
40 wiersze
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July 25,1997
Dear Name,
What a Summer!
And we're just getting started!
I hope you'll consider continuing your support of Jameson's special
campers by renewing your last gift of $ xxx. I can tell you we need your
help now as much as ever before.
All of our Six summer camping sessions are booked to capacity (and,
truth be told, with maybe one our two extra returning campers squeezed
in) and we have a waiting list of 60 children who are hoping to come if a
spot should open. Many more camper referrals are coming from new
organizations such as school social-workers and family counseling
agencies. It seems summer options aren't readily available for troubled
kids whose families have limited incomes, so we're doing all we can to
make Jameson available.
That "we" includes the Youth Leadership teens. These 60 or so campers
have takenon a fund raiser with a goal of raising $16,000 for
camperships. Two of them told me yesterday that as a group they decided
they had to earn the right to ask others for help by accomplishing
something real to help themselves. And that's from kids many people see
as a problem.
Even after the summer sessions come to a close, Jameson campers will
take part in year-round programs designed to keep that positive contact
with peers and role models alive and important. We've scheduled more than
15 follow-up camper weekends beginning in September and going around till
next summers camping season.
Please, consider renewing your support of these great kids today.
Julie Marsh Executive Director
P.S. We know our follow-up weekends are going to be better attended
than ever this fall and winter. If you can give a little more to help
meet this increased expense we would appreciate your support.