myNodeInfo = MutableLiveData<MyNodeInfo?>()
val myNodeInfo: LiveData<MyNodeInfo?> get() = _myNodeInfo
val myNodeNum get() = _myNodeInfo.value?.myNodeNum
fun setMyNodeInfo(info: MyNodeInfo?) {
_myNodeInfo.value = info
override fun onCleared() {
debug("ViewModel cleared")
/// Pull our latest node db from the device
fun updateNodesFromDevice() {
meshService?.let { service ->
// Update our nodeinfos based on data from the device
val nodes = service.nodes.associateBy { it.user?.id!! }
try {
// Pull down our real node ID - This must be done AFTER reading the nodedb because we need the DB to find our nodeinof object
val ownerName = nodes[service.myId]?.user?.longName
_ownerName.value = ownerName
} catch (ex: Exception) {
warn("Ignoring failure to get myId, service is probably just uninited... ${ex.message}")
private inline fun updateLoraConfig(crossinline body: (Config.LoRaConfig) -> Config.LoRaConfig) {
val data = body(config.lora)
setConfig(config { lora = data })
// Set the radio config (also updates our saved copy in preferences)
fun setConfig(config: Config) {
fun setRemoteConfig(destNum: Int, config: Config) {
meshService?.setRemoteConfig(destNum, config.toByteArray())
fun setModuleConfig(destNum: Int, config: ModuleConfig) {
meshService?.setModuleConfig(destNum, config.toByteArray())
fun setModuleConfig(config: ModuleConfig) {
setModuleConfig(myNodeNum ?: return, config)
/// Convert the channels array to and from [AppOnlyProtos.ChannelSet]
private var _channelSet: AppOnlyProtos.ChannelSet
get() = channels.value.protobuf
set(value) {
(0 until max(_channelSet.settingsCount, value.settingsCount)).map { i ->
channel {
role = when (i) {
0 -> ChannelProtos.Channel.Role.PRIMARY
in 1 until value.settingsCount -> ChannelProtos.Channel.Role.SECONDARY
else -> ChannelProtos.Channel.Role.DISABLED
index = i
settings = value.settingsList.getOrNull(i) ?: channelSettings { }
}.forEach {
viewModelScope.launch {
val newConfig = config { lora = value.loraConfig }
if (config.lora != newConfig.lora) setConfig(newConfig)
val channelSet get() = _channelSet
/// Set the radio config (also updates our saved copy in preferences)
fun setChannels(channelSet: ChannelSet) {
debug("Setting new channels!")
this._channelSet = channelSet.protobuf
fun setRemoteChannel(destNum: Int, channel: ChannelProtos.Channel) {
meshService?.setRemoteChannel(destNum, channel.toByteArray())
/// our name in hte radio
/// Note, we generate owner initials automatically for now
/// our activity will read this from prefs or set it to the empty string
private val _ownerName = MutableLiveData<String?>()
val ownerName: LiveData<String?> get() = _ownerName
val provideLocation = object : MutableLiveData<Boolean>(preferences.getBoolean("provide-location", false)) {
override fun setValue(value: Boolean) {
preferences.edit {
this.putBoolean("provide-location", value)
fun setOwner(user: MeshUser) = with(user) {
longName.trim().let { ownerName ->
// note: we allow an empty user string to be written to prefs
_ownerName.value = ownerName
preferences.edit { putString("owner", ownerName) }
// Note: we are careful to not set a new unique ID
if (_ownerName.value!!.isNotEmpty())
try {
// Note: we use ?. here because we might be running in the emulator
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("Can't set username on device, is device offline? ${ex.message}")
fun setRemoteOwner(destNum: Int, user: User) {
try {
// Note: we use ?. here because we might be running in the emulator
meshService?.setRemoteOwner(destNum, user.toByteArray())
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("Can't set username on device, is device offline? ${ex.message}")
val adminChannelIndex: Int
get() = { }.indexOf("admin")
fun requestShutdown(idNum: Int) {
try {
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("RemoteException: ${ex.message}")
fun requestReboot(idNum: Int) {
try {
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("RemoteException: ${ex.message}")
fun requestFactoryReset(idNum: Int) {
try {
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("RemoteException: ${ex.message}")
fun requestNodedbReset(idNum: Int) {
try {
} catch (ex: RemoteException) {
errormsg("RemoteException: ${ex.message}")
* Write the persisted packet data out to a CSV file in the specified location.
fun saveMessagesCSV(file_uri: Uri) {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
// Extract distances to this device from position messages and put (node,SNR,distance) in
// the file_uri
val myNodeNum = myNodeNum ?: return@launch
// Capture the current node value while we're still on main thread
val nodes = nodeDB.nodes.value ?: emptyMap()
val positionToPos: (MeshProtos.Position?) -> Position? = { meshPosition ->
meshPosition?.let { Position(it) }.takeIf {
it?.isValid() == true
writeToUri(file_uri) { writer ->
// Create a map of nodes keyed by their ID
val nodesById = nodes.values.associateBy { it.num }.toMutableMap()
val nodePositions = mutableMapOf<Int, MeshProtos.Position?>()
writer.appendLine("date,time,from,sender name,sender lat,sender long,rx lat,rx long,rx elevation,rx snr,distance,hop limit,payload")
// Packets are ordered by time, we keep most recent position of
// our device in localNodePosition.
val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd,HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault())
meshLogRepository.getAllLogsInReceiveOrder(Int.MAX_VALUE).first().forEach { packet ->
// If we get a NodeInfo packet, use it to update our position data (if valid)
packet.nodeInfo?.let { nodeInfo ->
positionToPos.invoke(nodeInfo.position)?.let {
nodePositions[nodeInfo.num] = nodeInfo.position
packet.meshPacket?.let { proto ->
// If the packet contains position data then use it to update, if valid
packet.position?.let { position ->
positionToPos.invoke(position)?.let {
nodePositions[proto.from] = position
// Filter out of our results any packet that doesn't report SNR. This
// is primarily ADMIN_APP.
if (proto.rxSnr != 0.0f) {
val rxDateTime = dateFormat.format(packet.received_date)
val rxFrom = proto.from.toUInt()
val senderName = nodesById[proto.from]?.user?.longName ?: ""
// sender lat & long
val senderPosition = nodePositions[proto.from]
val senderPos = positionToPos.invoke(senderPosition)
val senderLat = senderPos?.latitude ?: ""
val senderLong = senderPos?.longitude ?: ""
// rx lat, long, and elevation
val rxPosition = nodePositions[myNodeNum]
val rxPos = positionToPos.invoke(rxPosition)
val rxLat = rxPos?.latitude ?: ""
val rxLong = rxPos?.longitude ?: ""
val rxAlt = rxPos?.altitude ?: ""
val rxSnr = "%f".format(proto.rxSnr)
// Calculate the distance if both positions are valid
val dist = if (senderPos == null || rxPos == null) {
} else {
rxPosition!!, // Use rxPosition but only if rxPos was valid
senderPosition!! // Use senderPosition but only if senderPos was valid
val hopLimit = proto.hopLimit
val payload = when {
proto.decoded.portnumValue != Portnums.PortNum.TEXT_MESSAGE_APP_VALUE -> "<${proto.decoded.portnum}>"
proto.hasDecoded() -> "\"" + proto.decoded.payload.toStringUtf8()
.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""
proto.hasEncrypted() -> "${proto.encrypted.size()} encrypted bytes"
else -> ""
// date,time,from,sender name,sender lat,sender long,rx lat,rx long,rx elevation,rx snr,distance,hop limit,payload
private suspend inline fun writeToUri(uri: Uri, crossinline block: suspend (BufferedWriter) -> Unit) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
app.contentResolver.openFileDescriptor(uri, "wt")?.use { parcelFileDescriptor ->
FileWriter(parcelFileDescriptor.fileDescriptor).use { fileWriter ->
BufferedWriter(fileWriter).use { writer ->
} catch (ex: FileNotFoundException) {
errormsg("Can't write file error: ${ex.message}")
private val _deviceProfile = MutableStateFlow<DeviceProfile?>(null)
val deviceProfile: StateFlow<DeviceProfile?> = _deviceProfile
fun setDeviceProfile(deviceProfile: DeviceProfile?) {
_deviceProfile.value = deviceProfile
fun importProfile(file_uri: Uri) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
var inputStream: InputStream? = null
try {
inputStream = app.contentResolver.openInputStream(file_uri)
val bytes = inputStream?.readBytes()
val protobuf = DeviceProfile.parseFrom(bytes)
_deviceProfile.value = protobuf
} catch (ex: Exception) {
errormsg("Failed to import radio configs: ${ex.message}")
} finally {
fun exportProfile(file_uri: Uri) = viewModelScope.launch {
val profile = deviceProfile.value ?: return@launch
writeToUri(file_uri, profile)
_deviceProfile.value = null
private suspend fun writeToUri(uri: Uri, message: MessageLite) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
app.contentResolver.openFileDescriptor(uri, "wt")?.use { parcelFileDescriptor ->
FileOutputStream(parcelFileDescriptor.fileDescriptor).use { outputStream ->
} catch (ex: FileNotFoundException) {
errormsg("Can't write file error: ${ex.message}")
fun installProfile(protobuf: DeviceProfile) = with(protobuf) {
_deviceProfile.value = null
// meshService?.beginEditSettings()
if (hasLongName() || hasShortName()) ourNodeInfo.value?.user?.let {
val user = it.copy(
longName = if (hasLongName()) longName else it.longName,
shortName = if (hasShortName()) shortName else it.shortName
if (hasChannelUrl()) {
if (hasConfig()) {
setConfig(config { device = config.device })
setConfig(config { position = config.position })
setConfig(config { power = config.power })
setConfig(config { network = })
setConfig(config { display = config.display })
setConfig(config { lora = config.lora })
setConfig(config { bluetooth = config.bluetooth })
if (hasModuleConfig()) moduleConfig.let {
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { mqtt = it.mqtt })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { serial = it.serial })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { externalNotification = it.externalNotification })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { storeForward = it.storeForward })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { rangeTest = it.rangeTest })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { telemetry = it.telemetry })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { cannedMessage = it.cannedMessage })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { audio = })
setModuleConfig(moduleConfig { remoteHardware = it.remoteHardware })
// meshService?.commitEditSettings()
fun parseUrl(url: String, map: MapView) {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
parseIt(url, map)
// For Future Use
// model.parseUrl(
// "",
// map
// )
private fun parseIt(url: String, map: MapView) {
val kmlDoc = KmlDocument()
try {
val kmlOverlay = kmlDoc.mKmlRoot.buildOverlay(map, null, null, kmlDoc) as FolderOverlay
} catch (ex: Exception) {
debug("Failed to download .kml $ex")
fun addQuickChatAction(name: String, value: String, mode: QuickChatAction.Mode) {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val action = QuickChatAction(0, name, value, mode, _quickChatActions.value.size)
fun deleteQuickChatAction(action: QuickChatAction) {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
fun updateQuickChatAction(
action: QuickChatAction,
name: String?,
message: String?,
mode: QuickChatAction.Mode?
) {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val newAction = QuickChatAction(
name ?:,
message ?: action.message,
mode ?: action.mode,
fun updateActionPositions(actions: List<QuickChatAction>) {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
for (position in actions.indices) {
quickChatActionRepository.setItemPosition(actions[position].uuid, position)