package; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import; /** * Constructs an AST from the given expression tokens. * * It uses a shunting yard algorithm. */ public class ExpressionBuilder { private Deque operands = new ArrayDeque(); private Deque operators = new ArrayDeque(); private int groupCount = 0; public ExpressionBuilder() { operators.push(SENTINEL); } public void addValueToken(Expression value) { operands.push(value); } public void addOperatorToken(Operator operator) { evaluateNotYieldingTo(operator); if (operator == GROUP_OPEN || operator == INDEX_OPEN) { groupCount++; operators.push(operator); operators.push(SENTINEL); } else if (operator == GROUP_CLOSE || operator == INDEX_CLOSE) { groupCount--; if (operators.pop() != SENTINEL) throw new AssemblyException("Sentinel expected."); if (operator == GROUP_CLOSE && operators.peek() != GROUP_OPEN) throw new ExpressionError("Group open expected."); if (operator == INDEX_CLOSE && operators.peek() != INDEX_OPEN) throw new ExpressionError("Index open expected."); } else { operators.push(operator); } } public Expression getExpression() { if (operands.isEmpty() || operators.isEmpty()) throw new AssemblyException("Operands / operators is empty: " + this); // process remainder evaluateNotYieldingTo(SENTINEL); if (operators.size() > 1 && operators.peek() == SENTINEL) throw new ExpressionError("Group close expected."); if (operands.size() > 1 || operators.size() != 1) throw new AssemblyException("Not all operands / operators were processed: " + this); return operands.pop(); } private void evaluateNotYieldingTo(Operator operator) { while (!operators.peek().yieldsTo(operator)) operands.push(operators.pop().evaluate()); } public boolean hasOpenGroup() { return groupCount > 0; } public String toString() { return "" + operands + " / " + operators; } private abstract class Operator { private Precedence precedence; private Associativity associativity; private Operator(Precedence precedence, Associativity associativity) { this.precedence = precedence; this.associativity = associativity; } public boolean yieldsTo(Operator other) { if (associativity == Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) return precedence.ordinal() > other.precedence.ordinal(); else return precedence.ordinal() >= other.precedence.ordinal(); } public abstract Expression evaluate(); } public final Operator POSITIVE = new Operator(Precedence.UNARY, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { return new Positive(operands.pop()); }; }; public final Operator NEGATIVE = new Operator(Precedence.UNARY, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { return new Negative(operands.pop()); }; }; public final Operator COMPLEMENT = new Operator(Precedence.UNARY, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { return new Complement(operands.pop()); }; }; public final Operator NOT = new Operator(Precedence.UNARY, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { return new Not(operands.pop()); }; }; public final Operator MEMBER = new Operator(Precedence.MEMBER, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); if (!(operandRight instanceof Identifier)) throw new ExpressionError("Member operator right hand side must be an identifier."); return new Member(operands.pop(), (Identifier)operandRight); }; }; public final Operator MULTIPLY = new Operator(Precedence.MULTIPLICATION, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Multiply(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator DIVIDE = new Operator(Precedence.MULTIPLICATION, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Divide(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator MODULO = new Operator(Precedence.MULTIPLICATION, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Modulo(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator ADD = new Operator(Precedence.ADDITION, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Add(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator SUBTRACT = new Operator(Precedence.ADDITION, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Subtract(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator SHIFT_LEFT = new Operator(Precedence.SHIFT, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new ShiftLeft(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator SHIFT_RIGHT = new Operator(Precedence.SHIFT, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new ShiftRight(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator LESS_THAN = new Operator(Precedence.COMPARISON, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new LessThan(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator LESS_OR_EQUALS = new Operator(Precedence.COMPARISON, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new LessOrEquals(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator GREATER_THAN = new Operator(Precedence.COMPARISON, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new GreaterThan(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator GREATER_OR_EQUALS = new Operator(Precedence.COMPARISON, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new GreaterOrEquals(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator EQUALS = new Operator(Precedence.EQUALITY, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Equals(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator NOT_EQUALS = new Operator(Precedence.EQUALITY, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new NotEquals(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator AND = new Operator(Precedence.AND, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new And(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator XOR = new Operator(Precedence.XOR, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Xor(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator OR = new Operator(Precedence.OR, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Or(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator LOGICAL_AND = new Operator(Precedence.LOGICAL_AND, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new LogicalAnd(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator LOGICAL_OR = new Operator(Precedence.LOGICAL_OR, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new LogicalOr(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator ANNOTATION = new Operator(Precedence.ANNOTATION, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); Expression operandLeft = operands.pop(); if (!(operandLeft instanceof Identifier)) throw new ExpressionError("Annotation left hand side must be an identifier."); return new Annotation((Identifier)operandLeft, operandRight); }; }; public final Operator SEQUENCE = new Operator(Precedence.SEQUENCE, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Sequence(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator TERNARYIF = new Operator(Precedence.TERNARYIFELSE, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { throw new ExpressionError("Ternary if (?) without else (:)."); }; }; public final Operator TERNARYELSE = new Operator(Precedence.TERNARYIFELSE, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); while (operators.peek() == TERNARYELSE) { operands.push(operators.pop().evaluate()); } if (operators.peek() == TERNARYIF) { operators.pop(); Expression operandMiddle = operands.pop(); return new IfElse(operands.pop(), operandMiddle, operandRight); } else { throw new ExpressionError("Ternary else (:) without if (?)."); } }; }; public final Operator GROUP_OPEN = new Operator(Precedence.GROUPING, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { return new Group(operands.pop()); }; }; public final Operator GROUP_CLOSE = new Operator(Precedence.NONE, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { throw new AssemblyException("Can not evaluate group close."); }; }; public final Operator INDEX_OPEN = new Operator(Precedence.MEMBER, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { Expression operandRight = operands.pop(); return new Index(operands.pop(), operandRight); }; }; public final Operator INDEX_CLOSE = new Operator(Precedence.NONE, Associativity.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { throw new AssemblyException("Can not evaluate group close."); }; }; public final Operator SENTINEL = new Operator(Precedence.NONE, Associativity.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { @Override public Expression evaluate() { throw new AssemblyException("Can not evaluate sentinel."); }; }; private enum Precedence { GROUPING, MEMBER, UNARY, MULTIPLICATION, ADDITION, SHIFT, COMPARISON, EQUALITY, AND, XOR, OR, LOGICAL_AND, LOGICAL_OR, TERNARYIFELSE, ANNOTATION, SEQUENCE, NONE } private enum Associativity { LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT } public static class ExpressionError extends AssemblyException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ExpressionError(String message) { super("Expression error: " + message); } } }