protobuf updates

geeksville 2020-02-04 09:35:52 -08:00
rodzic 0d2d95bcaa
commit ec2f3b0479
2 zmienionych plików z 23 dodań i 25 usunięć

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
*id max_size:16 # node id strings
*User.long_name max_size:40
*User.short_name max_size:4
*User.short_name max_size:5
# FIXME pick a higher number someday? or do dynamic alloc in nanopb?
*DeviceState.node_db max_count:32

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@ -64,12 +64,6 @@ message Position {
bool from_hardware = 5;
// Times are typically not sent over the mesh, but they will be added to any Packet (chain of SubPacket)
// sent to the phone (so the phone can know exact time of reception)
message Time {
uint64 msecs = 1; // msecs since 1970
// a data message to forward to an external app (or possibly also be consumed internally in the case of CLEAR_TEXT and CLEAR_READACK
message Data {
enum Type {
@ -97,7 +91,7 @@ message User {
string id = 1; // a globally unique ID string for this user. In the case of Signal that would mean +16504442323
string long_name = 2; // A full name for this user, i.e. "Kevin Hester"
string short_name = 3; // A VERY short name, ideally two characters. Suitable for a tiny OLED screen
string macaddr = 4; // This is the addr of the radio. Not populated by the phone, but added by the esp32 when broadcasting
bytes macaddr = 4; // This is the addr of the radio. Not populated by the phone, but added by the esp32 when broadcasting
// Broadcast when a newly powered mesh node wants to find a node num it can use (see document for more
@ -105,21 +99,24 @@ message User {
// FIXME in the initial proof of concept we just skip the entire want/deny flow and just hand pick node numbers at first.
message WantNodeNum {
uint32 desired_nodenum = 1; // The node number we want (note: these WantNodeNum packets are sent from a few special 'unassigned' nodenumbers)
string macaddr = 2; // the unique ID of my node, so that others can descriminate between anyone else who is also accidentially using the same unassigned node number
bytes macaddr = 2; // the unique ID of my node, so that others can descriminate between anyone else who is also accidentially using the same unassigned node number
// Sent to a node which has requested a nodenum when it is told it can't have it
// FIXME, should denials be sent as a broadcast also?
// FIXME, how do we handle someone missing the denial and assuming it has the nodenum?
message DenyNodeNum {
string macaddr = 1; // the macaddr of the node we are sending this denial to (so that the recipient can be sure the packet really as desined to them)
bytes macaddr = 1; // the macaddr of the node we are sending this denial to (so that the recipient can be sure the packet really as desined to them)
// The payload portion fo a packet, this is the actual bytes that are sent inside a radio packet (because from/to are broken out by the comms library)
message SubPacket {
oneof variant {
Position position = 1;
Time time = 2;
// Times are typically not sent over the mesh, but they will be added to any Packet (chain of SubPacket)
// sent to the phone (so the phone can know exact time of reception)
uint64 time = 2; // msecs since 1970
Data data = 3;
User user = 4;
WantNodeNum want_node = 5;
@ -199,11 +196,14 @@ SET_CONFIG (switches device to a new set of radio params and preshared key, drop
message NodeInfo {
int32 num = 1; // the node number
User user = 2;
Position position = 4;
Time last_seen = 5;
Position position = 3;
// Times are typically not sent over the mesh, but they will be added to any Packet (chain of SubPacket)
// sent to the phone (so the phone can know exact time of reception)
uint64 last_seen = 4; // msecs since 1970
// FIXME - some sort of notion of the level of rx power we measured when we last received a packet from this node
int32 rx_power = 6;
int32 rx_power = 5;
// This message is never sent over the wire, but it is used for serializing DB state to flash in the device code
@ -246,10 +246,13 @@ message FromRadio {
MeshPacket packet = 2;
/// Tells the phone what our node number is, can be -1 if we've not yet joined a mesh.
MyNodeInfo my_info = 3;
// No longer sent in fromRadio, instead there is a mynodeinfo characteristic
// MyNodeInfo my_info = 3;
/// One packet is sent for each node in the on radio DB
NodeInfo node_info = 4;
// Note: this is no longer in FromRadio because, there is now a bluetooth nodeinfo characteristic
// after sending wantnodes that characteristic starts over with the first node in our DB
// NodeInfo node_info = 4;
@ -257,26 +260,21 @@ message FromRadio {
// write completes the phone can assume it is handled.
message ToRadio {
// If sent to the radio, the radio will send the phone its full node DB (NodeInfo records)
// Used to populate network info the first time the phone connects to the radio
message WantNodes {
// Empty
oneof variant {
MeshPacket packet = 1; // send this packet on the mesh
// Rare operations
// All of these have been moved to unique writable bluetooth characteristics
/// phone wants radio to send full node db to the phone, This is typically the first packet sent
/// to the radio when the phone gets a bluetooth connection.
/// The radio will respond by sending back a FromRadio.my_node_num and a series of FromRadio.node_info
WantNodes want_nodes = 100;
// WantNodes want_nodes = 100;
RadioConfig set_radio = 101; // set the radio provisioning for this node
User set_owner = 102; // Set the owner for this node
//RadioConfig set_radio = 101; // set the radio provisioning for this node
// User set_owner = 102; // Set the owner for this node