diff --git a/yt_dlp/extractor/cda.py b/yt_dlp/extractor/cda.py
index 6d01c60d5..2a12b054b 100644
--- a/yt_dlp/extractor/cda.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/extractor/cda.py
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+import base64
 import codecs
+import datetime
+import hashlib
+import hmac
 import json
 import re
@@ -12,6 +16,8 @@ from ..utils import (
+    traverse_obj,
+    try_call,
@@ -19,7 +25,18 @@ from ..utils import (
 class CDAIE(InfoExtractor):
     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www\.)?cda\.pl/video|ebd\.cda\.pl/[0-9]+x[0-9]+)/(?P<id>[0-9a-z]+)'
+    _NETRC_MACHINE = 'cdapl'
     _BASE_URL = 'http://www.cda.pl/'
+    _BASE_API_URL = 'https://api.cda.pl'
+    _API_HEADERS = {
+        'Accept': 'application/vnd.cda.public+json',
+        'User-Agent': 'pl.cda 1.0 (version 1.2.88 build 15306; Android 9; Xiaomi Redmi 3S)',
+    }
+    # hardcoded in the app
+    _BEARER_CACHE = 'cda-bearer'
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': 'http://www.cda.pl/video/5749950c',
         'md5': '6f844bf51b15f31fae165365707ae970',
@@ -83,8 +100,73 @@ class CDAIE(InfoExtractor):
                 'Content-Type': content_type,
             }, **kwargs)
+    def _perform_login(self, username, password):
+        cached_bearer = self.cache.load(self._BEARER_CACHE, username) or {}
+        if cached_bearer.get('valid_until', 0) > datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() + 5:
+            self._API_HEADERS['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {cached_bearer["token"]}'
+            return
+        password_hash = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(
+            b's01m1Oer5IANoyBXQETzSOLWXgWs01m1Oer5bMg5xrTMMxRZ9Pi4fIPeFgIVRZ9PeXL8mPfXQETZGUAN5StRZ9P',
+            ''.join(f'{bytes((bt & 255, )).hex():0>2}'
+                    for bt in hashlib.md5(password.encode()).digest()).encode(),
+            hashlib.sha256).digest()).decode().replace('=', '')
+        token_res = self._download_json(
+            f'{self._BASE_API_URL}/oauth/token', None, 'Logging in', data=b'',
+            headers={**self._API_HEADERS, 'Authorization': self._LOGIN_REQUEST_AUTH},
+            query={
+                'grant_type': 'password',
+                'login': username,
+                'password': password_hash,
+            })
+        self.cache.store(self._BEARER_CACHE, username, {
+            'token': token_res['access_token'],
+            'valid_until': token_res['expires_in'] + datetime.datetime.now().timestamp(),
+        })
+        self._API_HEADERS['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {token_res["access_token"]}'
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         video_id = self._match_id(url)
+        if 'Authorization' in self._API_HEADERS:
+            return self._api_extract(video_id)
+        else:
+            return self._web_extract(video_id, url)
+    def _api_extract(self, video_id):
+        meta = self._download_json(
+            f'{self._BASE_API_URL}/video/{video_id}', video_id, headers=self._API_HEADERS)['video']
+        if meta.get('premium') and not meta.get('premium_free'):
+            self.report_drm(video_id)
+        uploader = traverse_obj(meta, 'author', 'login')
+        formats = [{
+            'url': quality['file'],
+            'format': quality.get('title'),
+            'resolution': quality.get('name'),
+            'height': try_call(lambda: int(quality['name'][:-1])),
+            'filesize': quality.get('length'),
+        } for quality in meta['qualities'] if quality.get('file')]
+        self._sort_formats(formats)
+        return {
+            'id': video_id,
+            'title': meta.get('title'),
+            'description': meta.get('description'),
+            'uploader': None if uploader == 'anonim' else uploader,
+            'average_rating': float_or_none(meta.get('rating')),
+            'thumbnail': meta.get('thumb'),
+            'formats': formats,
+            'duration': meta.get('duration'),
+            'age_limit': 18 if meta.get('for_adults') else 0,
+            'view_count': meta.get('views'),
+        }
+    def _web_extract(self, video_id, url):
         self._set_cookie('cda.pl', 'cda.player', 'html5')
         webpage = self._download_webpage(
             self._BASE_URL + '/video/' + video_id, video_id)