
149 wiersze
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Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Fredrik Öhrström
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef WMBUS_H
#define WMBUS_H
// In link mode T1, the meter transmits a telegram every few seconds.
// Suitable for drive-by/walk-by collection of meter values.
// Link mode C1 is like T1 but uses less energy when transmitting due to
// a different radio encoding. Suitable for battery powered meters.
enum LinkMode {
#define X(name) name,
#undef X
#define CC_S_SYNCH_FRAME_BIT 0x20
#define CC_R_RELAYED_BIT 0x10
#define CC_P_HIGH_PRIO_BIT 0x08
// Bits 31-29 in SN, ie 0xc0 of the final byte in the stream,
// since the bytes arrive with the least significant first
// aka little endian.
#define SN_ENC_BITS 0xc0
using namespace std;
struct Telegram {
int len {}; // The length of the telegram, 1 byte.
int c_field {}; // 1 byte (0x44=telegram, no response expected!)
int m_field {}; // Manufacturer 2 bytes
vector<uchar> a_field; // A field 6 bytes
// The 6 a field bytes are composed of:
vector<uchar> a_field_address; // Address in BCD = 8 decimal 00000000...99999999 digits.
int a_field_version {}; // 1 byte
int a_field_device_type {}; // 1 byte
int ci_field {}; // 1 byte
// When ci_field==0x7a then there are 4 extra header bytes, short data header
int acc {}; // 1 byte
int status {}; // 1 byte
int configuration {}; // 2 bytes
// When ci_field==0x8d then there are 8 extra header bytes (ELL header)
int cc_field {}; // 1 byte
// acc; // 1 byte
uchar sn[4] {}; // 4 bytes
// That is 6 bytes (not 8), the next two bytes, the payload crc
// part of this ELL header, even though they are inside the encrypted payload.
vector<uchar> parsed; // Parsed fields
vector<uchar> payload; // To be parsed.
vector<uchar> content; // Decrypted content.
bool handled {}; // Set to true, when a meter has accepted the telegram.
// The id as written on the physical meter device.
string id() { return bin2hex(a_field_address); }
void parse(vector<uchar> &payload);
void print();
void verboseFields();
// A vector of indentations and explanations, to be printed
// below the raw data bytes to explain the telegram content.
vector<pair<int,string>> explanations;
void addExplanation(vector<uchar>::iterator &bytes, int len, const char* fmt, ...);
void addMoreExplanation(int pos, const char* fmt, ...);
void explainParse(string intro, int from);
struct WMBus {
virtual bool ping() = 0;
virtual uint32_t getDeviceId() = 0;
virtual LinkMode getLinkMode() = 0;
virtual void setLinkMode(LinkMode lm) = 0;
virtual void onTelegram(function<void(Telegram*)> cb) = 0;
virtual SerialDevice *serial() = 0;
virtual void simulate() = 0;
enum MBusDeviceType {
#define X(name) name,
#undef X
// The detect function can be supplied the device "auto" and will try default locations for the device.
// Returned is the type and the found device string.
pair<MBusDeviceType,string> detectMBusDevice(string device, SerialCommunicationManager *manager);
WMBus *openIM871A(string device, SerialCommunicationManager *manager);
WMBus *openAMB8465(string device, SerialCommunicationManager *manager);
struct WMBusSimulator;
WMBus *openSimulator(string file, SerialCommunicationManager *manager);
string manufacturer(int m_field);
string manufacturerFlag(int m_field);
string deviceType(int m_field, int a_field_device_type);
string mediaType(int m_field, int a_field_device_type);
string ciType(int ci_field);
string cType(int c_field);
string ccType(int cc_field);
string difType(int dif);
double vifScale(int vif);
string vifKey(int vif); // E.g. temperature energy power mass_flow volume_flow
string vifUnit(int vif); // E.g. m3 c kwh kw MJ MJh
string vifType(int vif); // Long description
string vifeType(int vif, int vife); // Long description
string formatData(int dif, int vif, int vife, string data);
double extract8bitAsDouble(int dif, int vif, int vife, string data);
double extract16bitAsDouble(int dif, int vif, int vife, string data);
double extract32bitAsDouble(int dif, int vif, int vife, string data);
int difLenBytes(int dif);
string linkModeName(LinkMode link_mode);