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Dear ,
A few months ago you received a letter from me telling the success
stories of people who got jobs with Goodwill's help.
Here's another story of success from what might seem like an unlikely
source: Goodwill's controller, Juli. She tells me that the 3,666 people
we helped find jobs in 1998 earned approximately $49 million dollars. In
addition to that, by helping them find jobs, Goodwill reduced the state's
Public Support tab by an estimated $4 million. Your gift to Goodwill will
help us do even more this year because your gift will be used to directly
support our work.
What kind of work does Goodwill do?
Goodwill finds jobs for people with mental and physical disabilities.
After Maureen's job coach taught her how to do her job in a restaurant,
we helped Maureen step out of the shadow sometimes cast over people with
physical and mental disabilities and find a fulfilling job smack dab in
the middle of society. Remember what she said in my last letter? "If I
wasn't working here...I would be sad..."
Goodwill helps people get off of public assistance. Sherry learned
through our Future Works class that she could rise out of the mire of the
welfare system and support her family. At Goodwill she gained in
self-confidence, in her vision of her future and in the job skills she
needed to find and keep a good job. "Coming to Goodwill was the first
step toward my becoming totally independent. I am now... totally off of
Goodwill prepares people for life-long employment. Cornell found a
number of employment options that he never dreamed existed after a
work-site injury forced him out of his job at a foundry. He trained in
desktop publishing and combined his enthusiastic work ethic with
new-found skills in a burgeoning industry. "I've got more than a job;
I've got a career."
Goodwill provides jobs at Goodwill. After a lifetime of trials, Donna
not only earned her GED at Goodwill, she earned a job here. "I rode a
bike to Goodwill in the rain and snow. I wanted to be there...I had my
second chance to change my life."
Your gift to Goodwill will help the many people who want to tell their
own stories of success. Your support will help them go to work.
Please use the enclosed envelope to give a generous gift to Goodwill
William A Carter, Chairman Goodwill Industries Foundation
P.S. Your gift is a wise investment in the community. For every dollar
donated to Goodwill in 1998, we helped our "graduates" earn an estimated
$102. That money was then spent in a variety of ways, adding fuel to our
thriving economy.