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Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Fredrik Öhrström
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using namespace std;
struct MeterApator162 : public virtual WaterMeter, public virtual MeterCommonImplementation {
MeterApator162(MeterInfo &mi);
// Total water counted through the meter
double totalWaterConsumption(Unit u);
bool hasTotalWaterConsumption();
void processContent(Telegram *t);
double total_water_consumption_m3_ {};
shared_ptr<WaterMeter> createApator162(MeterInfo &mi)
return shared_ptr<WaterMeter>(new MeterApator162(mi));
MeterApator162::MeterApator162(MeterInfo &mi) :
MeterCommonImplementation(mi, MeterType::APATOR162)
addPrint("total", Quantity::Volume,
[&](Unit u){ return totalWaterConsumption(u); },
"The total water consumption recorded by this meter.",
true, true);
double MeterApator162::totalWaterConsumption(Unit u)
assertQuantity(u, Quantity::Volume);
return convert(total_water_consumption_m3_, Unit::M3, u);
bool MeterApator162::hasTotalWaterConsumption()
return true;
void MeterApator162::processContent(Telegram *t)
// Unfortunately, the at-wmbus-16-2 is mostly a proprietary protocol
// simple wrapped inside a wmbus telegram. Naughty!
vector<uchar> content;
map<string,pair<int,DVEntry>> vendor_values;
string total;
// Current assumption of this proprietary protocol is that byte 13 tells
// us where the current total water consumption is located.
int o = 0;
uchar guess10 = content[10];
uchar guess11 = content[11];
uchar guess12 = content[12];
if ((guess11 & 0x84) == 0x84)
o = 23;
if ((guess11 & 0x83) == 0x83)
o = 23;
if ((guess11 & 0x81) == 0x81)
if (guess10 == 02)
o = 23;
o = 20;
if ((guess11 & 0x40) == 0x40)
o = 20;
if ((guess11 & 0x10) == 0x10)
o = 12;
if ((guess11 & 0x01) == 0x01)
o = 9;
warning("(apator162) Unknown value in proprietary(unknown) apator162 protocol. Ignoring telegram. Found 0x%02x expected bit 0x01, 0x10, 0x40 or 0x80 to be set.\n", guess11);
uint32_t o9 = content[9] | content[9+1] <<8 | content[9+2] << 16 | content[9+3] << 24;
uint32_t o12 = content[12] | content[12+1] <<8 | content[12+2] << 16 | content[12+3] << 24;
uint32_t o20 = content[20] | content[20+1] <<8 | content[20+2] << 16 | content[20+3] << 24;
uint32_t o23 = content[23] | content[23+1] <<8 | content[23+2] << 16 | content[23+3] << 24;
uint32_t guess = content[o] | content[o+1] <<8 | content[o+2] << 16 | content[o+3] << 24;
strprintf(total, "%02x%02x%02x%02x", content[o], content[o+1], content[o+2], content[o+3]);
debug("(apator162) Guessing offset to be %d from byte >10=%02x 11=%02x 12=%02x<: total %s\n",
o, guess10, guess11, guess12, total.c_str());
debug("(apator162) other potential values o9=%u o12=%u o20=%u o23=%u guess=%u\n", o9, o12, o20, o23, guess);
// Ok, the guess might not good enough. Lets do a sanity check and revert to another offset
// that has a reasonable value.....at least it should be less than 58400000 liters.....why?
// Let us assume a 16 year lifetime of the apator meter, 10 m3 per day for 16 years = 16*365*10000 = 58400000
#define MAX 58400000
if (guess > MAX)
if (o9 < MAX)
o = 9;
else if (o12 < MAX)
o = 12;
else if (o20 < MAX)
o = 20;
else if (o23 < MAX)
o = 23;
strprintf(total, "%02x%02x%02x%02x", content[o], content[o+1], content[o+2], content[o+3]);
debug("(apator162) adjusting to offset %d instead\n", o);
vendor_values["0413"] = { 25, DVEntry(MeasurementType::Instantaneous, 0x13, 0, 0, 0, total) };
int offset;
string key;
if(findKey(MeasurementType::Unknown, ValueInformation::Volume, 0, 0, &key, &vendor_values))
extractDVdouble(&vendor_values, key, &offset, &total_water_consumption_m3_);
//Adding explanation have to wait since it assumes that the dvparser could do something, but it could not here.
//t->addMoreExplanation(offset, " total consumption (%f m3)", total_water_consumption_m3_);