@slavino contributed this WIP for Slovak translation! #41

geeksville 2020-06-11 11:37:54 -07:00
rodzic 1523a6ad9e
commit b0e006ce6e
3 zmienionych plików z 73 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -58,11 +58,13 @@ This project is the work of volunteers:
* @artemisoftnian: Contributed Spanish translations.
* @CycloMies: Contributed Swedish, Finnish and German translations.
* @eriktheV-king: Contributed Dutch and French translations.
* @Lgoix: Contributed tooltip for radio mode
* @Eugene: Contributed Russian translation.
* @Konradrundfunk: Contributed German fixes.
* @Mango-sauce: Contributed Chinese translation.
* @NEKLAN: Contributed Japanese translation.
* @Ohcdh: Contributed Irish and Italian translations.
* @Slavino: Contributed Slovak translation.
Copyright 2019, Geeksville Industries, LLC. GPL V3 license

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ android {
defaultConfig {
// We have to list all translated languages here, because some of our libs have bogus languages that google play
// doesn't like and we need to strip them (gr)
resConfigs "en", "de", "es", "fi", "fr", "ga", "it", "ja", "nl", "ru", "sv", "zh"
resConfigs "en", "de", "es", "fi", "fr", "ga", "it", "ja", "nl", "ru", "sk", "sv", "zh"
// Needed to make mapbox work inside the firebase testlab - FIXME, alas, still doesn't work
ndk {

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name" translatable="false">Meshtastic</string>
<string name="action_settings">Nastavenia</string>
<string name="channel_name">Názov kanálu</string>
<string name="channel_options">Nastavenia kanálu</string>
<string name="share_button">Tlačitko pre zdieľanie</string>
<string name="qr_code">QR kód</string>
<string name="unset">Zrušiť nastavenie</string>
<string name="connection_status">Stav pripojenia</string>
<string name="application_icon">Ikona aplikácie</string>
<string name="unknown_username">Neznáme užívateľské meno</string>
<string name="user_avatar">Užívateľov avatar</string>
<string name="sample_distance" translatable="false">2.13 km</string>
<string name="sample_message">Ahoj, našiel som cache-ku, je to kúsok od mňa vedľa veľkého tigra. Trochu ma to desí.</string>
<string name="some_username" translatable="false">SKH</string>
<string name="send_text">Odoslať text</string>
<string name="warning_not_paired">You haven\'t yet paired a Meshtastic compatible radio with this phone. Please pair a device and set your username.\n\nThis open-source application is in alpha-testing, if you find problems please post on our forum: meshtastic.discourse.group.\n\nFor more information see our web page - www.meshtastic.org.</string>
<string name="username_unset">Užívateľské meno vymazané</string>
<string name="your_name">Vaše meno</string>
<string name="analytics_okay">Anonymné hlásenia o používaní aplikácie a jej chybách.</string>
<string name="looking_for_meshtastic_devices">Looking for Meshtastic devices…</string>
<string name="test__devname1" translatable="false">Meshtastic_ac23</string>
<string name="test_devname2" translatable="false">Meshtastic_1267</string>
<string name="requires_bluetooth">Táto aplikácia vyžaduje prístup k Bluetooth. Prosím povoľte jej prístup v nastaveniach telefónu.</string>
<string name="error_bluetooth">Chyba - táto aplikácia potrebuje bluetooth.</string>
<string name="starting_pairing">Spúšťam párovanie</string>
<string name="pairing_failed">Párovanie zlyhalo</string>
<string name="url_for_join">URL pre pripojenie sa do Meshtastic MESH siete</string>
<string name="accept">Prijať</string>
<string name="cancel">Odmietnuť</string>
<string name="change_channel">Zmeniť kanál</string>
<string name="are_you_sure_channel">Ste si istý, že chcete zmeniť kanál? Všetka komunikácia s ostatnými vysielačmi prestane fungovať až do momentu distribúcie rovnakého nastavenia na ostatné vysielače.</string>
<string name="new_channel_rcvd">Obdržaná nová URL kanálu.</string>
<string name="do_you_want_switch">Chcete sa prpnúť na kanál \'%s\' ?</string>
<string name="map_not_allowed">You have analytics disabled. Unfortunately our map provider (mapbox) requires analytics to be allowed for their \'free\' plan. So we have turned off the map view.\n\n
If you would like to see the map, you\'ll need to turn on analytics in the Settings pane (also, for the time being you might need to force restart the application).\n\n
If you are interested in us paying for mapbox (or switching to a different map provider), please post in meshtastic.discourse.group</string>
<string name="permission_missing">A required permission is missing, Meshtastic won\'t be able to work properly. Please enable in application settings.</string>
<string name="radio_sleeping">Vysielač je uspatý, nepodarilo sa zmeniť kanál</string>
<string name="report_bug">Nahlásenie chyby</string>
<string name="report_a_bug">Nahlásiť chybu</string>
<string name="report_bug_text">Ste si istý, že chcete nahlásiť chybu? Po odoslaní prosím pridajte správu do meshtastic.discourse.group aby sme vedeli priradiť Vami nahlásenú chybu ku Vášmu príspevku.</string>
<string name="report">Odoslať chybové hlásenie</string>
<string name="select_radio">Vyberte vysielač</string>
<string name="current_pair">Ste napárovaný s vysielačom %s</string>
<string name="not_paired_yet">Zatiaľ ste nenapárovali žiaden vysielač.</string>
<string name="change_radio">Zmeniť vysielač</string>
<string name="please_pair">Prosím pripojte zariadenie v nastaveniach systému Android.</string>
<string name="pairing_completed">Párovanie ukončené, štartujem službu</string>
<string name="pairing_failed_try_again">Párovanie zlyhalo, prosím skúste to znovu.</string>
<string name="location_disabled">Prístup k polohe zariadenia nie je povolený, nodokážem poskytnúť polohu zariadenia MESH sieti.</string>
<string name="share">Zdieľať</string>
<string name="disconnected">Odpojené</string>
<string name="device_sleeping">Zariadenie spí</string>
<string name="connected_count">Pripojený: %s z %s je online</string>
<string name="list_of_nodes">Zoznam vysielačov v sieti</string>
<string name="update_firmware">Aktualizácia firmvéru</string>
<string name="connected_to">Pripojené k vysielaču (%s)</string>
<string name="not_connected">Nepripojené, zvoľte si vysielač</string>
<string name="connected_sleeping">Pripojené k uspatému vysielaču.</string>
<string name="update_to">Aktualizovať na %s</string>
<string name="app_too_old">Aplikácia je príliš stará</string>
<string name="must_update">Musíte aktualizovať aplikáciu na Google Play store (alebo z Github). Je príliš stará pre komunikáciu s touto verziou firmvéru vysielača.</string>
<string name="none">Žiaden (zakázať)</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_no_en">Nie, ďakujem</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_cancel_en">Pripomenúť neskôr</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_ok_en">Ohodnotiť teraz</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_title_en">Ohodnoťte Meshtastic</string>