diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index da500ab98..45c56434a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1795,9 +1795,6 @@ The following extractors use this feature:
 * `is_live`: Bypass live HLS detection and manually set `live_status` - a value of `false` will set `not_live`, any other value (or no value) will set `is_live`
 * `impersonate`: Target(s) to try and impersonate with the initial webpage request; e.g. `generic:impersonate=safari,chrome-110`. Use `generic:impersonate` to impersonate any available target, and use `generic:impersonate=false` to disable impersonation (default)
-#### crunchyrollbeta (Crunchyroll)
-* `hardsub`: One or more hardsub versions to extract (in order of preference), or `all` (default: `None` = no hardsubs will be extracted), e.g. `crunchyrollbeta:hardsub=en-US,de-DE`
 #### vikichannel
 * `video_types`: Types of videos to download - one or more of `episodes`, `movies`, `clips`, `trailers`
diff --git a/yt_dlp/extractor/_extractors.py b/yt_dlp/extractor/_extractors.py
index dea14794b..2566a791c 100644
--- a/yt_dlp/extractor/_extractors.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/extractor/_extractors.py
@@ -441,12 +441,6 @@ from .crowdbunker import (
 from .crtvg import CrtvgIE
-from .crunchyroll import (
-    CrunchyrollArtistIE,
-    CrunchyrollBetaIE,
-    CrunchyrollBetaShowIE,
-    CrunchyrollMusicIE,
 from .cspan import (
diff --git a/yt_dlp/extractor/crunchyroll.py b/yt_dlp/extractor/crunchyroll.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8faed179b..000000000
--- a/yt_dlp/extractor/crunchyroll.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-import base64
-import uuid
-from .common import InfoExtractor
-from ..networking import Request
-from ..networking.exceptions import HTTPError
-from ..utils import (
-    ExtractorError,
-    float_or_none,
-    format_field,
-    int_or_none,
-    jwt_decode_hs256,
-    parse_age_limit,
-    parse_count,
-    parse_iso8601,
-    qualities,
-    time_seconds,
-    traverse_obj,
-    url_or_none,
-    urlencode_postdata,
-class CrunchyrollBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
-    _BASE_URL = 'https://www.crunchyroll.com'
-    _API_BASE = 'https://api.crunchyroll.com'
-    _NETRC_MACHINE = 'crunchyroll'
-    _SWITCH_USER_AGENT = 'Crunchyroll/1.8.0 Nintendo Switch/ UE4/4.27'
-    _REFRESH_TOKEN = None
-    _AUTH_HEADERS = None
-    _AUTH_EXPIRY = None
-    _API_ENDPOINT = None
-    _BASIC_AUTH = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(':'.join((
-        't-kdgp2h8c3jub8fn0fq',
-        'yfLDfMfrYvKXh4JXS1LEI2cCqu1v5Wan',
-    )).encode()).decode()
-    _IS_PREMIUM = None
-        'ar': 'ar-SA',
-        'de': 'de-DE',
-        '': 'en-US',
-        'es': 'es-419',
-        'es-es': 'es-ES',
-        'fr': 'fr-FR',
-        'it': 'it-IT',
-        'pt-br': 'pt-BR',
-        'pt-pt': 'pt-PT',
-        'ru': 'ru-RU',
-        'hi': 'hi-IN',
-    }
-    def _set_auth_info(self, response):
-        CrunchyrollBaseIE._IS_PREMIUM = 'cr_premium' in traverse_obj(response, ('access_token', {jwt_decode_hs256}, 'benefits', ...))
-        CrunchyrollBaseIE._AUTH_HEADERS = {'Authorization': response['token_type'] + ' ' + response['access_token']}
-        CrunchyrollBaseIE._AUTH_EXPIRY = time_seconds(seconds=traverse_obj(response, ('expires_in', {float_or_none}), default=300) - 10)
-    def _request_token(self, headers, data, note='Requesting token', errnote='Failed to request token'):
-        try:
-            return self._download_json(
-                f'{self._BASE_URL}/auth/v1/token', None, note=note, errnote=errnote,
-                headers=headers, data=urlencode_postdata(data), impersonate=True)
-        except ExtractorError as error:
-            if not isinstance(error.cause, HTTPError) or error.cause.status != 403:
-                raise
-            if target := error.cause.response.extensions.get('impersonate'):
-                raise ExtractorError(f'Got HTTP Error 403 when using impersonate target "{target}"')
-            raise ExtractorError(
-                'Request blocked by Cloudflare. '
-                'Install the required impersonation dependency if possible, '
-                'or else navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, '
-                'then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) '
-                'and your browser\'s User-Agent (with --user-agent)', expected=True)
-    def _perform_login(self, username, password):
-        if not CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN:
-            CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN = self.cache.load(self._NETRC_MACHINE, username)
-        if CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN:
-            return
-        try:
-            login_response = self._request_token(
-                headers={'Authorization': self._BASIC_AUTH}, data={
-                    'username': username,
-                    'password': password,
-                    'grant_type': 'password',
-                    'scope': 'offline_access',
-                }, note='Logging in', errnote='Failed to log in')
-        except ExtractorError as error:
-            if isinstance(error.cause, HTTPError) and error.cause.status == 401:
-                raise ExtractorError('Invalid username and/or password', expected=True)
-            raise
-        CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN = login_response['refresh_token']
-        self.cache.store(self._NETRC_MACHINE, username, CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN)
-        self._set_auth_info(login_response)
-    def _update_auth(self):
-        if CrunchyrollBaseIE._AUTH_HEADERS and CrunchyrollBaseIE._AUTH_EXPIRY > time_seconds():
-            return
-        auth_headers = {'Authorization': self._BASIC_AUTH}
-        if CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN:
-            data = {
-                'refresh_token': CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN,
-                'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
-                'scope': 'offline_access',
-            }
-        else:
-            data = {'grant_type': 'client_id'}
-            auth_headers['ETP-Anonymous-ID'] = uuid.uuid4()
-        try:
-            auth_response = self._request_token(auth_headers, data)
-        except ExtractorError as error:
-            username, password = self._get_login_info()
-            if not username or not isinstance(error.cause, HTTPError) or error.cause.status != 400:
-                raise
-            self.to_screen('Refresh token has expired. Re-logging in')
-            CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN = None
-            self.cache.store(self._NETRC_MACHINE, username, None)
-            self._perform_login(username, password)
-            return
-        self._set_auth_info(auth_response)
-    def _locale_from_language(self, language):
-        config_locale = self._configuration_arg('metadata', ie_key=CrunchyrollBetaIE, casesense=True)
-        return config_locale[0] if config_locale else self._LOCALE_LOOKUP.get(language)
-    def _call_base_api(self, endpoint, internal_id, lang, note=None, query={}):
-        self._update_auth()
-        if not endpoint.startswith('/'):
-            endpoint = f'/{endpoint}'
-        query = query.copy()
-        locale = self._locale_from_language(lang)
-        if locale:
-            query['locale'] = locale
-        return self._download_json(
-            f'{self._BASE_URL}{endpoint}', internal_id, note or f'Calling API: {endpoint}',
-            headers=CrunchyrollBaseIE._AUTH_HEADERS, query=query)
-    def _call_api(self, path, internal_id, lang, note='api', query={}):
-        if not path.startswith(f'/content/v2/{self._API_ENDPOINT}/'):
-            path = f'/content/v2/{self._API_ENDPOINT}/{path}'
-        try:
-            result = self._call_base_api(
-                path, internal_id, lang, f'Downloading {note} JSON ({self._API_ENDPOINT})', query=query)
-        except ExtractorError as error:
-            if isinstance(error.cause, HTTPError) and error.cause.status == 404:
-                return None
-            raise
-        if not result:
-            raise ExtractorError(f'Unexpected response when downloading {note} JSON')
-        return result
-    def _extract_chapters(self, internal_id):
-        # if no skip events are available, a 403 xml error is returned
-        skip_events = self._download_json(
-            f'https://static.crunchyroll.com/skip-events/production/{internal_id}.json',
-            internal_id, note='Downloading chapter info', fatal=False, errnote=False)
-        if not skip_events:
-            return None
-        chapters = []
-        for event in ('recap', 'intro', 'credits', 'preview'):
-            start = traverse_obj(skip_events, (event, 'start', {float_or_none}))
-            end = traverse_obj(skip_events, (event, 'end', {float_or_none}))
-            # some chapters have no start and/or ending time, they will just be ignored
-            if start is None or end is None:
-                continue
-            chapters.append({'title': event.capitalize(), 'start_time': start, 'end_time': end})
-        return chapters
-    def _extract_stream(self, identifier, display_id=None):
-        if not display_id:
-            display_id = identifier
-        self._update_auth()
-        headers = {**CrunchyrollBaseIE._AUTH_HEADERS, 'User-Agent': self._SWITCH_USER_AGENT}
-        try:
-            stream_response = self._download_json(
-                f'https://cr-play-service.prd.crunchyrollsvc.com/v1/{identifier}/console/switch/play',
-                display_id, note='Downloading stream info', errnote='Failed to download stream info', headers=headers)
-        except ExtractorError as error:
-            if self.get_param('ignore_no_formats_error'):
-                self.report_warning(error.orig_msg)
-                return [], {}
-            elif isinstance(error.cause, HTTPError) and error.cause.status == 420:
-                raise ExtractorError(
-                    'You have reached the rate-limit for active streams; try again later', expected=True)
-            raise
-        available_formats = {'': ('', '', stream_response['url'])}
-        for hardsub_lang, stream in traverse_obj(stream_response, ('hardSubs', {dict.items}, lambda _, v: v[1]['url'])):
-            available_formats[hardsub_lang] = (f'hardsub-{hardsub_lang}', hardsub_lang, stream['url'])
-        requested_hardsubs = [('' if val == 'none' else val) for val in (self._configuration_arg('hardsub') or ['none'])]
-        hardsub_langs = [lang for lang in available_formats if lang]
-        if hardsub_langs and 'all' not in requested_hardsubs:
-            full_format_langs = set(requested_hardsubs)
-            self.to_screen(f'Available hardsub languages: {", ".join(hardsub_langs)}')
-            self.to_screen(
-                'To extract formats of a hardsub language, use '
-                '"--extractor-args crunchyrollbeta:hardsub=<language_code or all>". '
-                'See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#crunchyrollbeta-crunchyroll for more info',
-                only_once=True)
-        else:
-            full_format_langs = set(map(str.lower, available_formats))
-        audio_locale = traverse_obj(stream_response, ('audioLocale', {str}))
-        hardsub_preference = qualities(requested_hardsubs[::-1])
-        formats, subtitles = [], {}
-        for format_id, hardsub_lang, stream_url in available_formats.values():
-            if hardsub_lang.lower() in full_format_langs:
-                adaptive_formats, dash_subs = self._extract_mpd_formats_and_subtitles(
-                    stream_url, display_id, mpd_id=format_id, headers=CrunchyrollBaseIE._AUTH_HEADERS,
-                    fatal=False, note=f'Downloading {f"{format_id} " if hardsub_lang else ""}MPD manifest')
-                self._merge_subtitles(dash_subs, target=subtitles)
-            else:
-                continue  # XXX: Update this if meta mpd formats work; will be tricky with token invalidation
-            for f in adaptive_formats:
-                if f.get('acodec') != 'none':
-                    f['language'] = audio_locale
-                f['quality'] = hardsub_preference(hardsub_lang.lower())
-            formats.extend(adaptive_formats)
-        for locale, subtitle in traverse_obj(stream_response, (('subtitles', 'captions'), {dict.items}, ...)):
-            subtitles.setdefault(locale, []).append(traverse_obj(subtitle, {'url': 'url', 'ext': 'format'}))
-        # Invalidate stream token to avoid rate-limit
-        error_msg = 'Unable to invalidate stream token; you may experience rate-limiting'
-        if stream_token := stream_response.get('token'):
-            self._request_webpage(Request(
-                f'https://cr-play-service.prd.crunchyrollsvc.com/v1/token/{identifier}/{stream_token}/inactive',
-                headers=headers, method='PATCH'), display_id, 'Invalidating stream token', error_msg, fatal=False)
-        else:
-            self.report_warning(error_msg)
-        return formats, subtitles
-class CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE(CrunchyrollBaseIE):
-    _API_ENDPOINT = 'cms'
-    _CMS_EXPIRY = None
-    def _call_cms_api_signed(self, path, internal_id, lang, note='api'):
-        if not CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE._CMS_EXPIRY or CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE._CMS_EXPIRY <= time_seconds():
-            response = self._call_base_api('index/v2', None, lang, 'Retrieving signed policy')['cms_web']
-            CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE._CMS_QUERY = {
-                'Policy': response['policy'],
-                'Signature': response['signature'],
-                'Key-Pair-Id': response['key_pair_id'],
-            }
-            CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE._CMS_BUCKET = response['bucket']
-            CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE._CMS_EXPIRY = parse_iso8601(response['expires']) - 10
-        if not path.startswith('/cms/v2'):
-            path = f'/cms/v2{CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE._CMS_BUCKET}/{path}'
-        return self._call_base_api(
-            path, internal_id, lang, f'Downloading {note} JSON (signed cms)', query=CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE._CMS_QUERY)
-class CrunchyrollBetaIE(CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE):
-    IE_NAME = 'crunchyroll'
-    _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
-        https?://(?:beta\.|www\.)?crunchyroll\.com/
-        (?:(?P<lang>\w{2}(?:-\w{2})?)/)?
-        watch/(?!concert|musicvideo)(?P<id>\w+)'''
-    _TESTS = [{
-        # Premium only
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/GY2P1Q98Y/to-the-future',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'GY2P1Q98Y',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'duration': 1380.241,
-            'timestamp': 1459632600,
-            'description': 'md5:a022fbec4fbb023d43631032c91ed64b',
-            'title': 'World Trigger Episode 73 – To the Future',
-            'upload_date': '20160402',
-            'series': 'World Trigger',
-            'series_id': 'GR757DMKY',
-            'season': 'World Trigger',
-            'season_id': 'GR9P39NJ6',
-            'season_number': 1,
-            'episode': 'To the Future',
-            'episode_number': 73,
-            'thumbnail': r're:^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-            'chapters': 'count:2',
-            'age_limit': 14,
-            'like_count': int,
-            'dislike_count': int,
-        },
-        'params': {
-            'skip_download': 'm3u8',
-            'extractor_args': {'crunchyrollbeta': {'hardsub': ['de-DE']}},
-            'format': 'bv[format_id~=hardsub]',
-        },
-    }, {
-        # Premium only
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/GYE5WKQGR',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'GYE5WKQGR',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'duration': 366.459,
-            'timestamp': 1476788400,
-            'description': 'md5:74b67283ffddd75f6e224ca7dc031e76',
-            'title': 'SHELTER – Porter Robinson presents Shelter the Animation',
-            'upload_date': '20161018',
-            'series': 'SHELTER',
-            'series_id': 'GYGG09WWY',
-            'season': 'SHELTER',
-            'season_id': 'GR09MGK4R',
-            'season_number': 1,
-            'episode': 'Porter Robinson presents Shelter the Animation',
-            'episode_number': 0,
-            'thumbnail': r're:^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-            'age_limit': 14,
-            'like_count': int,
-            'dislike_count': int,
-        },
-        'params': {'skip_download': True},
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/GJWU2VKK3/cherry-blossom-meeting-and-a-coming-blizzard',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'GJWU2VKK3',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'duration': 1420.054,
-            'description': 'md5:2d1c67c0ec6ae514d9c30b0b99a625cd',
-            'title': 'The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague Episode 1 – Cherry Blossom Meeting and a Coming Blizzard',
-            'series': 'The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague',
-            'series_id': 'GW4HM75NP',
-            'season': 'The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague',
-            'season_id': 'GY9PC21VE',
-            'season_number': 1,
-            'episode': 'Cherry Blossom Meeting and a Coming Blizzard',
-            'episode_number': 1,
-            'chapters': 'count:2',
-            'thumbnail': r're:^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-            'timestamp': 1672839000,
-            'upload_date': '20230104',
-            'age_limit': 14,
-            'like_count': int,
-            'dislike_count': int,
-        },
-        'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/GM8F313NQ',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'GM8F313NQ',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Garakowa -Restore the World-',
-            'description': 'md5:8d2f8b6b9dd77d87810882e7d2ee5608',
-            'duration': 3996.104,
-            'age_limit': 13,
-            'thumbnail': r're:^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-        },
-        'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
-        'skip': 'no longer exists',
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/G62PEZ2E6',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'G62PEZ2E6',
-            'description': 'md5:8d2f8b6b9dd77d87810882e7d2ee5608',
-            'age_limit': 13,
-            'duration': 65.138,
-            'title': 'Garakowa -Restore the World-',
-        },
-        'playlist_mincount': 5,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/watch/GY2P1Q98Y',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://beta.crunchyroll.com/pt-br/watch/G8WUN8VKP/the-ruler-of-conspiracy',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-    # We want to support lazy playlist filtering and movie listings cannot be inside a playlist
-    _RETURN_TYPE = 'video'
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        lang, internal_id = self._match_valid_url(url).group('lang', 'id')
-        # We need to use unsigned API call to allow ratings query string
-        response = traverse_obj(self._call_api(
-            f'objects/{internal_id}', internal_id, lang, 'object info', {'ratings': 'true'}), ('data', 0, {dict}))
-        if not response:
-            raise ExtractorError(f'No video with id {internal_id} could be found (possibly region locked?)', expected=True)
-        object_type = response.get('type')
-        if object_type == 'episode':
-            result = self._transform_episode_response(response)
-        elif object_type == 'movie':
-            result = self._transform_movie_response(response)
-        elif object_type == 'movie_listing':
-            first_movie_id = traverse_obj(response, ('movie_listing_metadata', 'first_movie_id'))
-            if not self._yes_playlist(internal_id, first_movie_id):
-                return self.url_result(f'{self._BASE_URL}/{lang}watch/{first_movie_id}', CrunchyrollBetaIE, first_movie_id)
-            def entries():
-                movies = self._call_api(f'movie_listings/{internal_id}/movies', internal_id, lang, 'movie list')
-                for movie_response in traverse_obj(movies, ('data', ...)):
-                    yield self.url_result(
-                        f'{self._BASE_URL}/{lang}watch/{movie_response["id"]}',
-                        CrunchyrollBetaIE, **self._transform_movie_response(movie_response))
-            return self.playlist_result(entries(), **self._transform_movie_response(response))
-        else:
-            raise ExtractorError(f'Unknown object type {object_type}')
-        if not self._IS_PREMIUM and traverse_obj(response, (f'{object_type}_metadata', 'is_premium_only')):
-            message = f'This {object_type} is for premium members only'
-            if CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN:
-                self.raise_no_formats(message, expected=True, video_id=internal_id)
-            else:
-                self.raise_login_required(message, method='password', metadata_available=True)
-        else:
-            result['formats'], result['subtitles'] = self._extract_stream(internal_id)
-        result['chapters'] = self._extract_chapters(internal_id)
-        def calculate_count(item):
-            return parse_count(''.join((item['displayed'], item.get('unit') or '')))
-        result.update(traverse_obj(response, ('rating', {
-            'like_count': ('up', {calculate_count}),
-            'dislike_count': ('down', {calculate_count}),
-        })))
-        return result
-    @staticmethod
-    def _transform_episode_response(data):
-        metadata = traverse_obj(data, (('episode_metadata', None), {dict}), get_all=False) or {}
-        return {
-            'id': data['id'],
-            'title': ' \u2013 '.join((
-                ('{}{}'.format(
-                    format_field(metadata, 'season_title'),
-                    format_field(metadata, 'episode', ' Episode %s'))),
-                format_field(data, 'title'))),
-            **traverse_obj(data, {
-                'episode': ('title', {str}),
-                'description': ('description', {str}, {lambda x: x.replace(r'\r\n', '\n')}),
-                'thumbnails': ('images', 'thumbnail', ..., ..., {
-                    'url': ('source', {url_or_none}),
-                    'width': ('width', {int_or_none}),
-                    'height': ('height', {int_or_none}),
-                }),
-            }),
-            **traverse_obj(metadata, {
-                'duration': ('duration_ms', {float_or_none(scale=1000)}),
-                'timestamp': ('upload_date', {parse_iso8601}),
-                'series': ('series_title', {str}),
-                'series_id': ('series_id', {str}),
-                'season': ('season_title', {str}),
-                'season_id': ('season_id', {str}),
-                'season_number': ('season_number', ({int}, {float_or_none})),
-                'episode_number': ('sequence_number', ({int}, {float_or_none})),
-                'age_limit': ('maturity_ratings', -1, {parse_age_limit}),
-                'language': ('audio_locale', {str}),
-            }, get_all=False),
-        }
-    @staticmethod
-    def _transform_movie_response(data):
-        metadata = traverse_obj(data, (('movie_metadata', 'movie_listing_metadata', None), {dict}), get_all=False) or {}
-        return {
-            'id': data['id'],
-            **traverse_obj(data, {
-                'title': ('title', {str}),
-                'description': ('description', {str}, {lambda x: x.replace(r'\r\n', '\n')}),
-                'thumbnails': ('images', 'thumbnail', ..., ..., {
-                    'url': ('source', {url_or_none}),
-                    'width': ('width', {int_or_none}),
-                    'height': ('height', {int_or_none}),
-                }),
-            }),
-            **traverse_obj(metadata, {
-                'duration': ('duration_ms', {float_or_none(scale=1000)}),
-                'age_limit': ('maturity_ratings', -1, {parse_age_limit}),
-            }),
-        }
-class CrunchyrollBetaShowIE(CrunchyrollCmsBaseIE):
-    IE_NAME = 'crunchyroll:playlist'
-    _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
-        https?://(?:beta\.|www\.)?crunchyroll\.com/
-        (?P<lang>(?:\w{2}(?:-\w{2})?/)?)
-        series/(?P<id>\w+)'''
-    _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY19NQ2QR/Girl-Friend-BETA',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'GY19NQ2QR',
-            'title': 'Girl Friend BETA',
-            'description': 'md5:99c1b22ee30a74b536a8277ced8eb750',
-            # XXX: `thumbnail` does not get set from `thumbnails` in playlist
-            #  'thumbnail': r're:^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-            'age_limit': 14,
-        },
-        'playlist_mincount': 10,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://beta.crunchyroll.com/it/series/GY19NQ2QR',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        lang, internal_id = self._match_valid_url(url).group('lang', 'id')
-        def entries():
-            seasons_response = self._call_cms_api_signed(f'seasons?series_id={internal_id}', internal_id, lang, 'seasons')
-            for season in traverse_obj(seasons_response, ('items', ..., {dict})):
-                episodes_response = self._call_cms_api_signed(
-                    f'episodes?season_id={season["id"]}', season['id'], lang, 'episode list')
-                for episode_response in traverse_obj(episodes_response, ('items', ..., {dict})):
-                    yield self.url_result(
-                        f'{self._BASE_URL}/{lang}watch/{episode_response["id"]}',
-                        CrunchyrollBetaIE, **CrunchyrollBetaIE._transform_episode_response(episode_response))
-        return self.playlist_result(
-            entries(), internal_id,
-            **traverse_obj(self._call_api(f'series/{internal_id}', internal_id, lang, 'series'), ('data', 0, {
-                'title': ('title', {str}),
-                'description': ('description', {lambda x: x.replace(r'\r\n', '\n')}),
-                'age_limit': ('maturity_ratings', -1, {parse_age_limit}),
-                'thumbnails': ('images', ..., ..., ..., {
-                    'url': ('source', {url_or_none}),
-                    'width': ('width', {int_or_none}),
-                    'height': ('height', {int_or_none}),
-                }),
-            })))
-class CrunchyrollMusicIE(CrunchyrollBaseIE):
-    IE_NAME = 'crunchyroll:music'
-    _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
-        https?://(?:www\.)?crunchyroll\.com/
-        (?P<lang>(?:\w{2}(?:-\w{2})?/)?)
-        watch/(?P<type>concert|musicvideo)/(?P<id>\w+)'''
-    _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/watch/musicvideo/MV5B02C79',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'id': 'MV5B02C79',
-            'display_id': 'egaono-hana',
-            'title': 'Egaono Hana',
-            'track': 'Egaono Hana',
-            'artists': ['Goose house'],
-            'thumbnail': r're:(?i)^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-            'genres': ['J-Pop'],
-        },
-        'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/musicvideo/MV88BB7F2C',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'id': 'MV88BB7F2C',
-            'display_id': 'crossing-field',
-            'title': 'Crossing Field',
-            'track': 'Crossing Field',
-            'artists': ['LiSA'],
-            'thumbnail': r're:(?i)^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-            'genres': ['Anime'],
-        },
-        'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
-        'skip': 'no longer exists',
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/concert/MC2E2AC135',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'id': 'MC2E2AC135',
-            'display_id': 'live-is-smile-always-364joker-at-yokohama-arena',
-            'title': 'LiVE is Smile Always-364+JOKER- at YOKOHAMA ARENA',
-            'track': 'LiVE is Smile Always-364+JOKER- at YOKOHAMA ARENA',
-            'artists': ['LiSA'],
-            'thumbnail': r're:(?i)^https://www.crunchyroll.com/imgsrv/.*\.jpeg?$',
-            'description': 'md5:747444e7e6300907b7a43f0a0503072e',
-            'genres': ['J-Pop'],
-        },
-        'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/watch/musicvideo/MV5B02C79/egaono-hana',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/concert/MC2E2AC135/live-is-smile-always-364joker-at-yokohama-arena',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/musicvideo/MV88BB7F2C/crossing-field',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-    _API_ENDPOINT = 'music'
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        lang, internal_id, object_type = self._match_valid_url(url).group('lang', 'id', 'type')
-        path, name = {
-            'concert': ('concerts', 'concert info'),
-            'musicvideo': ('music_videos', 'music video info'),
-        }[object_type]
-        response = traverse_obj(self._call_api(f'{path}/{internal_id}', internal_id, lang, name), ('data', 0, {dict}))
-        if not response:
-            raise ExtractorError(f'No video with id {internal_id} could be found (possibly region locked?)', expected=True)
-        result = self._transform_music_response(response)
-        if not self._IS_PREMIUM and response.get('isPremiumOnly'):
-            message = f'This {response.get("type") or "media"} is for premium members only'
-            if CrunchyrollBaseIE._REFRESH_TOKEN:
-                self.raise_no_formats(message, expected=True, video_id=internal_id)
-            else:
-                self.raise_login_required(message, method='password', metadata_available=True)
-        else:
-            result['formats'], _ = self._extract_stream(f'music/{internal_id}', internal_id)
-        return result
-    @staticmethod
-    def _transform_music_response(data):
-        return {
-            'id': data['id'],
-            **traverse_obj(data, {
-                'display_id': 'slug',
-                'title': 'title',
-                'track': 'title',
-                'artists': ('artist', 'name', all),
-                'description': ('description', {str}, {lambda x: x.replace(r'\r\n', '\n') or None}),
-                'thumbnails': ('images', ..., ..., {
-                    'url': ('source', {url_or_none}),
-                    'width': ('width', {int_or_none}),
-                    'height': ('height', {int_or_none}),
-                }),
-                'genres': ('genres', ..., 'displayValue'),
-                'age_limit': ('maturity_ratings', -1, {parse_age_limit}),
-            }),
-        }
-class CrunchyrollArtistIE(CrunchyrollBaseIE):
-    IE_NAME = 'crunchyroll:artist'
-    _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
-        https?://(?:www\.)?crunchyroll\.com/
-        (?P<lang>(?:\w{2}(?:-\w{2})?/)?)
-        artist/(?P<id>\w{10})'''
-    _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/artist/MA179CB50D',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'MA179CB50D',
-            'title': 'LiSA',
-            'genres': ['Anime', 'J-Pop', 'Rock'],
-            'description': 'md5:16d87de61a55c3f7d6c454b73285938e',
-        },
-        'playlist_mincount': 83,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/artist/MA179CB50D/lisa',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-    _API_ENDPOINT = 'music'
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        lang, internal_id = self._match_valid_url(url).group('lang', 'id')
-        response = traverse_obj(self._call_api(
-            f'artists/{internal_id}', internal_id, lang, 'artist info'), ('data', 0))
-        def entries():
-            for attribute, path in [('concerts', 'concert'), ('videos', 'musicvideo')]:
-                for internal_id in traverse_obj(response, (attribute, ...)):
-                    yield self.url_result(f'{self._BASE_URL}/watch/{path}/{internal_id}', CrunchyrollMusicIE, internal_id)
-        return self.playlist_result(entries(), **self._transform_artist_response(response))
-    @staticmethod
-    def _transform_artist_response(data):
-        return {
-            'id': data['id'],
-            **traverse_obj(data, {
-                'title': 'name',
-                'description': ('description', {str}, {lambda x: x.replace(r'\r\n', '\n')}),
-                'thumbnails': ('images', ..., ..., {
-                    'url': ('source', {url_or_none}),
-                    'width': ('width', {int_or_none}),
-                    'height': ('height', {int_or_none}),
-                }),
-                'genres': ('genres', ..., 'displayValue'),
-            }),
-        }
diff --git a/yt_dlp/extractor/unsupported.py b/yt_dlp/extractor/unsupported.py
index 8b7ec1dd9..e8d6ae128 100644
--- a/yt_dlp/extractor/unsupported.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/extractor/unsupported.py
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class KnownDRMIE(UnsupportedInfoExtractor):
+        r'(?:beta\.)?crunchyroll\.com',
     _TESTS = [{
@@ -153,6 +154,12 @@ class KnownDRMIE(UnsupportedInfoExtractor):
     }, {
         'url': 'https://www.qub.ca/vrai/l-effet-bocuse-d-or/saison-1/l-effet-bocuse-d-or-saison-1-bande-annonce-1098225063',
         'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/GY2P1Q98Y/to-the-future',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://beta.crunchyroll.com/pt-br/watch/G8WUN8VKP/the-ruler-of-conspiracy',
+        'only_matching': True,
     def _real_extract(self, url):