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August 4, 1999
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The goal of MCCOY, Inc. has been to make a difference. In 1998, MCCOY,
Inc. led two efforts that, we believe, will help our community continue
to take the steps necessary to help all young people grow up and develop
Participants in the Youth Outcomes Educational Initiative identified
three goals for all our youth to obtain: economic self-sufficiency,
healthy family, social relationships, and involvement in the community. A
short time later, the Community Youth Mapping Project sent 55 young
people out into the community to identify the resources they need to grow
up well: caring adults, safe places to go, and positive things to do.
One group of adults and one group of youth, through two very different
processes, have arrived at the same conclusion; our community still has
much to do if we are to help ALL of your youth successfully develop into
the responsible, productive adults who will our community in the
As a provider of youth services, MCCOY, Inc. is here to support your
valuable efforts to develop young people. Recently, through a lot of hard
work and alliances with organizations like yours, some steps have been
taken in our community that will help young people continue to be
involved in positive activities. One, IndyGo in April adopted a
much-needed policy that all young people under the age of 19 may ride on
their buses at half the normal fare all year long. Two, funding was made
available this summer for youth organizations and churches to conduct
positive youth programming on Saturday evenings. Through the youth
mapping process, it was confirmed that the positive opportunities for
youth on weekend evenings were lacking. That need is being met.
As it has been an exciting year for all of us, MCCOY, Inc. cannot do
its part without the support of organizations like yours. Annually, we
ask several of our youth serving organizations to join us in our effort
to help young people grow up well in Indianapolis. Enclosed is a donation
card that will enable you to make Indianapolis a great place for ALL of
us to live. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do
not hesitate to call me at 921-1288.
John F. Brandon, President MCCOY, Inc.