[youtube] Improve channel syncid extraction to support ytcfg (#241)

Authored by: colethedj
coletdjnz 2021-04-14 05:07:03 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 921b76cab8
commit 8ea3f7b909
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@ -336,14 +336,19 @@ class YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
def _extract_account_syncid(data):
"""Extract syncId required to download private playlists of secondary channels"""
sync_ids = (
try_get(data, lambda x: x['responseContext']['mainAppWebResponseContext']['datasyncId'], compat_str)
or '').split("||")
Extract syncId required to download private playlists of secondary channels
@param data Either response or ytcfg
sync_ids = (try_get(
data, (lambda x: x['responseContext']['mainAppWebResponseContext']['datasyncId'],
lambda x: x['DATASYNC_ID']), compat_str) or '').split("||")
if len(sync_ids) >= 2 and sync_ids[1]:
# datasyncid is of the form "channel_syncid||user_syncid" for secondary channel
# and just "user_syncid||" for primary channel. We only want the channel_syncid
return sync_ids[0]
# ytcfg includes channel_syncid if on secondary channel
return data.get('DELEGATED_SESSION_ID')
def _extract_ytcfg(self, video_id, webpage):
return self._parse_json(