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Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Fredrik Öhrström
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef SERIAL_H_
#define SERIAL_H_
using namespace std;
struct SerialCommunicationManager;
A SerialDevice can be connected to a tty with a baudrate.
But can also be connected to stdin, a file, or the output from a subshell.
If you try to do send bytes to such a non-tty, then send will return false.
struct SerialDevice
virtual AccessCheck open(bool fail_if_not_ok) = 0;
virtual void close() = 0;
// Send will return true only if sending on a tty.
virtual bool send(std::vector<uchar> &data) = 0;
// Receive returns the number of bytes received.
virtual int receive(std::vector<uchar> *data) = 0;
virtual int fd() = 0;
virtual bool working() = 0;
// Used when connecting stdin to a tty driver for testing.
virtual bool readonly() = 0;
// Return underlying device as string.
virtual std::string device() = 0;
virtual void checkIfShouldReopen() = 0;
virtual void fill(std::vector<uchar> &data) = 0; // Fill buffer with raw data.
virtual SerialCommunicationManager *manager() = 0;
virtual ~SerialDevice() = default;
struct SerialCommunicationManager
// Read from a /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0 device with baud settings.
virtual unique_ptr<SerialDevice> createSerialDeviceTTY(string dev, int baud_rate) = 0;
// Read from a sub shell.
virtual unique_ptr<SerialDevice> createSerialDeviceCommand(string command,
vector<string> args,
vector<string> envs,
function<void()> on_exit) = 0;
// Read from stdin (file="stdin") or a specific file.
virtual unique_ptr<SerialDevice> createSerialDeviceFile(string file) = 0;
// A serial device simulator used for internal testing.
virtual unique_ptr<SerialDevice> createSerialDeviceSimulator() = 0;
virtual void listenTo(SerialDevice *sd, function<void()> cb) = 0;
virtual void stop() = 0;
virtual void startEventLoop() = 0;
virtual void waitForStop() = 0;
virtual bool isRunning() = 0;
virtual void setReopenAfter(int seconds) = 0;
// Register a new timer that regularly, every seconds, invokes the callback.
// Returns an id for the timer.
virtual int startRegularCallback(int seconds, function<void()> callback, std::string name) = 0;
virtual void stopRegularCallback(int id) = 0;
virtual void resetInitiated() = 0;
virtual void resetCompleted() = 0;
// List all real serial devices.
virtual std::vector<std::string> listSerialDevices() = 0;
virtual ~SerialCommunicationManager();
unique_ptr<SerialCommunicationManager> createSerialCommunicationManager(time_t exit_after_seconds = 0,
time_t reopen_after_seconds = 0,
bool start_event_loop = true);