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October 7, 1996
Name Address City, ST Zip
Dear Name:
In the summer of 1993, the Marion County Commission on Youth began
what can best be described as a "new era" in its history. MCCOY was
reorganized as an independent, not-for-profit agency, separate from local
government. It retained, however, the same mission with which it had been
charged from its inception: to serve as a catalyst for effective,
coordinated, and collaborative service delivery to youth in our
For the past three years, MCCOY has been actively engaged in
accomplishing this declared mission in cooperation with many others:
youth service providers, youth, funding bodies, and interested citizens
to name a few.
We have met with a number of successes along the way, most notably the
Summer Fun Line, the Metro Summer Bus Pass, and the development of ten
neighborhood youth councils. A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition
are building relationships that will hopefully bear great fruit in the
years to come. The formation of The Community Academy, a pilot project
directed at expelled students from local school systems, has come about
as a result of MCCOY's efforts to mobilize community agencies in response
to a pressing issue.
McCoy is actively represented and working with numerous community
collaborations where we regularly raise our voice to speak out for the
inclusion of young people in both decision-making and program planning
processes. One concrete example is a joint project undertaken in the
United Northwest Area in partnership with The Junior League of
Indianapolis and Community Partnerships with Youth from Fort Wayne,
Indiana. As a team, these three organizations are working with
neighborhood youth and adults to build a "Caring Neighborhood with Youth"
, mobilizing the assets of young people and adults as partners to build a
better neighborhood for all.
Since its re-organization, MCCOY has established its unique niche
within the community by refraining from direct service programming and
focusing on what it does best: helping to identify youth needs, convening
groups of individuals and organizations which can address those needs,
and moving toward collaborative solutions. McCoy has only one interest:
the well being of Marion County's young people.
McCoy invites the support of The __ Company Foundation in the amount
of $10,000.00 to support such activities as:
---- the co-ordination of youth leadership training and youth
empowerment efforts at the neighborhood level by means of
neighborhood-based youth councils; ---- the promotion of youth employment
opportunities; ---- the facilitation of ongoing discussions regarding
effective and efficient youth service delivery;
---- the provision of technical assistance and guidance to
neighborhoods which seek positive youth-adult relationships;
---- the development of community-wide supports for the positive
growth of all Marion County young people.
In the last several years, the business and corporate community has
recognized that the positive development of youth is directly related to
the development of a competent workforce. Youth who are supported and
encouraged by both a family and a society that values
Them have a much greater likelihood of becoming productive and
contributing members of adult society. While we have made significant
inroads, there remains much to be done and it is clear that we cannot do
it alone. We seek the financial support of the Foundation to help us be
successful in creating the atmosphere in our community where young people
can grow and develop well. Your contribution will enable us to both
continue and expand the good work we have begun in making Indianapolis a
city famous for its commitment to youth and families.
In our fund raising efforts to date, we have received the support of
local government, foundations, and corporations as well as the personal
financial commitments of individual MCCOY Board members. We believe there
is no more appropriate time to have a coordinated and collaborative
effort to financially support the services MCCOY offers to the community
as a whole.
Thanking you in advance for your support, we remain,
John T. Neighbours Philip B. Roby President Treasurer
John F. Brandon Executive Director