[extractor/generic] Remove HEAD request

pukkandan 2022-07-07 12:00:23 +05:30
rodzic 168bbc4f38
commit 6154438178
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ID klucza GPG: 7EEE9E1E817D0A39
1 zmienionych plików z 18 dodań i 40 usunięć

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@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ from ..compat import compat_etree_fromstring
from ..utils import (
@ -124,7 +123,6 @@ from ..utils import (
@ -2807,49 +2805,30 @@ class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
video_id = self._generic_id(url)
self.to_screen('%s: Requesting header' % video_id)
head_req = HEADRequest(url)
head_response = self._request_webpage(
head_req, video_id,
note=False, errnote='Could not send HEAD request to %s' % url,
if head_response is not False:
# Check for redirect
new_url = head_response.geturl()
if url != new_url:
if force_videoid:
new_url = smuggle_url(
new_url, {'force_videoid': force_videoid})
return self.url_result(new_url)
def request_webpage():
request = sanitized_Request(url)
# Some webservers may serve compressed content of rather big size (e.g. gzipped flac)
# making it impossible to download only chunk of the file (yet we need only 512kB to
# test whether it's HTML or not). According to yt-dlp default Accept-Encoding
# that will always result in downloading the whole file that is not desirable.
# Therefore for extraction pass we have to override Accept-Encoding to any in order
# to accept raw bytes and being able to download only a chunk.
# It may probably better to solve this by checking Content-Type for application/octet-stream
# after HEAD request finishes, but not sure if we can rely on this.
request.add_header('Accept-Encoding', '*')
return self._request_webpage(request, video_id)
full_response = None
if head_response is False:
head_response = full_response = request_webpage()
# Some webservers may serve compressed content of rather big size (e.g. gzipped flac)
# making it impossible to download only chunk of the file (yet we need only 512kB to
# test whether it's HTML or not). According to yt-dlp default Accept-Encoding
# that will always result in downloading the whole file that is not desirable.
# Therefore for extraction pass we have to override Accept-Encoding to any in order
# to accept raw bytes and being able to download only a chunk.
# It may probably better to solve this by checking Content-Type for application/octet-stream
# after a HEAD request, but not sure if we can rely on this.
full_response = self._request_webpage(url, video_id, headers={'Accept-Encoding': '*'})
new_url = full_response.geturl()
if url != new_url:
if force_videoid:
new_url = smuggle_url(new_url, {'force_videoid': force_videoid})
return self.url_result(new_url)
info_dict = {
'id': video_id,
'title': self._generic_title(url),
'timestamp': unified_timestamp(head_response.headers.get('Last-Modified'))
'timestamp': unified_timestamp(full_response.headers.get('Last-Modified'))
# Check for direct link to a video
content_type = head_response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').lower()
content_type = full_response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').lower()
m = re.match(r'^(?P<type>audio|video|application(?=/(?:ogg$|(?:vnd\.apple\.|x-)?mpegurl)))/(?P<format_id>[^;\s]+)', content_type)
if m:
self.report_detected('direct video link')
@ -2878,7 +2857,6 @@ class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
'%s on generic information extractor.' % ('Forcing' if force else 'Falling back'))
full_response = full_response or request_webpage()
first_bytes = full_response.read(512)
# Is it an M3U playlist?
@ -4103,7 +4081,7 @@ class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
if not found:
# Look also in Refresh HTTP header
refresh_header = head_response.headers.get('Refresh')
refresh_header = full_response.headers.get('Refresh')
if refresh_header:
found = re.search(REDIRECT_REGEX, refresh_header)
if found: