diff --git a/devscripts/make_lazy_extractors.py b/devscripts/make_lazy_extractors.py
index e6de72b33..c27ef9781 100644
--- a/devscripts/make_lazy_extractors.py
+++ b/devscripts/make_lazy_extractors.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def build_lazy_ie(ie, name):
     return s
-# find the correct sorting and add the required base classes so that sublcasses
+# find the correct sorting and add the required base classes so that subclasses
 # can be correctly created
 classes = _ALL_CLASSES[:-1]
 ordered_cls = []
diff --git a/docs/supportedsites.md b/docs/supportedsites.md
index 3b98e7a12..0481f7db9 100644
--- a/docs/supportedsites.md
+++ b/docs/supportedsites.md
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
  - **ARD:mediathek**
  - **ARDBetaMediathek**
  - **Arkena**
- - **arte.tv:+7**
- - **arte.tv:embed**
- - **arte.tv:playlist**
+ - **ArteTV**
+ - **ArteTVEmbed**
+ - **ArteTVPlaylist**
  - **AsianCrush**
  - **AsianCrushPlaylist**
  - **AtresPlayer**
@@ -424,6 +424,7 @@
  - **la7.it**
  - **laola1tv**
  - **laola1tv:embed**
+ - **lbry.tv**
  - **LCI**
  - **Lcp**
  - **LcpPlay**
@@ -835,8 +836,6 @@
  - **SpankBangPlaylist**
  - **Spankwire**
  - **Spiegel**
- - **Spiegel:Article**: Articles on spiegel.de
- - **Spiegeltv**
  - **sport.francetvinfo.fr**
  - **Sport5**
  - **SportBox**
@@ -1147,19 +1146,18 @@
  - **YourPorn**
  - **YourUpload**
  - **youtube**: YouTube.com
- - **youtube:channel**: YouTube.com channels
  - **youtube:favorites**: YouTube.com favourite videos, ":ytfav" for short (requires authentication)
  - **youtube:history**: Youtube watch history, ":ythistory" for short (requires authentication)
  - **youtube:live**: YouTube.com live streams
  - **youtube:playlist**: YouTube.com playlists
- - **youtube:playlists**: YouTube.com user/channel playlists
  - **youtube:recommended**: YouTube.com recommended videos, ":ytrec" for short (requires authentication)
  - **youtube:search**: YouTube.com searches
  - **youtube:search:date**: YouTube.com searches, newest videos first
  - **youtube:search_url**: YouTube.com search URLs
  - **youtube:show**: YouTube.com (multi-season) shows
  - **youtube:subscriptions**: YouTube.com subscriptions feed, "ytsubs" keyword (requires authentication)
- - **youtube:user**: YouTube.com user videos (URL or "ytuser" keyword)
+ - **YoutubeYtUser**: YouTube.com user videos (URL or "ytuser" keyword)
+ - **youtube:tab**: YouTube.com tab
  - **youtube:watchlater**: Youtube watch later list, ":ytwatchlater" for short (requires authentication)
  - **Zapiks**
  - **Zaq1**
diff --git a/test/test_all_urls.py b/test/test_all_urls.py
index 548bc6750..a44cf7549 100644
--- a/test/test_all_urls.py
+++ b/test/test_all_urls.py
@@ -31,15 +31,17 @@ class TestAllURLsMatching(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_youtube_playlist_matching(self):
         assertPlaylist = lambda url: self.assertMatch(url, ['youtube:playlist'])
+        assertTab = lambda url: self.assertMatch(url, ['youtube:tab'])
         assertPlaylist('UUBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q')  # 585
-        assertPlaylist('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q')
+        assertPlaylist('PL63F0C78739B09958')
+        assertTab('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q')
-        assertPlaylist('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwP_SiAcdui0KVebT0mU9Apz359a4ubsC')
-        assertPlaylist('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV6J6_AeFEQ&playnext=1&list=PL4023E734DA416012')  # 668
+        assertTab('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwP_SiAcdui0KVebT0mU9Apz359a4ubsC')
+        assertTab('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV6J6_AeFEQ&playnext=1&list=PL4023E734DA416012')  # 668
         self.assertFalse('youtube:playlist' in self.matching_ies('PLtS2H6bU1M'))
         # Top tracks
-        assertPlaylist('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=MCUS.20142101')
+        assertTab('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=MCUS.20142101')
     def test_youtube_matching(self):
@@ -50,26 +52,22 @@ class TestAllURLsMatching(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertMatch('http://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?videoId=8v_4O44sfjM', ['youtube'])
     def test_youtube_channel_matching(self):
-        assertChannel = lambda url: self.assertMatch(url, ['youtube:channel'])
+        assertChannel = lambda url: self.assertMatch(url, ['youtube:tab'])
-    def test_youtube_user_matching(self):
-        self.assertMatch('http://www.youtube.com/NASAgovVideo/videos', ['youtube:user'])
+    # def test_youtube_user_matching(self):
+    #     self.assertMatch('http://www.youtube.com/NASAgovVideo/videos', ['youtube:tab'])
     def test_youtube_feeds(self):
         self.assertMatch('https://www.youtube.com/feed/watch_later', ['youtube:watchlater'])
         self.assertMatch('https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions', ['youtube:subscriptions'])
         self.assertMatch('https://www.youtube.com/feed/recommended', ['youtube:recommended'])
-        self.assertMatch('https://www.youtube.com/my_favorites', ['youtube:favorites'])
-    def test_youtube_show_matching(self):
-        self.assertMatch('http://www.youtube.com/show/airdisasters', ['youtube:show'])
-    def test_youtube_search_matching(self):
-        self.assertMatch('http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=making+mustard', ['youtube:search_url'])
-        self.assertMatch('https://www.youtube.com/results?baz=bar&search_query=youtube-dl+test+video&filters=video&lclk=video', ['youtube:search_url'])
+    # def test_youtube_search_matching(self):
+    #     self.assertMatch('http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=making+mustard', ['youtube:search_url'])
+    #     self.assertMatch('https://www.youtube.com/results?baz=bar&search_query=youtube-dl+test+video&filters=video&lclk=video', ['youtube:search_url'])
     def test_youtube_extract(self):
         assertExtractId = lambda url, id: self.assertEqual(YoutubeIE.extract_id(url), id)
diff --git a/test/test_utils.py b/test/test_utils.py
index 95231200b..16ad40831 100644
--- a/test/test_utils.py
+++ b/test/test_utils.py
@@ -937,6 +937,28 @@ class TestUtil(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(d['x'], 1)
         self.assertEqual(d['y'], 'a')
+        # Just drop ! prefix for now though this results in a wrong value
+        on = js_to_json('''{
+            a: !0,
+            b: !1,
+            c: !!0,
+            d: !!42.42,
+            e: !!![],
+            f: !"abc",
+            g: !"",
+            !42: 42
+        }''')
+        self.assertEqual(json.loads(on), {
+            'a': 0,
+            'b': 1,
+            'c': 0,
+            'd': 42.42,
+            'e': [],
+            'f': "abc",
+            'g': "",
+            '42': 42
+        })
         on = js_to_json('["abc", "def",]')
         self.assertEqual(json.loads(on), ['abc', 'def'])
@@ -994,6 +1016,12 @@ class TestUtil(unittest.TestCase):
         on = js_to_json('{42:4.2e1}')
         self.assertEqual(json.loads(on), {'42': 42.0})
+        on = js_to_json('{ "0x40": "0x40" }')
+        self.assertEqual(json.loads(on), {'0x40': '0x40'})
+        on = js_to_json('{ "040": "040" }')
+        self.assertEqual(json.loads(on), {'040': '040'})
     def test_js_to_json_malformed(self):
         self.assertEqual(js_to_json('42a1'), '42"a1"')
         self.assertEqual(js_to_json('42a-1'), '42"a"-1')
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/afreecatv.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/afreecatv.py
index 6275e5209..b56abb1e6 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/afreecatv.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/afreecatv.py
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class AfreecaTVIE(InfoExtractor):
         video_element = video_xml.findall(compat_xpath('./track/video'))[-1]
         if video_element is None or video_element.text is None:
             raise ExtractorError(
-                'Video %s video does not exist' % video_id, expected=True)
+                'Video %s does not exist' % video_id, expected=True)
         video_url = video_element.text.strip()
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/arte.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/arte.py
index 2bd3bfe8a..03abdbfaf 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/arte.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/arte.py
@@ -4,23 +4,57 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
-from ..compat import compat_str
+from ..compat import (
+    compat_str,
+    compat_urlparse,
 from ..utils import (
+    url_or_none,
-# There are different sources of video in arte.tv, the extraction process
-# is different for each one. The videos usually expire in 7 days, so we can't
-# add tests.
 class ArteTVBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
-    def _extract_from_json_url(self, json_url, video_id, lang, title=None):
-        info = self._download_json(json_url, video_id)
+    _ARTE_LANGUAGES = 'fr|de|en|es|it|pl'
+    _API_BASE = 'https://api.arte.tv/api/player/v1'
+class ArteTVIE(ArteTVBaseIE):
+    _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
+                    https?://
+                        (?:
+                            (?:www\.)?arte\.tv/(?P<lang>%(langs)s)/videos|
+                            api\.arte\.tv/api/player/v\d+/config/(?P<lang_2>%(langs)s)
+                        )
+                        /(?P<id>\d{6}-\d{3}-[AF])
+                    ''' % {'langs': ArteTVBaseIE._ARTE_LANGUAGES}
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/088501-000-A/mexico-stealing-petrol-to-survive/',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '088501-000-A',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'Mexico: Stealing Petrol to Survive',
+            'upload_date': '20190628',
+        },
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.arte.tv/pl/videos/100103-000-A/usa-dyskryminacja-na-porodowce/',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://api.arte.tv/api/player/v2/config/de/100605-013-A',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }]
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+        video_id = mobj.group('id')
+        lang = mobj.group('lang') or mobj.group('lang_2')
+        info = self._download_json(
+            '%s/config/%s/%s' % (self._API_BASE, lang, video_id), video_id)
         player_info = info['videoJsonPlayer']
         vsr = try_get(player_info, lambda x: x['VSR'], dict)
@@ -37,18 +71,11 @@ class ArteTVBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
         if not upload_date_str:
             upload_date_str = (player_info.get('VRA') or player_info.get('VDA') or '').split(' ')[0]
-        title = (player_info.get('VTI') or title or player_info['VID']).strip()
+        title = (player_info.get('VTI') or player_info['VID']).strip()
         subtitle = player_info.get('VSU', '').strip()
         if subtitle:
             title += ' - %s' % subtitle
-        info_dict = {
-            'id': player_info['VID'],
-            'title': title,
-            'description': player_info.get('VDE'),
-            'upload_date': unified_strdate(upload_date_str),
-            'thumbnail': player_info.get('programImage') or player_info.get('VTU', {}).get('IUR'),
-        }
         qfunc = qualities(['MQ', 'HQ', 'EQ', 'SQ'])
         LANGS = {
@@ -65,6 +92,10 @@ class ArteTVBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
         formats = []
         for format_id, format_dict in vsr.items():
             f = dict(format_dict)
+            format_url = url_or_none(f.get('url'))
+            streamer = f.get('streamer')
+            if not format_url and not streamer:
+                continue
             versionCode = f.get('versionCode')
             l = re.escape(langcode)
@@ -107,6 +138,16 @@ class ArteTVBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
                 lang_pref = -1
+            media_type = f.get('mediaType')
+            if media_type == 'hls':
+                m3u8_formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
+                    format_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
+                    m3u8_id=format_id, fatal=False)
+                for m3u8_format in m3u8_formats:
+                    m3u8_format['language_preference'] = lang_pref
+                formats.extend(m3u8_formats)
+                continue
             format = {
                 'format_id': format_id,
                 'preference': -10 if f.get('videoFormat') == 'M3U8' else None,
@@ -118,7 +159,7 @@ class ArteTVBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
                 'quality': qfunc(f.get('quality')),
-            if f.get('mediaType') == 'rtmp':
+            if media_type == 'rtmp':
                 format['url'] = f['streamer']
                 format['play_path'] = 'mp4:' + f['url']
                 format['ext'] = 'flv'
@@ -127,56 +168,50 @@ class ArteTVBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
-        self._check_formats(formats, video_id)
-        info_dict['formats'] = formats
-        return info_dict
+        return {
+            'id': player_info.get('VID') or video_id,
+            'title': title,
+            'description': player_info.get('VDE'),
+            'upload_date': unified_strdate(upload_date_str),
+            'thumbnail': player_info.get('programImage') or player_info.get('VTU', {}).get('IUR'),
+            'formats': formats,
+        }
-class ArteTVPlus7IE(ArteTVBaseIE):
-    IE_NAME = 'arte.tv:+7'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?arte\.tv/(?P<lang>fr|de|en|es|it|pl)/videos/(?P<id>\d{6}-\d{3}-[AF])'
+class ArteTVEmbedIE(InfoExtractor):
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?arte\.tv/player/v\d+/index\.php\?.*?\bjson_url=.+'
     _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/088501-000-A/mexico-stealing-petrol-to-survive/',
+        'url': 'https://www.arte.tv/player/v5/index.php?json_url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.arte.tv%2Fapi%2Fplayer%2Fv2%2Fconfig%2Fde%2F100605-013-A&lang=de&autoplay=true&mute=0100605-013-A',
         'info_dict': {
-            'id': '088501-000-A',
+            'id': '100605-013-A',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Mexico: Stealing Petrol to Survive',
-            'upload_date': '20190628',
+            'title': 'United we Stream November Lockdown Edition #13',
+            'description': 'md5:be40b667f45189632b78c1425c7c2ce1',
+            'upload_date': '20201116',
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.arte.tv/player/v3/index.php?json_url=https://api.arte.tv/api/player/v2/config/de/100605-013-A',
+        'only_matching': True,
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        lang, video_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
-        return self._extract_from_json_url(
-            'https://api.arte.tv/api/player/v1/config/%s/%s' % (lang, video_id),
-            video_id, lang)
-class ArteTVEmbedIE(ArteTVPlus7IE):
-    IE_NAME = 'arte.tv:embed'
-    _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
-        https://www\.arte\.tv
-        /player/v3/index\.php\?json_url=
-        (?P<json_url>
-            https?://api\.arte\.tv/api/player/v1/config/
-            (?P<lang>[^/]+)/(?P<id>\d{6}-\d{3}-[AF])
-        )
-    '''
-    _TESTS = []
+    @staticmethod
+    def _extract_urls(webpage):
+        return [url for _, url in re.findall(
+            r'<(?:iframe|script)[^>]+src=(["\'])(?P<url>(?:https?:)?//(?:www\.)?arte\.tv/player/v\d+/index\.php\?.*?\bjson_url=.+?)\1',
+            webpage)]
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        json_url, lang, video_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
-        return self._extract_from_json_url(json_url, video_id, lang)
+        qs = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(compat_urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
+        json_url = qs['json_url'][0]
+        video_id = ArteTVIE._match_id(json_url)
+        return self.url_result(
+            json_url, ie=ArteTVIE.ie_key(), video_id=video_id)
 class ArteTVPlaylistIE(ArteTVBaseIE):
-    IE_NAME = 'arte.tv:playlist'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?arte\.tv/(?P<lang>fr|de|en|es|it|pl)/videos/(?P<id>RC-\d{6})'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?arte\.tv/(?P<lang>%s)/videos/(?P<id>RC-\d{6})' % ArteTVBaseIE._ARTE_LANGUAGES
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/RC-016954/earn-a-living/',
         'info_dict': {
@@ -185,17 +220,35 @@ class ArteTVPlaylistIE(ArteTVBaseIE):
             'description': 'md5:d322c55011514b3a7241f7fb80d494c2',
         'playlist_mincount': 6,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.arte.tv/pl/videos/RC-014123/arte-reportage/',
+        'only_matching': True,
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         lang, playlist_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
         collection = self._download_json(
-            'https://api.arte.tv/api/player/v1/collectionData/%s/%s?source=videos'
-            % (lang, playlist_id), playlist_id)
+            '%s/collectionData/%s/%s?source=videos'
+            % (self._API_BASE, lang, playlist_id), playlist_id)
+        entries = []
+        for video in collection['videos']:
+            if not isinstance(video, dict):
+                continue
+            video_url = url_or_none(video.get('url')) or url_or_none(video.get('jsonUrl'))
+            if not video_url:
+                continue
+            video_id = video.get('programId')
+            entries.append({
+                '_type': 'url_transparent',
+                'url': video_url,
+                'id': video_id,
+                'title': video.get('title'),
+                'alt_title': video.get('subtitle'),
+                'thumbnail': url_or_none(try_get(video, lambda x: x['mainImage']['url'], compat_str)),
+                'duration': int_or_none(video.get('durationSeconds')),
+                'view_count': int_or_none(video.get('views')),
+                'ie_key': ArteTVIE.ie_key(),
+            })
         title = collection.get('title')
         description = collection.get('shortDescription') or collection.get('teaserText')
-        entries = [
-            self._extract_from_json_url(
-                video['jsonUrl'], video.get('programId') or playlist_id, lang)
-            for video in collection['videos'] if video.get('jsonUrl')]
         return self.playlist_result(entries, playlist_id, title, description)
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/bandcamp.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/bandcamp.py
index 0e7492764..69e673a26 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/bandcamp.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/bandcamp.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# coding: utf-8
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import random
@@ -5,10 +6,7 @@ import re
 import time
 from .common import InfoExtractor
-from ..compat import (
-    compat_str,
-    compat_urlparse,
+from ..compat import compat_str
 from ..utils import (
@@ -17,71 +15,32 @@ from ..utils import (
-    unescapeHTML,
+    urljoin,
-class BandcampBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
-    """Provide base functions for Bandcamp extractors"""
-    def _extract_json_from_html_data_attribute(self, webpage, suffix, video_id):
-        json_string = self._html_search_regex(
-            r' data-%s="([^"]*)' % suffix,
-            webpage, '%s json' % suffix, default='{}')
-        return self._parse_json(json_string, video_id)
-    def _parse_json_track(self, json):
-        formats = []
-        file_ = json.get('file')
-        if isinstance(file_, dict):
-            for format_id, format_url in file_.items():
-                if not url_or_none(format_url):
-                    continue
-                ext, abr_str = format_id.split('-', 1)
-                formats.append({
-                    'format_id': format_id,
-                    'url': self._proto_relative_url(format_url, 'http:'),
-                    'ext': ext,
-                    'vcodec': 'none',
-                    'acodec': ext,
-                    'abr': int_or_none(abr_str),
-                })
-        return {
-            'duration': float_or_none(json.get('duration')),
-            'id': str_or_none(json.get('track_id') or json.get('id')),
-            'title': json.get('title'),
-            'title_link': json.get('title_link'),
-            'number': int_or_none(json.get('track_num')),
-            'formats': formats
-        }
-class BandcampIE(BandcampBaseIE):
-    IE_NAME = "Bandcamp:track"
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://[^/]+\.bandcamp\.com/track/(?P<title>[^/?#&]+)'
+class BandcampIE(InfoExtractor):
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://[^/]+\.bandcamp\.com/track/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'http://youtube-dl.bandcamp.com/track/youtube-dl-test-song',
         'md5': 'c557841d5e50261777a6585648adf439',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': '1812978515',
             'ext': 'mp3',
-            'title': "youtube-dl  \"'/\\\u00e4\u21ad - youtube-dl  \"'/\\\u00e4\u21ad - youtube-dl test song \"'/\\\u00e4\u21ad",
+            'title': "youtube-dl  \"'/\\ä↭ - youtube-dl  \"'/\\ä↭ - youtube-dl test song \"'/\\ä↭",
             'duration': 9.8485,
-            'uploader': "youtube-dl  \"'/\\\u00e4\u21ad",
-            'timestamp': 1354224127,
+            'uploader': 'youtube-dl  "\'/\\ä↭',
             'upload_date': '20121129',
+            'timestamp': 1354224127,
         '_skip': 'There is a limit of 200 free downloads / month for the test song'
     }, {
         # free download
         'url': 'http://benprunty.bandcamp.com/track/lanius-battle',
-        'md5': '5d92af55811e47f38962a54c30b07ef0',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': '2650410135',
             'ext': 'aiff',
@@ -120,52 +79,59 @@ class BandcampIE(BandcampBaseIE):
+    def _extract_data_attr(self, webpage, video_id, attr='tralbum', fatal=True):
+        return self._parse_json(self._html_search_regex(
+            r'data-%s=(["\'])({.+?})\1' % attr, webpage,
+            attr + ' data', group=2), video_id, fatal=fatal)
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
-        title = mobj.group('title')
-        url_track_title = title
+        title = self._match_id(url)
         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, title)
-        thumbnail = self._html_search_meta('og:image', webpage, default=None)
+        tralbum = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, title)
+        thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage)
-        json_tralbum = self._extract_json_from_html_data_attribute(webpage, "tralbum", url_track_title)
-        json_embed = self._extract_json_from_html_data_attribute(webpage, "embed", url_track_title)
+        track_id = None
+        track = None
+        track_number = None
+        duration = None
-        json_tracks = json_tralbum.get('trackinfo')
-        if not json_tracks:
-            raise ExtractorError('Could not extract track')
+        formats = []
+        track_info = try_get(tralbum, lambda x: x['trackinfo'][0], dict)
+        if track_info:
+            file_ = track_info.get('file')
+            if isinstance(file_, dict):
+                for format_id, format_url in file_.items():
+                    if not url_or_none(format_url):
+                        continue
+                    ext, abr_str = format_id.split('-', 1)
+                    formats.append({
+                        'format_id': format_id,
+                        'url': self._proto_relative_url(format_url, 'http:'),
+                        'ext': ext,
+                        'vcodec': 'none',
+                        'acodec': ext,
+                        'abr': int_or_none(abr_str),
+                    })
+            track = track_info.get('title')
+            track_id = str_or_none(
+                track_info.get('track_id') or track_info.get('id'))
+            track_number = int_or_none(track_info.get('track_num'))
+            duration = float_or_none(track_info.get('duration'))
-        track = self._parse_json_track(json_tracks[0])
-        artist = json_tralbum.get('artist')
-        album_title = json_embed.get('album_title')
+        embed = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, title, 'embed', False)
+        current = tralbum.get('current') or {}
+        artist = embed.get('artist') or current.get('artist') or tralbum.get('artist')
+        timestamp = unified_timestamp(
+            current.get('publish_date') or tralbum.get('album_publish_date'))
-        json_album = json_tralbum.get('packages')
-        if json_album:
-            json_album = json_album[0]
-            album_publish_date = json_album.get('album_publish_date')
-            album_release_date = json_album.get('album_release_date')
-        else:
-            album_publish_date = None
-            album_release_date = json_tralbum.get('album_release_date')
-        timestamp = unified_timestamp(json_tralbum.get('current', {}).get('publish_date') or album_publish_date)
-        release_date = unified_strdate(album_release_date)
-        download_link = self._search_regex(
-            r'freeDownloadPage(?:["\']|&quot;):\s*(["\']|&quot;)(?P<url>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', webpage,
-            'download link', default=None, group='url')
+        download_link = tralbum.get('freeDownloadPage')
         if download_link:
-            track_id = self._search_regex(
-                r'\?id=(?P<id>\d+)&',
-                download_link, 'track id')
+            track_id = compat_str(tralbum['id'])
             download_webpage = self._download_webpage(
                 download_link, track_id, 'Downloading free downloads page')
-            blob = self._parse_json(
-                self._search_regex(
-                    r'data-blob=(["\'])(?P<blob>{.+?})\1', download_webpage,
-                    'blob', group='blob'),
-                track_id, transform_source=unescapeHTML)
+            blob = self._extract_data_attr(download_webpage, track_id, 'blob')
             info = try_get(
                 blob, (lambda x: x['digital_items'][0],
@@ -173,6 +139,8 @@ class BandcampIE(BandcampBaseIE):
             if info:
                 downloads = info.get('downloads')
                 if isinstance(downloads, dict):
+                    if not track:
+                        track = info.get('title')
                     if not artist:
                         artist = info.get('artist')
                     if not thumbnail:
@@ -206,7 +174,7 @@ class BandcampIE(BandcampBaseIE):
                         retry_url = url_or_none(stat.get('retry_url'))
                         if not retry_url:
-                        track['formats'].append({
+                        formats.append({
                             'url': self._proto_relative_url(retry_url, 'http:'),
                             'ext': download_formats.get(format_id),
                             'format_id': format_id,
@@ -215,30 +183,34 @@ class BandcampIE(BandcampBaseIE):
                             'vcodec': 'none',
-        self._sort_formats(track['formats'])
+        self._sort_formats(formats)
-        title = '%s - %s' % (artist, track.get('title')) if artist else track.get('title')
+        title = '%s - %s' % (artist, track) if artist else track
+        if not duration:
+            duration = float_or_none(self._html_search_meta(
+                'duration', webpage, default=None))
         return {
-            'album': album_title,
-            'artist': artist,
-            'duration': track['duration'],
-            'formats': track['formats'],
-            'id': track['id'],
-            'release_date': release_date,
-            'thumbnail': thumbnail,
-            'timestamp': timestamp,
+            'id': track_id,
             'title': title,
-            'track': track['title'],
-            'track_id': track['id'],
-            'track_number': track['number'],
-            'uploader': artist
+            'thumbnail': thumbnail,
+            'uploader': artist,
+            'timestamp': timestamp,
+            'release_date': unified_strdate(tralbum.get('album_release_date')),
+            'duration': duration,
+            'track': track,
+            'track_number': track_number,
+            'track_id': track_id,
+            'artist': artist,
+            'album': embed.get('album_title'),
+            'formats': formats,
-class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampBaseIE):
+class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampIE):
     IE_NAME = 'Bandcamp:album'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?P<subdomain>[^.]+)\.)?bandcamp\.com(?:/album/(?P<album_id>[^/?#&]+))?'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?P<subdomain>[^.]+)\.)?bandcamp\.com(?:/album/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+))?'
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'http://blazo.bandcamp.com/album/jazz-format-mixtape-vol-1',
@@ -248,7 +220,10 @@ class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampBaseIE):
                 'info_dict': {
                     'id': '1353101989',
                     'ext': 'mp3',
-                    'title': 'Intro',
+                    'title': 'Blazo - Intro',
+                    'timestamp': 1311756226,
+                    'upload_date': '20110727',
+                    'uploader': 'Blazo',
@@ -256,7 +231,10 @@ class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampBaseIE):
                 'info_dict': {
                     'id': '38097443',
                     'ext': 'mp3',
-                    'title': 'Kero One - Keep It Alive (Blazo remix)',
+                    'title': 'Blazo - Kero One - Keep It Alive (Blazo remix)',
+                    'timestamp': 1311757238,
+                    'upload_date': '20110727',
+                    'uploader': 'Blazo',
@@ -292,6 +270,7 @@ class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampBaseIE):
             'title': '"Entropy" EP',
             'uploader_id': 'jstrecords',
             'id': 'entropy-ep',
+            'description': 'md5:0ff22959c943622972596062f2f366a5',
         'playlist_mincount': 3,
     }, {
@@ -301,6 +280,7 @@ class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampBaseIE):
             'id': 'we-are-the-plague',
             'title': 'WE ARE THE PLAGUE',
             'uploader_id': 'insulters',
+            'description': 'md5:b3cf845ee41b2b1141dc7bde9237255f',
         'playlist_count': 2,
@@ -312,41 +292,34 @@ class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampBaseIE):
                 else super(BandcampAlbumIE, cls).suitable(url))
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
-        uploader_id = mobj.group('subdomain')
-        album_id = mobj.group('album_id')
+        uploader_id, album_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
         playlist_id = album_id or uploader_id
         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, playlist_id)
-        json_tralbum = self._extract_json_from_html_data_attribute(webpage, "tralbum", playlist_id)
-        json_embed = self._extract_json_from_html_data_attribute(webpage, "embed", playlist_id)
-        json_tracks = json_tralbum.get('trackinfo')
-        if not json_tracks:
-            raise ExtractorError('Could not extract album tracks')
-        album_title = json_embed.get('album_title')
+        tralbum = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, playlist_id)
+        track_info = tralbum.get('trackinfo')
+        if not track_info:
+            raise ExtractorError('The page doesn\'t contain any tracks')
         # Only tracks with duration info have songs
-        tracks = [self._parse_json_track(track) for track in json_tracks]
         entries = [
-                compat_urlparse.urljoin(url, track['title_link']),
-                ie=BandcampIE.ie_key(), video_id=track['id'],
-                video_title=track['title'])
-            for track in tracks
-            if track.get('duration')]
+                urljoin(url, t['title_link']), BandcampIE.ie_key(),
+                str_or_none(t.get('track_id') or t.get('id')), t.get('title'))
+            for t in track_info
+            if t.get('duration')]
+        current = tralbum.get('current') or {}
         return {
             '_type': 'playlist',
             'uploader_id': uploader_id,
             'id': playlist_id,
-            'title': album_title,
-            'entries': entries
+            'title': current.get('title'),
+            'description': current.get('about'),
+            'entries': entries,
-class BandcampWeeklyIE(InfoExtractor):
+class BandcampWeeklyIE(BandcampIE):
     IE_NAME = 'Bandcamp:weekly'
     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?bandcamp\.com/?\?(?:.*?&)?show=(?P<id>\d+)'
     _TESTS = [{
@@ -361,29 +334,23 @@ class BandcampWeeklyIE(InfoExtractor):
             'release_date': '20170404',
             'series': 'Bandcamp Weekly',
             'episode': 'Magic Moments',
-            'episode_number': 208,
             'episode_id': '224',
-        }
+        },
+        'params': {
+            'format': 'opus-lo',
+        },
     }, {
         'url': 'https://bandcamp.com/?blah/blah@&show=228',
         'only_matching': True
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        video_id = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+        show_id = self._match_id(url)
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, show_id)
-        blob = self._parse_json(
-            self._search_regex(
-                r'data-blob=(["\'])(?P<blob>{.+?})\1', webpage,
-                'blob', group='blob'),
-            video_id, transform_source=unescapeHTML)
+        blob = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, show_id, 'blob')
-        show = blob['bcw_show']
-        # This is desired because any invalid show id redirects to `bandcamp.com`
-        # which happens to expose the latest Bandcamp Weekly episode.
-        show_id = int_or_none(show.get('show_id')) or int_or_none(video_id)
+        show = blob['bcw_data'][show_id]
         formats = []
         for format_id, format_url in show['audio_stream'].items():
@@ -408,20 +375,8 @@ class BandcampWeeklyIE(InfoExtractor):
         if subtitle:
             title += ' - %s' % subtitle
-        episode_number = None
-        seq = blob.get('bcw_seq')
-        if seq and isinstance(seq, list):
-            try:
-                episode_number = next(
-                    int_or_none(e.get('episode_number'))
-                    for e in seq
-                    if isinstance(e, dict) and int_or_none(e.get('id')) == show_id)
-            except StopIteration:
-                pass
         return {
-            'id': video_id,
+            'id': show_id,
             'title': title,
             'description': show.get('desc') or show.get('short_desc'),
             'duration': float_or_none(show.get('audio_duration')),
@@ -429,7 +384,6 @@ class BandcampWeeklyIE(InfoExtractor):
             'release_date': unified_strdate(show.get('published_date')),
             'series': 'Bandcamp Weekly',
             'episode': show.get('subtitle'),
-            'episode_number': episode_number,
-            'episode_id': compat_str(video_id),
+            'episode_id': show_id,
             'formats': formats
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/cnbc.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/cnbc.py
index 6889b0f40..7b9f4536a 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/cnbc.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/cnbc.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
 from ..utils import smuggle_url
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ class CNBCIE(InfoExtractor):
 class CNBCVideoIE(InfoExtractor):
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?cnbc\.com/video/(?:[^/]+/)+(?P<id>[^./?#&]+)'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?cnbc\.com(?P<path>/video/(?:[^/]+/)+(?P<id>[^./?#&]+)\.html)'
     _TEST = {
         'url': 'https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/07/19/trump-i-dont-necessarily-agree-with-raising-rates.html',
         'info_dict': {
@@ -56,11 +57,15 @@ class CNBCVideoIE(InfoExtractor):
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        display_id = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
-        video_id = self._search_regex(
-            r'content_id["\']\s*:\s*["\'](\d+)', webpage, display_id,
-            'video id')
+        path, display_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
+        video_id = self._download_json(
+            'https://webql-redesign.cnbcfm.com/graphql', display_id, query={
+                'query': '''{
+  page(path: "%s") {
+    vcpsId
+  }
+}''' % path,
+            })['data']['page']['vcpsId']
         return self.url_result(
-            'http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=%s' % video_id,
+            'http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=%d' % video_id,
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/common.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/common.py
index 4b42d699f..f90cf36ed 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/common.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/common.py
@@ -1456,9 +1456,10 @@ class InfoExtractor(object):
             self._request_webpage(url, video_id, 'Checking %s URL' % item, headers=headers)
             return True
-        except ExtractorError:
+        except ExtractorError as e:
-                '%s: %s URL is invalid, skipping' % (video_id, item))
+                '%s: %s URL is invalid, skipping: %s'
+                % (video_id, item, error_to_compat_str(e.cause)))
             return False
     def http_scheme(self):
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/condenast.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/condenast.py
index ed278fefc..d5e77af32 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/condenast.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/condenast.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ from ..utils import (
+    strip_or_none,
+    try_get,
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ class CondeNastIE(InfoExtractor):
             'uploader': 'gq',
             'upload_date': '20170321',
             'timestamp': 1490126427,
+            'description': 'How much grimmer would things be if these people were competent?',
     }, {
         # JS embed
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ class CondeNastIE(InfoExtractor):
             'title': '3D printed TSA Travel Sentry keys really do open TSA locks',
             'uploader': 'arstechnica',
             'upload_date': '20150916',
-            'timestamp': 1442434955,
+            'timestamp': 1442434920,
     }, {
         'url': 'https://player.cnevids.com/inline/video/59138decb57ac36b83000005.js?target=js-cne-player',
@@ -196,6 +199,13 @@ class CondeNastIE(InfoExtractor):
+        subtitles = {}
+        for t, caption in video_info.get('captions', {}).items():
+            caption_url = caption.get('src')
+            if not (t in ('vtt', 'srt', 'tml') and caption_url):
+                continue
+            subtitles.setdefault('en', []).append({'url': caption_url})
         return {
             'id': video_id,
             'formats': formats,
@@ -208,6 +218,7 @@ class CondeNastIE(InfoExtractor):
             'season': video_info.get('season_title'),
             'timestamp': parse_iso8601(video_info.get('premiere_date')),
             'categories': video_info.get('categories'),
+            'subtitles': subtitles,
     def _real_extract(self, url):
@@ -225,8 +236,16 @@ class CondeNastIE(InfoExtractor):
         if url_type == 'series':
             return self._extract_series(url, webpage)
-            params = self._extract_video_params(webpage, display_id)
-            info = self._search_json_ld(
-                webpage, display_id, fatal=False)
+            video = try_get(self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
+                r'__PRELOADED_STATE__\s*=\s*({.+?});', webpage,
+                'preload state', '{}'), display_id),
+                lambda x: x['transformed']['video'])
+            if video:
+                params = {'videoId': video['id']}
+                info = {'description': strip_or_none(video.get('description'))}
+            else:
+                params = self._extract_video_params(webpage, display_id)
+                info = self._search_json_ld(
+                    webpage, display_id, fatal=False)
             return info
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py
index c77ca12cc..9e832450a 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ from .ard import (
 from .arte import (
-    ArteTVPlus7IE,
+    ArteTVIE,
@@ -542,6 +542,7 @@ from .laola1tv import (
+from .lbry import LBRYIE
 from .lci import LCIIE
 from .lcp import (
@@ -1079,8 +1080,7 @@ from .spankbang import (
 from .spankwire import SpankwireIE
-from .spiegel import SpiegelIE, SpiegelArticleIE
-from .spiegeltv import SpiegeltvIE
+from .spiegel import SpiegelIE
 from .spike import (
@@ -1505,12 +1505,11 @@ from .yourporn import YourPornIE
 from .yourupload import YourUploadIE
 from .youtube import (
-    YoutubeChannelIE,
+    YoutubeTabIE,
-    YoutubePlaylistsIE,
@@ -1519,7 +1518,7 @@ from .youtube import (
-    YoutubeUserIE,
+    YoutubeYtUserIE,
 from .zapiks import ZapiksIE
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/francetv.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/francetv.py
index e340cddba..dbedfc091 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/francetv.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/francetv.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from ..utils import (
+    urljoin,
 from .dailymotion import DailymotionIE
@@ -128,18 +129,38 @@ class FranceTVIE(InfoExtractor):
         is_live = None
-        formats = []
-        for video in info['videos']:
-            if video['statut'] != 'ONLINE':
+        videos = []
+        for video in (info.get('videos') or []):
+            if video.get('statut') != 'ONLINE':
-            video_url = video['url']
+            if not video.get('url'):
+                continue
+            videos.append(video)
+        if not videos:
+            for device_type in ['desktop', 'mobile']:
+                fallback_info = self._download_json(
+                    'https://player.webservices.francetelevisions.fr/v1/videos/%s' % video_id,
+                    video_id, 'Downloading fallback %s video JSON' % device_type, query={
+                        'device_type': device_type,
+                        'browser': 'chrome',
+                    }, fatal=False)
+                if fallback_info and fallback_info.get('video'):
+                    videos.append(fallback_info['video'])
+        formats = []
+        for video in videos:
+            video_url = video.get('url')
             if not video_url:
             if is_live is None:
                 is_live = (try_get(
-                    video, lambda x: x['plages_ouverture'][0]['direct'],
-                    bool) is True) or '/live.francetv.fr/' in video_url
-            format_id = video['format']
+                    video, lambda x: x['plages_ouverture'][0]['direct'], bool) is True
+                    or video.get('is_live') is True
+                    or '/live.francetv.fr/' in video_url)
+            format_id = video.get('format')
             ext = determine_ext(video_url)
             if ext == 'f4m':
                 if georestricted:
@@ -154,6 +175,9 @@ class FranceTVIE(InfoExtractor):
                     sign(video_url, format_id), video_id, 'mp4',
                     entry_protocol='m3u8_native', m3u8_id=format_id,
+            elif ext == 'mpd':
+                formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats(
+                    sign(video_url, format_id), video_id, mpd_id=format_id, fatal=False))
             elif video_url.startswith('rtmp'):
                     'url': video_url,
@@ -166,6 +190,7 @@ class FranceTVIE(InfoExtractor):
                         'url': video_url,
                         'format_id': format_id,
         title = info['titre']
@@ -185,10 +210,10 @@ class FranceTVIE(InfoExtractor):
         return {
             'id': video_id,
             'title': self._live_title(title) if is_live else title,
-            'description': clean_html(info['synopsis']),
-            'thumbnail': compat_urlparse.urljoin('http://pluzz.francetv.fr', info['image']),
-            'duration': int_or_none(info.get('real_duration')) or parse_duration(info['duree']),
-            'timestamp': int_or_none(info['diffusion']['timestamp']),
+            'description': clean_html(info.get('synopsis')),
+            'thumbnail': urljoin('http://pluzz.francetv.fr', info.get('image')),
+            'duration': int_or_none(info.get('real_duration')) or parse_duration(info.get('duree')),
+            'timestamp': int_or_none(try_get(info, lambda x: x['diffusion']['timestamp'])),
             'is_live': is_live,
             'formats': formats,
             'subtitles': subtitles,
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/generic.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/generic.py
index aba06b328..ce8cac5c1 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/generic.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/generic.py
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ from .piksel import PikselIE
 from .videa import VideaIE
 from .twentymin import TwentyMinutenIE
 from .ustream import UstreamIE
+from .arte import ArteTVEmbedIE
 from .videopress import VideoPressIE
 from .rutube import RutubeIE
 from .limelight import LimelightBaseIE
@@ -2760,11 +2761,9 @@ class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
             return self.url_result(ustream_url, UstreamIE.ie_key())
         # Look for embedded arte.tv player
-        mobj = re.search(
-            r'<(?:script|iframe) [^>]*?src="(?P<url>http://www\.arte\.tv/(?:playerv2/embed|arte_vp/index)[^"]+)"',
-            webpage)
-        if mobj is not None:
-            return self.url_result(mobj.group('url'), 'ArteTVEmbed')
+        arte_urls = ArteTVEmbedIE._extract_urls(webpage)
+        if arte_urls:
+            return self.playlist_from_matches(arte_urls, video_id, video_title)
         # Look for embedded francetv player
         mobj = re.search(
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/iqiyi.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/iqiyi.py
index cd11aa70f..5df674daf 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/iqiyi.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/iqiyi.py
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class IqiyiSDKInterpreter(object):
             elif function in other_functions:
-                raise ExtractorError('Unknown funcion %s' % function)
+                raise ExtractorError('Unknown function %s' % function)
         return sdk.target
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/lbry.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/lbry.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a7ee919c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/lbry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import json
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..compat import compat_str
+from ..utils import (
+    determine_ext,
+    ExtractorError,
+    int_or_none,
+    mimetype2ext,
+    try_get,
+class LBRYIE(InfoExtractor):
+    IE_NAME = 'lbry.tv'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?:lbry\.tv|odysee\.com)/(?P<id>@[0-9a-zA-Z-]+:[0-9a-z]+/[0-9a-zA-Z().-]+:[0-9a-z])'
+    _TESTS = [{
+        # Video
+        'url': 'https://lbry.tv/@Mantega:1/First-day-LBRY:1',
+        'md5': '65bd7ec1f6744ada55da8e4c48a2edf9',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '17f983b61f53091fb8ea58a9c56804e4ff8cff4d',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'First day in LBRY? Start HERE!',
+            'description': 'md5:f6cb5c704b332d37f5119313c2c98f51',
+            'timestamp': 1595694354,
+            'upload_date': '20200725',
+        }
+    }, {
+        # Audio
+        'url': 'https://lbry.tv/@LBRYFoundation:0/Episode-1:e',
+        'md5': 'c94017d3eba9b49ce085a8fad6b98d00',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'e7d93d772bd87e2b62d5ab993c1c3ced86ebb396',
+            'ext': 'mp3',
+            'title': 'The LBRY Foundation Community Podcast Episode 1 - Introduction, Streaming on LBRY, Transcoding',
+            'description': 'md5:661ac4f1db09f31728931d7b88807a61',
+            'timestamp': 1591312601,
+            'upload_date': '20200604',
+        }
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://odysee.com/@BrodieRobertson:5/apple-is-tracking-everything-you-do-on:e',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }]
+    def _call_api_proxy(self, method, display_id, params):
+        return self._download_json(
+            'https://api.lbry.tv/api/v1/proxy', display_id,
+            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json-rpc'},
+            data=json.dumps({
+                'method': method,
+                'params': params,
+            }).encode())['result']
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        display_id = self._match_id(url).replace(':', '#')
+        uri = 'lbry://' + display_id
+        result = self._call_api_proxy(
+            'resolve', display_id, {'urls': [uri]})[uri]
+        result_value = result['value']
+        if result_value.get('stream_type') not in ('video', 'audio'):
+            raise ExtractorError('Unsupported URL', expected=True)
+        streaming_url = self._call_api_proxy(
+            'get', display_id, {'uri': uri})['streaming_url']
+        source = result_value.get('source') or {}
+        media = result_value.get('video') or result_value.get('audio') or {}
+        signing_channel = result_value.get('signing_channel') or {}
+        return {
+            'id': result['claim_id'],
+            'title': result_value['title'],
+            'thumbnail': try_get(result_value, lambda x: x['thumbnail']['url'], compat_str),
+            'description': result_value.get('description'),
+            'license': result_value.get('license'),
+            'timestamp': int_or_none(result.get('timestamp')),
+            'tags': result_value.get('tags'),
+            'width': int_or_none(media.get('width')),
+            'height': int_or_none(media.get('height')),
+            'duration': int_or_none(media.get('duration')),
+            'channel': signing_channel.get('name'),
+            'channel_id': signing_channel.get('claim_id'),
+            'ext': determine_ext(source.get('name')) or mimetype2ext(source.get('media_type')),
+            'filesize': int_or_none(source.get('size')),
+            'url': streaming_url,
+        }
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/lrt.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/lrt.py
index f5c997ef4..89d549858 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/lrt.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/lrt.py
@@ -5,28 +5,26 @@ import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
 from ..utils import (
-    determine_ext,
-    int_or_none,
-    parse_duration,
-    remove_end,
+    clean_html,
+    merge_dicts,
 class LRTIE(InfoExtractor):
     IE_NAME = 'lrt.lt'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?lrt\.lt/mediateka/irasas/(?P<id>[0-9]+)'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?lrt\.lt(?P<path>/mediateka/irasas/(?P<id>[0-9]+))'
     _TESTS = [{
         # m3u8 download
-        'url': 'http://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/54391/',
-        'md5': 'fe44cf7e4ab3198055f2c598fc175cb0',
+        'url': 'https://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/2000127261/greita-ir-gardu-sicilijos-ikvepta-klasikiniu-makaronu-su-baklazanais-vakariene',
+        'md5': '85cb2bb530f31d91a9c65b479516ade4',
         'info_dict': {
-            'id': '54391',
+            'id': '2000127261',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Septynios Kauno dienos',
-            'description': 'md5:24d84534c7dc76581e59f5689462411a',
-            'duration': 1783,
-            'view_count': int,
-            'like_count': int,
+            'title': 'Greita ir gardu: Sicilijos įkvėpta klasikinių makaronų su baklažanais vakarienė',
+            'description': 'md5:ad7d985f51b0dc1489ba2d76d7ed47fa',
+            'duration': 3035,
+            'timestamp': 1604079000,
+            'upload_date': '20201030',
     }, {
         # direct mp3 download
@@ -43,52 +41,35 @@ class LRTIE(InfoExtractor):
+    def _extract_js_var(self, webpage, var_name, default):
+        return self._search_regex(
+            r'%s\s*=\s*(["\'])((?:(?!\1).)+)\1' % var_name,
+            webpage, var_name.replace('_', ' '), default, group=2)
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        video_id = self._match_id(url)
+        path, video_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
-        title = remove_end(self._og_search_title(webpage), ' - LRT')
+        media_url = self._extract_js_var(webpage, 'main_url', path)
+        media = self._download_json(self._extract_js_var(
+            webpage, 'media_info_url',
+            'https://www.lrt.lt/servisai/stream_url/vod/media_info/'),
+            video_id, query={'url': media_url})
+        jw_data = self._parse_jwplayer_data(
+            media['playlist_item'], video_id, base_url=url)
-        formats = []
-        for _, file_url in re.findall(
-                r'file\s*:\s*(["\'])(?P<url>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', webpage):
-            ext = determine_ext(file_url)
-            if ext not in ('m3u8', 'mp3'):
+        json_ld_data = self._search_json_ld(webpage, video_id)
+        tags = []
+        for tag in (media.get('tags') or []):
+            tag_name = tag.get('name')
+            if not tag_name:
-            # mp3 served as m3u8 produces stuttered media file
-            if ext == 'm3u8' and '.mp3' in file_url:
-                continue
-            if ext == 'm3u8':
-                formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
-                    file_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
-                    fatal=False))
-            elif ext == 'mp3':
-                formats.append({
-                    'url': file_url,
-                    'vcodec': 'none',
-                })
-        self._sort_formats(formats)
+            tags.append(tag_name)
-        thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage)
-        description = self._og_search_description(webpage)
-        duration = parse_duration(self._search_regex(
-            r'var\s+record_len\s*=\s*(["\'])(?P<duration>[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)\1',
-            webpage, 'duration', default=None, group='duration'))
-        view_count = int_or_none(self._html_search_regex(
-            r'<div[^>]+class=(["\']).*?record-desc-seen.*?\1[^>]*>(?P<count>.+?)</div>',
-            webpage, 'view count', fatal=False, group='count'))
-        like_count = int_or_none(self._search_regex(
-            r'<span[^>]+id=(["\'])flikesCount.*?\1>(?P<count>\d+)<',
-            webpage, 'like count', fatal=False, group='count'))
-        return {
-            'id': video_id,
-            'title': title,
-            'formats': formats,
-            'thumbnail': thumbnail,
-            'description': description,
-            'duration': duration,
-            'view_count': view_count,
-            'like_count': like_count,
+        clean_info = {
+            'description': clean_html(media.get('content')),
+            'tags': tags,
+        return merge_dicts(clean_info, jw_data, json_ld_data)
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/malltv.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/malltv.py
index 6f4fd927f..fadfd9338 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/malltv.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/malltv.py
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
-from ..utils import merge_dicts
+from ..utils import (
+    clean_html,
+    dict_get,
+    float_or_none,
+    int_or_none,
+    merge_dicts,
+    parse_duration,
+    try_get,
 class MallTVIE(InfoExtractor):
@@ -17,7 +23,7 @@ class MallTVIE(InfoExtractor):
             'display_id': '18-miliard-pro-neziskovky-opravdu-jsou-sportovci-nebo-clovek-v-tisni-pijavice',
             'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': '18 miliard pro neziskovky. Opravdu jsou sportovci nebo Člověk v tísni pijavice?',
-            'description': 'md5:25fc0ec42a72ba602b602c683fa29deb',
+            'description': 'md5:db7d5744a4bd4043d9d98324aa72ab35',
             'duration': 216,
             'timestamp': 1538870400,
             'upload_date': '20181007',
@@ -37,20 +43,46 @@ class MallTVIE(InfoExtractor):
         webpage = self._download_webpage(
             url, display_id, headers=self.geo_verification_headers())
-        SOURCE_RE = r'(<source[^>]+\bsrc=(?:(["\'])(?:(?!\2).)+|[^\s]+)/(?P<id>[\da-z]+)/index)\b'
+        video = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
+            r'videoObject\s*=\s*JSON\.parse\(JSON\.stringify\(({.+?})\)\);',
+            webpage, 'video object'), display_id)
+        video_source = video['VideoSource']
         video_id = self._search_regex(
-            SOURCE_RE, webpage, 'video id', group='id')
+            r'/([\da-z]+)/index\b', video_source, 'video id')
-        media = self._parse_html5_media_entries(
-            url, re.sub(SOURCE_RE, r'\1.m3u8', webpage), video_id,
-            m3u8_id='hls', m3u8_entry_protocol='m3u8_native')[0]
+        formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
+            video_source + '.m3u8', video_id, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native')
+        self._sort_formats(formats)
+        subtitles = {}
+        for s in (video.get('Subtitles') or {}):
+            s_url = s.get('Url')
+            if not s_url:
+                continue
+            subtitles.setdefault(s.get('Language') or 'cz', []).append({
+                'url': s_url,
+            })
+        entity_counts = video.get('EntityCounts') or {}
+        def get_count(k):
+            v = entity_counts.get(k + 's') or {}
+            return int_or_none(dict_get(v, ('Count', 'StrCount')))
         info = self._search_json_ld(webpage, video_id, default={})
-        return merge_dicts(media, info, {
+        return merge_dicts({
             'id': video_id,
             'display_id': display_id,
-            'title': self._og_search_title(webpage, default=None) or display_id,
-            'description': self._og_search_description(webpage, default=None),
-            'thumbnail': self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage, default=None),
-        })
+            'title': video.get('Title'),
+            'description': clean_html(video.get('Description')),
+            'thumbnail': video.get('ThumbnailUrl'),
+            'formats': formats,
+            'subtitles': subtitles,
+            'duration': int_or_none(video.get('DurationSeconds')) or parse_duration(video.get('Duration')),
+            'view_count': get_count('View'),
+            'like_count': get_count('Like'),
+            'dislike_count': get_count('Dislike'),
+            'average_rating': float_or_none(try_get(video, lambda x: x['EntityRating']['AvarageRate'])),
+            'comment_count': get_count('Comment'),
+        }, info)
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/mgtv.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/mgtv.py
index 71fc3ec56..cab3aa045 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/mgtv.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/mgtv.py
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@ from ..utils import (
 class MGTVIE(InfoExtractor):
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?mgtv\.com/(v|b)/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<id>\d+)\.html'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:w(?:ww)?\.)?mgtv\.com/(v|b)/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<id>\d+)\.html'
     IE_DESC = '芒果TV'
-    _GEO_COUNTRIES = ['CN']
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'http://www.mgtv.com/v/1/290525/f/3116640.html',
@@ -34,14 +33,18 @@ class MGTVIE(InfoExtractor):
     }, {
         'url': 'http://www.mgtv.com/b/301817/3826653.html',
         'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://w.mgtv.com/b/301817/3826653.html',
+        'only_matching': True,
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         video_id = self._match_id(url)
+        tk2 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b'did=%s|pno=1030|ver=0.3.0301|clit=%d' % (compat_str(uuid.uuid4()).encode(), time.time()))[::-1]
             api_data = self._download_json(
                 'https://pcweb.api.mgtv.com/player/video', video_id, query={
-                    'tk2': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b'did=%s|pno=1030|ver=0.3.0301|clit=%d' % (compat_str(uuid.uuid4()).encode(), time.time()))[::-1],
+                    'tk2': tk2,
                     'video_id': video_id,
                 }, headers=self.geo_verification_headers())['data']
         except ExtractorError as e:
@@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ class MGTVIE(InfoExtractor):
         stream_data = self._download_json(
             'https://pcweb.api.mgtv.com/player/getSource', video_id, query={
                 'pm2': api_data['atc']['pm2'],
+                'tk2': tk2,
                 'video_id': video_id,
             }, headers=self.geo_verification_headers())['data']
         stream_domain = stream_data['stream_domain'][0]
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/mtv.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/mtv.py
index 04cc95b6a..d31f53137 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/mtv.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/mtv.py
@@ -403,6 +403,18 @@ class MTVIE(MTVServicesInfoExtractor):
         'only_matching': True,
+    @staticmethod
+    def extract_child_with_type(parent, t):
+        children = parent['children']
+        return next(c for c in children if c.get('type') == t)
+    def _extract_mgid(self, webpage):
+        data = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
+            r'__DATA__\s*=\s*({.+?});', webpage, 'data'), None)
+        main_container = self.extract_child_with_type(data, 'MainContainer')
+        video_player = self.extract_child_with_type(main_container, 'VideoPlayer')
+        return video_player['props']['media']['video']['config']['uri']
 class MTVJapanIE(MTVServicesInfoExtractor):
     IE_NAME = 'mtvjapan'
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/nbc.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/nbc.py
index 6f3cb3003..ea5f5a315 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/nbc.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/nbc.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from .adobepass import AdobePassIE
 from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_unquote
 from ..utils import (
-    js_to_json,
@@ -394,8 +393,8 @@ class NBCNewsIE(ThePlatformIE):
         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
         data = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
-            r'window\.__data\s*=\s*({.+});', webpage,
-            'bootstrap json'), video_id, js_to_json)
+            r'<script[^>]+id="__NEXT_DATA__"[^>]*>({.+?})</script>',
+            webpage, 'bootstrap json'), video_id)['props']['initialState']
         video_data = try_get(data, lambda x: x['video']['current'], dict)
         if not video_data:
             video_data = data['article']['content'][0]['primaryMedia']['video']
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/ndr.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/ndr.py
index f3897c71b..81abb3120 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/ndr.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/ndr.py
@@ -82,6 +82,29 @@ class NDRIE(NDRBaseIE):
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
+    }, {
+        # with subtitles
+        'url': 'https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/extra_3/extra-3-Satiremagazin-mit-Christian-Ehring,sendung1091858.html',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'extra18674',
+            'display_id': 'extra-3-Satiremagazin-mit-Christian-Ehring',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'Extra 3 vom 11.11.2020 mit Christian Ehring',
+            'description': 'md5:42ee53990a715eaaf4dc7f13a3bd56c6',
+            'uploader': 'ndrtv',
+            'upload_date': '20201113',
+            'duration': 1749,
+            'subtitles': {
+                'de': [{
+                    'ext': 'ttml',
+                    'url': r're:^https://www\.ndr\.de.+',
+                }],
+            },
+        },
+        'params': {
+            'skip_download': True,
+        },
+        'expected_warnings': ['Unable to download f4m manifest'],
     }, {
         'url': 'https://www.ndr.de/Fettes-Brot-Ferris-MC-und-Thees-Uhlmann-live-on-stage,festivalsommer116.html',
         'only_matching': True,
@@ -242,6 +265,20 @@ class NDREmbedBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
                 'preference': quality_key(thumbnail.get('quality')),
+        subtitles = {}
+        tracks = config.get('tracks')
+        if tracks and isinstance(tracks, list):
+            for track in tracks:
+                if not isinstance(track, dict):
+                    continue
+                track_url = urljoin(url, track.get('src'))
+                if not track_url:
+                    continue
+                subtitles.setdefault(track.get('srclang') or 'de', []).append({
+                    'url': track_url,
+                    'ext': 'ttml',
+                })
         return {
             'id': video_id,
             'title': title,
@@ -251,6 +288,7 @@ class NDREmbedBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
             'duration': duration,
             'thumbnails': thumbnails,
             'formats': formats,
+            'subtitles': subtitles,
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/rai.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/rai.py
index 51a310f5c..a0836bf58 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/rai.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/rai.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from ..utils import (
-    try_get,
+    unescapeHTML,
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class RaiBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
     _UUID_RE = r'[\da-f]{8}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{12}'
     _GEO_COUNTRIES = ['IT']
     _GEO_BYPASS = False
-    _BASE_URL = 'https://www.raiplay.it'
     def _extract_relinker_info(self, relinker_url, video_id):
         if not re.match(r'https?://', relinker_url):
@@ -123,19 +122,40 @@ class RaiBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
 class RaiPlayIE(RaiBaseIE):
-    _VALID_URL = r'(?P<url>(?P<base>https?://(?:www\.)?raiplay\.it/.+?-)(?P<id>%s)(?P<ext>\.(?:html|json)))' % RaiBaseIE._UUID_RE
+    _VALID_URL = r'(?P<url>https?://(?:www\.)?raiplay\.it/.+?-(?P<id>%s)\.(?:html|json))' % RaiBaseIE._UUID_RE
     _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'http://www.raiplay.it/video/2016/10/La-Casa-Bianca-e06118bb-59a9-4636-b914-498e4cfd2c66.html?source=twitter',
+        'md5': '340aa3b7afb54bfd14a8c11786450d76',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'e06118bb-59a9-4636-b914-498e4cfd2c66',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'La Casa Bianca',
+            'alt_title': 'S2016 - Puntata del 23/10/2016',
+            'description': 'md5:a09d45890850458077d1f68bb036e0a5',
+            'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
+            'uploader': 'Rai 3',
+            'creator': 'Rai 3',
+            'duration': 3278,
+            'timestamp': 1477764300,
+            'upload_date': '20161029',
+            'series': 'La Casa Bianca',
+            'season': '2016',
+        },
+        'skip': 'This content is not available',
+    }, {
         'url': 'http://www.raiplay.it/video/2014/04/Report-del-07042014-cb27157f-9dd0-4aee-b788-b1f67643a391.html',
         'md5': '8970abf8caf8aef4696e7b1f2adfc696',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': 'cb27157f-9dd0-4aee-b788-b1f67643a391',
             'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': 'Report del 07/04/2014',
-            'alt_title': 'St 2013/14 - Espresso nel caffè - 07/04/2014 ',
+            'alt_title': 'St 2013/14 - Espresso nel caffè - 07/04/2014',
             'description': 'md5:d730c168a58f4bb35600fc2f881ec04e',
             'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
             'uploader': 'Rai Gulp',
             'duration': 6160,
+            'series': 'Report',
+            'season': '2013/14',
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
@@ -146,11 +166,10 @@ class RaiPlayIE(RaiBaseIE):
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
-        url, base, video_id, ext = mobj.group('url', 'base', 'id', 'ext')
+        url, video_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
         media = self._download_json(
-            '%s%s.json' % (base, video_id), video_id, 'Downloading video JSON')
+            url.replace('.html', '.json'), video_id, 'Downloading video JSON')
         title = media['name']
         video = media['video']
@@ -159,34 +178,38 @@ class RaiPlayIE(RaiBaseIE):
         thumbnails = []
-        if 'images' in media:
-            for _, value in media.get('images').items():
-                if value:
-                    thumbnails.append({
-                        'url': urljoin(RaiBaseIE._BASE_URL, value.replace('[RESOLUTION]', '600x400'))
-                    })
+        for _, value in media.get('images', {}).items():
+            if value:
+                thumbnails.append({
+                    'url': urljoin(url, value),
+                })
-        timestamp = unified_timestamp(try_get(
-            media, lambda x: x['availabilities'][0]['start'], compat_str))
+        date_published = media.get('date_published')
+        time_published = media.get('time_published')
+        if date_published and time_published:
+            date_published += ' ' + time_published
         subtitles = self._extract_subtitles(url, video.get('subtitles'))
+        program_info = media.get('program_info') or {}
+        season = media.get('season')
         info = {
             'id': video_id,
             'title': self._live_title(title) if relinker_info.get(
                 'is_live') else title,
-            'alt_title': media.get('subtitle'),
+            'alt_title': strip_or_none(media.get('subtitle')),
             'description': media.get('description'),
             'uploader': strip_or_none(media.get('channel')),
-            'creator': strip_or_none(media.get('editor')),
+            'creator': strip_or_none(media.get('editor') or None),
             'duration': parse_duration(video.get('duration')),
-            'timestamp': timestamp,
+            'timestamp': unified_timestamp(date_published),
             'thumbnails': thumbnails,
-            'series': try_get(
-                media, lambda x: x['isPartOf']['name'], compat_str),
-            'season_number': int_or_none(try_get(
-                media, lambda x: x['isPartOf']['numeroStagioni'])),
-            'season': media.get('stagione') or None,
+            'series': program_info.get('name'),
+            'season_number': int_or_none(season),
+            'season': season if (season and not season.isdigit()) else None,
+            'episode': media.get('episode_title'),
+            'episode_number': int_or_none(media.get('episode')),
             'subtitles': subtitles,
@@ -203,7 +226,7 @@ class RaiPlayLiveIE(RaiBaseIE):
             'display_id': 'rainews24',
             'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': 're:^Diretta di Rai News 24 [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$',
-            'description': 'md5:4d00bcf6dc98b27c6ec480de329d1497',
+            'description': 'md5:6eca31500550f9376819f174e5644754',
             'uploader': 'Rai News 24',
             'creator': 'Rai News 24',
             'is_live': True,
@@ -216,32 +239,20 @@ class RaiPlayLiveIE(RaiBaseIE):
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         display_id = self._match_id(url)
-        media = self._download_json(
-            '%s.json' % urljoin(RaiBaseIE._BASE_URL, 'dirette/' + display_id),
-            display_id, 'Downloading channel JSON')
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
-        title = media['name']
-        video = media['video']
-        video_id = media['id'].replace('ContentItem-', '')
+        video_id = self._search_regex(
+            r'data-uniquename=["\']ContentItem-(%s)' % RaiBaseIE._UUID_RE,
+            webpage, 'content id')
-        relinker_info = self._extract_relinker_info(video['content_url'], video_id)
-        self._sort_formats(relinker_info['formats'])
-        info = {
+        return {
+            '_type': 'url_transparent',
+            'ie_key': RaiPlayIE.ie_key(),
+            'url': 'http://www.raiplay.it/dirette/ContentItem-%s.html' % video_id,
             'id': video_id,
             'display_id': display_id,
-            'title': self._live_title(title) if relinker_info.get(
-                'is_live') else title,
-            'alt_title': media.get('subtitle'),
-            'description': media.get('description'),
-            'uploader': strip_or_none(media.get('channel')),
-            'creator': strip_or_none(media.get('editor')),
-            'duration': parse_duration(video.get('duration')),
-        info.update(relinker_info)
-        return info
 class RaiPlayPlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?raiplay\.it/programmi/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
@@ -250,7 +261,7 @@ class RaiPlayPlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
         'info_dict': {
             'id': 'nondirloalmiocapo',
             'title': 'Non dirlo al mio capo',
-            'description': 'md5:98ab6b98f7f44c2843fd7d6f045f153b',
+            'description': 'md5:9f3d603b2947c1c7abb098f3b14fac86',
         'playlist_mincount': 12,
@@ -258,25 +269,21 @@ class RaiPlayPlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         playlist_id = self._match_id(url)
-        media = self._download_json(
-            '%s.json' % urljoin(RaiBaseIE._BASE_URL, 'programmi/' + playlist_id),
-            playlist_id, 'Downloading program JSON')
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, playlist_id)
-        title = media['name']
-        description = media['program_info']['description']
-        content_sets = [s['id'] for b in media['blocks'] for s in b['sets']]
+        title = self._html_search_meta(
+            ('programma', 'nomeProgramma'), webpage, 'title')
+        description = unescapeHTML(self._html_search_meta(
+            ('description', 'og:description'), webpage, 'description'))
         entries = []
-        for cs in content_sets:
-            medias = self._download_json(
-                '%s/%s.json' % (urljoin(RaiBaseIE._BASE_URL, 'programmi/' + playlist_id), cs),
-                cs, 'Downloading content set JSON')
-            for m in medias['items']:
-                video_url = urljoin(url, m['path_id'])
-                entries.append(self.url_result(
-                    video_url, ie=RaiPlayIE.ie_key(),
-                    video_id=RaiPlayIE._match_id(video_url)))
+        for mobj in re.finditer(
+                r'<a\b[^>]+\bhref=(["\'])(?P<path>/raiplay/video/.+?)\1',
+                webpage):
+            video_url = urljoin(url, mobj.group('path'))
+            entries.append(self.url_result(
+                video_url, ie=RaiPlayIE.ie_key(),
+                video_id=RaiPlayIE._match_id(video_url)))
         return self.playlist_result(entries, playlist_id, title, description)
@@ -294,7 +301,8 @@ class RaiIE(RaiBaseIE):
             'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
             'duration': 1758,
             'upload_date': '20140612',
-        }
+        },
+        'skip': 'This content is available only in Italy',
     }, {
         # with ContentItem in many metas
         'url': 'http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/media/Weekend-al-cinema-da-Hollywood-arriva-il-thriller-di-Tate-Taylor-La-ragazza-del-treno-1632c009-c843-4836-bb65-80c33084a64b.html',
@@ -320,6 +328,19 @@ class RaiIE(RaiBaseIE):
             'duration': 2214,
             'upload_date': '20161103',
+    }, {
+        # drawMediaRaiTV(...)
+        'url': 'http://www.report.rai.it/dl/Report/puntata/ContentItem-0c7a664b-d0f4-4b2c-8835-3f82e46f433e.html',
+        'md5': '2dd727e61114e1ee9c47f0da6914e178',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '59d69d28-6bb6-409d-a4b5-ed44096560af',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'Il pacco',
+            'description': 'md5:4b1afae1364115ce5d78ed83cd2e5b3a',
+            'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
+            'upload_date': '20141221',
+        },
+        'skip': 'This content is not available',
     }, {
         # initEdizione('ContentItem-...'
         'url': 'http://www.tg1.rai.it/dl/tg1/2010/edizioni/ContentSet-9b6e0cba-4bef-4aef-8cf0-9f7f665b7dfb-tg1.html?item=undefined',
@@ -331,6 +352,18 @@ class RaiIE(RaiBaseIE):
             'upload_date': '20170401',
         'skip': 'Changes daily',
+    }, {
+        # HDS live stream with only relinker URL
+        'url': 'http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/dirette/PublishingBlock-1912dbbf-3f96-44c3-b4cf-523681fbacbc.html?channel=EuroNews',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '1912dbbf-3f96-44c3-b4cf-523681fbacbc',
+            'ext': 'flv',
+            'title': 'EuroNews',
+        },
+        'params': {
+            'skip_download': True,
+        },
+        'skip': 'This content is available only in Italy',
     }, {
         # HLS live stream with ContentItem in og:url
         'url': 'http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/live/ContentItem-3156f2f2-dc70-4953-8e2f-70d7489d4ce9.html',
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/servus.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/servus.py
index 9401bf2cf..1610ddc2c 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/servus.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/servus.py
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+    determine_ext,
+    float_or_none,
+    int_or_none,
+    unified_timestamp,
+    urlencode_postdata,
+    url_or_none,
 class ServusIE(InfoExtractor):
@@ -12,20 +18,29 @@ class ServusIE(InfoExtractor):
-                            servustv\.com/videos
+                            (?:servustv|pm-wissen)\.com/videos
     _TESTS = [{
         # new URL schema
         'url': 'https://www.servustv.com/videos/aa-1t6vbu5pw1w12/',
-        'md5': '3e1dd16775aa8d5cbef23628cfffc1f4',
+        'md5': '60474d4c21f3eb148838f215c37f02b9',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': 'AA-1T6VBU5PW1W12',
             'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': 'Die Grünen aus Sicht des Volkes',
+            'alt_title': 'Talk im Hangar-7 Voxpops Gruene',
             'description': 'md5:1247204d85783afe3682644398ff2ec4',
             'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg',
+            'duration': 62.442,
+            'timestamp': 1605193976,
+            'upload_date': '20201112',
+            'series': 'Talk im Hangar-7',
+            'season': 'Season 9',
+            'season_number': 9,
+            'episode': 'Episode 31 - September 14',
+            'episode_number': 31,
     }, {
         # old URL schema
@@ -40,30 +55,94 @@ class ServusIE(InfoExtractor):
     }, {
         'url': 'https://www.servus.com/tv/videos/1380889096408-1235196658/',
         'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.pm-wissen.com/videos/aa-24mus4g2w2112/',
+        'only_matching': True,
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         video_id = self._match_id(url).upper()
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
-        title = self._search_regex(
-            (r'videoLabel\s*=\s*(["\'])(?P<title>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1',
-             r'<h\d+[^>]+\bclass=["\']heading--(?:one|two)["\'][^>]*>(?P<title>[^<]+)'),
-            webpage, 'title', default=None,
-            group='title') or self._og_search_title(webpage)
-        title = re.sub(r'\s*-\s*Servus TV\s*$', '', title)
-        description = self._og_search_description(webpage)
-        thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage)
+        token = self._download_json(
+            'https://auth.redbullmediahouse.com/token', video_id,
+            'Downloading token', data=urlencode_postdata({
+                'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
+            }), headers={
+                'Authorization': 'Basic SVgtMjJYNEhBNFdEM1cxMTpEdDRVSkFLd2ZOMG5IMjB1NGFBWTBmUFpDNlpoQ1EzNA==',
+            })
+        access_token = token['access_token']
+        token_type = token.get('token_type', 'Bearer')
-        formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
-            'https://stv.rbmbtnx.net/api/v1/manifests/%s.m3u8' % video_id,
-            video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native', m3u8_id='hls')
+        video = self._download_json(
+            'https://sparkle-api.liiift.io/api/v1/stv/channels/international/assets/%s' % video_id,
+            video_id, 'Downloading video JSON', headers={
+                'Authorization': '%s %s' % (token_type, access_token),
+            })
+        formats = []
+        thumbnail = None
+        for resource in video['resources']:
+            if not isinstance(resource, dict):
+                continue
+            format_url = url_or_none(resource.get('url'))
+            if not format_url:
+                continue
+            extension = resource.get('extension')
+            type_ = resource.get('type')
+            if extension == 'jpg' or type_ == 'reference_keyframe':
+                thumbnail = format_url
+                continue
+            ext = determine_ext(format_url)
+            if type_ == 'dash' or ext == 'mpd':
+                formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats(
+                    format_url, video_id, mpd_id='dash', fatal=False))
+            elif type_ == 'hls' or ext == 'm3u8':
+                formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
+                    format_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
+                    m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False))
+            elif extension == 'mp4' or ext == 'mp4':
+                formats.append({
+                    'url': format_url,
+                    'format_id': type_,
+                    'width': int_or_none(resource.get('width')),
+                    'height': int_or_none(resource.get('height')),
+                })
+        attrs = {}
+        for attribute in video['attributes']:
+            if not isinstance(attribute, dict):
+                continue
+            key = attribute.get('fieldKey')
+            value = attribute.get('fieldValue')
+            if not key or not value:
+                continue
+            attrs[key] = value
+        title = attrs.get('title_stv') or video_id
+        alt_title = attrs.get('title')
+        description = attrs.get('long_description') or attrs.get('short_description')
+        series = attrs.get('label')
+        season = attrs.get('season')
+        episode = attrs.get('chapter')
+        duration = float_or_none(attrs.get('duration'), scale=1000)
+        season_number = int_or_none(self._search_regex(
+            r'Season (\d+)', season or '', 'season number', default=None))
+        episode_number = int_or_none(self._search_regex(
+            r'Episode (\d+)', episode or '', 'episode number', default=None))
         return {
             'id': video_id,
             'title': title,
+            'alt_title': alt_title,
             'description': description,
             'thumbnail': thumbnail,
+            'duration': duration,
+            'timestamp': unified_timestamp(video.get('lastPublished')),
+            'series': series,
+            'season': season,
+            'season_number': season_number,
+            'episode': episode,
+            'episode_number': episode_number,
             'formats': formats,
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/spiegel.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/spiegel.py
index 4df7f4ddc..2da32b9b2 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/spiegel.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/spiegel.py
@@ -1,159 +1,54 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
-from .nexx import (
-    NexxIE,
-    NexxEmbedIE,
-from .spiegeltv import SpiegeltvIE
-from ..compat import compat_urlparse
-from ..utils import (
-    parse_duration,
-    strip_or_none,
-    unified_timestamp,
+from .jwplatform import JWPlatformIE
 class SpiegelIE(InfoExtractor):
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?spiegel\.de/video/[^/]*-(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?:-embed|-iframe)?(?:\.html)?(?:#.*)?$'
+    _UUID_RE = r'[\da-f]{8}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{12}'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?:spiegel|manager-magazin)\.de(?:/[^/]+)+/[^/]*-(?P<id>[0-9]+|%s)(?:-embed|-iframe)?(?:\.html)?(?:#.*)?$' % _UUID_RE
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/video/vulkan-tungurahua-in-ecuador-ist-wieder-aktiv-video-1259285.html',
-        'md5': 'b57399839d055fccfeb9a0455c439868',
+        'md5': '50c7948883ec85a3e431a0a44b7ad1d6',
         'info_dict': {
-            'id': '563747',
+            'id': 'II0BUyxY',
+            'display_id': '1259285',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Vulkanausbruch in Ecuador: Der "Feuerschlund" ist wieder aktiv',
+            'title': 'Vulkan Tungurahua in Ecuador ist wieder aktiv - DER SPIEGEL - Wissenschaft',
             'description': 'md5:8029d8310232196eb235d27575a8b9f4',
-            'duration': 49,
+            'duration': 48.0,
             'upload_date': '20130311',
-            'timestamp': 1362994320,
+            'timestamp': 1362997920,
     }, {
         'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/video/schach-wm-videoanalyse-des-fuenften-spiels-video-1309159.html',
-        'md5': '5b6c2f4add9d62912ed5fc78a1faed80',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': '580988',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Schach-WM in der Videoanalyse: Carlsen nutzt die Fehlgriffe des Titelverteidigers',
-            'description': 'md5:c2322b65e58f385a820c10fa03b2d088',
-            'duration': 983,
-            'upload_date': '20131115',
-            'timestamp': 1384546642,
-        },
-    }, {
-        'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/video/astronaut-alexander-gerst-von-der-iss-station-beantwortet-fragen-video-1519126-embed.html',
-        'md5': '97b91083a672d72976faa8433430afb9',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': '601883',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'description': 'SPIEGEL ONLINE-Nutzer durften den deutschen Astronauten Alexander Gerst über sein Leben auf der ISS-Station befragen. Hier kommen seine Antworten auf die besten sechs Fragen.',
-            'title': 'Fragen an Astronaut Alexander Gerst: "Bekommen Sie die Tageszeiten mit?"',
-            'upload_date': '20140904',
-            'timestamp': 1409834160,
-        }
-    }, {
-        'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/video/astronaut-alexander-gerst-von-der-iss-station-beantwortet-fragen-video-1519126-iframe.html',
         'only_matching': True,
     }, {
-        # nexx video
+        'url': 'https://www.spiegel.de/video/eifel-zoo-aufregung-um-ausgebrochene-raubtiere-video-99018031.html',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/urteile-im-goldmuenzenprozess-haftstrafen-fuer-clanmitglieder-a-aae8df48-43c1-4c61-867d-23f0a2d254b7',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
         'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/video/spiegel-tv-magazin-ueber-guellekrise-in-schleswig-holstein-video-99012776.html',
         'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        video_id = self._match_id(url)
-        metadata_url = 'http://www.spiegel.de/video/metadata/video-%s.json' % video_id
-        handle = self._request_webpage(metadata_url, video_id)
-        # 302 to spiegel.tv, like http://www.spiegel.de/video/der-film-zum-wochenende-die-wahrheit-ueber-maenner-video-99003272.html
-        if SpiegeltvIE.suitable(handle.geturl()):
-            return self.url_result(handle.geturl(), 'Spiegeltv')
-        video_data = self._parse_json(self._webpage_read_content(
-            handle, metadata_url, video_id), video_id)
-        title = video_data['title']
-        nexx_id = video_data['nexxOmniaId']
-        domain_id = video_data.get('nexxOmniaDomain') or '748'
-        return {
-            '_type': 'url_transparent',
-            'id': video_id,
-            'url': 'nexx:%s:%s' % (domain_id, nexx_id),
-            'title': title,
-            'description': strip_or_none(video_data.get('teaser')),
-            'duration': parse_duration(video_data.get('duration')),
-            'timestamp': unified_timestamp(video_data.get('datum')),
-            'ie_key': NexxIE.ie_key(),
-        }
-class SpiegelArticleIE(InfoExtractor):
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?spiegel\.de/(?!video/)[^?#]*?-(?P<id>[0-9]+)\.html'
-    IE_NAME = 'Spiegel:Article'
-    IE_DESC = 'Articles on spiegel.de'
-    _TESTS = [{
+    }, {
         'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/sport/sonst/badminton-wm-die-randsportart-soll-populaerer-werden-a-987092.html',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': '1516455',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Faszination Badminton: Nennt es bloß nicht Federball',
-            'description': 're:^Patrick Kämnitz gehört.{100,}',
-            'upload_date': '20140825',
-        },
-    }, {
-        'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/astronaut-alexander-gerst-antwortet-spiegel-online-lesern-a-989876.html',
-        'info_dict': {
-        },
-        'playlist_count': 6,
-    }, {
-        # Nexx iFrame embed
-        'url': 'http://www.spiegel.de/sptv/spiegeltv/spiegel-tv-ueber-schnellste-katapult-achterbahn-der-welt-taron-a-1137884.html',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': '161464',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Nervenkitzel Achterbahn',
-            'alt_title': 'Karussellbauer in Deutschland',
-            'description': 'md5:ffe7b1cc59a01f585e0569949aef73cc',
-            'release_year': 2005,
-            'creator': 'SPIEGEL TV',
-            'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
-            'duration': 2761,
-            'timestamp': 1394021479,
-            'upload_date': '20140305',
-        },
-        'params': {
-            'format': 'bestvideo',
-            'skip_download': True,
-        },
+        'only_matching': True,
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         video_id = self._match_id(url)
         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
-        # Single video on top of the page
-        video_link = self._search_regex(
-            r'<a href="([^"]+)" onclick="return spOpenVideo\(this,', webpage,
-            'video page URL', default=None)
-        if video_link:
-            video_url = compat_urlparse.urljoin(
-                self.http_scheme() + '//spiegel.de/', video_link)
-            return self.url_result(video_url)
-        # Multiple embedded videos
-        embeds = re.findall(
-            r'<div class="vid_holder[0-9]+.*?</div>\s*.*?url\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"',
-            webpage)
-        entries = [
-            self.url_result(compat_urlparse.urljoin(
-                self.http_scheme() + '//spiegel.de/', embed_path))
-            for embed_path in embeds]
-        if embeds:
-            return self.playlist_result(entries)
-        return self.playlist_from_matches(
-            NexxEmbedIE._extract_urls(webpage), ie=NexxEmbedIE.ie_key())
+        media_id = self._html_search_regex(
+            r'(&#34;|["\'])mediaId\1\s*:\s*(&#34;|["\'])(?P<id>(?:(?!\2).)+)\2',
+            webpage, 'media id', group='id')
+        return {
+            '_type': 'url_transparent',
+            'id': video_id,
+            'display_id': video_id,
+            'url': 'jwplatform:%s' % media_id,
+            'title': self._og_search_title(webpage, default=None),
+            'ie_key': JWPlatformIE.ie_key(),
+        }
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/twentythreevideo.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/twentythreevideo.py
index aa0c6e90f..dc5609192 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/twentythreevideo.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/twentythreevideo.py
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ from ..utils import int_or_none
 class TwentyThreeVideoIE(InfoExtractor):
     IE_NAME = '23video'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://video\.(?P<domain>twentythree\.net|23video\.com|filmweb\.no)/v\.ihtml/player\.html\?(?P<query>.*?\bphoto(?:_|%5f)id=(?P<id>\d+).*)'
-    _TEST = {
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?P<domain>[^.]+\.(?:twentythree\.net|23video\.com|filmweb\.no))/v\.ihtml/player\.html\?(?P<query>.*?\bphoto(?:_|%5f)id=(?P<id>\d+).*)'
+    _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'https://video.twentythree.net/v.ihtml/player.html?showDescriptions=0&source=site&photo%5fid=20448876&autoPlay=1',
         'md5': '75fcf216303eb1dae9920d651f85ced4',
         'info_dict': {
@@ -21,11 +21,14 @@ class TwentyThreeVideoIE(InfoExtractor):
             'uploader_id': '12258964',
             'uploader': 'Rasmus Bysted',
-    }
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://bonnier-publications-danmark.23video.com/v.ihtml/player.html?token=f0dc46476e06e13afd5a1f84a29e31e8&source=embed&photo%5fid=36137620',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }]
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         domain, query, photo_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
-        base_url = 'https://video.%s' % domain
+        base_url = 'https://%s' % domain
         photo_data = self._download_json(
             base_url + '/api/photo/list?' + query, photo_id, query={
                 'format': 'json',
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py
index 4bc2b78fb..2c41f78bd 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 from .common import InfoExtractor
-from ..utils import unified_timestamp
-import re
+from ..utils import (
+    dict_get,
+    int_or_none,
+    unified_timestamp,
 class URPlayIE(InfoExtractor):
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ class URPlayIE(InfoExtractor):
         'info_dict': {
             'id': '203704',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Om vetenskap, kritiskt tänkande och motstånd',
+            'title': 'UR Samtiden - Livet, universum och rymdens märkliga musik : Om vetenskap, kritiskt tänkande och motstånd',
             'description': 'md5:5344508a52aa78c1ced6c1b8b9e44e9a',
             'timestamp': 1513292400,
             'upload_date': '20171214',
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ class URPlayIE(InfoExtractor):
             'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': 'Tripp, Trapp, Träd : Sovkudde',
             'description': 'md5:b86bffdae04a7e9379d1d7e5947df1d1',
-            'timestamp': 1440093600,
+            'timestamp': 1440086400,
             'upload_date': '20150820',
     }, {
@@ -36,28 +39,27 @@ class URPlayIE(InfoExtractor):
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         video_id = self._match_id(url)
+        url = url.replace('skola.se/Produkter', 'play.se/program')
         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
-        urplayer_data = re.sub("&quot;", "\"", self._search_regex(
-            r'components\/Player\/Player\" data-react-props=\"({.+?})\"',
-            webpage, 'urplayer data'))
-        urplayer_data = self._parse_json(urplayer_data, video_id)
-        for i in range(len(urplayer_data['accessibleEpisodes'])):
-            if urplayer_data.get('accessibleEpisodes', {})[i].get('id') == int(video_id):
-                urplayer_data = urplayer_data['accessibleEpisodes'][i]
-                break
+        urplayer_data = self._parse_json(self._html_search_regex(
+            r'data-react-class="components/Player/Player"[^>]+data-react-props="({.+?})"',
+            webpage, 'urplayer data'), video_id)['currentProduct']
+        episode = urplayer_data['title']
         host = self._download_json('http://streaming-loadbalancer.ur.se/loadbalancer.json', video_id)['redirect']
         formats = []
-        urplayer_streams = urplayer_data.get("streamingInfo")
-        for quality in ('sd'), ('hd'):
-            location = (urplayer_streams.get("raw", {}).get(quality, {}).get("location")
-                        or urplayer_streams.get("sweComplete", {}).get(quality, {}).get("location"))
-            if location:
+        urplayer_streams = urplayer_data.get('streamingInfo', {})
+        for k, v in urplayer_streams.get('raw', {}).items():
+            if not (k in ('sd', 'hd') and isinstance(v, dict)):
+                continue
+            file_http = v.get('location')
+            if file_http:
-                               'http://%s/%s/playlist.m3u8' % (host, location), video_id,
-                               skip_protocols=['f4m', 'rtmp', 'rtsp']))
+                    'http://%s/%splaylist.m3u8' % (host, file_http),
+                    video_id, skip_protocols=['f4m', 'rtmp', 'rtsp']))
         subtitles = {}
         subs = urplayer_streams.get("sweComplete", {}).get("tt", {}).get("location")
         if subs:
@@ -65,14 +67,37 @@ class URPlayIE(InfoExtractor):
                 'url': subs,
+        image = urplayer_data.get('image') or {}
+        thumbnails = []
+        for k, v in image.items():
+            t = {
+                'id': k,
+                'url': v,
+            }
+            wh = k.split('x')
+            if len(wh) == 2:
+                t.update({
+                    'width': int_or_none(wh[0]),
+                    'height': int_or_none(wh[1]),
+                })
+            thumbnails.append(t)
+        series = urplayer_data.get('series') or {}
+        series_title = dict_get(series, ('seriesTitle', 'title')) or dict_get(urplayer_data, ('seriesTitle', 'mainTitle'))
         return {
             'id': video_id,
-            'title': urplayer_data['title'],
-            'description': self._og_search_description(webpage),
-            'thumbnail': urplayer_data.get('image', {}).get('1280x720'),
-            'timestamp': unified_timestamp(self._html_search_meta(('uploadDate', 'schema:uploadDate'),
-                                           webpage, 'timestamp')),
-            'series': urplayer_data.get('seriesTitle'),
             'subtitles': subtitles,
+            'title': '%s : %s' % (series_title, episode) if series_title else episode,
+            'description': urplayer_data.get('description'),
+            'thumbnails': thumbnails,
+            'timestamp': unified_timestamp(urplayer_data.get('publishedAt')),
+            'series': series_title,
             'formats': formats,
+            'duration': int_or_none(urplayer_data.get('duration')),
+            'categories': urplayer_data.get('categories'),
+            'tags': urplayer_data.get('keywords'),
+            'season': series.get('label'),
+            'episode': episode,
+            'episode_number': int_or_none(urplayer_data.get('episodeNumber')),
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/usanetwork.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/usanetwork.py
index 54c7495cc..d953e460b 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/usanetwork.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/usanetwork.py
@@ -1,74 +1,24 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .adobepass import AdobePassIE
-from ..utils import (
-    smuggle_url,
-    update_url_query,
+from .nbc import NBCIE
-class USANetworkIE(AdobePassIE):
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?usanetwork\.com/(?:[^/]+/videos|movies)/(?P<id>[^/?#]+)'
-    _TEST = {
-        'url': 'http://www.usanetwork.com/mrrobot/videos/hpe-cybersecurity',
-        'md5': '33c0d2ba381571b414024440d08d57fd',
+class USANetworkIE(NBCIE):
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?(?P<permalink>://(?:www\.)?usanetwork\.com/(?:[^/]+/videos?|movies?)/(?:[^/]+/)?(?P<id>\d+))'
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'https://www.usanetwork.com/peacock-trailers/video/intelligence-trailer/4185302',
         'info_dict': {
-            'id': '3086229',
+            'id': '4185302',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'HPE Cybersecurity',
-            'description': 'The more we digitize our world, the more vulnerable we are.',
-            'upload_date': '20160818',
-            'timestamp': 1471535460,
-            'uploader': 'NBCU-USA',
+            'title': 'Intelligence (Trailer)',
+            'description': 'A maverick NSA agent enlists the help of a junior systems analyst in a workplace power grab.',
+            'upload_date': '20200715',
+            'timestamp': 1594785600,
+            'uploader': 'NBCU-MPAT',
-    }
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        display_id = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
-        def _x(name, default=NO_DEFAULT):
-            return self._search_regex(
-                r'data-%s\s*=\s*(["\'])(?P<value>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1' % name,
-                webpage, name, default=default, group='value')
-        video_id = _x('mpx-guid')
-        title = _x('episode-title')
-        mpx_account_id = _x('mpx-account-id', '2304992029')
-        query = {
-            'mbr': 'true',
-        }
-        if _x('is-full-episode', None) == '1':
-            query['manifest'] = 'm3u'
-        if _x('is-entitlement', None) == '1':
-            adobe_pass = {}
-            drupal_settings = self._search_regex(
-                r'jQuery\.extend\(Drupal\.settings\s*,\s*({.+?})\);',
-                webpage, 'drupal settings', fatal=False)
-            if drupal_settings:
-                drupal_settings = self._parse_json(drupal_settings, video_id, fatal=False)
-                if drupal_settings:
-                    adobe_pass = drupal_settings.get('adobePass', {})
-            resource = self._get_mvpd_resource(
-                adobe_pass.get('adobePassResourceId', 'usa'),
-                title, video_id, _x('episode-rating', 'TV-14'))
-            query['auth'] = self._extract_mvpd_auth(
-                url, video_id, adobe_pass.get('adobePassRequestorId', 'usa'), resource)
-        info = self._search_json_ld(webpage, video_id, default={})
-        info.update({
-            '_type': 'url_transparent',
-            'url': smuggle_url(update_url_query(
-                'http://link.theplatform.com/s/HNK2IC/media/guid/%s/%s' % (mpx_account_id, video_id),
-                query), {'force_smil_url': True}),
-            'id': video_id,
-            'title': title,
-            'series': _x('show-title', None),
-            'episode': title,
-            'ie_key': 'ThePlatform',
-        })
-        return info
+        'params': {
+            # m3u8 download
+            'skip_download': True,
+        },
+    }]
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/ustream.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/ustream.py
index 582090d0d..9e860aeb7 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/ustream.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/ustream.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from ..utils import (
 class UstreamIE(InfoExtractor):
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?ustream\.tv/(?P<type>recorded|embed|embed/recorded)/(?P<id>\d+)'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?:ustream\.tv|video\.ibm\.com)/(?P<type>recorded|embed|embed/recorded)/(?P<id>\d+)'
     IE_NAME = 'ustream'
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/20274954',
@@ -67,12 +67,15 @@ class UstreamIE(InfoExtractor):
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,  # m3u8 download
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://video.ibm.com/embed/recorded/128240221?&autoplay=true&controls=true&volume=100',
+        'only_matching': True,
     def _extract_url(webpage):
         mobj = re.search(
-            r'<iframe[^>]+?src=(["\'])(?P<url>http://www\.ustream\.tv/embed/.+?)\1', webpage)
+            r'<iframe[^>]+?src=(["\'])(?P<url>http://(?:www\.)?(?:ustream\.tv|video\.ibm\.com)/embed/.+?)\1', webpage)
         if mobj is not None:
             return mobj.group('url')
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/vimeo.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/vimeo.py
index 9839657ca..a0662a369 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/vimeo.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/vimeo.py
@@ -946,10 +946,13 @@ class VimeoAlbumIE(VimeoBaseInfoExtractor):
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         album_id = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, album_id)
-        viewer = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
-            r'bootstrap_data\s*=\s*({.+?})</script>',
-            webpage, 'bootstrap data'), album_id)['viewer']
+        viewer = self._download_json(
+            'https://vimeo.com/_rv/viewer', album_id, fatal=False)
+        if not viewer:
+            webpage = self._download_webpage(url, album_id)
+            viewer = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
+                r'bootstrap_data\s*=\s*({.+?})</script>',
+                webpage, 'bootstrap data'), album_id)['viewer']
         jwt = viewer['jwt']
         album = self._download_json(
             'https://api.vimeo.com/albums/' + album_id,
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/vlive.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/vlive.py
index 935560b57..577e33f13 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/vlive.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/vlive.py
@@ -4,52 +4,48 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import re
 import time
 import itertools
+import json
 from .common import InfoExtractor
 from .naver import NaverBaseIE
-from ..compat import compat_str
+from ..compat import (
+    compat_HTTPError,
+    compat_str,
 from ..utils import (
+    int_or_none,
-class VLiveIE(NaverBaseIE):
+class VLiveBaseIE(NaverBaseIE):
+    _APP_ID = '8c6cc7b45d2568fb668be6e05b6e5a3b'
+class VLiveIE(VLiveBaseIE):
     IE_NAME = 'vlive'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m)\.)?vlive\.tv/(?:video|post)/(?P<id>(?:\d-)?[0-9]+)'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m)\.)?vlive\.tv/(?:video|embed)/(?P<id>[0-9]+)'
     _NETRC_MACHINE = 'vlive'
     _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.vlive.tv/video/1326',
+        'url': 'http://www.vlive.tv/video/1326',
         'md5': 'cc7314812855ce56de70a06a27314983',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': '1326',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': "[V LIVE] Girl's Day's Broadcast",
+            'title': "Girl's Day's Broadcast",
             'creator': "Girl's Day",
             'view_count': int,
             'uploader_id': 'muploader_a',
-    },
-        {
-        'url': 'https://vlive.tv/post/1-18244258',
-        'md5': 'cc7314812855ce56de70a06a27314983',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': '1326',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': "[V LIVE] Girl's Day's Broadcast",
-            'creator': "Girl's Day",
-            'view_count': int,
-            'uploader_id': 'muploader_a',
-        },
-    },
-        {
-        'url': 'https://www.vlive.tv/video/16937',
+    }, {
+        'url': 'http://www.vlive.tv/video/16937',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': '16937',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': '[V LIVE] 첸백시 걍방',
+            'title': '첸백시 걍방',
             'creator': 'EXO',
             'view_count': int,
             'subtitles': 'mincount:12',
@@ -70,12 +66,11 @@ class VLiveIE(NaverBaseIE):
             'subtitles': 'mincount:10',
         'skip': 'This video is only available for CH+ subscribers',
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.vlive.tv/embed/1326',
+        'only_matching': True,
-    @classmethod
-    def suitable(cls, url):
-        return False if VLivePlaylistIE.suitable(url) else super(VLiveIE, cls).suitable(url)
     def _real_initialize(self):
@@ -107,118 +102,82 @@ class VLiveIE(NaverBaseIE):
         if not is_logged_in():
             raise ExtractorError('Unable to log in', expected=True)
+    def _call_api(self, path_template, video_id, fields=None):
+        query = {'appId': self._APP_ID}
+        if fields:
+            query['fields'] = fields
+        return self._download_json(
+            'https://www.vlive.tv/globalv-web/vam-web/' + path_template % video_id, video_id,
+            'Downloading %s JSON metadata' % path_template.split('/')[-1].split('-')[0],
+            headers={'Referer': 'https://www.vlive.tv/'}, query=query)
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        # url may match on a post or a video url with a post_id potentially matching a video_id
-        working_id = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, working_id)
+        video_id = self._match_id(url)
-        PARAMS_RE = r'window\.__PRELOADED_STATE__\s*=\s*({.*});?\s*</script>'
-        PARAMS_FIELD = 'params'
+        try:
+            post = self._call_api(
+                'post/v1.0/officialVideoPost-%s', video_id,
+                'author{nickname},channel{channelCode,channelName},officialVideo{commentCount,exposeStatus,likeCount,playCount,playTime,status,title,type,vodId}')
+        except ExtractorError as e:
+            if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 403:
+                self.raise_login_required(json.loads(e.cause.read().decode())['message'])
+            raise
-        params = self._search_regex(
-            PARAMS_RE, webpage, PARAMS_FIELD, default='', flags=re.DOTALL)
-        params = self._parse_json(params, working_id, fatal=False)
+        video = post['officialVideo']
-        video_params = try_get(params, lambda x: x["postDetail"]["post"]["officialVideo"], dict)
+        def get_common_fields():
+            channel = post.get('channel') or {}
+            return {
+                'title': video.get('title'),
+                'creator': post.get('author', {}).get('nickname'),
+                'channel': channel.get('channelName'),
+                'channel_id': channel.get('channelCode'),
+                'duration': int_or_none(video.get('playTime')),
+                'view_count': int_or_none(video.get('playCount')),
+                'like_count': int_or_none(video.get('likeCount')),
+                'comment_count': int_or_none(video.get('commentCount')),
+            }
-        if video_params is None:
-            error = try_get(params, lambda x: x["postDetail"]["error"], dict)
-            error_data = try_get(error, lambda x: x["data"], dict)
-            error_video = try_get(error_data, lambda x: x["officialVideo"], dict)
-            error_msg = try_get(error, lambda x: x["message"], compat_str)
-            product_type = try_get(error_data,
-                                   [lambda x: x["officialVideo"]["productType"],
-                                    lambda x: x["board"]["boardType"]],
-                                   compat_str)
-            if error_video is not None:
-                if product_type in ('VLIVE_PLUS', 'VLIVE+'):
-                    self.raise_login_required('This video is only available with V LIVE+.')
-                elif error_msg is not None:
-                    raise ExtractorError('V LIVE reported the following error: %s' % error_msg)
-                else:
-                    raise ExtractorError('Failed to extract video parameters.')
-            elif 'post' in url:
-                raise ExtractorError('Url does not appear to be a video post.', expected=True)
-            else:
-                raise ExtractorError('Failed to extract video parameters.')
-        video_id = working_id if 'video' in url else str(video_params["videoSeq"])
-        video_type = video_params["type"]
-        if video_type in ('VOD'):
-            encoding_status = video_params["encodingStatus"]
-            if encoding_status == 'COMPLETE':
-                return self._replay(video_id, webpage, params, video_params)
-            else:
-                raise ExtractorError('VOD encoding not yet complete. Please try again later.',
-                                     expected=True)
-        elif video_type in ('LIVE'):
-            video_status = video_params["status"]
-            if video_status in ('RESERVED'):
+        video_type = video.get('type')
+        if video_type == 'VOD':
+            inkey = self._call_api('video/v1.0/vod/%s/inkey', video_id)['inkey']
+            vod_id = video['vodId']
+            return merge_dicts(
+                get_common_fields(),
+                self._extract_video_info(video_id, vod_id, inkey))
+        elif video_type == 'LIVE':
+            status = video.get('status')
+            if status == 'ON_AIR':
+                stream_url = self._call_api(
+                    'old/v3/live/%s/playInfo',
+                    video_id)['result']['adaptiveStreamUrl']
+                formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(stream_url, video_id, 'mp4')
+                info = get_common_fields()
+                info.update({
+                    'title': self._live_title(video['title']),
+                    'id': video_id,
+                    'formats': formats,
+                    'is_live': True,
+                })
+                return info
+            elif status == 'ENDED':
+                raise ExtractorError(
+                    'Uploading for replay. Please wait...', expected=True)
+            elif status == 'RESERVED':
                 raise ExtractorError('Coming soon!', expected=True)
-            elif video_status in ('ENDED', 'END'):
-                raise ExtractorError('Uploading for replay. Please wait...', expected=True)
+            elif video.get('exposeStatus') == 'CANCEL':
+                raise ExtractorError(
+                    'We are sorry, but the live broadcast has been canceled.',
+                    expected=True)
-                return self._live(video_id, webpage, params)
-        else:
-            raise ExtractorError('Unknown video type %s' % video_type)
-    def _get_common_fields(self, webpage, params):
-        title = self._og_search_title(webpage)
-        description = self._html_search_meta(
-            ['og:description', 'description', 'twitter:description'],
-            webpage, 'description', default=None)
-        creator = (try_get(params, lambda x: x["channel"]["channel"]["channelName"], compat_str)
-                   or self._search_regex(r'on (.*) channel', description or '', 'creator', fatal=False))
-        thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage)
-        return {
-            'title': title,
-            'creator': creator,
-            'thumbnail': thumbnail,
-        }
-    def _live(self, video_id, webpage, params):
-        LIVE_INFO_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.vlive.tv/globalv-web/vam-web/old/v3/live/%s/playInfo' % video_id
-        play_info = self._download_json(LIVE_INFO_ENDPOINT, video_id,
-                                        headers={"referer": "https://www.vlive.tv"})
-        streams = try_get(play_info, lambda x: x["result"]["streamList"], list) or []
-        formats = []
-        for stream in streams:
-            formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
-                stream['serviceUrl'], video_id, 'mp4',
-                fatal=False, live=True))
-        self._sort_formats(formats)
-        info = self._get_common_fields(webpage, params)
-        info.update({
-            'title': self._live_title(info['title']),
-            'id': video_id,
-            'formats': formats,
-            'is_live': True,
-        })
-        return info
-    def _replay(self, video_id, webpage, params, video_params):
-        long_video_id = video_params["vodId"]
-        VOD_KEY_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.vlive.tv/globalv-web/vam-web/video/v1.0/vod/%s/inkey' % video_id
-        key_json = self._download_json(VOD_KEY_ENDPOINT, video_id,
-                                       headers={"referer": "https://www.vlive.tv"})
-        key = key_json["inkey"]
-        return merge_dicts(
-            self._get_common_fields(webpage, params),
-            self._extract_video_info(video_id, long_video_id, key))
+                raise ExtractorError('Unknown status ' + status)
-class VLiveChannelIE(InfoExtractor):
+class VLiveChannelIE(VLiveBaseIE):
     IE_NAME = 'vlive:channel'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m)\.)?(?:channels\.vlive\.tv/|vlive\.tv/channels?/)(?P<id>[0-9A-Z]+)'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:channels\.vlive\.tv|(?:(?:www|m)\.)?vlive\.tv/channel)/(?P<id>[0-9A-Z]+)'
     _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://channels.vlive.tv/FCD4B',
+        'url': 'http://channels.vlive.tv/FCD4B',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': 'FCD4B',
             'title': 'MAMAMOO',
@@ -226,63 +185,39 @@ class VLiveChannelIE(InfoExtractor):
         'playlist_mincount': 110
     }, {
         'url': 'https://www.vlive.tv/channel/FCD4B',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'FCD4B',
-            'title': 'MAMAMOO',
-        },
-        'playlist_mincount': 110
+        'only_matching': True,
-    _APP_ID = '8c6cc7b45d2568fb668be6e05b6e5a3b'
+    def _call_api(self, path, channel_key_suffix, channel_value, note, query):
+        q = {
+            'app_id': self._APP_ID,
+            'channel' + channel_key_suffix: channel_value,
+        }
+        q.update(query)
+        return self._download_json(
+            'http://api.vfan.vlive.tv/vproxy/channelplus/' + path,
+            channel_value, note='Downloading ' + note, query=q)['result']
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         channel_code = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(
-            'http://channels.vlive.tv/%s/video' % channel_code, channel_code)
+        channel_seq = self._call_api(
+            'decodeChannelCode', 'Code', channel_code,
+            'decode channel code', {})['channelSeq']
-        app_id = None
-        app_js_url = self._search_regex(
-            r'<script[^>]+src=(["\'])(?P<url>http.+?/app\.js.*?)\1',
-            webpage, 'app js', default=None, group='url')
-        if app_js_url:
-            app_js = self._download_webpage(
-                app_js_url, channel_code, 'Downloading app JS', fatal=False)
-            if app_js:
-                app_id = self._search_regex(
-                    r'Global\.VFAN_APP_ID\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]',
-                    app_js, 'app id', default=None)
-        app_id = app_id or self._APP_ID
-        channel_info = self._download_json(
-            'http://api.vfan.vlive.tv/vproxy/channelplus/decodeChannelCode',
-            channel_code, note='Downloading decode channel code',
-            query={
-                'app_id': app_id,
-                'channelCode': channel_code,
-                '_': int(time.time())
-            })
-        channel_seq = channel_info['result']['channelSeq']
         channel_name = None
         entries = []
         for page_num in itertools.count(1):
-            video_list = self._download_json(
-                'http://api.vfan.vlive.tv/vproxy/channelplus/getChannelVideoList',
-                channel_code, note='Downloading channel list page #%d' % page_num,
-                query={
-                    'app_id': app_id,
-                    'channelSeq': channel_seq,
+            video_list = self._call_api(
+                'getChannelVideoList', 'Seq', channel_seq,
+                'channel list page #%d' % page_num, {
                     # Large values of maxNumOfRows (~300 or above) may cause
                     # empty responses (see [1]), e.g. this happens for [2] that
                     # has more than 300 videos.
                     # 1. https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/13830
                     # 2. http://channels.vlive.tv/EDBF.
                     'maxNumOfRows': 100,
-                    '_': int(time.time()),
                     'pageNo': page_num
@@ -290,11 +225,11 @@ class VLiveChannelIE(InfoExtractor):
             if not channel_name:
                 channel_name = try_get(
-                    lambda x: x['result']['channelInfo']['channelName'],
+                    lambda x: x['channelInfo']['channelName'],
             videos = try_get(
-                video_list, lambda x: x['result']['videoList'], list)
+                video_list, lambda x: x['videoList'], list)
             if not videos:
@@ -312,7 +247,9 @@ class VLiveChannelIE(InfoExtractor):
             entries, channel_code, channel_name)
-class VLivePlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
+# old extractor. Rewrite?
+class VLivePlaylistIE(VLiveBaseIE):
     IE_NAME = 'vlive:playlist'
     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m)\.)?vlive\.tv/video/(?P<video_id>[0-9]+)/playlist/(?P<id>[0-9]+)'
     _VIDEO_URL_TEMPLATE = 'http://www.vlive.tv/video/%s'
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/xtube.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/xtube.py
index 081c5e2e7..98d2adb99 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/xtube.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/xtube.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
 from ..utils import (
-    ExtractorError,
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ class XTubeIE(InfoExtractor):
             'title': 'strange erotica',
             'description': 'contains:an ET kind of thing',
             'uploader': 'greenshowers',
-            'duration': 449,
+            'duration': 450,
             'view_count': int,
             'comment_count': int,
             'age_limit': 18,
@@ -74,24 +73,16 @@ class XTubeIE(InfoExtractor):
         title, thumbnail, duration = [None] * 3
-        json_config_string = self._search_regex(
-            r'playerConf=({.+?}),loaderConf',
-            webpage, 'config', default=None)
-        if not json_config_string:
-            raise ExtractorError("Could not extract video player data")
-        json_config_string = json_config_string.replace("!0", "true").replace("!1", "false")
-        config = self._parse_json(json_config_string, video_id, transform_source=js_to_json, fatal=False)
-        if not config:
-            raise ExtractorError("Could not extract video player data")
-        config = config.get('mainRoll')
-        if isinstance(config, dict):
-            title = config.get('title')
-            thumbnail = config.get('poster')
-            duration = int_or_none(config.get('duration'))
-            sources = config.get('sources') or config.get('format')
+        config = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
+            r'playerConf\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*,\s*(?:\n|loaderConf)', webpage, 'config',
+            default='{}'), video_id, transform_source=js_to_json, fatal=False)
+        if config:
+            config = config.get('mainRoll')
+            if isinstance(config, dict):
+                title = config.get('title')
+                thumbnail = config.get('poster')
+                duration = int_or_none(config.get('duration'))
+                sources = config.get('sources') or config.get('format')
         if not isinstance(sources, dict):
             sources = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/youporn.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/youporn.py
index e7fca22de..7b9feafeb 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/youporn.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/youporn.py
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ class YouPornIE(InfoExtractor):
             'upload_date': '20101217',
             'average_rating': int,
             'view_count': int,
-            'comment_count': int,
             'categories': list,
             'tags': list,
             'age_limit': 18,
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ class YouPornIE(InfoExtractor):
             'upload_date': '20110418',
             'average_rating': int,
             'view_count': int,
-            'comment_count': int,
             'categories': list,
             'tags': list,
             'age_limit': 18,
@@ -156,7 +154,8 @@ class YouPornIE(InfoExtractor):
             webpage, 'uploader', fatal=False)
         upload_date = unified_strdate(self._html_search_regex(
-            [r'Date\s+[Aa]dded:\s*<span>([^<]+)',
+            [r'UPLOADED:\s*<span>([^<]+)',
+             r'Date\s+[Aa]dded:\s*<span>([^<]+)',
             webpage, 'upload date', fatal=False))
@@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ class YouPornIE(InfoExtractor):
             webpage, 'view count', fatal=False, group='count'))
         comment_count = str_to_int(self._search_regex(
             r'>All [Cc]omments? \(([\d,.]+)\)',
-            webpage, 'comment count', fatal=False))
+            webpage, 'comment count', default=None))
         def extract_tag_box(regex, title):
             tag_box = self._search_regex(regex, webpage, title, default=None)
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py
index 97cc793f9..bbd9b2c4c 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from ..jsinterp import JSInterpreter
 from ..swfinterp import SWFInterpreter
 from ..compat import (
-    compat_HTTPError,
@@ -30,13 +29,10 @@ from ..utils import (
-    extract_attributes,
-    get_element_by_attribute,
-    js_to_json,
@@ -51,9 +47,11 @@ from ..utils import (
+    update_url_query,
+    urljoin,
@@ -70,9 +68,7 @@ class YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
     # If True it will raise an error if no login info is provided
     _LOGIN_REQUIRED = False
-    _PLAYLIST_ID_RE = r'(?:PL|LL|EC|UU|FL|RD|UL|TL|PU|OLAK5uy_)[0-9A-Za-z-_]{10,}'
-    _INITIAL_DATA_RE = r'(?:window\["ytInitialData"\]|ytInitialData)\W?=\W?({.*?});'
-    _YTCFG_DATA_RE = r"ytcfg.set\(({.*?})\)"
+    _PLAYLIST_ID_RE = r'(?:(?:PL|LL|EC|UU|FL|RD|UL|TL|PU|OLAK5uy_)[0-9A-Za-z-_]{10,}|RDMM)'
         'x-youtube-client-name': '1',
@@ -297,147 +293,34 @@ class YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
         if not self._login():
+        'context': {
+            'client': {
+                'clientName': 'WEB',
+                'clientVersion': '2.20201021.03.00',
+            }
+        },
+    }
-class YoutubeEntryListBaseInfoExtractor(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
+    def _call_api(self, ep, query, video_id):
+        data = self._DEFAULT_API_DATA.copy()
+        data.update(query)
-    def _find_entries_in_json(self, extracted):
-        entries = []
-        c = {}
+        response = self._download_json(
+            'https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/%s' % ep, video_id=video_id,
+            note='Downloading API JSON', errnote='Unable to download API page',
+            data=json.dumps(data).encode('utf8'),
+            headers={'content-type': 'application/json'},
+            query={'key': 'AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8'})
-        def _real_find(obj):
-            if obj is None or isinstance(obj, str):
-                return
+        return response
-            if type(obj) is list:
-                for elem in obj:
-                    _real_find(elem)
-            if type(obj) is dict:
-                if self._is_entry(obj):
-                    entries.append(obj)
-                    return
-                if 'continuationCommand' in obj:
-                    c['continuation'] = obj
-                    return
-                for _, o in obj.items():
-                    _real_find(o)
-        _real_find(extracted)
-        return entries, try_get(c, lambda x: x["continuation"])
-    def _entries(self, page, playlist_id, max_pages=None):
-        seen = []
-        yt_conf = {}
-        for m in re.finditer(self._YTCFG_DATA_RE, page):
-            parsed = self._parse_json(m.group(1), playlist_id,
-                                      transform_source=js_to_json, fatal=False)
-            if parsed:
-                yt_conf.update(parsed)
-        data_json = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(self._INITIAL_DATA_RE, page, 'ytInitialData'), None)
-        for page_num in range(1, max_pages + 1) if max_pages is not None else itertools.count(1):
-            entries, continuation = self._find_entries_in_json(data_json)
-            processed = self._process_entries(entries, seen)
-            if not processed:
-                break
-            for entry in processed:
-                yield entry
-            if not continuation or not yt_conf:
-                break
-            continuation_token = try_get(continuation, lambda x: x['continuationCommand']['token'])
-            continuation_url = try_get(continuation, lambda x: x['commandMetadata']['webCommandMetadata']['apiUrl'])
-            if not continuation_token or not continuation_url:
-                break
-            count = 0
-            retries = 3
-            while count <= retries:
-                try:
-                    # Downloading page may result in intermittent 5xx HTTP error
-                    # that is usually worked around with a retry
-                    data_json = self._download_json(
-                        'https://www.youtube.com%s' % continuation_url,
-                        playlist_id,
-                        'Downloading continuation page #%s%s' % (page_num, ' (retry #%d)' % count if count else ''),
-                        transform_source=uppercase_escape,
-                        query={
-                            'key': try_get(yt_conf, lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_API_KEY'])
-                        },
-                        data=str(json.dumps({
-                            'context': try_get(yt_conf, lambda x: x['INNERTUBE_CONTEXT']),
-                            'continuation': continuation_token
-                        })).encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='strict'),
-                        headers={
-                            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
-                        }
-                    )
-                    break
-                except ExtractorError as e:
-                    if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code in (500, 503):
-                        count += 1
-                        if count <= retries:
-                            continue
-                    raise
-    def _extract_title(self, renderer):
-        title = try_get(renderer, lambda x: x['title']['runs'][0]['text'], compat_str)
-        if title:
-            return title
-        return try_get(renderer, lambda x: x['title']['simpleText'], compat_str)
-class YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor(YoutubeEntryListBaseInfoExtractor):
-    def _is_entry(self, obj):
-        return 'videoId' in obj
-    def _process_entries(self, entries, seen):
-        ids_in_page = []
-        titles_in_page = []
-        for renderer in entries:
-            video_id = try_get(renderer, lambda x: x['videoId'])
-            video_title = self._extract_title(renderer)
-            if video_id is None or video_title is None:
-                # we do not have a videoRenderer or title extraction broke
-                continue
-            video_title = video_title.strip()
-            try:
-                idx = ids_in_page.index(video_id)
-                if video_title and not titles_in_page[idx]:
-                    titles_in_page[idx] = video_title
-            except ValueError:
-                ids_in_page.append(video_id)
-                titles_in_page.append(video_title)
-        for video_id, video_title in zip(ids_in_page, titles_in_page):
-            yield self.url_result(video_id, 'Youtube', video_id, video_title)
-class YoutubePlaylistsBaseInfoExtractor(YoutubeEntryListBaseInfoExtractor):
-    def _is_entry(self, obj):
-        return 'playlistId' in obj
-    def _process_entries(self, entries, seen):
-        for playlist_id in orderedSet(try_get(r, lambda x: x['playlistId']) for r in entries):
-            yield self.url_result(
-                'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=%s' % playlist_id, 'YoutubePlaylist')
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        playlist_id = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, playlist_id)
-        title = self._og_search_title(webpage, fatal=False)
-        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(webpage, playlist_id), playlist_id, title)
+    def _extract_yt_initial_data(self, video_id, webpage):
+        return self._parse_json(
+            self._search_regex(
+                r'(?:window\s*\[\s*["\']ytInitialData["\']\s*\]|ytInitialData)\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;',
+                webpage, 'yt initial data'),
+            video_id)
 class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
@@ -498,7 +381,7 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
                      )?                                                       # all until now is optional -> you can pass the naked ID
-                     ([0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})                                      # here is it! the YouTube video ID
+                     (?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})                                      # here is it! the YouTube video ID
                             %(playlist_id)s|                                  # combined list/video URLs are handled by the playlist IE
@@ -662,7 +545,7 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
-            'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc&v=UxxajLWwzqY',
+            'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc&v=yZIXLfi8CZQ',
             'note': 'Use the first video ID in the URL',
             'info_dict': {
                 'id': 'BaW_jenozKc',
@@ -703,6 +586,24 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
             'skip': 'format 141 not served anymore',
+        # DASH manifest with encrypted signature
+        {
+            'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB3lcPjvWLA',
+            'info_dict': {
+                'id': 'IB3lcPjvWLA',
+                'ext': 'm4a',
+                'title': 'Afrojack, Spree Wilson - The Spark (Official Music Video) ft. Spree Wilson',
+                'description': 'md5:8f5e2b82460520b619ccac1f509d43bf',
+                'duration': 244,
+                'uploader': 'AfrojackVEVO',
+                'uploader_id': 'AfrojackVEVO',
+                'upload_date': '20131011',
+            },
+            'params': {
+                'youtube_include_dash_manifest': True,
+                'format': '141/bestaudio[ext=m4a]',
+            },
+        },
         # Controversy video
             'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4XJQO3qol8',
@@ -734,6 +635,27 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
                 'age_limit': 18,
+        # video_info is None (https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/4421)
+        # YouTube Red ad is not captured for creator
+        {
+            'url': '__2ABJjxzNo',
+            'info_dict': {
+                'id': '__2ABJjxzNo',
+                'ext': 'mp4',
+                'duration': 266,
+                'upload_date': '20100430',
+                'uploader_id': 'deadmau5',
+                'uploader_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/user/deadmau5',
+                'creator': 'Dada Life, deadmau5',
+                'description': 'md5:12c56784b8032162bb936a5f76d55360',
+                'uploader': 'deadmau5',
+                'title': 'Deadmau5 - Some Chords (HD)',
+                'alt_title': 'This Machine Kills Some Chords',
+            },
+            'expected_warnings': [
+                'DASH manifest missing',
+            ]
+        },
         # Olympics (https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/4431)
             'url': 'lqQg6PlCWgI',
@@ -1072,10 +994,6 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
             'url': 'sJL6WA-aGkQ',
             'only_matching': True,
-        {
-            'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuAGGZNfUkU&list=RDMM',
-            'only_matching': True,
-        },
             'url': 'https://invidio.us/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc',
             'only_matching': True,
@@ -1127,73 +1045,6 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
                 'skip_download': True,
-        {
-            # Youtube Music Auto-generated description
-            # Retrieve 'artist' field from 'Artist:' in video description
-            # when it is present on youtube music video
-            'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0jLE7tTwjY',
-            'info_dict': {
-                'id': 'k0jLE7tTwjY',
-                'ext': 'mp4',
-                'title': 'Latch Feat. Sam Smith',
-                'description': 'md5:3cb1e8101a7c85fcba9b4fb41b951335',
-                'upload_date': '20150110',
-                'uploader': 'Various Artists - Topic',
-                'uploader_id': 'UCNkEcmYdjrH4RqtNgh7BZ9w',
-                'artist': 'Disclosure',
-                'track': 'Latch Feat. Sam Smith',
-                'album': 'Latch Featuring Sam Smith',
-                'release_date': '20121008',
-                'release_year': 2012,
-            },
-            'params': {
-                'skip_download': True,
-            },
-        },
-        {
-            # Youtube Music Auto-generated description
-            # handle multiple artists on youtube music video
-            'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74qn0eJSjpA',
-            'info_dict': {
-                'id': '74qn0eJSjpA',
-                'ext': 'mp4',
-                'title': 'Eastside',
-                'description': 'md5:290516bb73dcbfab0dcc4efe6c3de5f2',
-                'upload_date': '20180710',
-                'uploader': 'Benny Blanco - Topic',
-                'uploader_id': 'UCzqz_ksRu_WkIzmivMdIS7A',
-                'artist': 'benny blanco, Halsey, Khalid',
-                'track': 'Eastside',
-                'album': 'Eastside',
-                'release_date': '20180713',
-                'release_year': 2018,
-            },
-            'params': {
-                'skip_download': True,
-            },
-        },
-        {
-            # Youtube Music Auto-generated description
-            # handle youtube music video with release_year and no release_date
-            'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hcAI0g-f5M',
-            'info_dict': {
-                'id': '-hcAI0g-f5M',
-                'ext': 'mp4',
-                'title': 'Put It On Me',
-                'description': 'md5:f6422397c07c4c907c6638e1fee380a5',
-                'upload_date': '20180426',
-                'uploader': 'Matt Maeson - Topic',
-                'uploader_id': 'UCnEkIGqtGcQMLk73Kp-Q5LQ',
-                'artist': 'Matt Maeson',
-                'track': 'Put It On Me',
-                'album': 'The Hearse',
-                'release_date': None,
-                'release_year': 2018,
-            },
-            'params': {
-                'skip_download': True,
-            },
-        },
             'url': 'https://www.youtubekids.com/watch?v=3b8nCWDgZ6Q',
             'only_matching': True,
@@ -1455,7 +1306,7 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
             # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/pull/7599)
-            r'ytInitialPlayerResponse\s*=\s*({.+?});var meta'
+            r'ytInitialPlayerResponse\s*=\s*({.+?});var meta'  # Needed???
         config = self._search_regex(
             patterns, webpage, 'ytplayer.config', default=None)
@@ -1511,11 +1362,10 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
             return {}
-            if "args" in player_config and "ttsurl" in player_config["args"]:
-                args = player_config['args']
-                caption_url = args['ttsurl']
+            args = player_config['args']
+            caption_url = args.get('ttsurl')
+            if caption_url:
                 timestamp = args['timestamp']
                 # We get the available subtitles
                 list_params = compat_urllib_parse_urlencode({
                     'type': 'list',
@@ -1571,24 +1421,13 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
                 return captions
             # New captions format as of 22.06.2017
-            if "args" in player_config:
-                player_response = player_config["args"].get('player_response')
-            else:
-                # New player system (ytInitialPlayerResponse) as of October 2020
-                player_response = player_config
-            if player_response:
-                if isinstance(player_response, compat_str):
-                    player_response = self._parse_json(
-                        player_response, video_id, fatal=False)
-                renderer = player_response['captions']['playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer']
-                caption_tracks = renderer['captionTracks']
-                for caption_track in caption_tracks:
-                    if 'kind' not in caption_track:
-                        # not an automatic transcription
-                        continue
-                    base_url = caption_track['baseUrl']
+            player_response = args.get('player_response')
+            if player_response and isinstance(player_response, compat_str):
+                player_response = self._parse_json(
+                    player_response, video_id, fatal=False)
+                if player_response:
+                    renderer = player_response['captions']['playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer']
+                    base_url = renderer['captionTracks'][0]['baseUrl']
                     sub_lang_list = []
                     for lang in renderer['translationLanguages']:
                         lang_code = lang.get('languageCode')
@@ -1596,25 +1435,19 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
                     return make_captions(base_url, sub_lang_list)
-                self._downloader.report_warning("Couldn't find automatic captions for %s" % video_id)
-                return {}
-            if "args" in player_config:
-                args = player_config["args"]
-                # Some videos don't provide ttsurl but rather caption_tracks and
-                # caption_translation_languages (e.g. 20LmZk1hakA)
-                # Does not used anymore as of 22.06.2017
-                caption_tracks = args['caption_tracks']
-                caption_translation_languages = args['caption_translation_languages']
-                caption_url = compat_parse_qs(caption_tracks.split(',')[0])['u'][0]
-                sub_lang_list = []
-                for lang in caption_translation_languages.split(','):
-                    lang_qs = compat_parse_qs(compat_urllib_parse_unquote_plus(lang))
-                    sub_lang = lang_qs.get('lc', [None])[0]
-                    if sub_lang:
-                        sub_lang_list.append(sub_lang)
-                return make_captions(caption_url, sub_lang_list)
+            # Some videos don't provide ttsurl but rather caption_tracks and
+            # caption_translation_languages (e.g. 20LmZk1hakA)
+            # Does not used anymore as of 22.06.2017
+            caption_tracks = args['caption_tracks']
+            caption_translation_languages = args['caption_translation_languages']
+            caption_url = compat_parse_qs(caption_tracks.split(',')[0])['u'][0]
+            sub_lang_list = []
+            for lang in caption_translation_languages.split(','):
+                lang_qs = compat_parse_qs(compat_urllib_parse_unquote_plus(lang))
+                sub_lang = lang_qs.get('lc', [None])[0]
+                if sub_lang:
+                    sub_lang_list.append(sub_lang)
+            return make_captions(caption_url, sub_lang_list)
         # An extractor error can be raise by the download process if there are
         # no automatic captions but there are subtitles
         except (KeyError, IndexError, ExtractorError):
@@ -1695,15 +1528,11 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
     def _extract_chapters_from_json(self, webpage, video_id, duration):
         if not webpage:
-        initial_data = self._parse_json(
-            self._search_regex(
-                r'window\["ytInitialData"\] = (.+);\n', webpage,
-                'player args', default='{}'),
-            video_id, fatal=False)
-        if not initial_data or not isinstance(initial_data, dict):
+        data = self._extract_yt_initial_data(video_id, webpage)
+        if not data or not isinstance(data, dict):
         chapters_list = try_get(
-            initial_data,
+            data,
             lambda x: x['playerOverlays']
@@ -1937,8 +1766,8 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
             age_gate = False
             # Try looking directly into the video webpage
             ytplayer_config = self._get_ytplayer_config(video_id, video_webpage)
-            args = ytplayer_config.get("args")
-            if args is not None:
+            if ytplayer_config:
+                args = ytplayer_config.get('args', {})
                 if args.get('url_encoded_fmt_stream_map') or args.get('hlsvp'):
                     # Convert to the same format returned by compat_parse_qs
                     video_info = dict((k, [v]) for k, v in args.items())
@@ -1953,11 +1782,16 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
                     is_live = True
                 if not player_response:
                     player_response = extract_player_response(args.get('player_response'), video_id)
-            elif not player_response:
-                player_response = ytplayer_config
             if not video_info or self._downloader.params.get('youtube_include_dash_manifest', True):
+        if not video_info and not player_response:
+            player_response = extract_player_response(
+                self._search_regex(
+                    r'ytInitialPlayerResponse\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;', video_webpage,
+                    'initial player response', default='{}'),
+                video_id)
         def extract_unavailable_message():
             messages = []
             for tag, kind in (('h1', 'message'), ('div', 'submessage')):
@@ -2162,7 +1996,10 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
                 if cipher:
                     if 's' in url_data or self._downloader.params.get('youtube_include_dash_manifest', True):
-                        ASSETS_RE = r'(?:"assets":.+?"js":\s*("[^"]+"))|(?:"jsUrl":\s*("[^"]+"))'
+                        ASSETS_RE = (
+                            r'<script[^>]+\bsrc=("[^"]+")[^>]+\bname=["\']player_ias/base',
+                            r'"jsUrl"\s*:\s*("[^"]+")',
+                            r'"assets":.+?"js":\s*("[^"]+")')
                         jsplayer_url_json = self._search_regex(
                             embed_webpage if age_gate else video_webpage,
@@ -2478,7 +2315,7 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
         def _extract_count(count_name):
             return str_to_int(self._search_regex(
-                r'"accessibilityData":\{"label":"([\d,\w]+) %ss"\}'
+                r'-%s-button[^>]+><span[^>]+class="yt-uix-button-content"[^>]*>([\d,]+)</span>'
                 % re.escape(count_name),
                 video_webpage, count_name, default=None))
@@ -2656,44 +2493,43 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
-class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
-    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com playlists'
-    _VALID_URL = r"""(?x)(?:
-                        (?:https?://)?
-                        (?:\w+\.)?
-                        (?:
-                            (?:
-                                youtube(?:kids)?\.com|
-                                invidio\.us
-                            )
-                            /
-                            (?:
-                               (?:course|view_play_list|my_playlists|artist|playlist|watch|embed/(?:videoseries|[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}))
-                               \? (?:.*?[&;])*? (?:p|a|list)=
-                            |  p/
-                            )|
-                            youtu\.be/[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}\?.*?\blist=
-                        )
-                        (
-                            (?:PL|LL|EC|UU|FL|RD|UL|TL|PU|OLAK5uy_)?[0-9A-Za-z-_]{10,}
-                            # Top tracks, they can also include dots
-                            |(?:MC)[\w\.]*
-                        )
-                        .*
-                     |
-                        (%(playlist_id)s)
-                     )""" % {'playlist_id': YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._PLAYLIST_ID_RE}
-    _TEMPLATE_URL = 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=%s'
-    _VIDEO_RE_TPL = r'href="\s*/watch\?v=%s(?:&amp;(?:[^"]*?index=(?P<index>\d+))?(?:[^>]+>(?P<title>[^<]+))?)?'
-    _VIDEO_RE = _VIDEO_RE_TPL % r'(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})'
-    IE_NAME = 'youtube:playlist'
-        'uploader': 'Youtube Music',
-        'uploader_id': 'music',  # or "UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ"
-        'uploader_url': 'https://www.youtube.com/music'
-    }
+class YoutubeTabIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
+    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com tab'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:\w+\.)?(?:youtube(?:kids)?\.com|invidio\.us)/(?:(?:channel|c|user)/|(?:playlist|watch)\?.*?\blist=)(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
+    IE_NAME = 'youtube:tab'
     _TESTS = [{
+        # playlists, multipage
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/ИгорьКлейнер/playlists?view=1&flow=grid',
+        'playlist_mincount': 94,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
+            'title': 'Игорь Клейнер - Playlists',
+            'description': 'md5:be97ee0f14ee314f1f002cf187166ee2',
+        },
+    }, {
+        # playlists, multipage, different order
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/igorkle1/playlists?view=1&sort=dd',
+        'playlist_mincount': 94,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCqj7Cz7revf5maW9g5pgNcg',
+            'title': 'Игорь Клейнер - Playlists',
+            'description': 'md5:be97ee0f14ee314f1f002cf187166ee2',
+        },
+    }, {
+        # playlists, singlepage
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/ThirstForScience/playlists',
+        'playlist_mincount': 4,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCAEtajcuhQ6an9WEzY9LEMQ',
+            'title': 'ThirstForScience - Playlists',
+            'description': 'md5:609399d937ea957b0f53cbffb747a14c',
+        }
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristophLaimer/playlists',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        # basic, single video playlist
         'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4lCao7KL_QFVb7Iudeipvc2BCavECqzc',
         'info_dict': {
             'uploader_id': 'UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
@@ -2703,6 +2539,7 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
         'playlist_count': 1,
     }, {
+        # empty playlist
         'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4lCao7KL_QFodcLWhDpGCYnngnHtQ-Xf',
         'info_dict': {
             'uploader_id': 'UCmlqkdCBesrv2Lak1mF_MxA',
@@ -2711,6 +2548,69 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
             'title': 'youtube-dl empty playlist',
         'playlist_count': 0,
+    }, {
+        # Home tab
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/featured',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
+            'title': 'lex will - Home',
+            'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 2,
+    }, {
+        # Videos tab
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/videos',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
+            'title': 'lex will - Videos',
+            'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 975,
+    }, {
+        # Videos tab, sorted by popular
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
+            'title': 'lex will - Videos',
+            'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 199,
+    }, {
+        # Playlists tab
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/playlists',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
+            'title': 'lex will - Playlists',
+            'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 17,
+    }, {
+        # Community tab
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/community',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
+            'title': 'lex will - Community',
+            'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 18,
+    }, {
+        # Channels tab
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w/channels',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
+            'title': 'lex will - Channels',
+            'description': 'md5:2163c5d0ff54ed5f598d6a7e6211e488',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 138,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://invidio.us/channel/UC23qupoDRn9YOAVzeoxjOQA',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.youtubekids.com/channel/UCyu8StPfZWapR6rfW_JgqcA',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCT-K0qO8z6NzWrywqefBPBQ',
+        'only_matching': True,
     }, {
         'note': 'Playlist with deleted videos (#651). As a bonus, the video #51 is also twice in this list.',
         'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwP_SiAcdui0KVebT0mU9Apz359a4ubsC',
@@ -2718,19 +2618,9 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
             'title': '29C3: Not my department',
             'id': 'PLwP_SiAcdui0KVebT0mU9Apz359a4ubsC',
             'uploader': 'Christiaan008',
-            'uploader_id': 'ChRiStIaAn008',
+            'uploader_id': 'UCEPzS1rYsrkqzSLNp76nrcg',
         'playlist_count': 96,
-    }, {
-        'note': 'issue #673',
-        'url': 'PLBB231211A4F62143',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'title': '[OLD]Team Fortress 2 (Class-based LP)',
-            'id': 'PLBB231211A4F62143',
-            'uploader': 'Wickydoo',
-            'uploader_id': 'Wickydoo',
-        },
-        'playlist_mincount': 26,
     }, {
         'note': 'Large playlist',
         'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q',
@@ -2738,45 +2628,13 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
             'title': 'Uploads from Cauchemar',
             'id': 'UUBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q',
             'uploader': 'Cauchemar',
-            'uploader_id': 'Cauchemar89',
+            'uploader_id': 'UCBABnxM4Ar9ten8Mdjj1j0Q',
-        'playlist_mincount': 799,
+        'playlist_mincount': 1123,
     }, {
-        'url': 'PLtPgu7CB4gbY9oDN3drwC3cMbJggS7dKl',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'title': 'YDL_safe_search',
-            'id': 'PLtPgu7CB4gbY9oDN3drwC3cMbJggS7dKl',
-        },
-        'playlist_count': 2,
-        'skip': 'This playlist is private',
-    }, {
-        'note': 'embedded',
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PL6IaIsEjSbf96XFRuNccS_RuEXwNdsoEu',
-        'playlist_count': 4,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'title': 'JODA15',
-            'id': 'PL6IaIsEjSbf96XFRuNccS_RuEXwNdsoEu',
-            'uploader': 'milan',
-            'uploader_id': 'UCEI1-PVPcYXjB73Hfelbmaw',
-        }
-    }, {
-        'url': 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/_xDOZElKyNU?list=PLsyOSbh5bs16vubvKePAQ1x3PhKavfBIl',
-        'playlist_mincount': 485,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'title': '2018 Chinese New Singles (11/6 updated)',
-            'id': 'PLsyOSbh5bs16vubvKePAQ1x3PhKavfBIl',
-            'uploader': 'LBK',
-            'uploader_id': 'sdragonfang',
-        }
-    }, {
-        'note': 'Embedded SWF player',
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/p/YN5VISEtHet5D4NEvfTd0zcgFk84NqFZ?hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0',
-        'playlist_count': 4,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'title': 'JODA7',
-            'id': 'YN5VISEtHet5D4NEvfTd0zcgFk84NqFZ',
-        },
-        'skip': 'This playlist does not exist',
+        # even larger playlist, 8832 videos
+        'url': 'http://www.youtube.com/user/NASAgovVideo/videos',
+        'only_matching': True,
     }, {
         'note': 'Buggy playlist: the webpage has a "Load more" button but it doesn\'t have more videos',
         'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUXw-G3eDE9trcvY2sBMM_aA',
@@ -2784,9 +2642,22 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
             'title': 'Uploads from Interstellar Movie',
             'id': 'UUXw-G3eDE9trcvY2sBMM_aA',
             'uploader': 'Interstellar Movie',
-            'uploader_id': 'InterstellarMovie1',
+            'uploader_id': 'UCXw-G3eDE9trcvY2sBMM_aA',
         'playlist_mincount': 21,
+    }, {
+        # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/21844
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzH6n4zXuckpfMu_4Ff8E7Z1behQks5ba',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'title': 'Data Analysis with Dr Mike Pound',
+            'id': 'PLzH6n4zXuckpfMu_4Ff8E7Z1behQks5ba',
+            'uploader_id': 'UC9-y-6csu5WGm29I7JiwpnA',
+            'uploader': 'Computerphile',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 11,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://invidio.us/playlist?list=PLDIoUOhQQPlXr63I_vwF9GD8sAKh77dWU',
+        'only_matching': True,
     }, {
         # Playlist URL that does not actually serve a playlist
         'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqZTN594JQw&list=PLMYEtVRpaqY00V9W81Cwmzp6N6vZqfUKD4',
@@ -2811,6 +2682,475 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
         'skip': 'This video is not available.',
         'add_ie': [YoutubeIE.ie_key()],
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.youtubekids.com/watch?v=Agk7R8I8o5U&list=PUZ6jURNr1WQZCNHF0ao-c0g',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuAGGZNfUkU&list=RDMM',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }]
+    @classmethod
+    def suitable(cls, url):
+        return False if YoutubeLiveIE.suitable(url) else super(
+            YoutubeTabIE, cls).suitable(url)
+    def _extract_channel_id(self, webpage):
+        channel_id = self._html_search_meta(
+            'channelId', webpage, 'channel id', default=None)
+        if channel_id:
+            return channel_id
+        channel_url = self._html_search_meta(
+            ('og:url', 'al:ios:url', 'al:android:url', 'al:web:url',
+             'twitter:url', 'twitter:app:url:iphone', 'twitter:app:url:ipad',
+             'twitter:app:url:googleplay'), webpage, 'channel url')
+        return self._search_regex(
+            r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/channel/([^/?#&])+',
+            channel_url, 'channel id')
+    @staticmethod
+    def _extract_grid_item_renderer(item):
+        for item_kind in ('Playlist', 'Video', 'Channel'):
+            renderer = item.get('grid%sRenderer' % item_kind)
+            if renderer:
+                return renderer
+    def _extract_video(self, renderer):
+        video_id = renderer.get('videoId')
+        title = try_get(
+            renderer,
+            (lambda x: x['title']['runs'][0]['text'],
+             lambda x: x['title']['simpleText']), compat_str)
+        description = try_get(
+            renderer, lambda x: x['descriptionSnippet']['runs'][0]['text'],
+            compat_str)
+        duration = parse_duration(try_get(
+            renderer, lambda x: x['lengthText']['simpleText'], compat_str))
+        view_count_text = try_get(
+            renderer, lambda x: x['viewCountText']['simpleText'], compat_str) or ''
+        view_count = str_to_int(self._search_regex(
+            r'^([\d,]+)', re.sub(r'\s', '', view_count_text),
+            'view count', default=None))
+        uploader = try_get(
+            renderer, lambda x: x['ownerText']['runs'][0]['text'], compat_str)
+        return {
+            '_type': 'url_transparent',
+            'ie_key': YoutubeIE.ie_key(),
+            'id': video_id,
+            'url': video_id,
+            'title': title,
+            'description': description,
+            'duration': duration,
+            'view_count': view_count,
+            'uploader': uploader,
+        }
+    def _grid_entries(self, grid_renderer):
+        for item in grid_renderer['items']:
+            if not isinstance(item, dict):
+                continue
+            renderer = self._extract_grid_item_renderer(item)
+            if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
+                continue
+            title = try_get(
+                renderer, lambda x: x['title']['runs'][0]['text'], compat_str)
+            # playlist
+            playlist_id = renderer.get('playlistId')
+            if playlist_id:
+                yield self.url_result(
+                    'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=%s' % playlist_id,
+                    ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=playlist_id,
+                    video_title=title)
+            # video
+            video_id = renderer.get('videoId')
+            if video_id:
+                yield self._extract_video(renderer)
+            # channel
+            channel_id = renderer.get('channelId')
+            if channel_id:
+                title = try_get(
+                    renderer, lambda x: x['title']['simpleText'], compat_str)
+                yield self.url_result(
+                    'https://www.youtube.com/channel/%s' % channel_id,
+                    ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_title=title)
+    def _shelf_entries_trimmed(self, shelf_renderer):
+        renderer = try_get(
+            shelf_renderer, lambda x: x['content']['horizontalListRenderer'], dict)
+        if not renderer:
+            return
+        # TODO: add support for nested playlists so each shelf is processed
+        # as separate playlist
+        # TODO: this includes only first N items
+        for entry in self._grid_entries(renderer):
+            yield entry
+    def _shelf_entries(self, shelf_renderer):
+        ep = try_get(
+            shelf_renderer, lambda x: x['endpoint']['commandMetadata']['webCommandMetadata']['url'],
+            compat_str)
+        shelf_url = urljoin('https://www.youtube.com', ep)
+        if not shelf_url:
+            return
+        title = try_get(
+            shelf_renderer, lambda x: x['title']['runs'][0]['text'], compat_str)
+        yield self.url_result(shelf_url, video_title=title)
+    def _playlist_entries(self, video_list_renderer):
+        for content in video_list_renderer['contents']:
+            if not isinstance(content, dict):
+                continue
+            renderer = content.get('playlistVideoRenderer') or content.get('playlistPanelVideoRenderer')
+            if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
+                continue
+            video_id = renderer.get('videoId')
+            if not video_id:
+                continue
+            yield self._extract_video(renderer)
+    def _video_entry(self, video_renderer):
+        video_id = video_renderer.get('videoId')
+        if video_id:
+            return self._extract_video(video_renderer)
+    def _post_thread_entries(self, post_thread_renderer):
+        post_renderer = try_get(
+            post_thread_renderer, lambda x: x['post']['backstagePostRenderer'], dict)
+        if not post_renderer:
+            return
+        # video attachment
+        video_renderer = try_get(
+            post_renderer, lambda x: x['backstageAttachment']['videoRenderer'], dict)
+        video_id = None
+        if video_renderer:
+            entry = self._video_entry(video_renderer)
+            if entry:
+                yield entry
+        # inline video links
+        runs = try_get(post_renderer, lambda x: x['contentText']['runs'], list) or []
+        for run in runs:
+            if not isinstance(run, dict):
+                continue
+            ep_url = try_get(
+                run, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['urlEndpoint']['url'], compat_str)
+            if not ep_url:
+                continue
+            if not YoutubeIE.suitable(ep_url):
+                continue
+            ep_video_id = YoutubeIE._match_id(ep_url)
+            if video_id == ep_video_id:
+                continue
+            yield self.url_result(ep_url, ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key(), video_id=video_id)
+    def _post_thread_continuation_entries(self, post_thread_continuation):
+        contents = post_thread_continuation.get('contents')
+        if not isinstance(contents, list):
+            return
+        for content in contents:
+            renderer = content.get('backstagePostThreadRenderer')
+            if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
+                continue
+            for entry in self._post_thread_entries(renderer):
+                yield entry
+    @staticmethod
+    def _extract_next_continuation_data(renderer):
+        next_continuation = try_get(
+            renderer, lambda x: x['continuations'][0]['nextContinuationData'], dict)
+        if not next_continuation:
+            return
+        continuation = next_continuation.get('continuation')
+        if not continuation:
+            return
+        ctp = next_continuation.get('clickTrackingParams')
+        return {
+            'ctoken': continuation,
+            'continuation': continuation,
+            'itct': ctp,
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _extract_continuation(cls, renderer):
+        next_continuation = cls._extract_next_continuation_data(renderer)
+        if next_continuation:
+            return next_continuation
+        contents = renderer.get('contents')
+        if not isinstance(contents, list):
+            return
+        for content in contents:
+            if not isinstance(content, dict):
+                continue
+            continuation_ep = try_get(
+                content, lambda x: x['continuationItemRenderer']['continuationEndpoint'],
+                dict)
+            if not continuation_ep:
+                continue
+            continuation = try_get(
+                continuation_ep, lambda x: x['continuationCommand']['token'], compat_str)
+            if not continuation:
+                continue
+            ctp = continuation_ep.get('clickTrackingParams')
+            if not ctp:
+                continue
+            return {
+                'ctoken': continuation,
+                'continuation': continuation,
+                'itct': ctp,
+            }
+    def _entries(self, tab, identity_token):
+        continuation = None
+        slr_contents = try_get(tab, lambda x: x['sectionListRenderer']['contents'], list) or []
+        for slr_content in slr_contents:
+            if not isinstance(slr_content, dict):
+                continue
+            is_renderer = try_get(slr_content, lambda x: x['itemSectionRenderer'], dict)
+            if not is_renderer:
+                continue
+            isr_contents = try_get(is_renderer, lambda x: x['contents'], list) or []
+            for isr_content in isr_contents:
+                if not isinstance(isr_content, dict):
+                    continue
+                renderer = isr_content.get('playlistVideoListRenderer')
+                if renderer:
+                    for entry in self._playlist_entries(renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continuation = self._extract_continuation(renderer)
+                    continue
+                renderer = isr_content.get('gridRenderer')
+                if renderer:
+                    for entry in self._grid_entries(renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continuation = self._extract_continuation(renderer)
+                    continue
+                renderer = isr_content.get('shelfRenderer')
+                if renderer:
+                    for entry in self._shelf_entries(renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continue
+                renderer = isr_content.get('backstagePostThreadRenderer')
+                if renderer:
+                    for entry in self._post_thread_entries(renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continuation = self._extract_continuation(renderer)
+                    continue
+                renderer = isr_content.get('videoRenderer')
+                if renderer:
+                    entry = self._video_entry(renderer)
+                    if entry:
+                        yield entry
+            if not continuation:
+                continuation = self._extract_continuation(is_renderer)
+        headers = {
+            'x-youtube-client-name': '1',
+            'x-youtube-client-version': '2.20201112.04.01',
+        }
+        if identity_token:
+            headers['x-youtube-identity-token'] = identity_token
+        for page_num in itertools.count(1):
+            if not continuation:
+                break
+            browse = self._download_json(
+                'https://www.youtube.com/browse_ajax', None,
+                'Downloading page %d' % page_num,
+                headers=headers, query=continuation, fatal=False)
+            if not browse:
+                break
+            response = try_get(browse, lambda x: x[1]['response'], dict)
+            if not response:
+                break
+            continuation_contents = try_get(
+                response, lambda x: x['continuationContents'], dict)
+            if continuation_contents:
+                continuation_renderer = continuation_contents.get('playlistVideoListContinuation')
+                if continuation_renderer:
+                    for entry in self._playlist_entries(continuation_renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continuation = self._extract_continuation(continuation_renderer)
+                    continue
+                continuation_renderer = continuation_contents.get('gridContinuation')
+                if continuation_renderer:
+                    for entry in self._grid_entries(continuation_renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continuation = self._extract_continuation(continuation_renderer)
+                    continue
+                continuation_renderer = continuation_contents.get('itemSectionContinuation')
+                if continuation_renderer:
+                    for entry in self._post_thread_continuation_entries(continuation_renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continuation = self._extract_continuation(continuation_renderer)
+                    continue
+            continuation_items = try_get(
+                response, lambda x: x['onResponseReceivedActions'][0]['appendContinuationItemsAction']['continuationItems'], list)
+            if continuation_items:
+                continuation_item = continuation_items[0]
+                if not isinstance(continuation_item, dict):
+                    continue
+                renderer = continuation_item.get('playlistVideoRenderer')
+                if renderer:
+                    video_list_renderer = {'contents': continuation_items}
+                    for entry in self._playlist_entries(video_list_renderer):
+                        yield entry
+                    continuation = self._extract_continuation(video_list_renderer)
+                    continue
+            break
+    @staticmethod
+    def _extract_selected_tab(tabs):
+        for tab in tabs:
+            if try_get(tab, lambda x: x['tabRenderer']['selected'], bool):
+                return tab['tabRenderer']
+        else:
+            raise ExtractorError('Unable to find selected tab')
+    @staticmethod
+    def _extract_uploader(data):
+        uploader = {}
+        sidebar_renderer = try_get(
+            data, lambda x: x['sidebar']['playlistSidebarRenderer']['items'], list)
+        if sidebar_renderer:
+            for item in sidebar_renderer:
+                if not isinstance(item, dict):
+                    continue
+                renderer = item.get('playlistSidebarSecondaryInfoRenderer')
+                if not isinstance(renderer, dict):
+                    continue
+                owner = try_get(
+                    renderer, lambda x: x['videoOwner']['videoOwnerRenderer']['title']['runs'][0], dict)
+                if owner:
+                    uploader['uploader'] = owner.get('text')
+                    uploader['uploader_id'] = try_get(
+                        owner, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['browseId'], compat_str)
+                    uploader['uploader_url'] = urljoin(
+                        'https://www.youtube.com/',
+                        try_get(owner, lambda x: x['navigationEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['canonicalBaseUrl'], compat_str))
+        return uploader
+    def _extract_from_tabs(self, item_id, webpage, data, tabs, identity_token):
+        selected_tab = self._extract_selected_tab(tabs)
+        renderer = try_get(
+            data, lambda x: x['metadata']['channelMetadataRenderer'], dict)
+        if renderer:
+            channel_title = renderer.get('title') or item_id
+            tab_title = selected_tab.get('title')
+            title = channel_title or item_id
+            if tab_title:
+                title += ' - %s' % tab_title
+            description = renderer.get('description')
+            playlist_id = renderer.get('externalId')
+        renderer = try_get(
+            data, lambda x: x['metadata']['playlistMetadataRenderer'], dict)
+        if renderer:
+            title = renderer.get('title')
+            description = None
+            playlist_id = item_id
+        playlist = self.playlist_result(
+            self._entries(selected_tab['content'], identity_token),
+            playlist_id=playlist_id, playlist_title=title,
+            playlist_description=description)
+        playlist.update(self._extract_uploader(data))
+        return playlist
+    def _extract_from_playlist(self, item_id, data, playlist):
+        title = playlist.get('title') or try_get(
+            data, lambda x: x['titleText']['simpleText'], compat_str)
+        playlist_id = playlist.get('playlistId') or item_id
+        return self.playlist_result(
+            self._playlist_entries(playlist), playlist_id=playlist_id,
+            playlist_title=title)
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        item_id = self._match_id(url)
+        url = compat_urlparse.urlunparse(
+            compat_urlparse.urlparse(url)._replace(netloc='www.youtube.com'))
+        # Handle both video/playlist URLs
+        qs = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(compat_urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
+        video_id = qs.get('v', [None])[0]
+        playlist_id = qs.get('list', [None])[0]
+        if video_id and playlist_id:
+            if self._downloader.params.get('noplaylist'):
+                self.to_screen('Downloading just video %s because of --no-playlist' % video_id)
+                return self.url_result(video_id, ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key(), video_id=video_id)
+            self.to_screen('Downloading playlist %s - add --no-playlist to just download video %s' % (playlist_id, video_id))
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, item_id)
+        identity_token = self._search_regex(
+            r'\bID_TOKEN["\']\s*:\s*["\'](.+?)["\']', webpage,
+            'identity token', default=None)
+        data = self._extract_yt_initial_data(item_id, webpage)
+        tabs = try_get(
+            data, lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer']['tabs'], list)
+        if tabs:
+            return self._extract_from_tabs(item_id, webpage, data, tabs, identity_token)
+        playlist = try_get(
+            data, lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['playlist']['playlist'], dict)
+        if playlist:
+            return self._extract_from_playlist(item_id, data, playlist)
+        # Fallback to video extraction if no playlist alike page is recognized
+        if video_id:
+            return self.url_result(video_id, ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key(), video_id=video_id)
+        # Failed to recognize
+        raise ExtractorError('Unable to recognize tab page')
+class YoutubePlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
+    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com playlists'
+    _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)(?:
+                        (?:https?://)?
+                        (?:\w+\.)?
+                        (?:
+                            (?:
+                                youtube(?:kids)?\.com|
+                                invidio\.us|
+                                youtu\.be
+                            )
+                            /.*?\?.*?\blist=
+                        )?
+                        (?P<id>%(playlist_id)s)
+                     )''' % {'playlist_id': YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._PLAYLIST_ID_RE}
+    IE_NAME = 'youtube:playlist'
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'note': 'issue #673',
+        'url': 'PLBB231211A4F62143',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'title': '[OLD]Team Fortress 2 (Class-based LP)',
+            'id': 'PLBB231211A4F62143',
+            'uploader': 'Wickydoo',
+            'uploader_id': 'UCKSpbfbl5kRQpTdL7kMc-1Q',
+        },
+        'playlist_mincount': 29,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'PLtPgu7CB4gbY9oDN3drwC3cMbJggS7dKl',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'title': 'YDL_safe_search',
+            'id': 'PLtPgu7CB4gbY9oDN3drwC3cMbJggS7dKl',
+        },
+        'playlist_count': 2,
+        'skip': 'This playlist is private',
+    }, {
+        'note': 'embedded',
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PL6IaIsEjSbf96XFRuNccS_RuEXwNdsoEu',
+        'playlist_count': 4,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'title': 'JODA15',
+            'id': 'PL6IaIsEjSbf96XFRuNccS_RuEXwNdsoEu',
+            'uploader': 'milan',
+            'uploader_id': 'UCEI1-PVPcYXjB73Hfelbmaw',
+        }
+    }, {
+        'url': 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/_xDOZElKyNU?list=PLsyOSbh5bs16vubvKePAQ1x3PhKavfBIl',
+        'playlist_mincount': 982,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'title': '2018 Chinese New Singles (11/6 updated)',
+            'id': 'PLsyOSbh5bs16vubvKePAQ1x3PhKavfBIl',
+            'uploader': 'LBK',
+            'uploader_id': 'UC21nz3_MesPLqtDqwdvnoxA',
+        }
     }, {
         'url': 'https://youtu.be/yeWKywCrFtk?list=PL2qgrgXsNUG5ig9cat4ohreBjYLAPC0J5',
         'info_dict': {
@@ -2831,16 +3171,6 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
             'noplaylist': True,
             'skip_download': True,
-    }, {
-        # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/21844
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzH6n4zXuckpfMu_4Ff8E7Z1behQks5ba',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'title': 'Data Analysis with Dr Mike Pound',
-            'id': 'PLzH6n4zXuckpfMu_4Ff8E7Z1behQks5ba',
-            'uploader_id': 'Computerphile',
-            'uploader': 'Computerphile',
-        },
-        'playlist_mincount': 11,
     }, {
         'url': 'https://youtu.be/uWyaPkt-VOI?list=PL9D9FC436B881BA21',
         'only_matching': True,
@@ -2851,363 +3181,35 @@ class YoutubePlaylistIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
         # music album playlist
         'url': 'OLAK5uy_m4xAFdmMC5rX3Ji3g93pQe3hqLZw_9LhM',
         'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://invidio.us/playlist?list=PLDIoUOhQQPlXr63I_vwF9GD8sAKh77dWU',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtubekids.com/watch?v=Agk7R8I8o5U&list=PUZ6jURNr1WQZCNHF0ao-c0g',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-    def _real_initialize(self):
-        self._login()
-    def extract_videos_from_page(self, page):
-        ids_in_page = []
-        titles_in_page = []
-        for item in re.findall(
-                r'(<[^>]*\bdata-video-id\s*=\s*["\'][0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}[^>]+>)', page):
-            attrs = extract_attributes(item)
-            video_id = attrs['data-video-id']
-            video_title = unescapeHTML(attrs.get('data-title'))
-            if video_title:
-                video_title = video_title.strip()
-            ids_in_page.append(video_id)
-            titles_in_page.append(video_title)
-        # Fallback with old _VIDEO_RE
-        self.extract_videos_from_page_impl(
-            self._VIDEO_RE, page, ids_in_page, titles_in_page)
-        # Relaxed fallbacks
-        self.extract_videos_from_page_impl(
-            r'href="\s*/watch\?v\s*=\s*(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})', page,
-            ids_in_page, titles_in_page)
-        self.extract_videos_from_page_impl(
-            r'data-video-ids\s*=\s*["\'](?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})', page,
-            ids_in_page, titles_in_page)
-        return zip(ids_in_page, titles_in_page)
-    def _extract_mix_ids_from_yt_initial(self, yt_initial):
-        ids = []
-        playlist_contents = try_get(yt_initial, lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['playlist']['playlist']['contents'], list)
-        if playlist_contents:
-            for item in playlist_contents:
-                videoId = try_get(item, lambda x: x['playlistPanelVideoRenderer']['videoId'], compat_str)
-                if videoId:
-                    ids.append(videoId)
-        return ids
-    def _extract_mix(self, playlist_id):
-        # The mixes are generated from a single video
-        # the id of the playlist is just 'RD' + video_id
-        ids = []
-        yt_initial = None
-        last_id = playlist_id[-11:]
-        for n in itertools.count(1):
-            url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s&list=%s' % (last_id, playlist_id)
-            webpage = self._download_webpage(
-                url, playlist_id, 'Downloading page {0} of Youtube mix'.format(n))
-            new_ids = orderedSet(re.findall(
-                r'''(?xs)data-video-username=".*?".*?
-                           href="/watch\?v=([0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})&amp;[^"]*?list=%s''' % re.escape(playlist_id),
-                webpage))
-            # if no ids in html of page, try using embedded json
-            if (len(new_ids) == 0):
-                yt_initial = self._get_yt_initial_data(playlist_id, webpage)
-                if yt_initial:
-                    new_ids = self._extract_mix_ids_from_yt_initial(yt_initial)
-            # Fetch new pages until all the videos are repeated, it seems that
-            # there are always 51 unique videos.
-            new_ids = [_id for _id in new_ids if _id not in ids]
-            if not new_ids:
-                break
-            ids.extend(new_ids)
-            last_id = ids[-1]
-        url_results = self._ids_to_results(ids)
-        search_title = lambda class_name: get_element_by_attribute('class', class_name, webpage)
-        title_span = (
-            search_title('playlist-title')
-            or search_title('title long-title')
-            or search_title('title'))
-        title = clean_html(title_span)
-        if not title:
-            title = try_get(yt_initial, lambda x: x['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['playlist']['playlist']['title'], compat_str)
-        return self.playlist_result(url_results, playlist_id, title)
-    def _extract_playlist(self, playlist_id):
-        url = self._TEMPLATE_URL % playlist_id
-        page = self._download_webpage(url, playlist_id)
-        # the yt-alert-message now has tabindex attribute (see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/11604)
-        for match in re.findall(r'<div class="yt-alert-message"[^>]*>([^<]+)</div>', page):
-            match = match.strip()
-            # Check if the playlist exists or is private
-            mobj = re.match(r'[^<]*(?:The|This) playlist (?P<reason>does not exist|is private)[^<]*', match)
-            if mobj:
-                reason = mobj.group('reason')
-                message = 'This playlist %s' % reason
-                if 'private' in reason:
-                    message += ', use --username or --netrc to access it'
-                message += '.'
-                raise ExtractorError(message, expected=True)
-            elif re.match(r'[^<]*Invalid parameters[^<]*', match):
-                raise ExtractorError(
-                    'Invalid parameters. Maybe URL is incorrect.',
-                    expected=True)
-            elif re.match(r'[^<]*Choose your language[^<]*', match):
-                continue
-            else:
-                self.report_warning('Youtube gives an alert message: ' + match)
-        playlist_title = self._html_search_regex(
-            r'(?s)<h1 class="pl-header-title[^"]*"[^>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*</h1>',
-            page, 'title', default=None)
-        _UPLOADER_BASE = r'class=["\']pl-header-details[^>]+>\s*<li>\s*<a[^>]+\bhref='
-        uploader = self._html_search_regex(
-            r'%s["\']/(?:user|channel)/[^>]+>([^<]+)' % _UPLOADER_BASE,
-            page, 'uploader', default=None)
-        mobj = re.search(
-            r'%s(["\'])(?P<path>/(?:user|channel)/(?P<uploader_id>.+?))\1' % _UPLOADER_BASE,
-            page)
-        if mobj:
-            uploader_id = mobj.group('uploader_id')
-            uploader_url = compat_urlparse.urljoin(url, mobj.group('path'))
-        else:
-            uploader_id = uploader_url = None
-        has_videos = True
-        if not playlist_title:
-            try:
-                # Some playlist URLs don't actually serve a playlist (e.g.
-                # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqZTN594JQw&list=PLMYEtVRpaqY00V9W81Cwmzp6N6vZqfUKD4)
-                next(self._entries(page, playlist_id))
-            except StopIteration:
-                has_videos = False
-        playlist = self.playlist_result(
-            self._entries(page, playlist_id), playlist_id, playlist_title)
-        playlist.update({
-            'uploader': uploader,
-            'uploader_id': uploader_id,
-            'uploader_url': uploader_url,
-        })
-        if playlist_id.startswith(self._YTM_PLAYLIST_PREFIX):
-            playlist.update(self._YTM_CHANNEL_INFO)
-        return has_videos, playlist
-    def _check_download_just_video(self, url, playlist_id):
-        # Check if it's a video-specific URL
-        query_dict = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(compat_urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
-        video_id = query_dict.get('v', [None])[0] or self._search_regex(
-            r'(?:(?:^|//)youtu\.be/|youtube\.com/embed/(?!videoseries))([0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})', url,
-            'video id', default=None)
-        if video_id:
-            if self._downloader.params.get('noplaylist'):
-                self.to_screen('Downloading just video %s because of --no-playlist' % video_id)
-                return video_id, self.url_result(video_id, 'Youtube', video_id=video_id)
-            else:
-                self.to_screen('Downloading playlist %s - add --no-playlist to just download video %s' % (playlist_id, video_id))
-                return video_id, None
-        return None, None
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        # Extract playlist id
-        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
-        if mobj is None:
-            raise ExtractorError('Invalid URL: %s' % url)
-        playlist_id = mobj.group(1) or mobj.group(2)
-        video_id, video = self._check_download_just_video(url, playlist_id)
-        if video:
-            return video
-        if playlist_id.startswith(('RD', 'UL', 'PU')):
-            if not playlist_id.startswith(self._YTM_PLAYLIST_PREFIX):
-                # Mixes require a custom extraction process,
-                # Youtube Music playlists act like normal playlists (with randomized order)
-                return self._extract_mix(playlist_id)
-        has_videos, playlist = self._extract_playlist(playlist_id)
-        if has_videos or not video_id:
-            return playlist
-        # Some playlist URLs don't actually serve a playlist (see
-        # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/10537).
-        # Fallback to plain video extraction if there is a video id
-        # along with playlist id.
-        return self.url_result(video_id, 'Youtube', video_id=video_id)
-class YoutubeChannelIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
-    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com channels'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:youtu\.be|(?:\w+\.)?youtube(?:-nocookie|kids)?\.com|(?:www\.)?invidio\.us)/channel/(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]+)'
-    _TEMPLATE_URL = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/%s/videos'
-    _VIDEO_RE = r'(?:title="(?P<title>[^"]+)"[^>]+)?href="/watch\?v=(?P<id>[0-9A-Za-z_-]+)&?'
-    IE_NAME = 'youtube:channel'
-    _TESTS = [{
-        'note': 'paginated channel',
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
-        'playlist_mincount': 91,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'UUKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
-            'title': 'Uploads from lex will',
-            'uploader': 'lex will',
-            'uploader_id': 'UCKfVa3S1e4PHvxWcwyMMg8w',
-        }
-    }, {
-        'note': 'Age restricted channel',
-        # from https://www.youtube.com/user/DeusExOfficial
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs0ifCMCm1icqRbqhUINa0w',
-        'playlist_mincount': 64,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'UUs0ifCMCm1icqRbqhUINa0w',
-            'title': 'Uploads from Deus Ex',
-            'uploader': 'Deus Ex',
-            'uploader_id': 'DeusExOfficial',
-        },
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://invidio.us/channel/UC23qupoDRn9YOAVzeoxjOQA',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtubekids.com/channel/UCyu8StPfZWapR6rfW_JgqcA',
-        'only_matching': True,
     def suitable(cls, url):
-        return (False if YoutubePlaylistsIE.suitable(url) or YoutubeLiveIE.suitable(url)
-                else super(YoutubeChannelIE, cls).suitable(url))
-    def _build_template_url(self, url, channel_id):
-        return self._TEMPLATE_URL % channel_id
+        return False if YoutubeTabIE.suitable(url) else super(
+            YoutubePlaylistIE, cls).suitable(url)
     def _real_extract(self, url):
-        channel_id = self._match_id(url)
-        url = self._build_template_url(url, channel_id)
-        # Channel by page listing is restricted to 35 pages of 30 items, i.e. 1050 videos total (see #5778)
-        # Workaround by extracting as a playlist if managed to obtain channel playlist URL
-        # otherwise fallback on channel by page extraction
-        channel_page = self._download_webpage(
-            url + '?view=57', channel_id,
-            'Downloading channel page', fatal=False)
-        if channel_page is False:
-            channel_playlist_id = False
-        else:
-            channel_playlist_id = self._html_search_meta(
-                'channelId', channel_page, 'channel id', default=None)
-            if not channel_playlist_id:
-                channel_url = self._html_search_meta(
-                    ('al:ios:url', 'twitter:app:url:iphone', 'twitter:app:url:ipad'),
-                    channel_page, 'channel url', default=None)
-                if channel_url:
-                    channel_playlist_id = self._search_regex(
-                        r'vnd\.youtube://user/([0-9A-Za-z_-]+)',
-                        channel_url, 'channel id', default=None)
-        if channel_playlist_id and channel_playlist_id.startswith('UC'):
-            playlist_id = 'UU' + channel_playlist_id[2:]
-            return self.url_result(
-                compat_urlparse.urljoin(url, '/playlist?list=%s' % playlist_id), 'YoutubePlaylist')
-        channel_page = self._download_webpage(url, channel_id, 'Downloading page #1')
-        autogenerated = re.search(r'''(?x)
-                class="[^"]*?(?:
-                    channel-header-autogenerated-label|
-                    yt-channel-title-autogenerated
-                )[^"]*"''', channel_page) is not None
-        if autogenerated:
-            # The videos are contained in a single page
-            # the ajax pages can't be used, they are empty
-            entries = [
-                self.url_result(
-                    video_id, 'Youtube', video_id=video_id,
-                    video_title=video_title)
-                for video_id, video_title in self.extract_videos_from_page(channel_page)]
-            return self.playlist_result(entries, channel_id)
-        try:
-            next(self._entries(channel_page, channel_id))
-        except StopIteration:
-            alert_message = self._html_search_regex(
-                r'(?s)<div[^>]+class=(["\']).*?\byt-alert-message\b.*?\1[^>]*>(?P<alert>[^<]+)</div>',
-                channel_page, 'alert', default=None, group='alert')
-            if alert_message:
-                raise ExtractorError('Youtube said: %s' % alert_message, expected=True)
-        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(channel_page, channel_id), channel_id)
+        playlist_id = self._match_id(url)
+        qs = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(compat_urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
+        if not qs:
+            qs = {'list': playlist_id}
+        return self.url_result(
+            update_url_query('https://www.youtube.com/playlist', qs),
+            ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=playlist_id)
-class YoutubeUserIE(YoutubeChannelIE):
-    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com user videos (URL or "ytuser" keyword)'
-    _VALID_URL = r'(?:(?:https?://(?:\w+\.)?youtube\.com/(?:(?P<user>user|c)/)?(?!(?:attribution_link|watch|results|shared)(?:$|[^a-z_A-Z0-9%-])))|ytuser:)(?!feed/)(?P<id>[A-Za-z0-9_%-]+)'
-    _TEMPLATE_URL = 'https://www.youtube.com/%s/%s/videos'
-    IE_NAME = 'youtube:user'
+class YoutubeYtUserIE(InfoExtractor):
+    _VALID_URL = r'ytuser:(?P<id>.+)'
     _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLinuxFoundation',
-        'playlist_mincount': 320,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'UUfX55Sx5hEFjoC3cNs6mCUQ',
-            'title': 'Uploads from The Linux Foundation',
-            'uploader': 'The Linux Foundation',
-            'uploader_id': 'TheLinuxFoundation',
-        }
-    }, {
-        # Only available via https://www.youtube.com/c/12minuteathlete/videos
-        # but not https://www.youtube.com/user/12minuteathlete/videos
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/12minuteathlete/videos',
-        'playlist_mincount': 249,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'UUVjM-zV6_opMDx7WYxnjZiQ',
-            'title': 'Uploads from 12 Minute Athlete',
-            'uploader': '12 Minute Athlete',
-            'uploader_id': 'the12minuteathlete',
-        }
-    }, {
         'url': 'ytuser:phihag',
         'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/gametrailers',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/Pawe%C5%82Zadro%C5%BCniak',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/gametrailers',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }, {
-        # This channel is not available, geo restricted to JP
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/kananishinoSMEJ/videos',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    @classmethod
-    def suitable(cls, url):
-        # Don't return True if the url can be extracted with other youtube
-        # extractor, the regex would is too permissive and it would match.
-        other_yt_ies = iter(klass for (name, klass) in globals().items() if name.startswith('Youtube') and name.endswith('IE') and klass is not cls)
-        if any(ie.suitable(url) for ie in other_yt_ies):
-            return False
-        else:
-            return super(YoutubeUserIE, cls).suitable(url)
-    def _build_template_url(self, url, channel_id):
-        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
-        return self._TEMPLATE_URL % (mobj.group('user') or 'user', mobj.group('id'))
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        user_id = self._match_id(url)
+        return self.url_result(
+            'https://www.youtube.com/user/%s' % user_id,
+            ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key(), video_id=user_id)
 class YoutubeLiveIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
@@ -3262,41 +3264,7 @@ class YoutubeLiveIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
         return self.url_result(base_url)
-class YoutubePlaylistsIE(YoutubePlaylistsBaseInfoExtractor):
-    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com user/channel playlists'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:\w+\.)?youtube\.com/(?:user|channel|c)/(?P<id>[^/]+)/playlists'
-    IE_NAME = 'youtube:playlists'
-    _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/ThirstForScience/playlists',
-        'playlist_mincount': 4,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'ThirstForScience',
-            'title': 'ThirstForScience',
-        },
-    }, {
-        # with "Load more" button
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/user/igorkle1/playlists?view=1&sort=dd',
-        'playlist_mincount': 70,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'igorkle1',
-            'title': 'Игорь Клейнер',
-        },
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiU1dHvZObB2iP6xkJ__Icw/playlists',
-        'playlist_mincount': 17,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'UCiU1dHvZObB2iP6xkJ__Icw',
-            'title': 'Chem Player',
-        },
-        'skip': 'Blocked',
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristophLaimer/playlists',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-class YoutubeSearchIE(SearchInfoExtractor, YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
+class YoutubeSearchIE(SearchInfoExtractor, YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
     IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com searches'
     # there doesn't appear to be a real limit, for example if you search for
     # 'python' you get more than 8.000.000 results
@@ -3393,57 +3361,7 @@ class YoutubeSearchDateIE(YoutubeSearchIE):
-class YoutubeSearchURLIE(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
-    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com search URLs'
-    IE_NAME = 'youtube:search_url'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/results\?(.*?&)?(?:search_query|q)=(?P<query>[^&]+)(?:[&]|$)'
-    _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?baz=bar&search_query=youtube-dl+test+video&filters=video&lclk=video',
-        'playlist_mincount': 5,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'title': 'youtube-dl test video',
-        }
-    }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?q=test&sp=EgQIBBgB',
-        'only_matching': True,
-    }]
-    def _process_json_dict(self, obj, videos, c):
-        if "videoId" in obj:
-            videos.append(obj)
-            return
-        if "nextContinuationData" in obj:
-            c["continuation"] = obj["nextContinuationData"]
-            return
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
-        query = compat_urllib_parse_unquote_plus(mobj.group('query'))
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, query)
-        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(webpage, query, max_pages=5), playlist_title=query)
-class YoutubeShowIE(YoutubePlaylistsBaseInfoExtractor):
-    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com (multi-season) shows'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/show/(?P<id>[^?#]*)'
-    IE_NAME = 'youtube:show'
-    _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/show/airdisasters',
-        'playlist_mincount': 5,
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'airdisasters',
-            'title': 'Air Disasters',
-        }
-    }]
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        playlist_id = self._match_id(url)
-        return super(YoutubeShowIE, self)._real_extract(
-            'https://www.youtube.com/show/%s/playlists' % playlist_id)
-class YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
+class YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
     Base class for feed extractors
     Subclasses must define the _FEED_NAME and _PLAYLIST_TITLE properties.
@@ -3457,51 +3375,62 @@ class YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor(YoutubePlaylistBaseInfoExtractor):
     def _real_initialize(self):
-    def _process_entries(self, entries, seen):
-        new_info = []
-        for v in entries:
-            v_id = try_get(v, lambda x: x['videoId'])
-            if not v_id:
-                continue
+    def _entries(self, page):
+        # The extraction process is the same as for playlists, but the regex
+        # for the video ids doesn't contain an index
+        ids = []
+        more_widget_html = content_html = page
+        for page_num in itertools.count(1):
+            matches = re.findall(r'href="\s*/watch\?v=([0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})', content_html)
-            have_video = False
-            for old in seen:
-                if old['videoId'] == v_id:
-                    have_video = True
-                    break
+            # 'recommended' feed has infinite 'load more' and each new portion spins
+            # the same videos in (sometimes) slightly different order, so we'll check
+            # for unicity and break when portion has no new videos
+            new_ids = list(filter(lambda video_id: video_id not in ids, orderedSet(matches)))
+            if not new_ids:
+                break
-            if not have_video:
-                new_info.append(v)
+            ids.extend(new_ids)
-        if not new_info:
-            return
+            for entry in self._ids_to_results(new_ids):
+                yield entry
-        seen.extend(new_info)
-        for video in new_info:
-            yield self.url_result(try_get(video, lambda x: x['videoId']), YoutubeIE.ie_key(), video_title=self._extract_title(video))
+            mobj = re.search(r'data-uix-load-more-href="/?(?P<more>[^"]+)"', more_widget_html)
+            if not mobj:
+                break
+            more = self._download_json(
+                'https://www.youtube.com/%s' % mobj.group('more'), self._PLAYLIST_TITLE,
+                'Downloading page #%s' % page_num,
+                transform_source=uppercase_escape,
+                headers=self._YOUTUBE_CLIENT_HEADERS)
+            content_html = more['content_html']
+            more_widget_html = more['load_more_widget_html']
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         page = self._download_webpage(
             'https://www.youtube.com/feed/%s' % self._FEED_NAME,
-        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(page, self._PLAYLIST_TITLE),
-                                    playlist_title=self._PLAYLIST_TITLE)
+        return self.playlist_result(
+            self._entries(page), playlist_title=self._PLAYLIST_TITLE)
-class YoutubeWatchLaterIE(YoutubePlaylistIE):
+class YoutubeWatchLaterIE(InfoExtractor):
     IE_NAME = 'youtube:watchlater'
     IE_DESC = 'Youtube watch later list, ":ytwatchlater" for short (requires authentication)'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/(?:feed/watch_later|(?:playlist|watch)\?(?:.+&)?list=WL)|:ytwatchlater'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/feed/watch_later|:ytwatchlater'
     _TESTS = [{
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=WL',
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/feed/watch_later',
         'only_matching': True,
     }, {
-        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCNU9TrbiRk&index=1&list=WL',
+        'url': ':ytwatchlater',
         'only_matching': True,
     def _real_extract(self, url):
+        return self.url_result(
+            'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=WL', ie=YoutubeTabIE.ie_key())
         _, video = self._check_download_just_video(url, 'WL')
         if video:
             return video
@@ -3509,18 +3438,6 @@ class YoutubeWatchLaterIE(YoutubePlaylistIE):
         return playlist
-class YoutubeFavouritesIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
-    IE_NAME = 'youtube:favorites'
-    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com favourite videos, ":ytfav" for short (requires authentication)'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/my_favorites|:ytfav(?:ou?rites)?'
-    def _real_extract(self, url):
-        webpage = self._download_webpage('https://www.youtube.com/my_favorites', 'Youtube Favourites videos')
-        playlist_id = self._search_regex(r'list=(.+?)["&]', webpage, 'favourites playlist id')
-        return self.url_result(playlist_id, 'YoutubePlaylist')
 class YoutubeRecommendedIE(YoutubeFeedsInfoExtractor):
     IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com recommended videos, ":ytrec" for short (requires authentication)'
     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/feed/recommended|:ytrec(?:ommended)?'
@@ -3606,3 +3523,67 @@ class YoutubeTruncatedIDIE(InfoExtractor):
         raise ExtractorError(
             'Incomplete YouTube ID %s. URL %s looks truncated.' % (video_id, url),
+# Old extractors. Are these cases handled elsewhere?
+class YoutubeSearchURLIE(YoutubeSearchIE):
+    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com search URLs'
+    IE_NAME = 'youtube:search_url'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/results\?(.*?&)?(?:search_query|q)=(?P<query>[^&]+)(?:[&]|$)'
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?baz=bar&search_query=youtube-dl+test+video&filters=video&lclk=video',
+        'playlist_mincount': 5,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'title': 'youtube-dl test video',
+        }
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?q=test&sp=EgQIBBgB',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }]
+    def _process_json_dict(self, obj, videos, c):
+        if "videoId" in obj:
+            videos.append(obj)
+            return
+        if "nextContinuationData" in obj:
+            c["continuation"] = obj["nextContinuationData"]
+            return
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+        query = compat_urllib_parse_unquote_plus(mobj.group('query'))
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, query)
+        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(webpage, query, max_pages=5), playlist_title=query)
+class YoutubeShowIE(InfoExtractor):
+    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com (multi-season) shows'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/show/(?P<id>[^?#]*)'
+    IE_NAME = 'youtube:show'
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/show/airdisasters',
+        'playlist_mincount': 5,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'airdisasters',
+            'title': 'Air Disasters',
+        }
+    }]
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        playlist_id = self._match_id(url)
+        return super(YoutubeShowIE, self)._real_extract(
+            'https://www.youtube.com/show/%s/playlists' % playlist_id)
+class YoutubeFavouritesIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor):
+    IE_NAME = 'youtube:favorites'
+    IE_DESC = 'YouTube.com favourite videos, ":ytfav" for short (requires authentication)'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/my_favorites|:ytfav(?:ou?rites)?'
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        webpage = self._download_webpage('https://www.youtube.com/my_favorites', 'Youtube Favourites videos')
+        playlist_id = self._search_regex(r'list=(.+?)["&]', webpage, 'favourites playlist id')
+        return self.url_result(playlist_id, 'YoutubePlaylist')
diff --git a/youtube_dlc/utils.py b/youtube_dlc/utils.py
index f5dc1bdaf..975b741c5 100644
--- a/youtube_dlc/utils.py
+++ b/youtube_dlc/utils.py
@@ -4085,7 +4085,7 @@ def js_to_json(code):
         v = m.group(0)
         if v in ('true', 'false', 'null'):
             return v
-        elif v.startswith('/*') or v.startswith('//') or v == ',':
+        elif v.startswith('/*') or v.startswith('//') or v.startswith('!') or v == ',':
             return ""
         if v[0] in ("'", '"'):
@@ -4095,12 +4095,12 @@ def js_to_json(code):
                 '\\\n': '',
                 '\\x': '\\u00',
             }.get(m.group(0), m.group(0)), v[1:-1])
-        for regex, base in INTEGER_TABLE:
-            im = re.match(regex, v)
-            if im:
-                i = int(im.group(1), base)
-                return '"%d":' % i if v.endswith(':') else '%d' % i
+        else:
+            for regex, base in INTEGER_TABLE:
+                im = re.match(regex, v)
+                if im:
+                    i = int(im.group(1), base)
+                    return '"%d":' % i if v.endswith(':') else '%d' % i
         return '"%s"' % v
@@ -4110,7 +4110,8 @@ def js_to_json(code):
-        [0-9]+(?={skip}:)
+        [0-9]+(?={skip}:)|
+        !+
         '''.format(comment=COMMENT_RE, skip=SKIP_RE), fix_kv, code)