
156 wiersze
4.6 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

when defined(c):
import std/[re, threadpool, encodings]
import lzma
when defined(js):
import std/[jsffi, jsre]
import dom
import std/math
import strutils
when isMainModule and defined(c):
import std/[parseopt, os]
const COMPRESSION_PRESET = 2.int32
const PRELUDE_FILE = "../../ai-generated.txt"
const PRELUDE_STR = staticRead(PRELUDE_FILE)
proc compress_str(s : string, preset = COMPRESSION_PRESET): float64
var PRELUDE_RATIO = compress_str("")
when defined(js):
var console {.importc, nodecl.}: JsObject
proc compress(str : cstring, mode : int) : seq[byte] {.importjs: "LZMA.compress(#, #)".}
console.log("Initialized with a prelude compression ratio of: " & $PRELUDE_RATIO)
# Target independent wrapper for LZMA compression
proc ti_compress(input : cstring, preset: int32, check: int32): seq[byte] =
when defined(c):
return compress(input, preset, check)
when defined(js):
return compress(input, preset)
proc compress_str(s : string, preset = COMPRESSION_PRESET): float64 =
in_len = PRELUDE_STR.len + s.len
var combined : string = PRELUDE_STR & s
when defined(c):
combined = convert(PRELUDE_STR & s, "us-ascii", "UTF-8").replace(re"[^\x00-\x7F]")
when defined(js):
let nonascii = newRegExp(r"[^\x00-\x7F]")
combined = $combined.cstring.replace(nonascii, "")
let out_len = ti_compress(combined.cstring, preset, 0.int32).len
return out_len.toFloat / in_len.toFloat
proc score_string*(s : string, fuzziness : int): (string, float64) =
sample_ratio = compress_str(s)
delta = PRELUDE_RATIO - sample_ratio
var determination = "AI"
if delta < 0:
determination = "Human"
if 0.0 == round(delta, fuzziness) and s.len >= SHORT_SAMPLE_THRESHOLD:
determination = "AI"
if 0.0 == round(delta, fuzziness) and s.len < SHORT_SAMPLE_THRESHOLD:
determination = "Human"
return (determination, abs(delta) * 100.0)
when defined(c):
proc score_chunk(chunk : string, fuzziness : int): float64 =
var (d, s) = score_string(chunk, fuzziness)
if d == "AI":
return -1.0 * s
return s
proc run_on_text_chunked*(text : string, chunk_size : int = 1024, fuzziness : int = 3): (string, float64) =
var inf : string = text
when defined(c):
inf = replace(inf, re" +", " ")
inf = replace(inf, re"\t")
inf = replace(inf, re"\n+", "\n")
inf = replace(inf, re"\n ", "\n")
inf = replace(inf, re" \n", "\n")
when defined(js):
inf = $inf.cstring.replace(newRegExp(r" +"), " ")
inf = $inf.cstring.replace(newRegExp(r"\t"), "")
inf = $inf.cstring.replace(newRegExp(r"\n+"), "\n")
inf = $inf.cstring.replace(newRegExp(r"\n "), "\n")
inf = $inf.cstring.replace(newRegExp(r" \n"), "\n")
start = 0
send = 0
chunks : seq[string] = @[]
while start + chunk_size < inf.len and send != -1:
send = inf.rfind(' ', start, start + chunk_size)
start = send + 1
var scores : seq[(string, float64)] = @[]
when defined(c):
var flows : seq[FlowVar[float64]] = @[]
for c in chunks:
flows.add(spawn score_chunk(c, fuzziness))
for f in flows:
let score = ^f
var d : string = "Human"
if score < 0.0:
d = "AI"
scores.add((d, score * -1.0))
scores.add((d, score))
when defined(js):
for c in chunks:
scores.add(score_string(c, fuzziness))
var ssum : float64 = 0.0
for s in scores:
if s[0] == "AI":
ssum -= s[1]
ssum += s[1]
var sa : float64 = ssum / len(scores).toFloat
if sa < 0:
return ("AI", abs(sa))
return ("Human", abs(sa))
when isMainModule and defined(c):
proc display_help() =
echo "Call with one or more files to classify"
when defined(c) and isMainModule:
filenames : seq[string] = @[]
parser = initOptParser()
while true:
case parser.kind
of cmdEnd: break
of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption:
if parser.key == "help" or parser.key == "h":
quit 0
of cmdArgument:
if filenames.len == 0:
quit 0
for fn in filenames:
if fileExists(fn):
echo fn
let (d, s) = run_on_text_chunked(readFile(fn))
echo "(" & d & ", " & $s.formatFloat(ffDecimal, 8) & ")"
when defined(js) and isMainModule:
proc do_detect() {.exportc.} =
text : string = $document.getElementById("text_input").value
var (d, s) = run_on_text_chunked(text)
document.getElementById("output_span").textContent = d.cstring & ", confidence score of: " & ($s.round(6)).cstring