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Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Fredrik Öhrström
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
using namespace std;
enum class MeterFileType
Overwrite, Append
enum class MeterFileNaming
Name, Id, NameId
enum class MeterFileTimestamp
Never, Day, Hour, Minute, Micros
struct Configuration
string bin_dir {}; // The wmbusmeters binary executed is located here.
// Use this directory to look for other tools such as rtl_wmbus/rtl_sdr
// inside the same directory.
bool daemon {};
std::string pid_file;
std::string device_override;
std::string listento_override;
bool useconfig {};
std::string config_root;
bool need_help {};
bool silent {};
bool verbose {};
bool version {};
bool license {};
bool analyze {};
bool debug {};
bool trace {};
AddLogTimestamps addtimestamps {};
bool internaltesting {}; // Not currently used. Was used for speeding up testing. I.e. it shortened all timeouts.
// Might be needed in the future. Therefore it is still here.
bool logtelegrams {};
bool meterfiles {};
std::string meterfiles_dir;
MeterFileType meterfiles_action {};
MeterFileNaming meterfiles_naming {};
MeterFileTimestamp meterfiles_timestamp {}; // Default is never.
bool use_logfile {};
bool use_stderr_for_log = true; // Default is to use stderr for logging.
bool ignore_duplicate_telegrams = true; // Default is to ignore duplicates.
std::string logfile;
bool json {};
bool fields {};
char separator { ';' };
std::vector<std::string> telegram_shells;
std::vector<std::string> alarm_shells;
int alarm_timeout {}; // Maximum number of seconds between dongle receiving two telegrams.
std::string alarm_expected_activity; // Only warn when within these time periods.
bool exit_instead_of_alarm_ {};
bool list_shell_envs {};
bool list_fields {};
bool list_meters {};
bool list_units {};
std::string list_meters_search;
// When asking for envs or fields, this is the meter type to list for.
std::string list_meter;
bool oneshot {};
int exitafter {}; // Seconds to exit.
bool nodeviceexit {}; // If no wmbus receiver device is found, then exit immediately!
int resetafter {}; // Reset the wmbus devices regularly.
std::vector<SpecifiedDevice> supplied_bus_devices; // /dev/ttyUSB0, simulation.txt, rtlwmbus, /dev/ttyUSB1:9600 /dev/ttyUSB2:mbus
int num_wmbus_devices {};
int num_mbus_devices {};
bool use_auto_device_detect {}; // Set to true if auto was supplied as device.
std::set<std::string> do_not_probe_ttys; // Do not probe these ttys! all = all of them.
LinkModeSet auto_device_linkmodes; // The linkmodes specified by auto:c1,t1
bool single_device_override {}; // Set to true if there is a stdin/file or simulation device.
bool simulation_found {};
LinkModeSet default_device_linkmodes; // Backwards compatible --listento=c1 or --c1 will set the default_linkmodes.
// A device without a :t1 suffix, will use this linkmode.
// Is empty when not set.
LinkModeSet all_device_linkmodes_specified; // A union of all device specified linkmodes.
// Eventually not all devices might be found, so a realtime check is done later.
LinkModeSet all_meters_linkmodes_specified; // A union of all meters linkmodes.
string telegram_reader;
// A set of all link modes (union) that the user requests the wmbus dongle to listen to.
bool no_init {};
std::vector<Unit> conversions;
std::vector<std::string> selected_fields;
std::vector<MeterInfo> meters;
std::vector<std::string> extra_constant_fields; // Additional constant fields to always add to json.
// These extra constant fields can also be part of selected with selectfields.
std::vector<SendBusContent> send_bus_content; // Telegrams used to wake up a meter for reading or mbus read-out requests.
~Configuration() = default;
shared_ptr<Configuration> loadConfiguration(string root, string device_override, string listento_override);
void parseMeterConfig(Configuration *c, vector<char> &buf, string file);
void handleConversions(Configuration *c, string s);
void handleSelectedFields(Configuration *c, string s);
void handleAddedFields(Configuration *c, string s);
bool handleDeviceOrHex(Configuration *c, string devicefilehex);
enum class LinkModeCalculationResultType
struct LinkModeCalculationResult
LinkModeCalculationResultType type;
std::string msg;
LinkModeCalculationResult calculateLinkModes(Configuration *c, WMBus *wmbus, bool link_modes_matter = true);