#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pytest, os, jsonlines from warnings import warn from roberta_detect import run_on_file_chunked, run_on_text_chunked AI_SAMPLE_DIR = 'samples/llm-generated/' HUMAN_SAMPLE_DIR = 'samples/human-generated/' MIN_LEN = 150 NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES = 500 ai_files = os.listdir(AI_SAMPLE_DIR) human_files = os.listdir(HUMAN_SAMPLE_DIR) CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD : float = 0.00 # What confidence to treat as error vs warning def test_training_file(record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_file_chunked('ai-generated.txt') record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'AI', 'The training corpus should always be detected as AI-generated... since it is (score: ' + str(round(score, 8)) + ')' @pytest.mark.parametrize('f', human_files) def test_human_samples(f, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_file_chunked(HUMAN_SAMPLE_DIR + f) record_property("score", str(score)) if score > CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD: assert classification == 'Human', f + ' is a human-generated file, misclassified as AI-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) else: if classification != 'Human': warn("Misclassified " + f + " with score of: " + str(round(score, 8))) else: warn("Unable to confidently classify: " + f) @pytest.mark.parametrize('f', ai_files) def test_llm_sample(f, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_file_chunked(AI_SAMPLE_DIR + f) record_property("score", str(score)) if score > CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD: assert classification == 'AI', f + ' is an LLM-generated file, misclassified as human-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) else: if classification != 'AI': warn("Misclassified " + f + " with score of: " + str(round(score, 8))) else: warn("Unable to confidently classify: " + f) HUMAN_JSONL_FILE = 'samples/webtext.test.jsonl' human_samples = [] with jsonlines.open(HUMAN_JSONL_FILE) as reader: for obj in reader: human_samples.append(obj) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', human_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_human_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i.get('text', '')) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'Human', HUMAN_JSONL_FILE + ':' + str(i.get('id')) + ' (len: ' + str(i.get('length', -1)) + ') is a human-generated sample, misclassified as AI-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) AI_JSONL_FILE = 'samples/xl-1542M.test.jsonl' ai_samples = [] with jsonlines.open(AI_JSONL_FILE) as reader: for obj in reader: ai_samples.append(obj) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', ai_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_llm_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i.get('text', '')) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'AI', AI_JSONL_FILE + ':' + str(i.get('id')) + ' (text: ' + i.get('text', "").replace('\n', ' ')[:50] + ') is an LLM-generated sample, misclassified as human-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) GPT3_JSONL_FILE = 'samples/GPT-3-175b_samples.jsonl' gpt3_samples = [] with jsonlines.open(GPT3_JSONL_FILE) as reader: for o in reader: for l in o.split('<|endoftext|>'): if len(l) >= MIN_LEN: gpt3_samples.append(l) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', gpt3_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_gpt3_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'AI', GPT3_JSONL_FILE + ' is an LLM-generated sample, misclassified as human-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) NEWS_JSONL_FILE = 'samples/news.jsonl' news_samples = [] with jsonlines.open(NEWS_JSONL_FILE) as reader: for obj in reader: news_samples.append(obj) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', news_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_humannews_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i.get('human', '')) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'Human', NEWS_JSONL_FILE + ' is a human-generated sample, misclassified as AI-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', news_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_chatgptnews_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i.get('chatgpt', '')) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'AI', NEWS_JSONL_FILE + ' is a AI-generated sample, misclassified as human-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) CHEAT_HUMAN_JSONL_FILE = 'samples/ieee-init.jsonl' ch_samples = [] with jsonlines.open(CHEAT_HUMAN_JSONL_FILE) as reader: for obj in reader: if len(obj.get('abstract', '')) >= MIN_LEN: ch_samples.append(obj) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', ch_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_cheat_human_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i.get('abstract', '')) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'Human', CHEAT_HUMAN_JSONL_FILE + ':' + str(i.get('id')) + ' [' + str(len(i.get('abstract', ''))) + '] (title: ' + i.get('title', "").replace('\n', ' ')[:15] + ') is a human-generated sample, misclassified as AI-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) CHEAT_GEN_JSONL_FILE = 'samples/ieee-chatgpt-generation.jsonl' cg_samples = [] with jsonlines.open(CHEAT_GEN_JSONL_FILE) as reader: for obj in reader: if len(obj.get('abstract', '')) >= MIN_LEN: cg_samples.append(obj) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', cg_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_cheat_generation_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i.get('abstract', '')) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'AI', CHEAT_GEN_JSONL_FILE + ':' + str(i.get('id')) + ' (title: ' + i.get('title', "").replace('\n', ' ')[:50] + ') is an LLM-generated sample, misclassified as human-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8)) CHEAT_POLISH_JSONL_FILE = 'samples/ieee-chatgpt-polish.jsonl' cp_samples = [] with jsonlines.open(CHEAT_POLISH_JSONL_FILE) as reader: for obj in reader: if len(obj.get('abstract', '')) >= MIN_LEN: cp_samples.append(obj) @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', cp_samples[0:NUM_JSONL_SAMPLES]) def test_cheat_polish_jsonl(i, record_property): (classification, score) = run_on_text_chunked(i.get('abstract', '')) record_property("score", str(score)) assert classification == 'AI', CHEAT_POLISH_JSONL_FILE + ':' + str(i.get('id')) + ' (title: ' + i.get('title', "").replace('\n', ' ')[:50] + ') is an LLM-generated sample, misclassified as human-generated with confidence ' + str(round(score, 8))