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Jarosław Kaczyński
Deputy Prime Minister of Poland
October 27th, 2020
translation: Michał "rysiek" Woźniak,
released into the Public Domain
pl: https://rys.io/wypierdalac/kaczissimus/pl.txt
Ladies and Gentlemen, on October 22nd the Constitutional Tribunal[1] ruled in a case regarding constitutionality of a 1993 anti-abortion law which still allowed abortions in specific circumstances, including severe damage of the child in prenatal period, and in case of serious illness which leads to death.
This ruling is completely in accordance with the Constitution, and moreover in light of the Constitution a different ruling in this case was not possible.
This law was passed by the parliament of 93-97. This was a parliament in which majority, large majority, was held by the left. And this ruling became today a reason or a pretext for violent public unrest, unrest which occurs in this very particular situation. We have a heavy phase of the COVID epidemic, we are in a situation where any kind of gathering of more than five persons is banned, we are in a situation where these demonstrations will with all certainty cost lives of many people.
Those who call for them and those who take part in them create a public threat, and so commit a crime, a serious crime. The authorities not only have the right, but also a duty to oppose these kinds of events.
But they also have another aspect. Churches are being attacked. This is an occurence in Polish history, at least on this scale, completely new. A disastrous occurence, because the Church can be seen differently, one can be a religious person or not, Poland provides full religious freedom, but with all certainty this moral deposit which is held by the Church is the only moral system broadly known in Poland. Its rejection is nihilism. And this nihilism is what we see in those protests and in these attacks against the Church, but also in the way of talking, of expression of those protesting, in unbelieveable vulgarity, all this which shows very bad sides of a certain part of the society. And because in these protests very often, on request of adults, also children take part, harmfulness of this aspect of this undertaking is particularily huge.
And this, I repeat, has to be opposed. This is the State's duty, but also our duty, duty of the citizens. In particular we must defend Polish churches. We must defend them at all cost. I call upon all Law and Justice party members and all who support us to take part in the defense of the Church, in the defense of that which is being attacked today and is being attacked not by accident.
Very often in these attacks certain elements of preparation can be seen, perhaps even training. This attack is an attack which is meant to destroy Poland. It is meant to lead to a triumph of forces, whose power will in fact end the history of the Polish nation, as we had parceived it. This nation, which is our nation, which we have in our minds and in our hearts. Which is the subject of Polish patriotism.
Let's defend Poland, let's defend patriotism, and let's show resolve and courage here. Only then this declared, directly declared by our enemies war win.
We must also remember that we are completely in the right as far as legal matters are concerned. This ruling cannot be changed as long as the current Constitution is in effect. A law cannot be passed, which would allow abortion on request, and this is the request of the far left formulated today in Sejm[2] among shouts of „War, war!“.
Today is the time when we must know how to say „no“, say „no“ to all this which can destroy us. But that depends on us, on the State, on its apparatus, but most of all it depends on us. On our determination, our courage.
Let us defend Poland!
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_Tribunal_(Poland)
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sejm