change to sync api mostly complte

geeksville 2020-02-04 12:12:29 -08:00
rodzic cc28333ff7
commit dc8cb8446c
5 zmienionych plików z 146 dodań i 95 usunięć

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# High priority
* fix startup race conditions in services, allow reads to block as needed
* if radio disconnects, we need to requeue a new connect attempt in RadioService
* when notified phone should download messages
* have phone use our local node number as its node number (instead of hardwired)
* investigate the Signal SMS message flow path, see if I could just make Mesh a third peer to signal & sms?

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ package com.geeksville.mesh
const val prefix = "com.geeksville.mesh"
// a bool true means now connected, false means not
const val EXTRA_CONNECTED = "$prefix.Connected"
const val EXTRA_PAYLOAD = "$prefix.Payload"
const val EXTRA_SENDER = "$prefix.Sender"
const val EXTRA_ID = "$prefix.Id"

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import
import android.content.*
import android.os.IBinder
import com.geeksville.concurrent.DeferredExecution
import com.geeksville.mesh.MeshProtos.MeshPacket
import com.geeksville.mesh.MeshProtos.ToRadio
import com.geeksville.util.toOneLineString
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ import com.geeksville.util.toRemoteExceptions
import java.nio.charset.Charset
class RadioNotConnectedException() : Exception("Can't find radio")
* Handles all the communication with android apps. Also keeps an internal model
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
class IdNotFoundException(id: String) : Exception("ID not found $id")
class NodeNumNotFoundException(id: Int) : Exception("NodeNum not found $id")
class NotInMeshException() : Exception("We are not yet in a mesh")
class RadioNotConnectedException() : Exception("Can't find radio")
/// If we haven't yet received a node number from the radio
private const val NODE_NUM_UNKNOWN = -2
@ -74,18 +73,22 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
private val toRadioDeferred = DeferredExecution()
/// Safely access the radio service, if not connected an exception will be thrown
private val connectedRadio: IRadioInterfaceService
get() {
val s = radioService
if (s == null || !isConnected)
throw RadioNotConnectedException()
return s
/// Send a command/packet to our radio. But cope with the possiblity that we might start up
/// before we are fully bound to the RadioInterfaceService
private fun sendToRadio(p: ToRadio.Builder) {
val b =
val s = radioService
if (s != null)
toRadioDeferred.add { radioService!!.sendToRadio(b) }
override fun onBind(intent: Intent?): IBinder? {
@ -94,24 +97,8 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
private val radioConnection = object : ServiceConnection {
override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName?, service: IBinder?) {
val filter = IntentFilter(RadioInterfaceService.RECEIVE_FROMRADIO_ACTION)
registerReceiver(radioInterfaceReceiver, filter)
radioReceiverRegistered = true
val m = IRadioInterfaceService.Stub.asInterface(service)
radioService = m
// FIXME - don't do this until after we see that the radio is connected to the phone
val sim = SimRadio(this@MeshService)
sim.start() // Fake up our node id info and some past packets from other nodes
// Ask for the current node DB FIXME
/* sendToRadio(ToRadio.newBuilder().apply {
wantNodes = ToRadio.WantNodes.newBuilder().build()
}) */
// Now send any packets which had previously been queued for clients
override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName?) {
@ -124,6 +111,10 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
info("Creating mesh service")
// we listen for messages from the radio receiver _before_ trying to create the service
val filter = IntentFilter(RadioInterfaceService.RECEIVE_FROMRADIO_ACTION)
registerReceiver(radioInterfaceReceiver, filter)
// We in turn need to use the radiointerface service
val intent = Intent(this,
// intent.action =
@ -132,12 +123,10 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
// the rest of our init will happen once we are in radioConnection.onServiceConnected
private var radioReceiverRegistered = false
override fun onDestroy() {
info("Destroying mesh service")
if (radioReceiverRegistered)
radioService = null
@ -201,6 +190,11 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
private fun updateNodeInfo(nodeNum: Int, updatefn: (NodeInfo) -> Unit) {
val info = getOrCreateNodeInfo(nodeNum)
// This might have been the first time we know an ID for this node, so also update the by ID map
val userId = info.user?.id
if (userId != null)
nodeDBbyID[userId] = info
/// Generate a new mesh packet builder with our node as the sender, and the specified node num
@ -264,9 +258,6 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
private fun handleReceivedUser(fromNum: Int, p: MeshProtos.User) {
updateNodeInfo(fromNum) {
it.user = MeshUser(, p.longName, p.shortName)
// This might have been the first time we know an ID for this node, so also update the by ID map
nodeDBbyID[] = it
@ -309,8 +300,49 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
private fun handleReceivedNodeInfo(info: MeshProtos.NodeInfo) {
/// Called when we gain/lose connection to our radio
private fun onConnectionChanged(c: Boolean) {
isConnected = c
if (c) {
// Do our startup init
// FIXME - don't do this until after we see that the radio is connected to the phone
//val sim = SimRadio(this@MeshService)
//sim.start() // Fake up our node id info and some past packets from other nodes
val myInfo = MeshProtos.MyNodeInfo.parseFrom(connectedRadio.readMyNode())
ourNodeNum = myInfo.myNodeNum
// Ask for the current node DB
// read all the infos until we get back null
var infoBytes = connectedRadio.readNodeInfo()
while (infoBytes != null) {
val info = MeshProtos.NodeInfo.parseFrom(infoBytes)
debug("Received initial nodeinfo $info")
// Just replace/add any entry
updateNodeInfo(info.num) {
if (info.hasUser())
it.user = MeshUser(, info.user.longName, info.user.shortName)
if (info.hasPosition())
it.position = Position(
it.lastSeen = info.lastSeen
// advance to next
infoBytes = connectedRadio.readNodeInfo()
TODO("FIXME - set our owner, get node infos, set our local nodenum, dont process received packets until we have the full node db")
@ -320,17 +352,25 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
private val radioInterfaceReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
val proto = MeshProtos.FromRadio.parseFrom(intent.getByteArrayExtra(EXTRA_PAYLOAD)!!)
info("Received from radio service: ${proto.toOneLineString()}")
when (proto.variantCase.number) {
MeshProtos.FromRadio.PACKET_FIELD_NUMBER -> handleReceivedMeshPacket(proto.packet)
FIXME - handle node info and setting my protonum
MeshProtos.FromRadio.NODE_INFO_FIELD_NUMBER -> handleReceivedNodeInfo(proto.nodeInfo)
MeshProtos.FromRadio.MY_NODE_NUM_FIELD_NUMBER -> ourNodeNum = proto.myNodeNum
else -> TODO("Unexpected FromRadio variant")
when (intent.action) {
RadioInterfaceService.CONNECTCHANGED_ACTION -> {
onConnectionChanged(intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_CONNECTED, false))
explicitBroadcast(intent) // forward the connection change message to anyone who is listening to us
RadioInterfaceService.RECEIVE_FROMRADIO_ACTION -> {
val proto =
info("Received from radio service: ${proto.toOneLineString()}")
when (proto.variantCase.number) {
MeshProtos.FromRadio.PACKET_FIELD_NUMBER -> handleReceivedMeshPacket(proto.packet)
else -> TODO("Unexpected FromRadio variant")
else -> TODO("Unexpected radio interface broadcast")
@ -358,11 +398,8 @@ class MeshService : Service(), Logging {
handleReceivedUser(ourNodeNum, user)
/* FIXME - set my owner info
sendToRadio(ToRadio.newBuilder().apply {
this.setOwner = user
// set my owner info
override fun sendData(destId: String, payloadIn: ByteArray, typ: Int) =

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import android.os.IBinder
import com.geeksville.concurrent.DeferredExecution
import com.geeksville.util.toRemoteExceptions
import java.util.*
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ class RadioInterfaceService : Service(), Logging {
* Payload will be the raw bytes which were contained within a MeshProtos.FromRadio protobuf
private val BTM_SERVICE_UUID = UUID.fromString("6ba1b218-15a8-461f-9fa8-5dcae273eafd")
@ -141,16 +143,14 @@ class RadioInterfaceService : Service(), Logging {
// for debug logging only
private val jsonPrinter = JsonFormat.printer()
// We have talked to our device and consumed all of the FromRadio packets it had initially
// waiting for us
private var initCompleted = false
private var isConnected = false
/// Work that users of our service want done, which might get deferred until after
/// we have completed our initial connection
private val clientOperations = DeferredExecution()
fun broadcastConnectionChanged(isConnected: Boolean) {
val intent = Intent("$prefix.CONNECTION_CHANGED")
private fun broadcastConnectionChanged(isConnected: Boolean) {
val intent = Intent(CONNECTCHANGED_ACTION)
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CONNECTED, isConnected)
@ -173,28 +173,24 @@ class RadioInterfaceService : Service(), Logging {
/// Attempt to read from the fromRadio mailbox, if data is found broadcast it to android apps
private fun doReadFromRadio() {
safe.asyncReadCharacteristic(fromRadio) {
val b = it.getOrThrow().value
if (!isConnected)
warn("Abandoning fromradio read because we are not connected")
safe.asyncReadCharacteristic(fromRadio) {
val b = it.getOrThrow().value
if (b.isNotEmpty()) {
debug("Received ${b.size} bytes from radio")
if (b.isNotEmpty()) {
debug("Received ${b.size} bytes from radio")
// Queue up another read, until we run out of packets
} else {
debug("Done reading from radio, fromradio is empty")
initCompleted = true
// Queue up another read, until we run out of packets
} else {
debug("Done reading from radio, fromradio is empty")
/// If we are inited send any client requests
private fun doClientOperations() {
if (initCompleted)
override fun onCreate() {
@ -235,6 +231,11 @@ class RadioInterfaceService : Service(), Logging {
fromRadio = service.getCharacteristic(BTM_FROMRADIO_CHARACTER)
fromNum = service.getCharacteristic(BTM_FROMNUM_CHARACTER)
// Now tell clients they can (finally use the api)
isConnected = true
// Immediately broadcast any queued packets sitting on the device
@ -255,50 +256,60 @@ class RadioInterfaceService : Service(), Logging {
* We allow writes to bluetooth characteristics to be queued up until our init is completed.
* do a synchronous write operation
private fun doAsyncWrite(uuid: UUID, a: ByteArray) {
debug("queuing ${a.size} bytes to $uuid")
private fun doWrite(uuid: UUID, a: ByteArray) = toRemoteExceptions {
if (!isConnected)
throw RadioNotConnectedException()
else {
debug("queuing ${a.size} bytes to $uuid")
clientOperations.add {
// Note: we generate a new characteristic each time, because we are about to
// change the data and we want the data stored in the closure
val toRadio = service.getCharacteristic(uuid)
toRadio.value = a
safe.asyncWriteCharacteristic(toRadio) {
it.getOrThrow() // FIXME, handle the error better
debug("ToRadio write of ${a.size} bytes completed")
debug("write of ${a.size} bytes completed")
* do a synchronous read operation
private fun doRead(uuid: UUID): ByteArray? = toRemoteExceptions {
if (!isConnected)
throw RadioNotConnectedException()
else {
// Note: we generate a new characteristic each time, because we are about to
// change the data and we want the data stored in the closure
val toRadio = service.getCharacteristic(uuid)
var a = safe.readCharacteristic(toRadio).value
debug("Read of $uuid got ${a.size} bytes")
if (a.isEmpty()) // An empty bluetooth response is converted to a null response for our clients
a = null
private val binder = object : IRadioInterfaceService.Stub() {
// A write of any size to nodeinfo means restart reading
override fun restartNodeInfo() = doAsyncWrite(BTM_NODEINFO_CHARACTER, ByteArray(0))
override fun restartNodeInfo() = doWrite(BTM_NODEINFO_CHARACTER, ByteArray(0))
override fun readMyNode(): ByteArray {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun readMyNode() = doRead(BTM_MYNODE_CHARACTER)!!
override fun sendToRadio(a: ByteArray) = doAsyncWrite(BTM_TORADIO_CHARACTER, a)
override fun sendToRadio(a: ByteArray) = doWrite(BTM_TORADIO_CHARACTER, a)
override fun readRadioConfig(): ByteArray {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun readRadioConfig() = doRead(BTM_RADIO_CHARACTER)!!
override fun readOwner(): ByteArray {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun readOwner() = doRead(BTM_OWNER_CHARACTER)!!
override fun writeOwner(owner: ByteArray) = doAsyncWrite(BTM_OWNER_CHARACTER, owner)
override fun writeOwner(owner: ByteArray) = doWrite(BTM_OWNER_CHARACTER, owner)
override fun writeRadioConfig(config: ByteArray) = doAsyncWrite(BTM_RADIO_CHARACTER, config)
override fun writeRadioConfig(config: ByteArray) = doWrite(BTM_RADIO_CHARACTER, config)
override fun readNodeInfo(): ByteArray {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun readNodeInfo() = doRead(BTM_NODEINFO_CHARACTER)

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class SafeBluetooth(private val context: Context, private val device: BluetoothD
Logging {
/// Timeout before we declare a bluetooth operation failed
private val timeoutMsec = 30 * 1000L
var timeoutMsec = 5 * 1000L
/// Users can access the GATT directly as needed
lateinit var gatt: BluetoothGatt