kopia lustrzana https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
5365 wiersze
240 KiB
5365 wiersze
240 KiB
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import calendar
import copy
import datetime
import functools
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import math
import os.path
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import traceback
import threading
from .common import InfoExtractor, SearchInfoExtractor
from ..compat import (
from ..jsinterp import JSInterpreter
from ..utils import (
def get_first(obj, keys, **kwargs):
return traverse_obj(obj, (..., *variadic(keys)), **kwargs, get_all=False)
# any clients starting with _ cannot be explicity requested by the user
'web': {
'client': {
'clientName': 'WEB',
'clientVersion': '2.20211221.00.00',
'web_embedded': {
'client': {
'clientName': 'WEB_EMBEDDED_PLAYER',
'clientVersion': '1.20211215.00.01',
'web_music': {
'INNERTUBE_HOST': 'music.youtube.com',
'client': {
'clientName': 'WEB_REMIX',
'clientVersion': '1.20211213.00.00',
'web_creator': {
'INNERTUBE_API_KEY': 'AIzaSyBUPetSUmoZL-OhlxA7wSac5XinrygCqMo',
'client': {
'clientName': 'WEB_CREATOR',
'clientVersion': '1.20211220.02.00',
'android': {
'INNERTUBE_API_KEY': 'AIzaSyA8eiZmM1FaDVjRy-df2KTyQ_vz_yYM39w',
'client': {
'clientName': 'ANDROID',
'clientVersion': '16.49',
'android_embedded': {
'INNERTUBE_API_KEY': 'AIzaSyCjc_pVEDi4qsv5MtC2dMXzpIaDoRFLsxw',
'client': {
'clientVersion': '16.49',
'android_music': {
'client': {
'clientName': 'ANDROID_MUSIC',
'clientVersion': '4.57',
'android_creator': {
'INNERTUBE_API_KEY': 'AIzaSyD_qjV8zaaUMehtLkrKFgVeSX_Iqbtyws8',
'client': {
'clientName': 'ANDROID_CREATOR',
'clientVersion': '21.47',
# iOS clients have HLS live streams. Setting device model to get 60fps formats.
# See: https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor/issues/680#issuecomment-1002724558
'ios': {
'INNERTUBE_API_KEY': 'AIzaSyB-63vPrdThhKuerbB2N_l7Kwwcxj6yUAc',
'client': {
'clientName': 'IOS',
'clientVersion': '16.46',
'deviceModel': 'iPhone14,3',
'ios_embedded': {
'client': {
'clientVersion': '16.46',
'deviceModel': 'iPhone14,3',
'ios_music': {
'INNERTUBE_API_KEY': 'AIzaSyBAETezhkwP0ZWA02RsqT1zu78Fpt0bC_s',
'client': {
'clientName': 'IOS_MUSIC',
'clientVersion': '4.57',
'ios_creator': {
'client': {
'clientName': 'IOS_CREATOR',
'clientVersion': '21.47',
# mweb has 'ultralow' formats
# See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/pull/557
'mweb': {
'client': {
'clientName': 'MWEB',
'clientVersion': '2.20211221.01.00',
def build_innertube_clients():
third_party = {
'embedUrl': 'https://google.com', # Can be any valid URL
base_clients = ('android', 'web', 'ios', 'mweb')
priority = qualities(base_clients[::-1])
for client, ytcfg in tuple(INNERTUBE_CLIENTS.items()):
ytcfg.setdefault('INNERTUBE_API_KEY', 'AIzaSyDCU8hByM-4DrUqRUYnGn-3llEO78bcxq8')
ytcfg.setdefault('INNERTUBE_HOST', 'www.youtube.com')
ytcfg.setdefault('REQUIRE_JS_PLAYER', True)
ytcfg['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT']['client'].setdefault('hl', 'en')
ytcfg['priority'] = 10 * priority(client.split('_', 1)[0])
if client in base_clients:
INNERTUBE_CLIENTS[f'{client}_agegate'] = agegate_ytcfg = copy.deepcopy(ytcfg)
agegate_ytcfg['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT']['client']['clientScreen'] = 'EMBED'
agegate_ytcfg['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT']['thirdParty'] = third_party
agegate_ytcfg['priority'] -= 1
elif client.endswith('_embedded'):
ytcfg['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT']['thirdParty'] = third_party
ytcfg['priority'] -= 2
ytcfg['priority'] -= 3
class YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
"""Provide base functions for Youtube extractors"""
_PLAYLIST_ID_RE = r'(?:(?:PL|LL|EC|UU|FL|RD|UL|TL|PU|OLAK5uy_)[0-9A-Za-z-_]{10,}|RDMM|WL|LL|LM)'
_NETRC_MACHINE = 'youtube'
# If True it will raise an error if no login info is provided
# invidious-redirect websites
# Invidious instances taken from https://github.com/iv-org/documentation/blob/master/Invidious-Instances.md
# youtube-dl invidious instances list
def _login(self):
Attempt to log in to YouTube.
If _LOGIN_REQUIRED is set and no authentication was provided, an error is raised.
and self.get_param('cookiefile') is None
and self.get_param('cookiesfrombrowser') is None):
'Login details are needed to download this content', method='cookies')
username, password = self._get_login_info()
if username:
self.report_warning(f'Cannot login to YouTube using username and password. {self._LOGIN_HINTS["cookies"]}')
def _initialize_consent(self):
cookies = self._get_cookies('https://www.youtube.com/')
if cookies.get('__Secure-3PSID'):
consent_id = None
consent = cookies.get('CONSENT')
if consent:
if 'YES' in consent.value:
consent_id = self._search_regex(
r'PENDING\+(\d+)', consent.value, 'consent', default=None)
if not consent_id:
consent_id = random.randint(100, 999)
self._set_cookie('.youtube.com', 'CONSENT', 'YES+cb.20210328-17-p0.en+FX+%s' % consent_id)
def _initialize_pref(self):
cookies = self._get_cookies('https://www.youtube.com/')
pref_cookie = cookies.get('PREF')
pref = {}
if pref_cookie:
pref = dict(compat_urlparse.parse_qsl(pref_cookie.value))
except ValueError:
self.report_warning('Failed to parse user PREF cookie' + bug_reports_message())
pref.update({'hl': 'en'})
self._set_cookie('.youtube.com', name='PREF', value=compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(pref))
def _real_initialize(self):
_YT_INITIAL_DATA_RE = r'(?:window\s*\[\s*["\']ytInitialData["\']\s*\]|ytInitialData)\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;'
_YT_INITIAL_PLAYER_RESPONSE_RE = r'ytInitialPlayerResponse\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;'
_YT_INITIAL_BOUNDARY_RE = r'(?:var\s+meta|</script|\n)'
def _get_default_ytcfg(self, client='web'):
return copy.deepcopy(INNERTUBE_CLIENTS[client])
def _get_innertube_host(self, client='web'):
def _ytcfg_get_safe(self, ytcfg, getter, expected_type=None, default_client='web'):
# try_get but with fallback to default ytcfg client values when present
_func = lambda y: try_get(y, getter, expected_type)
return _func(ytcfg) or _func(self._get_default_ytcfg(default_client))
def _extract_client_name(self, ytcfg, default_client='web'):
return self._ytcfg_get_safe(
ytcfg, (lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME'],
lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT']['client']['clientName']), compat_str, default_client)
def _extract_client_version(self, ytcfg, default_client='web'):
return self._ytcfg_get_safe(
ytcfg, (lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION'],
lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT']['client']['clientVersion']), compat_str, default_client)
def _extract_api_key(self, ytcfg=None, default_client='web'):
return self._ytcfg_get_safe(ytcfg, lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_API_KEY'], compat_str, default_client)
def _extract_context(self, ytcfg=None, default_client='web'):
context = get_first(
(ytcfg, self._get_default_ytcfg(default_client)), 'INNERTUBE_CONTEXT', expected_type=dict)
# Enforce language for extraction
traverse_obj(context, 'client', expected_type=dict, default={})['hl'] = 'en'
return context
def _generate_sapisidhash_header(self, origin='https://www.youtube.com'):
time_now = round(time.time())
if self._SAPISID is None:
yt_cookies = self._get_cookies('https://www.youtube.com')
# Sometimes SAPISID cookie isn't present but __Secure-3PAPISID is.
# See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/393
sapisid_cookie = dict_get(
yt_cookies, ('__Secure-3PAPISID', 'SAPISID'))
if sapisid_cookie and sapisid_cookie.value:
self._SAPISID = sapisid_cookie.value
self.write_debug('Extracted SAPISID cookie')
# SAPISID cookie is required if not already present
if not yt_cookies.get('SAPISID'):
self.write_debug('Copying __Secure-3PAPISID cookie to SAPISID cookie')
'.youtube.com', 'SAPISID', self._SAPISID, secure=True, expire_time=time_now + 3600)
self._SAPISID = False
if not self._SAPISID:
return None
# SAPISIDHASH algorithm from https://stackoverflow.com/a/32065323
sapisidhash = hashlib.sha1(
f'{time_now} {self._SAPISID} {origin}'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return f'SAPISIDHASH {time_now}_{sapisidhash}'
def _call_api(self, ep, query, video_id, fatal=True, headers=None,
note='Downloading API JSON', errnote='Unable to download API page',
context=None, api_key=None, api_hostname=None, default_client='web'):
data = {'context': context} if context else {'context': self._extract_context(default_client=default_client)}
real_headers = self.generate_api_headers(default_client=default_client)
real_headers.update({'content-type': 'application/json'})
if headers:
return self._download_json(
'https://%s/youtubei/v1/%s' % (api_hostname or self._get_innertube_host(default_client), ep),
video_id=video_id, fatal=fatal, note=note, errnote=errnote,
data=json.dumps(data).encode('utf8'), headers=real_headers,
query={'key': api_key or self._extract_api_key()})
def extract_yt_initial_data(self, item_id, webpage, fatal=True):
data = self._search_regex(
(r'%s\s*%s' % (self._YT_INITIAL_DATA_RE, self._YT_INITIAL_BOUNDARY_RE),
self._YT_INITIAL_DATA_RE), webpage, 'yt initial data', fatal=fatal)
if data:
return self._parse_json(data, item_id, fatal=fatal)
def _extract_session_index(*data):
Index of current account in account list.
See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/pull/519
for ytcfg in data:
session_index = int_or_none(try_get(ytcfg, lambda x: x['SESSION_INDEX']))
if session_index is not None:
return session_index
# Deprecated?
def _extract_identity_token(self, ytcfg=None, webpage=None):
if ytcfg:
token = try_get(ytcfg, lambda x: x['ID_TOKEN'], compat_str)
if token:
return token
if webpage:
return self._search_regex(
r'\bID_TOKEN["\']\s*:\s*["\'](.+?)["\']', webpage,
'identity token', default=None, fatal=False)
def _extract_account_syncid(*args):
Extract syncId required to download private playlists of secondary channels
@params response and/or ytcfg
for data in args:
# ytcfg includes channel_syncid if on secondary channel
delegated_sid = try_get(data, lambda x: x['DELEGATED_SESSION_ID'], compat_str)
if delegated_sid:
return delegated_sid
sync_ids = (try_get(
data, (lambda x: x['responseContext']['mainAppWebResponseContext']['datasyncId'],
lambda x: x['DATASYNC_ID']), compat_str) or '').split('||')
if len(sync_ids) >= 2 and sync_ids[1]:
# datasyncid is of the form "channel_syncid||user_syncid" for secondary channel
# and just "user_syncid||" for primary channel. We only want the channel_syncid
return sync_ids[0]
def _extract_visitor_data(*args):
Extracts visitorData from an API response or ytcfg
Appears to be used to track session state
return get_first(
args, (('VISITOR_DATA', ('INNERTUBE_CONTEXT', 'client', 'visitorData'), ('responseContext', 'visitorData'))),
def is_authenticated(self):
return bool(self._generate_sapisidhash_header())
def extract_ytcfg(self, video_id, webpage):
if not webpage:
return {}
return self._parse_json(
r'ytcfg\.set\s*\(\s*({.+?})\s*\)\s*;', webpage, 'ytcfg',
default='{}'), video_id, fatal=False) or {}
def generate_api_headers(
self, *, ytcfg=None, account_syncid=None, session_index=None,
visitor_data=None, identity_token=None, api_hostname=None, default_client='web'):
origin = 'https://' + (api_hostname if api_hostname else self._get_innertube_host(default_client))
headers = {
'X-YouTube-Client-Name': compat_str(
self._ytcfg_get_safe(ytcfg, lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_CLIENT_NAME'], default_client=default_client)),
'X-YouTube-Client-Version': self._extract_client_version(ytcfg, default_client),
'Origin': origin,
'X-Youtube-Identity-Token': identity_token or self._extract_identity_token(ytcfg),
'X-Goog-PageId': account_syncid or self._extract_account_syncid(ytcfg),
'X-Goog-Visitor-Id': visitor_data or self._extract_visitor_data(ytcfg)
if session_index is None:
session_index = self._extract_session_index(ytcfg)
if account_syncid or session_index is not None:
headers['X-Goog-AuthUser'] = session_index if session_index is not None else 0
auth = self._generate_sapisidhash_header(origin)
if auth is not None:
headers['Authorization'] = auth
headers['X-Origin'] = origin
return {h: v for h, v in headers.items() if v is not None}
def _build_api_continuation_query(continuation, ctp=None):
query = {
'continuation': continuation
# TODO: Inconsistency with clickTrackingParams.
# Currently we have a fixed ctp contained within context (from ytcfg)
# and a ctp in root query for continuation.
if ctp:
query['clickTracking'] = {'clickTrackingParams': ctp}
return query
def _extract_next_continuation_data(cls, renderer):
next_continuation = try_get(
renderer, (lambda x: x['continuations'][0]['nextContinuationData'],
lambda x: x['continuation']['reloadContinuationData']), dict)
if not next_continuation:
continuation = next_continuation.get('continuation')
if not continuation:
ctp = next_continuation.get('clickTrackingParams')
return cls._build_api_continuation_query(continuation, ctp)
def _extract_continuation_ep_data(cls, continuation_ep: dict):
if isinstance(continuation_ep, dict):
continuation = try_get(
continuation_ep, lambda x: x['continuationCommand']['token'], compat_str)
if not continuation:
ctp = continuation_ep.get('clickTrackingParams')
return cls._build_api_continuation_query(continuation, ctp)
def _extract_continuation(cls, renderer):
next_continuation = cls._extract_next_continuation_data(renderer)
if next_continuation:
return next_continuation
contents = []
for key in ('contents', 'items'):
contents.extend(try_get(renderer, lambda x: x[key], list) or [])
for content in contents:
if not isinstance(content, dict):
continuation_ep = try_get(
content, (lambda x: x['continuationItemRenderer']['continuationEndpoint'],
lambda x: x['continuationItemRenderer']['button']['buttonRenderer']['command']),
continuation = cls._extract_continuation_ep_data(continuation_ep)
if continuation:
return continuation
def _extract_alerts(cls, data):
for alert_dict in try_get(data, lambda x: x['alerts'], list) or []:
if not isinstance(alert_dict, dict):
for alert in alert_dict.values():
alert_type = alert.get('type')
if not alert_type:
message = cls._get_text(alert, 'text')
if message:
yield alert_type, message
def _report_alerts(self, alerts, expected=True, fatal=True, only_once=False):
errors = []
warnings = []
for alert_type, alert_message in alerts:
if alert_type.lower() == 'error' and fatal:
errors.append([alert_type, alert_message])
warnings.append([alert_type, alert_message])
for alert_type, alert_message in (warnings + errors[:-1]):
self.report_warning('YouTube said: %s - %s' % (alert_type, alert_message), only_once=only_once)
if errors:
raise ExtractorError('YouTube said: %s' % errors[-1][1], expected=expected)
def _extract_and_report_alerts(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
return self._report_alerts(self._extract_alerts(data), *args, **kwargs)
def _extract_badges(self, renderer: dict):
badges = set()
for badge in try_get(renderer, lambda x: x['badges'], list) or []:
label = try_get(badge, lambda x: x['metadataBadgeRenderer']['label'], compat_str)
if label:
return badges
def _get_text(data, *path_list, max_runs=None):
for path in path_list or [None]:
if path is None:
obj = [data]
obj = traverse_obj(data, path, default=[])
if not any(key is ... or isinstance(key, (list, tuple)) for key in variadic(path)):
obj = [obj]
for item in obj:
text = try_get(item, lambda x: x['simpleText'], compat_str)
if text:
return text
runs = try_get(item, lambda x: x['runs'], list) or []
if not runs and isinstance(item, list):
runs = item
runs = runs[:min(len(runs), max_runs or len(runs))]
text = ''.join(traverse_obj(runs, (..., 'text'), expected_type=str, default=[]))
if text:
return text
def _get_count(self, data, *path_list):
count_text = self._get_text(data, *path_list) or ''
count = parse_count(count_text)
if count is None:
count = str_to_int(
self._search_regex(r'^([\d,]+)', re.sub(r'\s', '', count_text), 'count', default=None))
return count
def _extract_thumbnails(data, *path_list):
Extract thumbnails from thumbnails dict
@param path_list: path list to level that contains 'thumbnails' key
thumbnails = []
for path in path_list or [()]:
for thumbnail in traverse_obj(data, (*variadic(path), 'thumbnails', ...), default=[]):
thumbnail_url = url_or_none(thumbnail.get('url'))
if not thumbnail_url:
# Sometimes youtube gives a wrong thumbnail URL. See:
# https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/233
# https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28023
if 'maxresdefault' in thumbnail_url:
thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url.split('?')[0]
'url': thumbnail_url,
'height': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('height')),
'width': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('width')),
return thumbnails
def extract_relative_time(relative_time_text):
Extracts a relative time from string and converts to dt object
e.g. 'streamed 6 days ago', '5 seconds ago (edited)', 'updated today'
mobj = re.search(r'(?P<start>today|yesterday|now)|(?P<time>\d+)\s*(?P<unit>microsecond|second|minute|hour|day|week|month|year)s?\s*ago', relative_time_text)
if mobj:
start = mobj.group('start')
if start:
return datetime_from_str(start)
return datetime_from_str('now-%s%s' % (mobj.group('time'), mobj.group('unit')))
except ValueError:
return None
def _extract_time_text(self, renderer, *path_list):
text = self._get_text(renderer, *path_list) or ''
dt = self.extract_relative_time(text)
timestamp = None
if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
timestamp = calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple())
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = (
unified_timestamp(text) or unified_timestamp(
(r'(?:.+|^)(?:live|premieres|ed|ing)(?:\s*on)?\s*(.+\d)', r'\w+[\s,\.-]*\w+[\s,\.-]+20\d{2}'), text.lower(), 'time text', default=None)))
if text and timestamp is None:
self.report_warning('Cannot parse localized time text' + bug_reports_message(), only_once=True)
return timestamp, text
def _extract_response(self, item_id, query, note='Downloading API JSON', headers=None,
ytcfg=None, check_get_keys=None, ep='browse', fatal=True, api_hostname=None,
response = None
last_error = None
count = -1
retries = self.get_param('extractor_retries', 3)
if check_get_keys is None:
check_get_keys = []
while count < retries:
count += 1
if last_error:
self.report_warning('%s. Retrying ...' % remove_end(last_error, '.'))
response = self._call_api(
ep=ep, fatal=True, headers=headers,
video_id=item_id, query=query,
context=self._extract_context(ytcfg, default_client),
api_key=self._extract_api_key(ytcfg, default_client),
api_hostname=api_hostname, default_client=default_client,
note='%s%s' % (note, ' (retry #%d)' % count if count else ''))
except ExtractorError as e:
if isinstance(e.cause, network_exceptions):
if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and not is_html(e.cause.read(512)):
yt_error = try_get(
self._parse_json(e.cause.read().decode(), item_id, fatal=False),
lambda x: x['error']['message'], compat_str)
if yt_error:
self._report_alerts([('ERROR', yt_error)], fatal=False)
# Downloading page may result in intermittent 5xx HTTP error
# Sometimes a 404 is also recieved. See: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28289
# We also want to catch all other network exceptions since errors in later pages can be troublesome
# See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/507#issuecomment-880188210
if not isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) or e.cause.code not in (403, 429):
last_error = error_to_compat_str(e.cause or e.msg)
if count < retries:
if fatal:
self._extract_and_report_alerts(response, only_once=True)
except ExtractorError as e:
# YouTube servers may return errors we want to retry on in a 200 OK response
# See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/839
if 'unknown error' in e.msg.lower():
last_error = e.msg
if fatal:
if not check_get_keys or dict_get(response, check_get_keys):
# Youtube sometimes sends incomplete data
# See: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28194
last_error = 'Incomplete data received'
if count >= retries:
if fatal:
raise ExtractorError(last_error)
return response
def is_music_url(url):
return re.match(r'https?://music\.youtube\.com/', url) is not None
def _extract_video(self, renderer):
video_id = renderer.get('videoId')
title = self._get_text(renderer, 'title')
description = self._get_text(renderer, 'descriptionSnippet')
duration = parse_duration(self._get_text(
renderer, 'lengthText', ('thumbnailOverlays', ..., 'thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer', 'text')))
view_count = self._get_count(renderer, 'viewCountText')
uploader = self._get_text(renderer, 'ownerText', 'shortBylineText')
channel_id = traverse_obj(
renderer, ('shortBylineText', 'runs', ..., 'navigationEndpoint', 'browseEndpoint', 'browseId'), expected_type=str, get_all=False)
timestamp, time_text = self._extract_time_text(renderer, 'publishedTimeText')
scheduled_timestamp = str_to_int(traverse_obj(renderer, ('upcomingEventData', 'startTime'), get_all=False))
overlay_style = traverse_obj(
renderer, ('thumbnailOverlays', ..., 'thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer', 'style'), get_all=False, expected_type=str)
badges = self._extract_badges(renderer)
thumbnails = self._extract_thumbnails(renderer, 'thumbnail')
return {
'_type': 'url',
'ie_key': YoutubeIE.ie_key(),
'id': video_id,
'url': f'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id}',
'title': title,
'description': description,
'duration': duration,
'view_count': view_count,
'uploader': uploader,
'channel_id': channel_id,
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
'upload_date': strftime_or_none(timestamp, '%Y%m%d'),
'live_status': ('is_upcoming' if scheduled_timestamp is not None
else 'was_live' if 'streamed' in time_text.lower()
else 'is_live' if overlay_style is not None and overlay_style == 'LIVE' or 'live now' in badges
else None),
'release_timestamp': scheduled_timestamp,
'availability': self._availability(needs_premium='premium' in badges, needs_subscription='members only' in badges)
class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube'
_VALID_URL = r"""(?x)^
(?:https?://|//) # http(s):// or protocol-independent URL
youtube\.googleapis\.com)/ # the various hostnames, with wildcard subdomains
(?:.*?\#/)? # handle anchor (#/) redirect urls
(?: # the various things that can precede the ID:
(?:(?:v|embed|e|shorts)/(?!videoseries)) # v/ or embed/ or e/ or shorts/
|(?: # or the v= param in all its forms
(?:(?:watch|movie)(?:_popup)?(?:\.php)?/?)? # preceding watch(_popup|.php) or nothing (like /?v=xxxx)
(?:\?|\#!?) # the params delimiter ? or # or #!
(?:.*?[&;])?? # any other preceding param (like /?s=tuff&v=xxxx or ?s=tuff&v=V36LpHqtcDY)
youtu\.be| # just youtu.be/xxxx
vid\.plus| # or vid.plus/xxxx
zwearz\.com/watch| # or zwearz.com/watch/xxxx
)? # all until now is optional -> you can pass the naked ID
(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}) # here is it! the YouTube video ID
(?(1).+)? # if we found the ID, everything can follow
(?:\#|$)""" % {
'invidious': '|'.join(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._INVIDIOUS_SITES),
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'35': {'ext': 'flv', 'width': 854, 'height': 480, 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 128, 'vcodec': 'h264'},
# itag 36 videos are either 320x180 (BaW_jenozKc) or 320x240 (__2ABJjxzNo), abr varies as well
'36': {'ext': '3gp', 'width': 320, 'acodec': 'aac', 'vcodec': 'mp4v'},
'37': {'ext': 'mp4', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 192, 'vcodec': 'h264'},
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'84': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 720, 'format_note': '3D', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 192, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -20},
'85': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': '3D', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 192, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -20},
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# Apple HTTP Live Streaming
'91': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 144, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 48, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -10},
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'93': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 360, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 128, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -10},
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'95': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 256, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -10},
'96': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 256, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -10},
'132': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 240, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 48, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -10},
'151': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 72, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 24, 'vcodec': 'h264', 'preference': -10},
# DASH mp4 video
'133': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 240, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264'},
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'138': {'ext': 'mp4', 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264'}, # Height can vary (https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/4559)
'160': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 144, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264'},
'212': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264'},
'264': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1440, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264'},
'298': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264', 'fps': 60},
'299': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264', 'fps': 60},
'266': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'h264'},
# Dash mp4 audio
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'141': {'ext': 'm4a', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'aac', 'abr': 256, 'container': 'm4a_dash'},
'256': {'ext': 'm4a', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'aac', 'container': 'm4a_dash'},
'258': {'ext': 'm4a', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'aac', 'container': 'm4a_dash'},
'325': {'ext': 'm4a', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'dtse', 'container': 'm4a_dash'},
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'170': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1080, 'width': 1920, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'vp8'},
'218': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'width': 854, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'vp8'},
'219': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'width': 854, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'vp8'},
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'244': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9'},
'245': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9'},
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'271': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1440, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9'},
# itag 272 videos are either 3840x2160 (e.g. RtoitU2A-3E) or 7680x4320 (sLprVF6d7Ug)
'272': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9'},
'302': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9', 'fps': 60},
'303': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9', 'fps': 60},
'308': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1440, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9', 'fps': 60},
'313': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9'},
'315': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'vp9', 'fps': 60},
# Dash webm audio
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'172': {'ext': 'webm', 'acodec': 'vorbis', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'abr': 256},
# Dash webm audio with opus inside
'249': {'ext': 'webm', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'opus', 'abr': 50},
'250': {'ext': 'webm', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'opus', 'abr': 70},
'251': {'ext': 'webm', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'opus', 'abr': 160},
# RTMP (unnamed)
'_rtmp': {'protocol': 'rtmp'},
# av01 video only formats sometimes served with "unknown" codecs
'394': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 144, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'vcodec': 'av01.0.00M.08'},
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# YouTube Red ad is not captured for creator
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# Non-square pixels
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'description': 'Retransmisión en directo de la XVIII media maratón de Zaragoza.',
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# Multifeed videos (multiple cameras), URL is for Main Camera
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# Title with JS-like syntax "};" (see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/7468)
# Also tests cut-off URL expansion in video description (see
# https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/1892,
# https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/8164)
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# with '};' inside yt initial data (see [1])
# see [2] for an example with '};' inside ytInitialPlayerResponse
# 1. https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/27093
# 2. https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/27216
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'age_limit': 0,
'view_count': int,
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzsJBIyo8hhpFm1NK0uLgw',
'creator': 'The Cinematic Orchestra',
'channel': 'The Cinematic Orchestra',
'tags': ['The Cinematic Orchestra', 'Every Day', 'Burn Out'],
'channel_id': 'UCIzsJBIyo8hhpFm1NK0uLgw',
'availability': 'public',
'thumbnail': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OtqTfy26tG0/maxresdefault.jpg',
'categories': ['Music'],
'playable_in_embed': True,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
# controversial video, only works with bpctr when authenticated with cookies
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGC3D_FkCmg',
'only_matching': True,
# controversial video, requires bpctr/contentCheckOk
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZJvDhaSDnc',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'SZJvDhaSDnc',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'San Diego teen commits suicide after bullying over embarrassing video',
'channel_id': 'UC-SJ6nODDmufqBzPBwCvYvQ',
'uploader': 'CBS Mornings',
'uploader_id': 'CBSThisMorning',
'upload_date': '20140716',
'description': 'md5:acde3a73d3f133fc97e837a9f76b53b7',
'duration': 170,
'categories': ['News & Politics'],
'uploader_url': 'http://www.youtube.com/user/CBSThisMorning',
'view_count': int,
'channel': 'CBS Mornings',
'tags': ['suicide', 'bullying', 'video', 'cbs', 'news'],
'thumbnail': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SZJvDhaSDnc/hqdefault.jpg',
'age_limit': 18,
'availability': 'needs_auth',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SJ6nODDmufqBzPBwCvYvQ',
'like_count': int,
'live_status': 'not_live',
'playable_in_embed': True,
# restricted location, https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28685
'url': 'cBvYw8_A0vQ',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'cBvYw8_A0vQ',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': '4K Ueno Okachimachi Street Scenes 上野御徒町歩き',
'description': 'md5:ea770e474b7cd6722b4c95b833c03630',
'upload_date': '20201120',
'uploader': 'Walk around Japan',
'uploader_id': 'UC3o_t8PzBmXf5S9b7GLx1Mw',
'uploader_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/channel/UC3o_t8PzBmXf5S9b7GLx1Mw',
'duration': 1456,
'categories': ['Travel & Events'],
'channel_id': 'UC3o_t8PzBmXf5S9b7GLx1Mw',
'view_count': int,
'channel': 'Walk around Japan',
'tags': ['Ueno Tokyo', 'Okachimachi Tokyo', 'Ameyoko Street', 'Tokyo attraction', 'Travel in Tokyo'],
'thumbnail': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/cBvYw8_A0vQ/hqdefault.webp',
'age_limit': 0,
'availability': 'public',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3o_t8PzBmXf5S9b7GLx1Mw',
'live_status': 'not_live',
'playable_in_embed': True,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
}, {
# Has multiple audio streams
'url': 'WaOKSUlf4TM',
'only_matching': True
}, {
# Requires Premium: has format 141 when requested using YTM url
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=XclachpHxis',
'only_matching': True
}, {
# multiple subtitles with same lang_code
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsQiKKfKxug',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
# Force use android client fallback
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOelRv7fMxY',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'YOelRv7fMxY',
'title': 'DIGGING A SECRET TUNNEL Part 1',
'ext': '3gp',
'upload_date': '20210624',
'channel_id': 'UCp68_FLety0O-n9QU6phsgw',
'uploader': 'colinfurze',
'uploader_id': 'colinfurze',
'channel_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/channel/UCp68_FLety0O-n9QU6phsgw',
'description': 'md5:5d5991195d599b56cd0c4148907eec50',
'duration': 596,
'categories': ['Entertainment'],
'uploader_url': 'http://www.youtube.com/user/colinfurze',
'view_count': int,
'channel': 'colinfurze',
'tags': ['Colin', 'furze', 'Terry', 'tunnel', 'underground', 'bunker'],
'thumbnail': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YOelRv7fMxY/maxresdefault.jpg',
'age_limit': 0,
'availability': 'public',
'like_count': int,
'live_status': 'not_live',
'playable_in_embed': True,
'params': {
'format': '17', # 3gp format available on android
'extractor_args': {'youtube': {'player_client': ['android']}},
# Skip download of additional client configs (remix client config in this case)
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=MgNrAu2pzNs',
'only_matching': True,
'params': {
'extractor_args': {'youtube': {'player_skip': ['configs']}},
}, {
# shorts
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BGQWPY4IigY',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'Storyboards',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KLPxDtMqe8',
'info_dict': {
'id': '5KLPxDtMqe8',
'ext': 'mhtml',
'format_id': 'sb0',
'title': 'Your Brain is Plastic',
'uploader_id': 'scishow',
'description': 'md5:89cd86034bdb5466cd87c6ba206cd2bc',
'upload_date': '20140324',
'uploader': 'SciShow',
'like_count': int,
'channel_id': 'UCZYTClx2T1of7BRZ86-8fow',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYTClx2T1of7BRZ86-8fow',
'view_count': int,
'thumbnail': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5KLPxDtMqe8/maxresdefault.jpg',
'playable_in_embed': True,
'tags': 'count:12',
'uploader_url': 'http://www.youtube.com/user/scishow',
'availability': 'public',
'channel': 'SciShow',
'live_status': 'not_live',
'duration': 248,
'categories': ['Education'],
'age_limit': 0,
}, 'params': {'format': 'mhtml', 'skip_download': True}
def suitable(cls, url):
from ..utils import parse_qs
qs = parse_qs(url)
if qs.get('list', [None])[0]:
return False
return super(YoutubeIE, cls).suitable(url)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(YoutubeIE, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._code_cache = {}
self._player_cache = {}
def _prepare_live_from_start_formats(self, formats, video_id, live_start_time, url, webpage_url, smuggled_data):
lock = threading.Lock()
is_live = True
start_time = time.time()
formats = [f for f in formats if f.get('is_from_start')]
def refetch_manifest(format_id, delay):
nonlocal formats, start_time, is_live
if time.time() <= start_time + delay:
_, _, prs, player_url = self._download_player_responses(url, smuggled_data, video_id, webpage_url)
video_details = traverse_obj(
prs, (..., 'videoDetails'), expected_type=dict, default=[])
microformats = traverse_obj(
prs, (..., 'microformat', 'playerMicroformatRenderer'),
expected_type=dict, default=[])
_, is_live, _, formats = self._list_formats(video_id, microformats, video_details, prs, player_url)
start_time = time.time()
def mpd_feed(format_id, delay):
@returns (manifest_url, manifest_stream_number, is_live) or None
with lock:
refetch_manifest(format_id, delay)
f = next((f for f in formats if f['format_id'] == format_id), None)
if not f:
if not is_live:
self.to_screen(f'{video_id}: Video is no longer live')
f'Cannot find refreshed manifest for format {format_id}{bug_reports_message()}')
return None
return f['manifest_url'], f['manifest_stream_number'], is_live
for f in formats:
f['protocol'] = 'http_dash_segments_generator'
f['fragments'] = functools.partial(
self._live_dash_fragments, f['format_id'], live_start_time, mpd_feed)
def _live_dash_fragments(self, format_id, live_start_time, mpd_feed, ctx):
mpd_url, stream_number, is_live = None, None, True
begin_index = 0
download_start_time = ctx.get('start') or time.time()
lack_early_segments = download_start_time - (live_start_time or download_start_time) > MAX_DURATION
if lack_early_segments:
'Starting download from the last 120 hours of the live stream since '
'YouTube does not have data before that. If you think this is wrong,'), only_once=True)
lack_early_segments = True
known_idx, no_fragment_score, last_segment_url = begin_index, 0, None
fragments, fragment_base_url = None, None
def _extract_sequence_from_mpd(refresh_sequence):
nonlocal mpd_url, stream_number, is_live, no_fragment_score, fragments, fragment_base_url
# Obtain from MPD's maximum seq value
old_mpd_url = mpd_url
last_error = ctx.pop('last_error', None)
expire_fast = last_error and isinstance(last_error, compat_HTTPError) and last_error.code == 403
mpd_url, stream_number, is_live = (mpd_feed(format_id, 5 if expire_fast else 18000)
or (mpd_url, stream_number, False))
if not refresh_sequence:
if expire_fast and not is_live:
return False, last_seq
elif old_mpd_url == mpd_url:
return True, last_seq
fmts, _ = self._extract_mpd_formats_and_subtitles(
mpd_url, None, note=False, errnote=False, fatal=False)
except ExtractorError:
fmts = None
if not fmts:
no_fragment_score += 1
return False, last_seq
fmt_info = next(x for x in fmts if x['manifest_stream_number'] == stream_number)
fragments = fmt_info['fragments']
fragment_base_url = fmt_info['fragment_base_url']
assert fragment_base_url
_last_seq = int(re.search(r'(?:/|^)sq/(\d+)', fragments[-1]['path']).group(1))
return True, _last_seq
while is_live:
fetch_time = time.time()
if no_fragment_score > 30:
if last_segment_url:
# Obtain from "X-Head-Seqnum" header value from each segment
urlh = self._request_webpage(
last_segment_url, None, note=False, errnote=False, fatal=False)
except ExtractorError:
urlh = None
last_seq = try_get(urlh, lambda x: int_or_none(x.headers['X-Head-Seqnum']))
if last_seq is None:
no_fragment_score += 1
last_segment_url = None
should_continue, last_seq = _extract_sequence_from_mpd(True)
if not should_continue:
if known_idx > last_seq:
last_segment_url = None
last_seq += 1
if begin_index < 0 and known_idx < 0:
# skip from the start when it's negative value
known_idx = last_seq + begin_index
if lack_early_segments:
known_idx = max(known_idx, last_seq - int(MAX_DURATION // fragments[-1]['duration']))
for idx in range(known_idx, last_seq):
# do not update sequence here or you'll get skipped some part of it
should_continue, _ = _extract_sequence_from_mpd(False)
if not should_continue:
known_idx = idx - 1
raise ExtractorError('breaking out of outer loop')
last_segment_url = urljoin(fragment_base_url, 'sq/%d' % idx)
yield {
'url': last_segment_url,
if known_idx == last_seq:
no_fragment_score += 5
no_fragment_score = 0
known_idx = last_seq
except ExtractorError:
time.sleep(max(0, FETCH_SPAN + fetch_time - time.time()))
def _extract_player_url(self, *ytcfgs, webpage=None):
player_url = traverse_obj(
ytcfgs, (..., 'PLAYER_JS_URL'), (..., 'WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS', ..., 'jsUrl'),
get_all=False, expected_type=compat_str)
if not player_url:
if player_url.startswith('//'):
player_url = 'https:' + player_url
elif not re.match(r'https?://', player_url):
player_url = compat_urlparse.urljoin(
'https://www.youtube.com', player_url)
return player_url
def _download_player_url(self, video_id, fatal=False):
res = self._download_webpage(
note='Downloading iframe API JS', video_id=video_id, fatal=fatal)
if res:
player_version = self._search_regex(
r'player\\?/([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\\?/', res, 'player version', fatal=fatal)
if player_version:
return f'https://www.youtube.com/s/player/{player_version}/player_ias.vflset/en_US/base.js'
def _signature_cache_id(self, example_sig):
""" Return a string representation of a signature """
return '.'.join(compat_str(len(part)) for part in example_sig.split('.'))
def _extract_player_info(cls, player_url):
for player_re in cls._PLAYER_INFO_RE:
id_m = re.search(player_re, player_url)
if id_m:
raise ExtractorError('Cannot identify player %r' % player_url)
return id_m.group('id')
def _load_player(self, video_id, player_url, fatal=True):
player_id = self._extract_player_info(player_url)
if player_id not in self._code_cache:
code = self._download_webpage(
player_url, video_id, fatal=fatal,
note='Downloading player ' + player_id,
errnote='Download of %s failed' % player_url)
if code:
self._code_cache[player_id] = code
return self._code_cache.get(player_id)
def _extract_signature_function(self, video_id, player_url, example_sig):
player_id = self._extract_player_info(player_url)
# Read from filesystem cache
func_id = 'js_%s_%s' % (
player_id, self._signature_cache_id(example_sig))
assert os.path.basename(func_id) == func_id
cache_spec = self._downloader.cache.load('youtube-sigfuncs', func_id)
if cache_spec is not None:
return lambda s: ''.join(s[i] for i in cache_spec)
code = self._load_player(video_id, player_url)
if code:
res = self._parse_sig_js(code)
test_string = ''.join(map(compat_chr, range(len(example_sig))))
cache_res = res(test_string)
cache_spec = [ord(c) for c in cache_res]
self._downloader.cache.store('youtube-sigfuncs', func_id, cache_spec)
return res
def _print_sig_code(self, func, example_sig):
if not self.get_param('youtube_print_sig_code'):
def gen_sig_code(idxs):
def _genslice(start, end, step):
starts = '' if start == 0 else str(start)
ends = (':%d' % (end + step)) if end + step >= 0 else ':'
steps = '' if step == 1 else (':%d' % step)
return 's[%s%s%s]' % (starts, ends, steps)
step = None
# Quelch pyflakes warnings - start will be set when step is set
start = '(Never used)'
for i, prev in zip(idxs[1:], idxs[:-1]):
if step is not None:
if i - prev == step:
yield _genslice(start, prev, step)
step = None
if i - prev in [-1, 1]:
step = i - prev
start = prev
yield 's[%d]' % prev
if step is None:
yield 's[%d]' % i
yield _genslice(start, i, step)
test_string = ''.join(map(compat_chr, range(len(example_sig))))
cache_res = func(test_string)
cache_spec = [ord(c) for c in cache_res]
expr_code = ' + '.join(gen_sig_code(cache_spec))
signature_id_tuple = '(%s)' % (
', '.join(compat_str(len(p)) for p in example_sig.split('.')))
code = ('if tuple(len(p) for p in s.split(\'.\')) == %s:\n'
' return %s\n') % (signature_id_tuple, expr_code)
self.to_screen('Extracted signature function:\n' + code)
def _parse_sig_js(self, jscode):
funcname = self._search_regex(
# Obsolete patterns
jscode, 'Initial JS player signature function name', group='sig')
jsi = JSInterpreter(jscode)
initial_function = jsi.extract_function(funcname)
return lambda s: initial_function([s])
def _decrypt_signature(self, s, video_id, player_url):
"""Turn the encrypted s field into a working signature"""
if player_url is None:
raise ExtractorError('Cannot decrypt signature without player_url')
player_id = (player_url, self._signature_cache_id(s))
if player_id not in self._player_cache:
func = self._extract_signature_function(
video_id, player_url, s
self._player_cache[player_id] = func
func = self._player_cache[player_id]
self._print_sig_code(func, s)
return func(s)
except Exception as e:
raise ExtractorError('Signature extraction failed: ' + traceback.format_exc(), cause=e)
def _decrypt_nsig(self, s, video_id, player_url):
"""Turn the encrypted n field into a working signature"""
if player_url is None:
raise ExtractorError('Cannot decrypt nsig without player_url')
if player_url.startswith('//'):
player_url = 'https:' + player_url
elif not re.match(r'https?://', player_url):
player_url = compat_urlparse.urljoin(
'https://www.youtube.com', player_url)
sig_id = ('nsig_value', s)
if sig_id in self._player_cache:
return self._player_cache[sig_id]
player_id = ('nsig', player_url)
if player_id not in self._player_cache:
self._player_cache[player_id] = self._extract_n_function(video_id, player_url)
func = self._player_cache[player_id]
self._player_cache[sig_id] = func(s)
self.write_debug(f'Decrypted nsig {s} => {self._player_cache[sig_id]}')
return self._player_cache[sig_id]
except Exception as e:
raise ExtractorError(traceback.format_exc(), cause=e, video_id=video_id)
def _extract_n_function_name(self, jscode):
return self._search_regex(
jscode, 'Initial JS player n function name', group='nfunc')
def _extract_n_function(self, video_id, player_url):
player_id = self._extract_player_info(player_url)
func_code = self._downloader.cache.load('youtube-nsig', player_id)
if func_code:
jsi = JSInterpreter(func_code)
jscode = self._load_player(video_id, player_url)
funcname = self._extract_n_function_name(jscode)
jsi = JSInterpreter(jscode)
func_code = jsi.extract_function_code(funcname)
self._downloader.cache.store('youtube-nsig', player_id, func_code)
if self.get_param('youtube_print_sig_code'):
self.to_screen(f'Extracted nsig function from {player_id}:\n{func_code[1]}\n')
return lambda s: jsi.extract_function_from_code(*func_code)([s])
def _extract_signature_timestamp(self, video_id, player_url, ytcfg=None, fatal=False):
Extract signatureTimestamp (sts)
Required to tell API what sig/player version is in use.
sts = None
if isinstance(ytcfg, dict):
sts = int_or_none(ytcfg.get('STS'))
if not sts:
# Attempt to extract from player
if player_url is None:
error_msg = 'Cannot extract signature timestamp without player_url.'
if fatal:
raise ExtractorError(error_msg)
code = self._load_player(video_id, player_url, fatal=fatal)
if code:
sts = int_or_none(self._search_regex(
r'(?:signatureTimestamp|sts)\s*:\s*(?P<sts>[0-9]{5})', code,
'JS player signature timestamp', group='sts', fatal=fatal))
return sts
def _mark_watched(self, video_id, player_responses):
playback_url = get_first(
player_responses, ('playbackTracking', 'videostatsPlaybackUrl', 'baseUrl'),
if not playback_url:
self.report_warning('Unable to mark watched')
parsed_playback_url = compat_urlparse.urlparse(playback_url)
qs = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(parsed_playback_url.query)
# cpn generation algorithm is reverse engineered from base.js.
# In fact it works even with dummy cpn.
CPN_ALPHABET = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_'
cpn = ''.join((CPN_ALPHABET[random.randint(0, 256) & 63] for _ in range(0, 16)))
'ver': ['2'],
'cpn': [cpn],
playback_url = compat_urlparse.urlunparse(
parsed_playback_url._replace(query=compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(qs, True)))
playback_url, video_id, 'Marking watched',
'Unable to mark watched', fatal=False)
def _extract_urls(webpage):
# Embedded YouTube player
entries = [
for mobj in re.finditer(r'''(?x)
\1''', webpage)]
# lazyYT YouTube embed
re.findall(r'class="lazyYT" data-youtube-id="([^"]+)"', webpage))))
# Wordpress "YouTube Video Importer" plugin
matches = re.findall(r'''(?x)<div[^>]+
data-video_id=(?P<q2>[\'"])([^\'"]+)(?P=q2)''', webpage)
entries.extend(m[-1] for m in matches)
return entries
def _extract_url(webpage):
urls = YoutubeIE._extract_urls(webpage)
return urls[0] if urls else None
def extract_id(cls, url):
mobj = re.match(cls._VALID_URL, url, re.VERBOSE)
if mobj is None:
raise ExtractorError('Invalid URL: %s' % url)
return mobj.group('id')
def _extract_chapters_from_json(self, data, duration):
chapter_list = traverse_obj(
data, (
'playerOverlays', 'playerOverlayRenderer', 'decoratedPlayerBarRenderer',
'decoratedPlayerBarRenderer', 'playerBar', 'chapteredPlayerBarRenderer', 'chapters'
), expected_type=list)
return self._extract_chapters(
chapter_time=lambda chapter: float_or_none(
traverse_obj(chapter, ('chapterRenderer', 'timeRangeStartMillis')), scale=1000),
chapter_title=lambda chapter: traverse_obj(
chapter, ('chapterRenderer', 'title', 'simpleText'), expected_type=str),
def _extract_chapters_from_engagement_panel(self, data, duration):
content_list = traverse_obj(
('engagementPanels', ..., 'engagementPanelSectionListRenderer', 'content', 'macroMarkersListRenderer', 'contents'),
expected_type=list, default=[])
chapter_time = lambda chapter: parse_duration(self._get_text(chapter, 'timeDescription'))
chapter_title = lambda chapter: self._get_text(chapter, 'title')
return next((
filter(None, (
traverse_obj(contents, (..., 'macroMarkersListItemRenderer')),
chapter_time, chapter_title, duration)
for contents in content_list
))), [])
def _extract_chapters(self, chapter_list, chapter_time, chapter_title, duration):
chapters = []
last_chapter = {'start_time': 0}
for idx, chapter in enumerate(chapter_list or []):
title = chapter_title(chapter)
start_time = chapter_time(chapter)
if start_time is None:
last_chapter['end_time'] = start_time
if start_time < last_chapter['start_time']:
if idx == 1:
self.report_warning('Invalid start time for chapter "%s"' % last_chapter['title'])
self.report_warning(f'Invalid start time for chapter "{title}"')
last_chapter = {'start_time': start_time, 'title': title}
last_chapter['end_time'] = duration
return chapters
def _extract_yt_initial_variable(self, webpage, regex, video_id, name):
return self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
(r'%s\s*%s' % (regex, self._YT_INITIAL_BOUNDARY_RE),
regex), webpage, name, default='{}'), video_id, fatal=False)
def _extract_comment(self, comment_renderer, parent=None):
comment_id = comment_renderer.get('commentId')
if not comment_id:
text = self._get_text(comment_renderer, 'contentText')
# note: timestamp is an estimate calculated from the current time and time_text
timestamp, time_text = self._extract_time_text(comment_renderer, 'publishedTimeText')
author = self._get_text(comment_renderer, 'authorText')
author_id = try_get(comment_renderer,
lambda x: x['authorEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['browseId'], compat_str)
votes = parse_count(try_get(comment_renderer, (lambda x: x['voteCount']['simpleText'],
lambda x: x['likeCount']), compat_str)) or 0
author_thumbnail = try_get(comment_renderer,
lambda x: x['authorThumbnail']['thumbnails'][-1]['url'], compat_str)
author_is_uploader = try_get(comment_renderer, lambda x: x['authorIsChannelOwner'], bool)
is_favorited = 'creatorHeart' in (try_get(
comment_renderer, lambda x: x['actionButtons']['commentActionButtonsRenderer'], dict) or {})
return {
'id': comment_id,
'text': text,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'time_text': time_text,
'like_count': votes,
'is_favorited': is_favorited,
'author': author,
'author_id': author_id,
'author_thumbnail': author_thumbnail,
'author_is_uploader': author_is_uploader,
'parent': parent or 'root'
def _comment_entries(self, root_continuation_data, ytcfg, video_id, parent=None, tracker=None):
get_single_config_arg = lambda c: self._configuration_arg(c, [''])[0]
def extract_header(contents):
_continuation = None
for content in contents:
comments_header_renderer = traverse_obj(content, 'commentsHeaderRenderer')
expected_comment_count = self._get_count(
comments_header_renderer, 'countText', 'commentsCount')
if expected_comment_count:
tracker['est_total'] = expected_comment_count
self.to_screen(f'Downloading ~{expected_comment_count} comments')
comment_sort_index = int(get_single_config_arg('comment_sort') != 'top') # 1 = new, 0 = top
sort_menu_item = try_get(
lambda x: x['sortMenu']['sortFilterSubMenuRenderer']['subMenuItems'][comment_sort_index], dict) or {}
sort_continuation_ep = sort_menu_item.get('serviceEndpoint') or {}
_continuation = self._extract_continuation_ep_data(sort_continuation_ep) or self._extract_continuation(sort_menu_item)
if not _continuation:
sort_text = str_or_none(sort_menu_item.get('title'))
if not sort_text:
sort_text = 'top comments' if comment_sort_index == 0 else 'newest first'
self.to_screen('Sorting comments by %s' % sort_text.lower())
return _continuation
def extract_thread(contents):
if not parent:
tracker['current_page_thread'] = 0
for content in contents:
if not parent and tracker['total_parent_comments'] >= max_parents:
comment_thread_renderer = try_get(content, lambda x: x['commentThreadRenderer'])
comment_renderer = get_first(
(comment_thread_renderer, content), [['commentRenderer', ('comment', 'commentRenderer')]],
expected_type=dict, default={})
comment = self._extract_comment(comment_renderer, parent)
if not comment:
tracker['running_total'] += 1
tracker['total_reply_comments' if parent else 'total_parent_comments'] += 1
yield comment
# Attempt to get the replies
comment_replies_renderer = try_get(
comment_thread_renderer, lambda x: x['replies']['commentRepliesRenderer'], dict)
if comment_replies_renderer:
tracker['current_page_thread'] += 1
comment_entries_iter = self._comment_entries(
comment_replies_renderer, ytcfg, video_id,
parent=comment.get('id'), tracker=tracker)
for reply_comment in itertools.islice(comment_entries_iter, min(max_replies_per_thread, max(0, max_replies - tracker['total_reply_comments']))):
yield reply_comment
# Keeps track of counts across recursive calls
if not tracker:
tracker = dict(
# TODO: Deprecated
# YouTube comments have a max depth of 2
max_depth = int_or_none(get_single_config_arg('max_comment_depth'))
if max_depth:
'[youtube] max_comment_depth extractor argument is deprecated. Set max replies in the max-comments extractor argument instead.')
if max_depth == 1 and parent:
max_comments, max_parents, max_replies, max_replies_per_thread, *_ = map(
lambda p: int_or_none(p, default=sys.maxsize), self._configuration_arg('max_comments', ) + [''] * 4)
continuation = self._extract_continuation(root_continuation_data)
message = self._get_text(root_continuation_data, ('contents', ..., 'messageRenderer', 'text'), max_runs=1)
if message and not parent:
self.report_warning(message, video_id=video_id)
response = None
is_first_continuation = parent is None
for page_num in itertools.count(0):
if not continuation:
headers = self.generate_api_headers(ytcfg=ytcfg, visitor_data=self._extract_visitor_data(response))
comment_prog_str = f"({tracker['running_total']}/{tracker['est_total']})"
if page_num == 0:
if is_first_continuation:
note_prefix = 'Downloading comment section API JSON'
note_prefix = ' Downloading comment API JSON reply thread %d %s' % (
tracker['current_page_thread'], comment_prog_str)
note_prefix = '%sDownloading comment%s API JSON page %d %s' % (
' ' if parent else '', ' replies' if parent else '',
page_num, comment_prog_str)
response = self._extract_response(
item_id=None, query=continuation,
ep='next', ytcfg=ytcfg, headers=headers, note=note_prefix,
continuation_contents = traverse_obj(
response, 'onResponseReceivedEndpoints', expected_type=list, default=[])
continuation = None
for continuation_section in continuation_contents:
continuation_items = traverse_obj(
(('reloadContinuationItemsCommand', 'appendContinuationItemsAction'), 'continuationItems'),
get_all=False, expected_type=list) or []
if is_first_continuation:
continuation = extract_header(continuation_items)
is_first_continuation = False
if continuation:
for entry in extract_thread(continuation_items):
if not entry:
yield entry
continuation = self._extract_continuation({'contents': continuation_items})
if continuation:
def _get_comments(self, ytcfg, video_id, contents, webpage):
"""Entry for comment extraction"""
def _real_comment_extract(contents):
renderer = next((
item for item in traverse_obj(contents, (..., 'itemSectionRenderer'), default={})
if item.get('sectionIdentifier') == 'comment-item-section'), None)
yield from self._comment_entries(renderer, ytcfg, video_id)
max_comments = int_or_none(self._configuration_arg('max_comments', [''])[0])
return itertools.islice(_real_comment_extract(contents), 0, max_comments)
def _get_checkok_params():
return {'contentCheckOk': True, 'racyCheckOk': True}
def _generate_player_context(cls, sts=None):
context = {
'html5Preference': 'HTML5_PREF_WANTS',
if sts is not None:
context['signatureTimestamp'] = sts
return {
'playbackContext': {
'contentPlaybackContext': context
def _is_agegated(player_response):
if traverse_obj(player_response, ('playabilityStatus', 'desktopLegacyAgeGateReason')):
return True
reasons = traverse_obj(player_response, ('playabilityStatus', ('status', 'reason')), default=[])
'confirm your age', 'age-restricted', 'inappropriate', # reason
'age_verification_required', 'age_check_required', # status
return any(expected in reason for expected in AGE_GATE_REASONS for reason in reasons)
def _is_unplayable(player_response):
return traverse_obj(player_response, ('playabilityStatus', 'status')) == 'UNPLAYABLE'
def _extract_player_response(self, client, video_id, master_ytcfg, player_ytcfg, player_url, initial_pr):
session_index = self._extract_session_index(player_ytcfg, master_ytcfg)
syncid = self._extract_account_syncid(player_ytcfg, master_ytcfg, initial_pr)
sts = self._extract_signature_timestamp(video_id, player_url, master_ytcfg, fatal=False) if player_url else None
headers = self.generate_api_headers(
ytcfg=player_ytcfg, account_syncid=syncid, session_index=session_index, default_client=client)
yt_query = {'videoId': video_id}
return self._extract_response(
item_id=video_id, ep='player', query=yt_query,
ytcfg=player_ytcfg, headers=headers, fatal=True,
note='Downloading %s player API JSON' % client.replace('_', ' ').strip()
) or None
def _get_requested_clients(self, url, smuggled_data):
requested_clients = []
default = ['android', 'web']
allowed_clients = sorted(
[client for client in INNERTUBE_CLIENTS.keys() if client[:1] != '_'],
key=lambda client: INNERTUBE_CLIENTS[client]['priority'], reverse=True)
for client in self._configuration_arg('player_client'):
if client in allowed_clients:
elif client == 'default':
elif client == 'all':
self.report_warning(f'Skipping unsupported client {client}')
if not requested_clients:
requested_clients = default
if smuggled_data.get('is_music_url') or self.is_music_url(url):
f'{client}_music' for client in requested_clients if f'{client}_music' in INNERTUBE_CLIENTS)
return orderedSet(requested_clients)
def _extract_player_ytcfg(self, client, video_id):
url = {
'web_music': 'https://music.youtube.com',
'web_embedded': f'https://www.youtube.com/embed/{video_id}?html5=1'
if not url:
return {}
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id, fatal=False, note='Downloading %s config' % client.replace('_', ' ').strip())
return self.extract_ytcfg(video_id, webpage) or {}
def _extract_player_responses(self, clients, video_id, webpage, master_ytcfg):
initial_pr = None
if webpage:
initial_pr = self._extract_yt_initial_variable(
video_id, 'initial player response')
original_clients = clients
clients = clients[::-1]
prs = []
def append_client(client_name):
if client_name in INNERTUBE_CLIENTS and client_name not in original_clients:
# Android player_response does not have microFormats which are needed for
# extraction of some data. So we return the initial_pr with formats
# stripped out even if not requested by the user
# See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/501
if initial_pr:
pr = dict(initial_pr)
pr['streamingData'] = None
last_error = None
tried_iframe_fallback = False
player_url = None
while clients:
client = clients.pop()
player_ytcfg = master_ytcfg if client == 'web' else {}
if 'configs' not in self._configuration_arg('player_skip'):
player_ytcfg = self._extract_player_ytcfg(client, video_id) or player_ytcfg
player_url = player_url or self._extract_player_url(master_ytcfg, player_ytcfg, webpage=webpage)
require_js_player = self._get_default_ytcfg(client).get('REQUIRE_JS_PLAYER')
if 'js' in self._configuration_arg('player_skip'):
require_js_player = False
player_url = None
if not player_url and not tried_iframe_fallback and require_js_player:
player_url = self._download_player_url(video_id)
tried_iframe_fallback = True
pr = initial_pr if client == 'web' and initial_pr else self._extract_player_response(
client, video_id, player_ytcfg or master_ytcfg, player_ytcfg, player_url if require_js_player else None, initial_pr)
except ExtractorError as e:
if last_error:
last_error = e
if pr:
# creator clients can bypass AGE_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED if logged in
if client.endswith('_agegate') and self._is_unplayable(pr) and self.is_authenticated:
append_client(client.replace('_agegate', '_creator'))
elif self._is_agegated(pr):
if last_error:
if not len(prs):
raise last_error
return prs, player_url
def _extract_formats(self, streaming_data, video_id, player_url, is_live):
itags, stream_ids = {}, []
itag_qualities, res_qualities = {}, {}
q = qualities([
# Normally tiny is the smallest video-only formats. But
# audio-only formats with unknown quality may get tagged as tiny
'audio_quality_ultralow', 'audio_quality_low', 'audio_quality_medium', 'audio_quality_high', # Audio only formats
'small', 'medium', 'large', 'hd720', 'hd1080', 'hd1440', 'hd2160', 'hd2880', 'highres'
streaming_formats = traverse_obj(streaming_data, (..., ('formats', 'adaptiveFormats'), ...), default=[])
for fmt in streaming_formats:
if fmt.get('targetDurationSec') or fmt.get('drmFamilies'):
itag = str_or_none(fmt.get('itag'))
audio_track = fmt.get('audioTrack') or {}
stream_id = '%s.%s' % (itag or '', audio_track.get('id', ''))
if stream_id in stream_ids:
quality = fmt.get('quality')
height = int_or_none(fmt.get('height'))
if quality == 'tiny' or not quality:
quality = fmt.get('audioQuality', '').lower() or quality
# The 3gp format (17) in android client has a quality of "small",
# but is actually worse than other formats
if itag == '17':
quality = 'tiny'
if quality:
if itag:
itag_qualities[itag] = quality
if height:
res_qualities[height] = quality
# FORMAT_STREAM_TYPE_OTF(otf=1) requires downloading the init fragment
# (adding `&sq=0` to the URL) and parsing emsg box to determine the
# number of fragment that would subsequently requested with (`&sq=N`)
if fmt.get('type') == 'FORMAT_STREAM_TYPE_OTF':
fmt_url = fmt.get('url')
if not fmt_url:
sc = compat_parse_qs(fmt.get('signatureCipher'))
fmt_url = url_or_none(try_get(sc, lambda x: x['url'][0]))
encrypted_sig = try_get(sc, lambda x: x['s'][0])
if not (sc and fmt_url and encrypted_sig):
if not player_url:
signature = self._decrypt_signature(sc['s'][0], video_id, player_url)
sp = try_get(sc, lambda x: x['sp'][0]) or 'signature'
fmt_url += '&' + sp + '=' + signature
query = parse_qs(fmt_url)
throttled = False
if query.get('n'):
fmt_url = update_url_query(fmt_url, {
'n': self._decrypt_nsig(query['n'][0], video_id, player_url)})
except ExtractorError as e:
f'nsig extraction failed: You may experience throttling for some formats\n'
f'n = {query["n"][0]} ; player = {player_url}\n{e}', only_once=True)
throttled = True
if itag:
itags[itag] = 'https'
tbr = float_or_none(
fmt.get('averageBitrate') or fmt.get('bitrate'), 1000)
dct = {
'asr': int_or_none(fmt.get('audioSampleRate')),
'filesize': int_or_none(fmt.get('contentLength')),
'format_id': itag,
'format_note': join_nonempty(
'%s%s' % (audio_track.get('displayName') or '',
' (default)' if audio_track.get('audioIsDefault') else ''),
fmt.get('qualityLabel') or quality.replace('audio_quality_', ''),
throttled and 'THROTTLED', delim=', '),
'source_preference': -10 if throttled else -1,
'fps': int_or_none(fmt.get('fps')) or None,
'height': height,
'quality': q(quality),
'tbr': tbr,
'url': fmt_url,
'width': int_or_none(fmt.get('width')),
'language': audio_track.get('id', '').split('.')[0],
'language_preference': 1 if audio_track.get('audioIsDefault') else -1,
mime_mobj = re.match(
r'((?:[^/]+)/(?:[^;]+))(?:;\s*codecs="([^"]+)")?', fmt.get('mimeType') or '')
if mime_mobj:
dct['ext'] = mimetype2ext(mime_mobj.group(1))
no_audio = dct.get('acodec') == 'none'
no_video = dct.get('vcodec') == 'none'
if no_audio:
dct['vbr'] = tbr
if no_video:
dct['abr'] = tbr
if no_audio or no_video:
dct['downloader_options'] = {
# Youtube throttles chunks >~10M
'http_chunk_size': 10485760,
if dct.get('ext'):
dct['container'] = dct['ext'] + '_dash'
yield dct
live_from_start = is_live and self.get_param('live_from_start')
skip_manifests = self._configuration_arg('skip')
if not self.get_param('youtube_include_hls_manifest', True):
get_dash = 'dash' not in skip_manifests and (
not is_live or live_from_start or self._configuration_arg('include_live_dash'))
get_hls = not live_from_start and 'hls' not in skip_manifests
def process_manifest_format(f, proto, itag):
if itag in itags:
if itags[itag] == proto or f'{itag}-{proto}' in itags:
return False
itag = f'{itag}-{proto}'
if itag:
f['format_id'] = itag
itags[itag] = proto
f['quality'] = next((
for val, qdict in ((f.get('format_id', '').split('-')[0], itag_qualities), (f.get('height'), res_qualities))
if val in qdict), -1)
return True
for sd in streaming_data:
hls_manifest_url = get_hls and sd.get('hlsManifestUrl')
if hls_manifest_url:
for f in self._extract_m3u8_formats(hls_manifest_url, video_id, 'mp4', fatal=False):
if process_manifest_format(f, 'hls', self._search_regex(
r'/itag/(\d+)', f['url'], 'itag', default=None)):
yield f
dash_manifest_url = get_dash and sd.get('dashManifestUrl')
if dash_manifest_url:
for f in self._extract_mpd_formats(dash_manifest_url, video_id, fatal=False):
if process_manifest_format(f, 'dash', f['format_id']):
f['filesize'] = int_or_none(self._search_regex(
r'/clen/(\d+)', f.get('fragment_base_url') or f['url'], 'file size', default=None))
if live_from_start:
f['is_from_start'] = True
yield f
def _extract_storyboard(self, player_responses, duration):
spec = get_first(
player_responses, ('storyboards', 'playerStoryboardSpecRenderer', 'spec'), default='').split('|')[::-1]
if not spec:
base_url = spec.pop()
L = len(spec) - 1
for i, args in enumerate(spec):
args = args.split('#')
counts = list(map(int_or_none, args[:5]))
if len(args) != 8 or not all(counts):
self.report_warning(f'Malformed storyboard {i}: {"#".join(args)}{bug_reports_message()}')
width, height, frame_count, cols, rows = counts
N, sigh = args[6:]
url = base_url.replace('$L', str(L - i)).replace('$N', N) + f'&sigh={sigh}'
fragment_count = frame_count / (cols * rows)
fragment_duration = duration / fragment_count
yield {
'format_id': f'sb{i}',
'format_note': 'storyboard',
'ext': 'mhtml',
'protocol': 'mhtml',
'acodec': 'none',
'vcodec': 'none',
'url': url,
'width': width,
'height': height,
'fragments': [{
'path': url.replace('$M', str(j)),
'duration': min(fragment_duration, duration - (j * fragment_duration)),
} for j in range(math.ceil(fragment_count))],
def _download_player_responses(self, url, smuggled_data, video_id, webpage_url):
webpage = None
if 'webpage' not in self._configuration_arg('player_skip'):
webpage = self._download_webpage(
webpage_url + '&bpctr=9999999999&has_verified=1', video_id, fatal=False)
master_ytcfg = self.extract_ytcfg(video_id, webpage) or self._get_default_ytcfg()
player_responses, player_url = self._extract_player_responses(
self._get_requested_clients(url, smuggled_data),
video_id, webpage, master_ytcfg)
return webpage, master_ytcfg, player_responses, player_url
def _list_formats(self, video_id, microformats, video_details, player_responses, player_url):
live_broadcast_details = traverse_obj(microformats, (..., 'liveBroadcastDetails'))
is_live = get_first(video_details, 'isLive')
if is_live is None:
is_live = get_first(live_broadcast_details, 'isLiveNow')
streaming_data = traverse_obj(player_responses, (..., 'streamingData'), default=[])
formats = list(self._extract_formats(streaming_data, video_id, player_url, is_live))
return live_broadcast_details, is_live, streaming_data, formats
def _real_extract(self, url):
url, smuggled_data = unsmuggle_url(url, {})
video_id = self._match_id(url)
base_url = self.http_scheme() + '//www.youtube.com/'
webpage_url = base_url + 'watch?v=' + video_id
webpage, master_ytcfg, player_responses, player_url = self._download_player_responses(url, smuggled_data, video_id, webpage_url)
playability_statuses = traverse_obj(
player_responses, (..., 'playabilityStatus'), expected_type=dict, default=[])
trailer_video_id = get_first(
('errorScreen', 'playerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailerRenderer', 'trailerVideoId'),
if trailer_video_id:
return self.url_result(
trailer_video_id, self.ie_key(), trailer_video_id)
search_meta = ((lambda x: self._html_search_meta(x, webpage, default=None))
if webpage else (lambda x: None))
video_details = traverse_obj(
player_responses, (..., 'videoDetails'), expected_type=dict, default=[])
microformats = traverse_obj(
player_responses, (..., 'microformat', 'playerMicroformatRenderer'),
expected_type=dict, default=[])
video_title = (
get_first(video_details, 'title')
or self._get_text(microformats, (..., 'title'))
or search_meta(['og:title', 'twitter:title', 'title']))
video_description = get_first(video_details, 'shortDescription')
multifeed_metadata_list = get_first(
('multicamera', 'playerLegacyMulticameraRenderer', 'metadataList'),
if multifeed_metadata_list and not smuggled_data.get('force_singlefeed'):
if self.get_param('noplaylist'):
self.to_screen('Downloading just video %s because of --no-playlist' % video_id)
entries = []
feed_ids = []
for feed in multifeed_metadata_list.split(','):
# Unquote should take place before split on comma (,) since textual
# fields may contain comma as well (see
# https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/8536)
feed_data = compat_parse_qs(
def feed_entry(name):
return try_get(
feed_data, lambda x: x[name][0], compat_str)
feed_id = feed_entry('id')
if not feed_id:
feed_title = feed_entry('title')
title = video_title
if feed_title:
title += ' (%s)' % feed_title
'_type': 'url_transparent',
'ie_key': 'Youtube',
'url': smuggle_url(
'%swatch?v=%s' % (base_url, feed_data['id'][0]),
{'force_singlefeed': True}),
'title': title,
'Downloading multifeed video (%s) - add --no-playlist to just download video %s'
% (', '.join(feed_ids), video_id))
return self.playlist_result(
entries, video_id, video_title, video_description)
live_broadcast_details, is_live, streaming_data, formats = self._list_formats(video_id, microformats, video_details, player_responses, player_url)
if not formats:
if not self.get_param('allow_unplayable_formats') and traverse_obj(streaming_data, (..., 'licenseInfos')):
pemr = get_first(
('errorScreen', 'playerErrorMessageRenderer'), expected_type=dict) or {}
reason = self._get_text(pemr, 'reason') or get_first(playability_statuses, 'reason')
subreason = clean_html(self._get_text(pemr, 'subreason') or '')
if subreason:
if subreason == 'The uploader has not made this video available in your country.':
countries = get_first(microformats, 'availableCountries')
if not countries:
regions_allowed = search_meta('regionsAllowed')
countries = regions_allowed.split(',') if regions_allowed else None
self.raise_geo_restricted(subreason, countries, metadata_available=True)
reason += f'. {subreason}'
if reason:
self.raise_no_formats(reason, expected=True)
keywords = get_first(video_details, 'keywords', expected_type=list) or []
if not keywords and webpage:
keywords = [
for m in re.finditer(self._meta_regex('og:video:tag'), webpage)]
for keyword in keywords:
if keyword.startswith('yt:stretch='):
mobj = re.search(r'(\d+)\s*:\s*(\d+)', keyword)
if mobj:
# NB: float is intentional for forcing float division
w, h = (float(v) for v in mobj.groups())
if w > 0 and h > 0:
ratio = w / h
for f in formats:
if f.get('vcodec') != 'none':
f['stretched_ratio'] = ratio
thumbnails = self._extract_thumbnails((video_details, microformats), (..., ..., 'thumbnail'))
thumbnail_url = search_meta(['og:image', 'twitter:image'])
if thumbnail_url:
'url': thumbnail_url,
original_thumbnails = thumbnails.copy()
# The best resolution thumbnails sometimes does not appear in the webpage
# See: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/29049, https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/340
# List of possible thumbnails - Ref: <https://stackoverflow.com/a/20542029>
thumbnail_names = [
'maxresdefault', 'hq720', 'sddefault', 'sd1', 'sd2', 'sd3',
'hqdefault', 'hq1', 'hq2', 'hq3', '0',
'mqdefault', 'mq1', 'mq2', 'mq3',
'default', '1', '2', '3'
n_thumbnail_names = len(thumbnail_names)
'url': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi{webp}/{video_id}/{name}{live}.{ext}'.format(
video_id=video_id, name=name, ext=ext,
webp='_webp' if ext == 'webp' else '', live='_live' if is_live else ''),
} for name in thumbnail_names for ext in ('webp', 'jpg'))
for thumb in thumbnails:
i = next((i for i, t in enumerate(thumbnail_names) if f'/{video_id}/{t}' in thumb['url']), n_thumbnail_names)
thumb['preference'] = (0 if '.webp' in thumb['url'] else -1) - (2 * i)
category = get_first(microformats, 'category') or search_meta('genre')
channel_id = str_or_none(
get_first(video_details, 'channelId')
or get_first(microformats, 'externalChannelId')
or search_meta('channelId'))
duration = int_or_none(
get_first(video_details, 'lengthSeconds')
or get_first(microformats, 'lengthSeconds')
or parse_duration(search_meta('duration'))) or None
owner_profile_url = get_first(microformats, 'ownerProfileUrl')
live_content = get_first(video_details, 'isLiveContent')
is_upcoming = get_first(video_details, 'isUpcoming')
if is_live is None:
if is_upcoming or live_content is False:
is_live = False
if is_upcoming is None and (live_content or is_live):
is_upcoming = False
live_start_time = parse_iso8601(get_first(live_broadcast_details, 'startTimestamp'))
live_end_time = parse_iso8601(get_first(live_broadcast_details, 'endTimestamp'))
if not duration and live_end_time and live_start_time:
duration = live_end_time - live_start_time
if is_live and self.get_param('live_from_start'):
self._prepare_live_from_start_formats(formats, video_id, live_start_time, url, webpage_url, smuggled_data)
formats.extend(self._extract_storyboard(player_responses, duration))
# Source is given priority since formats that throttle are given lower source_preference
# When throttling issue is fully fixed, remove this
self._sort_formats(formats, ('quality', 'res', 'fps', 'hdr:12', 'source', 'codec:vp9.2', 'lang', 'proto'))
info = {
'id': video_id,
'title': video_title,
'formats': formats,
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
# The best thumbnail that we are sure exists. Prevents unnecessary
# URL checking if user don't care about getting the best possible thumbnail
'thumbnail': traverse_obj(original_thumbnails, (-1, 'url')),
'description': video_description,
'upload_date': unified_strdate(
get_first(microformats, 'uploadDate')
or search_meta('uploadDate')),
'uploader': get_first(video_details, 'author'),
'uploader_id': self._search_regex(r'/(?:channel|user)/([^/?&#]+)', owner_profile_url, 'uploader id') if owner_profile_url else None,
'uploader_url': owner_profile_url,
'channel_id': channel_id,
'channel_url': f'https://www.youtube.com/channel/{channel_id}' if channel_id else None,
'duration': duration,
'view_count': int_or_none(
get_first((video_details, microformats), (..., 'viewCount'))
or search_meta('interactionCount')),
'average_rating': float_or_none(get_first(video_details, 'averageRating')),
'age_limit': 18 if (
get_first(microformats, 'isFamilySafe') is False
or search_meta('isFamilyFriendly') == 'false'
or search_meta('og:restrictions:age') == '18+') else 0,
'webpage_url': webpage_url,
'categories': [category] if category else None,
'tags': keywords,
'playable_in_embed': get_first(playability_statuses, 'playableInEmbed'),
'is_live': is_live,
'was_live': (False if is_live or is_upcoming or live_content is False
else None if is_live is None or is_upcoming is None
else live_content),
'live_status': 'is_upcoming' if is_upcoming else None, # rest will be set by YoutubeDL
'release_timestamp': live_start_time,
pctr = traverse_obj(player_responses, (..., 'captions', 'playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer'), expected_type=dict)
if pctr:
def get_lang_code(track):
return (remove_start(track.get('vssId') or '', '.').replace('.', '-')
or track.get('languageCode'))
# Converted into dicts to remove duplicates
captions = {
get_lang_code(sub): sub
for sub in traverse_obj(pctr, (..., 'captionTracks', ...), default=[])}
translation_languages = {
lang.get('languageCode'): self._get_text(lang.get('languageName'), max_runs=1)
for lang in traverse_obj(pctr, (..., 'translationLanguages', ...), default=[])}
def process_language(container, base_url, lang_code, sub_name, query):
lang_subs = container.setdefault(lang_code, [])
for fmt in self._SUBTITLE_FORMATS:
'fmt': fmt,
'ext': fmt,
'url': update_url_query(base_url, query),
'name': sub_name,
subtitles, automatic_captions = {}, {}
for lang_code, caption_track in captions.items():
base_url = caption_track.get('baseUrl')
if not base_url:
lang_name = self._get_text(caption_track, 'name', max_runs=1)
if caption_track.get('kind') != 'asr':
if not lang_code:
subtitles, base_url, lang_code, lang_name, {})
if not caption_track.get('isTranslatable'):
for trans_code, trans_name in translation_languages.items():
if not trans_code:
if caption_track.get('kind') != 'asr':
trans_code += f'-{lang_code}'
trans_name += format_field(lang_name, template=' from %s')
automatic_captions, base_url, trans_code, trans_name, {'tlang': trans_code})
info['automatic_captions'] = automatic_captions
info['subtitles'] = subtitles
parsed_url = compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url)
for component in [parsed_url.fragment, parsed_url.query]:
query = compat_parse_qs(component)
for k, v in query.items():
for d_k, s_ks in [('start', ('start', 't')), ('end', ('end',))]:
d_k += '_time'
if d_k not in info and k in s_ks:
info[d_k] = parse_duration(query[k][0])
# Youtube Music Auto-generated description
if video_description:
mobj = re.search(r'(?s)(?P<track>[^·\n]+)·(?P<artist>[^\n]+)\n+(?P<album>[^\n]+)(?:.+?℗\s*(?P<release_year>\d{4})(?!\d))?(?:.+?Released on\s*:\s*(?P<release_date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}))?(.+?\nArtist\s*:\s*(?P<clean_artist>[^\n]+))?.+\nAuto-generated by YouTube\.\s*$', video_description)
if mobj:
release_year = mobj.group('release_year')
release_date = mobj.group('release_date')
if release_date:
release_date = release_date.replace('-', '')
if not release_year:
release_year = release_date[:4]
'album': mobj.group('album'.strip()),
'artist': mobj.group('clean_artist') or ', '.join(a.strip() for a in mobj.group('artist').split('·')),
'track': mobj.group('track').strip(),
'release_date': release_date,
'release_year': int_or_none(release_year),
initial_data = None
if webpage:
initial_data = self._extract_yt_initial_variable(
webpage, self._YT_INITIAL_DATA_RE, video_id,
'yt initial data')
if not initial_data:
query = {'videoId': video_id}
initial_data = self._extract_response(
item_id=video_id, ep='next', fatal=False,
ytcfg=master_ytcfg, query=query,
note='Downloading initial data API JSON')
# This will error if there is no livechat
info.setdefault('subtitles', {})['live_chat'] = [{
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s' % video_id, # url is needed to set cookies
'video_id': video_id,
'ext': 'json',
'protocol': 'youtube_live_chat' if is_live or is_upcoming else 'youtube_live_chat_replay',
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
if initial_data:
info['chapters'] = (
self._extract_chapters_from_json(initial_data, duration)
or self._extract_chapters_from_engagement_panel(initial_data, duration)
or None)
contents = try_get(
lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['results']['results']['contents'],
list) or []
for content in contents:
vpir = content.get('videoPrimaryInfoRenderer')
if vpir:
stl = vpir.get('superTitleLink')
if stl:
stl = self._get_text(stl)
if try_get(
lambda x: x['superTitleIcon']['iconType']) == 'LOCATION_PIN':
info['location'] = stl
mobj = re.search(r'(.+?)\s*S(\d+)\s*•\s*E(\d+)', stl)
if mobj:
'series': mobj.group(1),
'season_number': int(mobj.group(2)),
'episode_number': int(mobj.group(3)),
for tlb in (try_get(
lambda x: x['videoActions']['menuRenderer']['topLevelButtons'],
list) or []):
tbr = tlb.get('toggleButtonRenderer') or {}
for getter, regex in [(
lambda x: x['defaultText']['accessibility']['accessibilityData'],
r'(?P<count>[\d,]+)\s*(?P<type>(?:dis)?like)'), ([
lambda x: x['accessibility'],
lambda x: x['accessibilityData']['accessibilityData'],
], r'(?P<type>(?:dis)?like) this video along with (?P<count>[\d,]+) other people')]:
label = (try_get(tbr, getter, dict) or {}).get('label')
if label:
mobj = re.match(regex, label)
if mobj:
info[mobj.group('type') + '_count'] = str_to_int(mobj.group('count'))
sbr_tooltip = try_get(
vpir, lambda x: x['sentimentBar']['sentimentBarRenderer']['tooltip'])
if sbr_tooltip:
like_count, dislike_count = sbr_tooltip.split(' / ')
'like_count': str_to_int(like_count),
'dislike_count': str_to_int(dislike_count),
vsir = content.get('videoSecondaryInfoRenderer')
if vsir:
info['channel'] = self._get_text(vsir, ('owner', 'videoOwnerRenderer', 'title'))
rows = try_get(
lambda x: x['metadataRowContainer']['metadataRowContainerRenderer']['rows'],
list) or []
multiple_songs = False
for row in rows:
if try_get(row, lambda x: x['metadataRowRenderer']['hasDividerLine']) is True:
multiple_songs = True
for row in rows:
mrr = row.get('metadataRowRenderer') or {}
mrr_title = mrr.get('title')
if not mrr_title:
mrr_title = self._get_text(mrr, 'title')
mrr_contents_text = self._get_text(mrr, ('contents', 0))
if mrr_title == 'License':
info['license'] = mrr_contents_text
elif not multiple_songs:
if mrr_title == 'Album':
info['album'] = mrr_contents_text
elif mrr_title == 'Artist':
info['artist'] = mrr_contents_text
elif mrr_title == 'Song':
info['track'] = mrr_contents_text
fallbacks = {
'channel': 'uploader',
'channel_id': 'uploader_id',
'channel_url': 'uploader_url',
for to, frm in fallbacks.items():
if not info.get(to):
info[to] = info.get(frm)
for s_k, d_k in [('artist', 'creator'), ('track', 'alt_title')]:
v = info.get(s_k)
if v:
info[d_k] = v
is_private = get_first(video_details, 'isPrivate', expected_type=bool)
is_unlisted = get_first(microformats, 'isUnlisted', expected_type=bool)
is_membersonly = None
is_premium = None
if initial_data and is_private is not None:
is_membersonly = False
is_premium = False
contents = try_get(initial_data, lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['results']['results']['contents'], list) or []
badge_labels = set()
for content in contents:
if not isinstance(content, dict):
for badge_label in badge_labels:
if badge_label.lower() == 'members only':
is_membersonly = True
elif badge_label.lower() == 'premium':
is_premium = True
elif badge_label.lower() == 'unlisted':
is_unlisted = True
info['availability'] = self._availability(
needs_auth=info['age_limit'] >= 18,
is_unlisted=None if is_private is None else is_unlisted)
info['__post_extractor'] = self.extract_comments(master_ytcfg, video_id, contents, webpage)
self.mark_watched(video_id, player_responses)
return info
class YoutubeTabBaseInfoExtractor(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
def _extract_channel_id(self, webpage):
channel_id = self._html_search_meta(
'channelId', webpage, 'channel id', default=None)
if channel_id:
return channel_id
channel_url = self._html_search_meta(
('og:url', 'al:ios:url', 'al:android:url', 'al:web:url',
'twitter:url', 'twitter:app:url:iphone', 'twitter:app:url:ipad',
'twitter:app:url:googleplay'), webpage, 'channel url')
return self._search_regex(
channel_url, 'channel id')
def _extract_basic_item_renderer(item):
# Modified from _extract_grid_item_renderer
known_basic_renderers = (
'playlistRenderer', 'videoRenderer', 'channelRenderer', 'showRenderer'
for key, renderer in item.items():
if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
elif key in known_basic_renderers:
return renderer
elif key.startswith('grid') and key.endswith('Renderer'):
return renderer
def _grid_entries(self, grid_renderer):
for item in grid_renderer['items']:
if not isinstance(item, dict):
renderer = self._extract_basic_item_renderer(item)
if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
title = self._get_text(renderer, 'title')
# playlist
playlist_id = renderer.get('playlistId')
if playlist_id:
yield self.url_result(
'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=%s' % playlist_id,
ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=playlist_id,
# video
video_id = renderer.get('videoId')
if video_id:
yield self._extract_video(renderer)
# channel
channel_id = renderer.get('channelId')
if channel_id:
yield self.url_result(
'https://www.youtube.com/channel/%s' % channel_id,
ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_title=title)
# generic endpoint URL support
ep_url = urljoin('https://www.youtube.com/', try_get(
renderer, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['commandMetadata']['webCommandMetadata']['url'],
if ep_url:
for ie in (YoutubeTabIE, YoutubePlaylistIE, YoutubeIE):
if ie.suitable(ep_url):
yield self.url_result(
ep_url, ie=ie.ie_key(), video_id=ie._match_id(ep_url), video_title=title)
def _shelf_entries_from_content(self, shelf_renderer):
content = shelf_renderer.get('content')
if not isinstance(content, dict):
renderer = content.get('gridRenderer') or content.get('expandedShelfContentsRenderer')
if renderer:
# TODO: add support for nested playlists so each shelf is processed
# as separate playlist
# TODO: this includes only first N items
for entry in self._grid_entries(renderer):
yield entry
renderer = content.get('horizontalListRenderer')
if renderer:
def _shelf_entries(self, shelf_renderer, skip_channels=False):
ep = try_get(
shelf_renderer, lambda x: x['endpoint']['commandMetadata']['webCommandMetadata']['url'],
shelf_url = urljoin('https://www.youtube.com', ep)
if shelf_url:
# Skipping links to another channels, note that checking for
# endpoint.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.webPageTypwebPageType == WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL
# will not work
if skip_channels and '/channels?' in shelf_url:
title = self._get_text(shelf_renderer, 'title')
yield self.url_result(shelf_url, video_title=title)
# Shelf may not contain shelf URL, fallback to extraction from content
for entry in self._shelf_entries_from_content(shelf_renderer):
yield entry
def _playlist_entries(self, video_list_renderer):
for content in video_list_renderer['contents']:
if not isinstance(content, dict):
renderer = content.get('playlistVideoRenderer') or content.get('playlistPanelVideoRenderer')
if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
video_id = renderer.get('videoId')
if not video_id:
yield self._extract_video(renderer)
def _rich_entries(self, rich_grid_renderer):
renderer = try_get(
rich_grid_renderer, lambda x: x['content']['videoRenderer'], dict) or {}
video_id = renderer.get('videoId')
if not video_id:
yield self._extract_video(renderer)
def _video_entry(self, video_renderer):
video_id = video_renderer.get('videoId')
if video_id:
return self._extract_video(video_renderer)
def _post_thread_entries(self, post_thread_renderer):
post_renderer = try_get(
post_thread_renderer, lambda x: x['post']['backstagePostRenderer'], dict)
if not post_renderer:
# video attachment
video_renderer = try_get(
post_renderer, lambda x: x['backstageAttachment']['videoRenderer'], dict) or {}
video_id = video_renderer.get('videoId')
if video_id:
entry = self._extract_video(video_renderer)
if entry:
yield entry
# playlist attachment
playlist_id = try_get(
post_renderer, lambda x: x['backstageAttachment']['playlistRenderer']['playlistId'], compat_str)
if playlist_id:
yield self.url_result(
'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=%s' % playlist_id,
ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=playlist_id)
# inline video links
runs = try_get(post_renderer, lambda x: x['contentText']['runs'], list) or []
for run in runs:
if not isinstance(run, dict):
ep_url = try_get(
run, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['urlEndpoint']['url'], compat_str)
if not ep_url:
if not YoutubeIE.suitable(ep_url):
ep_video_id = YoutubeIE._match_id(ep_url)
if video_id == ep_video_id:
yield self.url_result(ep_url, ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key(), video_id=ep_video_id)
def _post_thread_continuation_entries(self, post_thread_continuation):
contents = post_thread_continuation.get('contents')
if not isinstance(contents, list):
for content in contents:
renderer = content.get('backstagePostThreadRenderer')
if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
for entry in self._post_thread_entries(renderer):
yield entry
r''' # unused
def _rich_grid_entries(self, contents):
for content in contents:
video_renderer = try_get(content, lambda x: x['richItemRenderer']['content']['videoRenderer'], dict)
if video_renderer:
entry = self._video_entry(video_renderer)
if entry:
yield entry
def _extract_entries(self, parent_renderer, continuation_list):
# continuation_list is modified in-place with continuation_list = [continuation_token]
continuation_list[:] = [None]
contents = try_get(parent_renderer, lambda x: x['contents'], list) or []
for content in contents:
if not isinstance(content, dict):
is_renderer = try_get(content, lambda x: x['itemSectionRenderer'], dict)
if not is_renderer:
renderer = content.get('richItemRenderer')
if renderer:
for entry in self._rich_entries(renderer):
yield entry
continuation_list[0] = self._extract_continuation(parent_renderer)
isr_contents = try_get(is_renderer, lambda x: x['contents'], list) or []
for isr_content in isr_contents:
if not isinstance(isr_content, dict):
known_renderers = {
'playlistVideoListRenderer': self._playlist_entries,
'gridRenderer': self._grid_entries,
'shelfRenderer': lambda x: self._shelf_entries(x),
'backstagePostThreadRenderer': self._post_thread_entries,
'videoRenderer': lambda x: [self._video_entry(x)],
'playlistRenderer': lambda x: self._grid_entries({'items': [{'playlistRenderer': x}]}),
'channelRenderer': lambda x: self._grid_entries({'items': [{'channelRenderer': x}]}),
for key, renderer in isr_content.items():
if key not in known_renderers:
for entry in known_renderers[key](renderer):
if entry:
yield entry
continuation_list[0] = self._extract_continuation(renderer)
if not continuation_list[0]:
continuation_list[0] = self._extract_continuation(is_renderer)
if not continuation_list[0]:
continuation_list[0] = self._extract_continuation(parent_renderer)
def _entries(self, tab, item_id, ytcfg, account_syncid, visitor_data):
continuation_list = [None]
extract_entries = lambda x: self._extract_entries(x, continuation_list)
tab_content = try_get(tab, lambda x: x['content'], dict)
if not tab_content:
parent_renderer = (
try_get(tab_content, lambda x: x['sectionListRenderer'], dict)
or try_get(tab_content, lambda x: x['richGridRenderer'], dict) or {})
for entry in extract_entries(parent_renderer):
yield entry
continuation = continuation_list[0]
for page_num in itertools.count(1):
if not continuation:
headers = self.generate_api_headers(
ytcfg=ytcfg, account_syncid=account_syncid, visitor_data=visitor_data)
response = self._extract_response(
item_id='%s page %s' % (item_id, page_num),
query=continuation, headers=headers, ytcfg=ytcfg,
check_get_keys=('continuationContents', 'onResponseReceivedActions', 'onResponseReceivedEndpoints'))
if not response:
# Extracting updated visitor data is required to prevent an infinite extraction loop in some cases
# See: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28702
visitor_data = self._extract_visitor_data(response) or visitor_data
known_continuation_renderers = {
'playlistVideoListContinuation': self._playlist_entries,
'gridContinuation': self._grid_entries,
'itemSectionContinuation': self._post_thread_continuation_entries,
'sectionListContinuation': extract_entries, # for feeds
continuation_contents = try_get(
response, lambda x: x['continuationContents'], dict) or {}
continuation_renderer = None
for key, value in continuation_contents.items():
if key not in known_continuation_renderers:
continuation_renderer = value
continuation_list = [None]
for entry in known_continuation_renderers[key](continuation_renderer):
yield entry
continuation = continuation_list[0] or self._extract_continuation(continuation_renderer)
if continuation_renderer:
known_renderers = {
'gridPlaylistRenderer': (self._grid_entries, 'items'),
'gridVideoRenderer': (self._grid_entries, 'items'),
'gridChannelRenderer': (self._grid_entries, 'items'),
'playlistVideoRenderer': (self._playlist_entries, 'contents'),
'itemSectionRenderer': (extract_entries, 'contents'), # for feeds
'richItemRenderer': (extract_entries, 'contents'), # for hashtag
'backstagePostThreadRenderer': (self._post_thread_continuation_entries, 'contents')
on_response_received = dict_get(response, ('onResponseReceivedActions', 'onResponseReceivedEndpoints'))
continuation_items = try_get(
on_response_received, lambda x: x[0]['appendContinuationItemsAction']['continuationItems'], list)
continuation_item = try_get(continuation_items, lambda x: x[0], dict) or {}
video_items_renderer = None
for key, value in continuation_item.items():
if key not in known_renderers:
video_items_renderer = {known_renderers[key][1]: continuation_items}
continuation_list = [None]
for entry in known_renderers[key][0](video_items_renderer):
yield entry
continuation = continuation_list[0] or self._extract_continuation(video_items_renderer)
if video_items_renderer:
def _extract_selected_tab(tabs):
for tab in tabs:
renderer = dict_get(tab, ('tabRenderer', 'expandableTabRenderer')) or {}
if renderer.get('selected') is True:
return renderer
raise ExtractorError('Unable to find selected tab')
def _extract_uploader(cls, data):
uploader = {}
renderer = cls._extract_sidebar_info_renderer(data, 'playlistSidebarSecondaryInfoRenderer') or {}
owner = try_get(
renderer, lambda x: x['videoOwner']['videoOwnerRenderer']['title']['runs'][0], dict)
if owner:
uploader['uploader'] = owner.get('text')
uploader['uploader_id'] = try_get(
owner, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['browseId'], compat_str)
uploader['uploader_url'] = urljoin(
try_get(owner, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['canonicalBaseUrl'], compat_str))
return {k: v for k, v in uploader.items() if v is not None}
def _extract_from_tabs(self, item_id, ytcfg, data, tabs):
playlist_id = title = description = channel_url = channel_name = channel_id = None
tags = []
selected_tab = self._extract_selected_tab(tabs)
primary_sidebar_renderer = self._extract_sidebar_info_renderer(data, 'playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer')
renderer = try_get(
data, lambda x: x['metadata']['channelMetadataRenderer'], dict)
if renderer:
channel_name = renderer.get('title')
channel_url = renderer.get('channelUrl')
channel_id = renderer.get('externalId')
renderer = try_get(
data, lambda x: x['metadata']['playlistMetadataRenderer'], dict)
if renderer:
title = renderer.get('title')
description = renderer.get('description', '')
playlist_id = channel_id
tags = renderer.get('keywords', '').split()
thumbnails = (
self._extract_thumbnails(renderer, 'avatar')
or self._extract_thumbnails(
primary_sidebar_renderer, ('thumbnailRenderer', 'playlistVideoThumbnailRenderer', 'thumbnail')))
if playlist_id is None:
playlist_id = item_id
playlist_stats = traverse_obj(primary_sidebar_renderer, 'stats')
last_updated_unix, _ = self._extract_time_text(playlist_stats, 2)
if title is None:
title = self._get_text(data, ('header', 'hashtagHeaderRenderer', 'hashtag')) or playlist_id
title += format_field(selected_tab, 'title', ' - %s')
title += format_field(selected_tab, 'expandedText', ' - %s')
metadata = {
'playlist_id': playlist_id,
'playlist_title': title,
'playlist_description': description,
'uploader': channel_name,
'uploader_id': channel_id,
'uploader_url': channel_url,
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
'tags': tags,
'view_count': self._get_count(playlist_stats, 1),
'availability': self._extract_availability(data),
'modified_date': strftime_or_none(last_updated_unix, '%Y%m%d'),
'playlist_count': self._get_count(playlist_stats, 0)
if not channel_id:
'channel': metadata['uploader'],
'channel_id': metadata['uploader_id'],
'channel_url': metadata['uploader_url']})
return self.playlist_result(
selected_tab, playlist_id, ytcfg,
self._extract_account_syncid(ytcfg, data),
self._extract_visitor_data(data, ytcfg)),
def _extract_mix_playlist(self, playlist, playlist_id, data, ytcfg):
first_id = last_id = response = None
for page_num in itertools.count(1):
videos = list(self._playlist_entries(playlist))
if not videos:
start = next((i for i, v in enumerate(videos) if v['id'] == last_id), -1) + 1
if start >= len(videos):
for video in videos[start:]:
if video['id'] == first_id:
self.to_screen('First video %s found again; Assuming end of Mix' % first_id)
yield video
first_id = first_id or videos[0]['id']
last_id = videos[-1]['id']
watch_endpoint = try_get(
playlist, lambda x: x['contents'][-1]['playlistPanelVideoRenderer']['navigationEndpoint']['watchEndpoint'])
headers = self.generate_api_headers(
ytcfg=ytcfg, account_syncid=self._extract_account_syncid(ytcfg, data),
visitor_data=self._extract_visitor_data(response, data, ytcfg))
query = {
'playlistId': playlist_id,
'videoId': watch_endpoint.get('videoId') or last_id,
'index': watch_endpoint.get('index') or len(videos),
'params': watch_endpoint.get('params') or 'OAE%3D'
response = self._extract_response(
item_id='%s page %d' % (playlist_id, page_num),
query=query, ep='next', headers=headers, ytcfg=ytcfg,
playlist = try_get(
response, lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['playlist']['playlist'], dict)
def _extract_from_playlist(self, item_id, url, data, playlist, ytcfg):
title = playlist.get('title') or try_get(
data, lambda x: x['titleText']['simpleText'], compat_str)
playlist_id = playlist.get('playlistId') or item_id
# Delegating everything except mix playlists to regular tab-based playlist URL
playlist_url = urljoin(url, try_get(
playlist, lambda x: x['endpoint']['commandMetadata']['webCommandMetadata']['url'],
if playlist_url and playlist_url != url:
return self.url_result(
playlist_url, ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=playlist_id,
return self.playlist_result(
self._extract_mix_playlist(playlist, playlist_id, data, ytcfg),
playlist_id=playlist_id, playlist_title=title)
def _extract_availability(self, data):
Gets the availability of a given playlist/tab.
Note: Unless YouTube tells us explicitly, we do not assume it is public
@param data: response
is_private = is_unlisted = None
renderer = self._extract_sidebar_info_renderer(data, 'playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer') or {}
badge_labels = self._extract_badges(renderer)
# Personal playlists, when authenticated, have a dropdown visibility selector instead of a badge
privacy_dropdown_entries = try_get(
renderer, lambda x: x['privacyForm']['dropdownFormFieldRenderer']['dropdown']['dropdownRenderer']['entries'], list) or []
for renderer_dict in privacy_dropdown_entries:
is_selected = try_get(
renderer_dict, lambda x: x['privacyDropdownItemRenderer']['isSelected'], bool) or False
if not is_selected:
label = self._get_text(renderer_dict, ('privacyDropdownItemRenderer', 'label'))
if label:
for badge_label in badge_labels:
if badge_label == 'unlisted':
is_unlisted = True
elif badge_label == 'private':
is_private = True
elif badge_label == 'public':
is_unlisted = is_private = False
return self._availability(is_private, False, False, False, is_unlisted)
def _extract_sidebar_info_renderer(data, info_renderer, expected_type=dict):
sidebar_renderer = try_get(
data, lambda x: x['sidebar']['playlistSidebarRenderer']['items'], list) or []
for item in sidebar_renderer:
renderer = try_get(item, lambda x: x[info_renderer], expected_type)
if renderer:
return renderer
def _reload_with_unavailable_videos(self, item_id, data, ytcfg):
Get playlist with unavailable videos if the 'show unavailable videos' button exists.
browse_id = params = None
renderer = self._extract_sidebar_info_renderer(data, 'playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer')
if not renderer:
menu_renderer = try_get(
renderer, lambda x: x['menu']['menuRenderer']['items'], list) or []
for menu_item in menu_renderer:
if not isinstance(menu_item, dict):
nav_item_renderer = menu_item.get('menuNavigationItemRenderer')
text = try_get(
nav_item_renderer, lambda x: x['text']['simpleText'], compat_str)
if not text or text.lower() != 'show unavailable videos':
browse_endpoint = try_get(
nav_item_renderer, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['browseEndpoint'], dict) or {}
browse_id = browse_endpoint.get('browseId')
params = browse_endpoint.get('params')
headers = self.generate_api_headers(
ytcfg=ytcfg, account_syncid=self._extract_account_syncid(ytcfg, data),
visitor_data=self._extract_visitor_data(data, ytcfg))
query = {
'params': params or 'wgYCCAA=',
'browseId': browse_id or 'VL%s' % item_id
return self._extract_response(
item_id=item_id, headers=headers, query=query,
check_get_keys='contents', fatal=False, ytcfg=ytcfg,
note='Downloading API JSON with unavailable videos')
def _extract_webpage(self, url, item_id, fatal=True):
retries = self.get_param('extractor_retries', 3)
count = -1
webpage = data = last_error = None
while count < retries:
count += 1
# Sometimes youtube returns a webpage with incomplete ytInitialData
# See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/116
if last_error:
self.report_warning('%s. Retrying ...' % last_error)
webpage = self._download_webpage(
url, item_id,
note='Downloading webpage%s' % (' (retry #%d)' % count if count else '',))
data = self.extract_yt_initial_data(item_id, webpage or '', fatal=fatal) or {}
except ExtractorError as e:
if isinstance(e.cause, network_exceptions):
if not isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) or e.cause.code not in (403, 429):
last_error = error_to_compat_str(e.cause or e.msg)
if count < retries:
if fatal:
except ExtractorError as e:
if fatal:
if dict_get(data, ('contents', 'currentVideoEndpoint')):
last_error = 'Incomplete yt initial data received'
if count >= retries:
if fatal:
raise ExtractorError(last_error)
return webpage, data
def _extract_data(self, url, item_id, ytcfg=None, fatal=True, webpage_fatal=False, default_client='web'):
data = None
if 'webpage' not in self._configuration_arg('skip'):
webpage, data = self._extract_webpage(url, item_id, fatal=webpage_fatal)
ytcfg = ytcfg or self.extract_ytcfg(item_id, webpage)
if not data:
if not ytcfg and self.is_authenticated:
msg = 'Playlists that require authentication may not extract correctly without a successful webpage download.'
if 'authcheck' not in self._configuration_arg('skip') and fatal:
raise ExtractorError(
msg + ' If you are not downloading private content, or your cookies are only for the first account and channel,'
' pass "--extractor-args youtubetab:skip=authcheck" to skip this check',
self.report_warning(msg, only_once=True)
data = self._extract_tab_endpoint(url, item_id, ytcfg, fatal=fatal, default_client=default_client)
return data, ytcfg
def _extract_tab_endpoint(self, url, item_id, ytcfg=None, fatal=True, default_client='web'):
headers = self.generate_api_headers(ytcfg=ytcfg, default_client=default_client)
resolve_response = self._extract_response(
item_id=item_id, query={'url': url}, check_get_keys='endpoint', headers=headers, ytcfg=ytcfg, fatal=fatal,
ep='navigation/resolve_url', note='Downloading API parameters API JSON', default_client=default_client)
endpoints = {'browseEndpoint': 'browse', 'watchEndpoint': 'next'}
for ep_key, ep in endpoints.items():
params = try_get(resolve_response, lambda x: x['endpoint'][ep_key], dict)
if params:
return self._extract_response(
item_id=item_id, query=params, ep=ep, headers=headers,
ytcfg=ytcfg, fatal=fatal, default_client=default_client,
check_get_keys=('contents', 'currentVideoEndpoint'))
err_note = 'Failed to resolve url (does the playlist exist?)'
if fatal:
raise ExtractorError(err_note, expected=True)
self.report_warning(err_note, item_id)
def _smuggle_data(entries, data):
for entry in entries:
if data:
entry['url'] = smuggle_url(entry['url'], data)
yield entry
def _search_results(self, query, params=NO_DEFAULT):
data = {'query': query}
if params is NO_DEFAULT:
params = self._SEARCH_PARAMS
if params:
data['params'] = params
continuation_list = [None]
for page_num in itertools.count(1):
data.update(continuation_list[0] or {})
search = self._extract_response(
item_id='query "%s" page %s' % (query, page_num), ep='search', query=data,
check_get_keys=('contents', 'onResponseReceivedCommands'))
slr_contents = try_get(
(lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer']['primaryContents']['sectionListRenderer']['contents'],
lambda x: x['onResponseReceivedCommands'][0]['appendContinuationItemsAction']['continuationItems']),
yield from self._extract_entries({'contents': slr_contents}, continuation_list)
if not continuation_list[0]:
class YoutubeTabIE(YoutubeTabBaseInfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube Tabs'
_VALID_URL = r'''(?x:
(?!(?:%(reserved_names)s)\b) # Direct URLs
)''' % {
'reserved_names': YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._RESERVED_NAMES,
'invidious': '|'.join(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._INVIDIOUS_SITES),
IE_NAME = 'youtube:tab'
_TESTS = [{
'note': 'playlists, multipage',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/ИгорьКлейнер/playlists?view=1&flow=grid',
'playlist_mincount': 94,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'title': 'Igor Kleiner - Playlists',
'description': 'md5:be97ee0f14ee314f1f002cf187166ee2',
'uploader': 'Igor Kleiner',
'uploader_id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'channel': 'Igor Kleiner',
'channel_id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'tags': ['"критическое', 'мышление"', '"наука', 'просто"', 'математика', '"анализ', 'данных"'],
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
}, {
'note': 'playlists, multipage, different order',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/igorkle1/playlists?view=1&sort=dd',
'playlist_mincount': 94,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'title': 'Igor Kleiner - Playlists',
'description': 'md5:be97ee0f14ee314f1f002cf187166ee2',
'uploader_id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'uploader': 'Igor Kleiner',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'tags': ['"критическое', 'мышление"', '"наука', 'просто"', 'математика', '"анализ', 'данных"'],
'channel_id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
'channel': 'Igor Kleiner',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
}, {
'note': 'playlists, series',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/3blue1brown/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=3',
'playlist_mincount': 5,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'title': '3Blue1Brown - Playlists',
'description': 'md5:e1384e8a133307dd10edee76e875d62f',
'uploader_id': 'UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'uploader': '3Blue1Brown',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'channel': '3Blue1Brown',
'channel_id': 'UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'tags': ['Mathematics'],
}, {
'note': 'playlists, singlepage',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/ThirstForScience/playlists',
'playlist_mincount': 4,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCAEtajcuhQ6an9WEzY9LEMQ',
'title': 'ThirstForScience - Playlists',
'description': 'md5:609399d937ea957b0f53cbffb747a14c',
'uploader': 'ThirstForScience',
'uploader_id': 'UCAEtajcuhQ6an9WEzY9LEMQ',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAEtajcuhQ6an9WEzY9LEMQ',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAEtajcuhQ6an9WEzY9LEMQ',
'channel_id': 'UCAEtajcuhQ6an9WEzY9LEMQ',
'tags': 'count:13',
'channel': 'ThirstForScience',
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristophLaimer/playlists',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'basic, single video playlist',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4lCao7KL_QFVb7Iudeipvc2BCavECqzc',
'info_dict': {
'uploader_id': 'UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'uploader': 'Sergey M.',
'id': 'PL4lCao7KL_QFVb7Iudeipvc2BCavECqzc',
'title': 'youtube-dl public playlist',
'description': '',
'tags': [],
'view_count': int,
'modified_date': '20201130',
'channel': 'Sergey M.',
'channel_id': 'UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'playlist_count': 1,
}, {
'note': 'empty playlist',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4lCao7KL_QFodcLWhDpGCYnngnHtQ-Xf',
'info_dict': {
'uploader_id': 'UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'uploader': 'Sergey M.',
'id': 'PL4lCao7KL_QFodcLWhDpGCYnngnHtQ-Xf',
'title': 'youtube-dl empty playlist',
'tags': [],
'channel': 'Sergey M.',
'description': '',
'modified_date': '20160902',
'channel_id': 'UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'playlist_count': 0,
}, {
'note': 'Home tab',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/featured',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'title': 'lex will - Home',
'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
'uploader': 'lex will',
'uploader_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel': 'lex will',
'tags': ['bible', 'history', 'prophesy'],
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'playlist_mincount': 2,
}, {
'note': 'Videos tab',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/videos',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'title': 'lex will - Videos',
'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
'uploader': 'lex will',
'uploader_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'tags': ['bible', 'history', 'prophesy'],
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel': 'lex will',
'playlist_mincount': 975,
}, {
'note': 'Videos tab, sorted by popular',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'title': 'lex will - Videos',
'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
'uploader': 'lex will',
'uploader_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel': 'lex will',
'tags': ['bible', 'history', 'prophesy'],
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'playlist_mincount': 199,
}, {
'note': 'Playlists tab',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/playlists',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'title': 'lex will - Playlists',
'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
'uploader': 'lex will',
'uploader_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel': 'lex will',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'tags': ['bible', 'history', 'prophesy'],
'playlist_mincount': 17,
}, {
'note': 'Community tab',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/community',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'title': 'lex will - Community',
'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
'uploader': 'lex will',
'uploader_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel': 'lex will',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'tags': ['bible', 'history', 'prophesy'],
'playlist_mincount': 18,
}, {
'note': 'Channels tab',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/channels',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'title': 'lex will - Channels',
'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
'uploader': 'lex will',
'uploader_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel': 'lex will',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'channel_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
'tags': ['bible', 'history', 'prophesy'],
'playlist_mincount': 12,
}, {
'note': 'Search tab',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/3blue1brown/search?query=linear%20algebra',
'playlist_mincount': 40,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'title': '3Blue1Brown - Search - linear algebra',
'description': 'md5:e1384e8a133307dd10edee76e875d62f',
'uploader': '3Blue1Brown',
'uploader_id': 'UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
'tags': ['Mathematics'],
'channel': '3Blue1Brown',
'channel_id': 'UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw',
}, {
'url': 'https://invidio.us/channel/UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtubekids.com/channel/UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'Playlist with deleted videos (#651). As a bonus, the video #51 is also twice in this list.',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwP_SiAcdui0KVebT0mU9Apz359a4ubsC',
'info_dict': {
'title': '29C3: Not my department',
'id': 'PLwP_SiAcdui0KVebT0mU9Apz359a4ubsC',
'uploader': 'Christiaan008',
'uploader_id': 'UCEPzS1rYsrkqzSLNp76nrcg',
'description': 'md5:a14dc1a8ef8307a9807fe136a0660268',
'tags': [],
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/ChRiStIaAn008',
'view_count': int,
'modified_date': '20150605',
'channel_id': 'UCEPzS1rYsrkqzSLNp76nrcg',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/ChRiStIaAn008',
'channel': 'Christiaan008',
'playlist_count': 96,
}, {
'note': 'Large playlist',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'Uploads from Cauchemar',
'id': 'UUBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q',
'uploader': 'Cauchemar',
'uploader_id': 'UCBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/Cauchemar89',
'tags': [],
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'channel': 'Cauchemar',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/Cauchemar89',
'view_count': int,
'description': '',
'channel_id': 'UCBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q',
'playlist_mincount': 1123,
'expected_warnings': [r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden'],
}, {
'note': 'even larger playlist, 8832 videos',
'url': 'http://www.youtube.com/user/NASAgovVideo/videos',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'Buggy playlist: the webpage has a "Load more" button but it doesn\'t have more videos',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUXw-G3eDE9trcvY2sBMM_aA',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'Uploads from Interstellar Movie',
'id': 'UUXw-G3eDE9trcvY2sBMM_aA',
'uploader': 'Interstellar Movie',
'uploader_id': 'UCXw-G3eDE9trcvY2sBMM_aA',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/InterstellarMovie',
'tags': [],
'view_count': int,
'channel_id': 'UCXw-G3eDE9trcvY2sBMM_aA',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/InterstellarMovie',
'channel': 'Interstellar Movie',
'description': '',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'playlist_mincount': 21,
}, {
'note': 'Playlist with "show unavailable videos" button',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUTYLiWFZy8xtPwxFwX9rV7Q',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'Uploads from Phim Siêu Nhân Nhật Bản',
'id': 'UUTYLiWFZy8xtPwxFwX9rV7Q',
'uploader': 'Phim Siêu Nhân Nhật Bản',
'uploader_id': 'UCTYLiWFZy8xtPwxFwX9rV7Q',
'view_count': int,
'channel': 'Phim Siêu Nhân Nhật Bản',
'tags': [],
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTYLiWFZy8xtPwxFwX9rV7Q',
'description': '',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTYLiWFZy8xtPwxFwX9rV7Q',
'channel_id': 'UCTYLiWFZy8xtPwxFwX9rV7Q',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'playlist_mincount': 200,
'expected_warnings': [r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden'],
}, {
'note': 'Playlist with unavailable videos in page 7',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UU8l9frL61Yl5KFOl87nIm2w',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'Uploads from BlankTV',
'id': 'UU8l9frL61Yl5KFOl87nIm2w',
'uploader': 'BlankTV',
'uploader_id': 'UC8l9frL61Yl5KFOl87nIm2w',
'channel': 'BlankTV',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/blanktv',
'channel_id': 'UC8l9frL61Yl5KFOl87nIm2w',
'view_count': int,
'tags': [],
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/blanktv',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'description': '',
'playlist_mincount': 1000,
'expected_warnings': [r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden'],
}, {
'note': 'https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/21844',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzH6n4zXuckpfMu_4Ff8E7Z1behQks5ba',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'Data Analysis with Dr Mike Pound',
'id': 'PLzH6n4zXuckpfMu_4Ff8E7Z1behQks5ba',
'uploader_id': 'UC9-y-6csu5WGm29I7JiwpnA',
'uploader': 'Computerphile',
'description': 'md5:7f567c574d13d3f8c0954d9ffee4e487',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/Computerphile',
'tags': [],
'view_count': int,
'channel_id': 'UC9-y-6csu5WGm29I7JiwpnA',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/Computerphile',
'channel': 'Computerphile',
'playlist_mincount': 11,
}, {
'url': 'https://invidio.us/playlist?list=PL4lCao7KL_QFVb7Iudeipvc2BCavECqzc',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'Playlist URL that does not actually serve a playlist',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqZTN594JQw&list=PLMYEtVRpaqY00V9W81Cwmzp6N6vZqfUKD4',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'FqZTN594JQw',
'ext': 'webm',
'title': "Smiley's People 01 detective, Adventure Series, Action",
'uploader': 'STREEM',
'uploader_id': 'UCyPhqAZgwYWZfxElWVbVJng',
'uploader_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/channel/UCyPhqAZgwYWZfxElWVbVJng',
'upload_date': '20150526',
'license': 'Standard YouTube License',
'description': 'md5:507cdcb5a49ac0da37a920ece610be80',
'categories': ['People & Blogs'],
'tags': list,
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'skip': 'This video is not available.',
'add_ie': [YoutubeIE.ie_key()],
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtubekids.com/watch?v=Agk7R8I8o5U&list=PUZ6jURNr1WQZCNHF0ao-c0g',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuAGGZNfUkU&list=RDMM',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoMdktPbSTixAyNGwb-UYkQ/live',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'zpsbVPFwsqk', # This will keep changing
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': str,
'uploader': 'Sky News',
'uploader_id': 'skynews',
'uploader_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/user/skynews',
'upload_date': r're:\d{8}',
'description': str,
'categories': ['News & Politics'],
'tags': list,
'like_count': int,
'release_timestamp': 1640164857,
'channel': 'Sky News',
'channel_id': 'UCoMdktPbSTixAyNGwb-UYkQ',
'age_limit': 0,
'view_count': int,
'thumbnail': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zpsbVPFwsqk/maxresdefault_live.jpg',
'playable_in_embed': True,
'release_date': '20211222',
'availability': 'public',
'live_status': 'is_live',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoMdktPbSTixAyNGwb-UYkQ',
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'expected_warnings': ['Ignoring subtitle tracks found in '],
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks/live',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'a48o2S1cPoo',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'The Young Turks - Live Main Show',
'uploader': 'The Young Turks',
'uploader_id': 'TheYoungTurks',
'uploader_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/user/TheYoungTurks',
'upload_date': '20150715',
'license': 'Standard YouTube License',
'description': 'md5:438179573adcdff3c97ebb1ee632b891',
'categories': ['News & Politics'],
'tags': ['Cenk Uygur (TV Program Creator)', 'The Young Turks (Award-Winning Work)', 'Talk Show (TV Genre)'],
'like_count': int,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ/live',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/CommanderVideoHq/live',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'A channel that is not live. Should raise error',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/numberphile/live',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/trending',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/library',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/history',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/watch_later',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'Recommended - redirects to home page.',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/recommended',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'inline playlist with not always working continuations',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC6u0Tct-Fo&list=PL36D642111D65BE7C',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/course',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/zsecurity',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://www.youtube.com/NASAgovVideo/videos',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/live',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cctv9',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'cctv9',
'title': '#cctv9',
'tags': [],
'playlist_mincount': 350,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLW4dVinRY435CBE_JD3t-0SRXKfnZHS1P&feature=youtu.be&v=M9cJMXmQ_ZU',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'note': 'Requires Premium: should request additional YTM-info webpage (and have format 141) for videos in playlist',
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRBp0Fe2GpgmgoscNFLxNyBVSFVdYmFkq',
'only_matching': True
}, {
'note': '/browse/ should redirect to /channel/',
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/browse/UC1a8OFewdjuLq6KlF8M_8Ng',
'only_matching': True
}, {
'note': 'VLPL, should redirect to playlist?list=PL...',
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/browse/VLPLRBp0Fe2GpgmgoscNFLxNyBVSFVdYmFkq',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'PLRBp0Fe2GpgmgoscNFLxNyBVSFVdYmFkq',
'uploader': 'NoCopyrightSounds',
'description': 'Providing you with copyright free / safe music for gaming, live streaming, studying and more!',
'uploader_id': 'UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg',
'title': 'NCS Releases',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/NoCopyrightSounds',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/NoCopyrightSounds',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'view_count': int,
'channel_id': 'UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg',
'tags': [],
'channel': 'NoCopyrightSounds',
'playlist_mincount': 166,
'expected_warnings': [r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden'],
}, {
'note': 'Topic, should redirect to playlist?list=UU...',
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/browse/UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UU9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'uploader_id': 'UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'title': 'Uploads from Royalty Free Music - Topic',
'uploader': 'Royalty Free Music - Topic',
'tags': [],
'channel_id': 'UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'channel': 'Royalty Free Music - Topic',
'view_count': int,
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'description': '',
'expected_warnings': [
'The URL does not have a videos tab',
r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden',
'playlist_mincount': 101,
}, {
'note': 'Topic without a UU playlist',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtFRv9O2AHqOZjjynzrv-xg',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCtFRv9O2AHqOZjjynzrv-xg',
'title': 'UCtFRv9O2AHqOZjjynzrv-xg',
'tags': [],
'expected_warnings': [
'the playlist redirect gave error',
'playlist_mincount': 9,
}, {
'note': 'Youtube music Album',
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/browse/MPREb_gTAcphH99wE',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'OLAK5uy_l1m0thk3g31NmIIz_vMIbWtyv7eZixlH0',
'title': 'Album - Royalty Free Music Library V2 (50 Songs)',
'tags': [],
'view_count': int,
'description': '',
'availability': 'unlisted',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'playlist_count': 50,
}, {
'note': 'unlisted single video playlist',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL24UFy54GrB3s2KMMfjZscDi1x5Dajf',
'info_dict': {
'uploader_id': 'UC9zHu_mHU96r19o-wV5Qs1Q',
'uploader': 'colethedj',
'id': 'PLwL24UFy54GrB3s2KMMfjZscDi1x5Dajf',
'title': 'yt-dlp unlisted playlist test',
'availability': 'unlisted',
'tags': [],
'modified_date': '20211208',
'channel': 'colethedj',
'view_count': int,
'description': '',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9zHu_mHU96r19o-wV5Qs1Q',
'channel_id': 'UC9zHu_mHU96r19o-wV5Qs1Q',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9zHu_mHU96r19o-wV5Qs1Q',
'playlist_count': 1,
}, {
'note': 'API Fallback: Recommended - redirects to home page. Requires visitorData',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/recommended',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'recommended',
'title': 'recommended',
'playlist_mincount': 50,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'extractor_args': {'youtubetab': {'skip': ['webpage']}}
}, {
'note': 'API Fallback: /videos tab, sorted by oldest first',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/theCodyReeder/videos?view=0&sort=da&flow=grid',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UCu6mSoMNzHQiBIOCkHUa2Aw',
'title': 'Cody\'sLab - Videos',
'description': 'md5:d083b7c2f0c67ee7a6c74c3e9b4243fa',
'uploader': 'Cody\'sLab',
'uploader_id': 'UCu6mSoMNzHQiBIOCkHUa2Aw',
'channel': 'Cody\'sLab',
'channel_id': 'UCu6mSoMNzHQiBIOCkHUa2Aw',
'tags': [],
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu6mSoMNzHQiBIOCkHUa2Aw',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu6mSoMNzHQiBIOCkHUa2Aw',
'playlist_mincount': 650,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'extractor_args': {'youtubetab': {'skip': ['webpage']}}
}, {
'note': 'API Fallback: Topic, should redirect to playlist?list=UU...',
'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/browse/UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'UU9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'uploader_id': 'UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'title': 'Uploads from Royalty Free Music - Topic',
'uploader': 'Royalty Free Music - Topic',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'channel_id': 'UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'description': '',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'tags': [],
'channel': 'Royalty Free Music - Topic',
'view_count': int,
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ALqqC4aIeG5iDs7i90Bfw',
'expected_warnings': [
'does not have a videos tab',
r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden',
'playlist_mincount': 101,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'extractor_args': {'youtubetab': {'skip': ['webpage']}}
def suitable(cls, url):
return False if YoutubeIE.suitable(url) else super(
YoutubeTabIE, cls).suitable(url)
def _real_extract(self, url):
url, smuggled_data = unsmuggle_url(url, {})
if self.is_music_url(url):
smuggled_data['is_music_url'] = True
info_dict = self.__real_extract(url, smuggled_data)
if info_dict.get('entries'):
info_dict['entries'] = self._smuggle_data(info_dict['entries'], smuggled_data)
return info_dict
_URL_RE = re.compile(rf'(?P<pre>{_VALID_URL})(?(channel_type)(?P<tab>/\w+))?(?P<post>.*)$')
def __real_extract(self, url, smuggled_data):
item_id = self._match_id(url)
url = compat_urlparse.urlunparse(
compat_opts = self.get_param('compat_opts', [])
def get_mobj(url):
mobj = self._URL_RE.match(url).groupdict()
mobj.update((k, '') for k, v in mobj.items() if v is None)
return mobj
mobj, redirect_warning = get_mobj(url), None
# Youtube returns incomplete data if tabname is not lower case
pre, tab, post, is_channel = mobj['pre'], mobj['tab'].lower(), mobj['post'], not mobj['not_channel']
if is_channel:
if smuggled_data.get('is_music_url'):
if item_id[:2] == 'VL': # Youtube music VL channels have an equivalent playlist
item_id = item_id[2:]
pre, tab, post, is_channel = f'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list={item_id}', '', '', False
elif item_id[:2] == 'MP': # Resolve albums (/[channel/browse]/MP...) to their equivalent playlist
mdata = self._extract_tab_endpoint(
f'https://music.youtube.com/channel/{item_id}', item_id, default_client='web_music')
murl = traverse_obj(mdata, ('microformat', 'microformatDataRenderer', 'urlCanonical'),
get_all=False, expected_type=compat_str)
if not murl:
raise ExtractorError('Failed to resolve album to playlist')
return self.url_result(murl, ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key())
elif mobj['channel_type'] == 'browse': # Youtube music /browse/ should be changed to /channel/
pre = f'https://www.youtube.com/channel/{item_id}'
if is_channel and not tab and 'no-youtube-channel-redirect' not in compat_opts:
# Home URLs should redirect to /videos/
redirect_warning = ('A channel/user page was given. All the channel\'s videos will be downloaded. '
'To download only the videos in the home page, add a "/featured" to the URL')
tab = '/videos'
url = ''.join((pre, tab, post))
mobj = get_mobj(url)
# Handle both video/playlist URLs
qs = parse_qs(url)
video_id, playlist_id = [qs.get(key, [None])[0] for key in ('v', 'list')]
if not video_id and mobj['not_channel'].startswith('watch'):
if not playlist_id:
# If there is neither video or playlist ids, youtube redirects to home page, which is undesirable
raise ExtractorError('Unable to recognize tab page')
# Common mistake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=playlist_id
self.report_warning(f'A video URL was given without video ID. Trying to download playlist {playlist_id}')
url = f'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list={playlist_id}'
mobj = get_mobj(url)
if video_id and playlist_id:
if self.get_param('noplaylist'):
self.to_screen(f'Downloading just video {video_id} because of --no-playlist')
return self.url_result(f'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id}',
ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key(), video_id=video_id)
self.to_screen(f'Downloading playlist {playlist_id}; add --no-playlist to just download video {video_id}')
data, ytcfg = self._extract_data(url, item_id)
tabs = traverse_obj(data, ('contents', 'twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer', 'tabs'), expected_type=list)
if tabs:
selected_tab = self._extract_selected_tab(tabs)
tab_name = selected_tab.get('title', '')
if 'no-youtube-channel-redirect' not in compat_opts:
if mobj['tab'] == '/live':
# Live tab should have redirected to the video
raise ExtractorError('The channel is not currently live', expected=True)
if mobj['tab'] == '/videos' and tab_name.lower() != mobj['tab'][1:]:
redirect_warning = f'The URL does not have a {mobj["tab"][1:]} tab'
if not mobj['not_channel'] and item_id[:2] == 'UC':
# Topic channels don't have /videos. Use the equivalent playlist instead
pl_id = f'UU{item_id[2:]}'
pl_url = f'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list={pl_id}'
data, ytcfg = self._extract_data(pl_url, pl_id, ytcfg=ytcfg, fatal=True)
except ExtractorError:
redirect_warning += ' and the playlist redirect gave error'
item_id, url, tab_name = pl_id, pl_url, mobj['tab'][1:]
redirect_warning += f'. Redirecting to playlist {pl_id} instead'
if tab_name.lower() != mobj['tab'][1:]:
redirect_warning += f'. {tab_name} tab is being downloaded instead'
if redirect_warning:
self.write_debug(f'Final URL: {url}')
# YouTube sometimes provides a button to reload playlist with unavailable videos.
if 'no-youtube-unavailable-videos' not in compat_opts:
data = self._reload_with_unavailable_videos(item_id, data, ytcfg) or data
self._extract_and_report_alerts(data, only_once=True)
tabs = traverse_obj(data, ('contents', 'twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer', 'tabs'), expected_type=list)
if tabs:
return self._extract_from_tabs(item_id, ytcfg, data, tabs)
playlist = traverse_obj(
data, ('contents', 'twoColumnWatchNextResults', 'playlist', 'playlist'), expected_type=dict)
if playlist:
return self._extract_from_playlist(item_id, url, data, playlist, ytcfg)
video_id = traverse_obj(
data, ('currentVideoEndpoint', 'watchEndpoint', 'videoId'), expected_type=str) or video_id
if video_id:
if mobj['tab'] != '/live': # live tab is expected to redirect to video
self.report_warning(f'Unable to recognize playlist. Downloading just video {video_id}')
return self.url_result(f'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id}',
ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key(), video_id=video_id)
raise ExtractorError('Unable to recognize tab page')
class YoutubePlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube playlists'
_VALID_URL = r'''(?x)(?:
)''' % {
'playlist_id': YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._PLAYLIST_ID_RE,
'invidious': '|'.join(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._INVIDIOUS_SITES),
IE_NAME = 'youtube:playlist'
_TESTS = [{
'note': 'issue #673',
'url': 'PLBB231211A4F62143',
'info_dict': {
'title': '[OLD]Team Fortress 2 (Class-based LP)',
'id': 'PLBB231211A4F62143',
'uploader': 'Wickman',
'uploader_id': 'UCKSpbfbl5kRQpTdL7kMc-1Q',
'description': 'md5:8fa6f52abb47a9552002fa3ddfc57fc2',
'view_count': int,
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/Wickydoo',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'channel_id': 'UCKSpbfbl5kRQpTdL7kMc-1Q',
'channel': 'Wickman',
'tags': [],
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/Wickydoo',
'playlist_mincount': 29,
}, {
'url': 'PLtPgu7CB4gbY9oDN3drwC3cMbJggS7dKl',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'YDL_safe_search',
'id': 'PLtPgu7CB4gbY9oDN3drwC3cMbJggS7dKl',
'playlist_count': 2,
'skip': 'This playlist is private',
}, {
'note': 'embedded',
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PL6IaIsEjSbf96XFRuNccS_RuEXwNdsoEu',
'playlist_count': 4,
'info_dict': {
'title': 'JODA15',
'id': 'PL6IaIsEjSbf96XFRuNccS_RuEXwNdsoEu',
'uploader': 'milan',
'uploader_id': 'UCEI1-PVPcYXjB73Hfelbmaw',
'description': '',
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEI1-PVPcYXjB73Hfelbmaw',
'tags': [],
'modified_date': '20140919',
'view_count': int,
'channel': 'milan',
'channel_id': 'UCEI1-PVPcYXjB73Hfelbmaw',
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEI1-PVPcYXjB73Hfelbmaw',
'expected_warnings': [r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden'],
}, {
'url': 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/_xDOZElKyNU?list=PLsyOSbh5bs16vubvKePAQ1x3PhKavfBIl',
'playlist_mincount': 654,
'info_dict': {
'title': '2018 Chinese New Singles (11/6 updated)',
'id': 'PLsyOSbh5bs16vubvKePAQ1x3PhKavfBIl',
'uploader': 'LBK',
'uploader_id': 'UC21nz3_MesPLqtDqwdvnoxA',
'description': 'md5:da521864744d60a198e3a88af4db0d9d',
'channel': 'LBK',
'view_count': int,
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/愛低音的國王',
'tags': [],
'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/愛低音的國王',
'channel_id': 'UC21nz3_MesPLqtDqwdvnoxA',
'modified_date': r're:\d{8}',
'expected_warnings': [r'[Uu]navailable videos (are|will be) hidden'],
}, {
'url': 'TLGGrESM50VT6acwMjAyMjAxNw',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
# music album playlist
'url': 'OLAK5uy_m4xAFdmMC5rX3Ji3g93pQe3hqLZw_9LhM',
'only_matching': True,
def suitable(cls, url):
if YoutubeTabIE.suitable(url):
return False
from ..utils import parse_qs
qs = parse_qs(url)
if qs.get('v', [None])[0]:
return False
return super(YoutubePlaylistIE, cls).suitable(url)
def _real_extract(self, url):
playlist_id = self._match_id(url)
is_music_url = YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor.is_music_url(url)
url = update_url_query(
parse_qs(url) or {'list': playlist_id})
if is_music_url:
url = smuggle_url(url, {'is_music_url': True})
return self.url_result(url, ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=playlist_id)
class YoutubeYtBeIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'youtu.be'
_VALID_URL = r'https?://youtu\.be/(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})/*?.*?\blist=(?P<playlist_id>%(playlist_id)s)' % {'playlist_id': YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._PLAYLIST_ID_RE}
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://youtu.be/yeWKywCrFtk?list=PL2qgrgXsNUG5ig9cat4ohreBjYLAPC0J5',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'yeWKywCrFtk',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Small Scale Baler and Braiding Rugs',
'uploader': 'Backus-Page House Museum',
'uploader_id': 'backuspagemuseum',
'uploader_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/user/backuspagemuseum',
'upload_date': '20161008',
'description': 'md5:800c0c78d5eb128500bffd4f0b4f2e8a',
'categories': ['Nonprofits & Activism'],
'tags': list,
'like_count': int,
'age_limit': 0,
'playable_in_embed': True,
'thumbnail': 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/yeWKywCrFtk/maxresdefault.webp',
'channel': 'Backus-Page House Museum',
'channel_id': 'UCEfMCQ9bs3tjvjy1s451zaw',
'live_status': 'not_live',
'view_count': int,
'channel_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEfMCQ9bs3tjvjy1s451zaw',
'availability': 'public',
'duration': 59,
'params': {
'noplaylist': True,
'skip_download': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://youtu.be/uWyaPkt-VOI?list=PL9D9FC436B881BA21',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = self._match_valid_url(url)
video_id = mobj.group('id')
playlist_id = mobj.group('playlist_id')
return self.url_result(
update_url_query('https://www.youtube.com/watch', {
'v': video_id,
'list': playlist_id,
'feature': 'youtu.be',
}), ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=playlist_id)
class YoutubeYtUserIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube user videos; "ytuser:" prefix'
_VALID_URL = r'ytuser:(?P<id>.+)'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'ytuser:phihag',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
user_id = self._match_id(url)
return self.url_result(
'https://www.youtube.com/user/%s/videos' % user_id,
ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=user_id)
class YoutubeFavouritesIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'youtube:favorites'
IE_DESC = 'YouTube liked videos; ":ytfav" keyword (requires cookies)'
_VALID_URL = r':ytfav(?:ou?rite)?s?'
_TESTS = [{
'url': ':ytfav',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': ':ytfavorites',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
return self.url_result(
class YoutubeSearchIE(YoutubeTabBaseInfoExtractor, SearchInfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube search'
IE_NAME = 'youtube:search'
_SEARCH_KEY = 'ytsearch'
_SEARCH_PARAMS = 'EgIQAQ%3D%3D' # Videos only
_TESTS = []
class YoutubeSearchDateIE(YoutubeTabBaseInfoExtractor, SearchInfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = YoutubeSearchIE.IE_NAME + ':date'
_SEARCH_KEY = 'ytsearchdate'
IE_DESC = 'YouTube search, newest videos first'
_SEARCH_PARAMS = 'CAISAhAB' # Videos only, sorted by date
class YoutubeSearchURLIE(YoutubeTabBaseInfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube search URLs with sorting and filter support'
IE_NAME = YoutubeSearchIE.IE_NAME + '_url'
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/results\?(.*?&)?(?:search_query|q)=(?:[^&]+)(?:[&]|$)'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?baz=bar&search_query=youtube-dl+test+video&filters=video&lclk=video',
'playlist_mincount': 5,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'youtube-dl test video',
'title': 'youtube-dl test video',
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=python&sp=EgIQAg%253D%253D',
'playlist_mincount': 5,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'python',
'title': 'python',
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?q=test&sp=EgQIBBgB',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
qs = parse_qs(url)
query = (qs.get('search_query') or qs.get('q'))[0]
return self.playlist_result(self._search_results(query, qs.get('sp', (None,))[0]), query, query)
class YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor(YoutubeTabIE):
Base class for feed extractors
Subclasses must define the _FEED_NAME property.
_TESTS = []
def IE_NAME(self):
return 'youtube:%s' % self._FEED_NAME
def _real_extract(self, url):
return self.url_result(
'https://www.youtube.com/feed/%s' % self._FEED_NAME,
class YoutubeWatchLaterIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'youtube:watchlater'
IE_DESC = 'Youtube watch later list; ":ytwatchlater" keyword (requires cookies)'
_VALID_URL = r':ytwatchlater'
_TESTS = [{
'url': ':ytwatchlater',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
return self.url_result(
'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=WL', ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key())
class YoutubeRecommendedIE(YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube recommended videos; ":ytrec" keyword'
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/?(?:[?#]|$)|:ytrec(?:ommended)?'
_FEED_NAME = 'recommended'
_TESTS = [{
'url': ':ytrec',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': ':ytrecommended',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://youtube.com',
'only_matching': True,
class YoutubeSubscriptionsIE(YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'YouTube subscriptions feed; ":ytsubs" keyword (requires cookies)'
_VALID_URL = r':ytsub(?:scription)?s?'
_FEED_NAME = 'subscriptions'
_TESTS = [{
'url': ':ytsubs',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': ':ytsubscriptions',
'only_matching': True,
class YoutubeHistoryIE(YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'Youtube watch history; ":ythis" keyword (requires cookies)'
_VALID_URL = r':ythis(?:tory)?'
_FEED_NAME = 'history'
_TESTS = [{
'url': ':ythistory',
'only_matching': True,
class YoutubeTruncatedURLIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'youtube:truncated_url'
IE_DESC = False # Do not list
_VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3951667041',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=84503534',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=foo',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2372',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
raise ExtractorError(
'Did you forget to quote the URL? Remember that & is a meta '
'character in most shells, so you want to put the URL in quotes, '
'like youtube-dl '
'"https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=foo&v=BaW_jenozKc" '
' or simply youtube-dl BaW_jenozKc .',
class YoutubeClipIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'youtube:clip'
IE_DESC = False # Do not list
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/clip/'
def _real_extract(self, url):
self.report_warning('YouTube clips are not currently supported. The entire video will be downloaded instead')
return self.url_result(url, 'Generic')
class YoutubeTruncatedIDIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'youtube:truncated_id'
IE_DESC = False # Do not list
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/watch\?v=(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{1,10})$'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_708QY7Ob',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = self._match_id(url)
raise ExtractorError(
'Incomplete YouTube ID %s. URL %s looks truncated.' % (video_id, url),