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Czysty Wina Historia

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Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Fredrik Öhrström (gpl-3.0-or-later)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using namespace std;
X(Second, Minute, {vto=vfrom/60.0;}) \
X(Minute, Second, {vto=vfrom*60.0;}) \
X(Second, Hour, {vto=vfrom/3600.0;}) \
X(Hour, Second, {vto=vfrom*3600.0;}) \
X(Year, Second, {vto=vfrom*3600.0*24.0*365.2425;}) \
X(Second, Year, {vto=vfrom/3600.0/24.0/365.2425;}) \
X(Minute, Hour, {vto=vfrom/60.0;}) \
X(Hour, Minute, {vto=vfrom*60.0;}) \
X(Minute, Year, {vto=vfrom/60.0/24.0/365.2425;}) \
X(Year, Minute, {vto=vfrom*60.0*24.0*365.2425;}) \
X(Hour, Year, {vto=vfrom/24.0/365.2425;}) \
X(Year, Hour, {vto=vfrom*24.0*365.2425;}) \
X(Hour, Day, {vto=vfrom/24.0;}) \
X(Day, Hour, {vto=vfrom*24.0;}) \
X(Day, Year, {vto=vfrom/365.2425;}) \
X(Year, Day, {vto=vfrom*365.2425;}) \
X(KWH, GJ, {vto=vfrom*0.0036;}) \
X(KWH, MJ, {vto=vfrom*0.0036*1000.0;}) \
X(GJ, KWH,{vto=vfrom/0.0036;}) \
X(MJ, GJ, {vto=vfrom/1000.0;}) \
X(MJ, KWH,{vto=vfrom/1000.0/0.0036;}) \
X(GJ, MJ, {vto=vfrom*1000.0;}) \
X(M3, L, {vto=vfrom*1000.0;}) \
X(M3H, LH, {vto=vfrom*1000.0;}) \
X(L, M3, {vto=vfrom/1000.0;}) \
X(LH, M3H,{vto=vfrom/1000.0;}) \
X(C, K, {vto=vfrom+273.15;}) \
X(K, C, {vto=vfrom-273.15;}) \
X(C, F, {vto=(vfrom*9.0/5.0)+32.0;}) \
X(F, C, {vto=(vfrom-32)*5.0/9.0;}) \
X(PA, BAR,{vto=vfrom/100000.0;}) \
X(BAR, PA, {vto=vfrom*100000.0;}) \
X(COUNTER, FACTOR,{vto=vfrom;}) \
X(FACTOR, COUNTER, {vto=vfrom;}) \
X(COUNTER, NUMBER,{vto=vfrom;}) \
X(NUMBER, COUNTER, {vto=vfrom;}) \
X(FACTOR, NUMBER, {vto=vfrom;}) \
X(NUMBER, FACTOR, {vto=vfrom;}) \
X(UnixTimestamp,DateTimeLT, {vto=vfrom; }) \
X(DateTimeLT,UnixTimestamp, {vto=vfrom; }) \
X(DateLT,UnixTimestamp, {vto=vfrom; }) \
X(DateTimeLT, DateLT, {vto=vfrom; }) \
X(DateLT, DateTimeLT, {vto=vfrom; }) \
X(DEGREE, RADIAN, {vto=vfrom*M_PI/180.0;}) \
X(RADIAN, DEGREE, {vto=vfrom*180.0/M_PI;}) \
X(Second, 1.0, SIExp().s(1)) \
X(M, 1.0, SIExp().m(1)) \
X(KG, 1.0, SIExp().kg(1)) \
X(Ampere, 1.0, SIExp().a(1)) \
X(K, 1.0, SIExp().k(1)) \
X(MOL, 1.0, SIExp().mol(1)) \
X(CD, 1.0, SIExp().cd(1)) \
X(KWH, 3.6e+06, SIExp().kg(1).m(2).s(-2)) \
X(MJ, 1.0e+06, SIExp().kg(1).m(2).s(-2)) \
X(GJ, 1.0e+09, SIExp().kg(1).m(2).s(-2)) \
X(KVARH, 3.6e+06, SIExp().kg(1).m(2).s(-2)) \
X(KVAH, 3.6e+06, SIExp().kg(1).m(2).s(-2)) \
X(M3C, 1.0, SIExp().m(3).c(1)) \
X(KW, 1000.0, SIExp().kg(1).m(2).s(-3)) \
X(M3CH, 3600.0, SIExp().m(3).c(1).s(-1)) \
X(M3, 1.0, SIExp().m(3)) \
X(L, 1.0/1000.0, SIExp().m(3)) \
X(M3H, 3600.0, SIExp().m(3).s(-1)) \
X(LH, 3.600, SIExp().m(3).s(-1)) \
X(C, 1.0, SIExp().c(1)) \
X(F, 1.0, SIExp().f(1)) \
X(Volt, 1.0, SIExp().kg(1).m(2).s(-3).a(-1)) \
X(HZ, 1.0, SIExp().s(-1)) \
X(PA, 1.0, SIExp().kg(1).m(-1).s(-2)) \
X(BAR, 100000.0, SIExp().kg(1).m(-1).s(-2)) \
X(Minute, 60.0, SIExp().s(1)) \
X(Hour, 3600.0, SIExp().s(1)) \
X(Day, 3600.0*24, SIExp().s(1)) \
X(Month, 1, SIExp().month(1)) \
X(Year, 1, SIExp().year(1)) \
X(UnixTimestamp,1.0, SIExp().unixTimestamp(1)) \
X(DateTimeUTC, 1.0, SIExp().unixTimestamp(1)) \
X(DateTimeLT, 1.0, SIExp().unixTimestamp(1)) \
X(DateLT, 1.0, SIExp().unixTimestamp(1)) \
X(TimeLT, 1.0, SIExp().unixTimestamp(1)) \
X(RH, 1.0, SIExp()) \
X(HCA, 1.0, SIExp()) \
X(DEGREE, 1.0, SIExp()) \
X(RADIAN, 180.0/M_PI, SIExp()) \
X(COUNTER, 1.0, SIExp()) \
X(FACTOR, 1.0, SIExp()) \
X(NUMBER, 1.0, SIExp()) \
X(TXT, 1.0, SIExp()) \
// 3600.0*24*365.2425
// 3600.0*24*30.437
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) const SIUnit SI_##cname(Unit::cname);
#undef X
const SIUnit SI_Unknown(Unit::Unknown);
const SIUnit &toSIUnit(Unit u)
switch (u)
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) case Unit::cname: return SI_##cname;
#undef X
default: break;
return SI_Unknown;
bool overrideConversion(Unit from, Unit to)
// The mbus protocol lacks kvarh and kva. Some meters, like the abbb23 uses kwh for kvarh.
// Permit 1 to 1 conversion from kwh to kvarh and kva in extractNumeric.
if (from == Unit::KWH && (to == Unit::KVARH || to == Unit::KVAH)) return true;
return false;
bool canConvert(Unit ufrom, Unit uto)
if (ufrom == uto) return true;
#define X(from,to,code) if (Unit::from == ufrom && Unit::to == uto) return true;
#undef X
return false;
double convert(double vfrom, Unit ufrom, Unit uto)
double vto = -4711.0;
if (ufrom == uto) { { vto = vfrom; } return vto; }
#define X(from,to,code) if (Unit::from == ufrom && Unit::to == uto) { code return vto; }
#undef X
string from = unitToStringHR(ufrom);
string to = unitToStringHR(uto);
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert between units! from %s to %s\n", from.c_str(), to.c_str());
return 0;
bool isKCF(const SIExp &e)
e == SI_K.exp() ||
e == SI_C.exp() ||
e == SI_F.exp();
bool is_S_MONTH_YEAR_UT(const SIExp &e)
e == SI_Second.exp() ||
e == SI_UnixTimestamp.exp() ||
e == SI_Month.exp() ||
e == SI_Year.exp();
void getScaleOffset(const SIExp &e, double *scale, double *offset)
if (e == SI_K.exp())
*scale = 1.0;
*offset = 0.0;
if (e == SI_C.exp())
*scale = 1.0;
*offset = 273.15;
if (e == SI_F.exp())
*scale = 5.0/9.0;
*offset = -32.0+(273.15*9.0/5.0);
bool SIUnit::convertTo(double left, const SIUnit &out_siunit, double *out) const
if (exp() == out_siunit.exp())
if (out != NULL) *out = (left*scale_)/out_siunit.scale_;
return true;
// Now the special cases. K-C-F
if (isKCF(exp()) && isKCF(out_siunit.exp()))
double from_scale {};
double from_offset {};
getScaleOffset(exp(), &from_scale, &from_offset);
from_scale *= scale();
double to_offset {};
double to_scale {};
getScaleOffset(out_siunit.exp(), &to_scale, &to_offset);
to_scale *= out_siunit.scale();
if (out != NULL) *out = ((left+from_offset)*from_scale)/to_scale-to_offset;
return true;
if (out != NULL) *out = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
return false;
bool forbidden_op(MathOp op, const SIExp &a, const SIExp &b)
// Two unix timestamps cannot be added together. They can be subtracted though!
if (op == MathOp::ADD && a == SI_UnixTimestamp.exp() && b == SI_UnixTimestamp.exp()) return true;
return false;
double do_op(MathOp op, double left, double right)
if (op == MathOp::ADD) return left+right;
if (op == MathOp::SUB) return left-right;
bool SIUnit::mathOpTo(MathOp op, double left, double right, const SIUnit &right_siunit, SIUnit *out_siunit, double *out) const
// Adding all values with the same units.
if (exp() == right_siunit.exp())
if (forbidden_op(op, exp(), right_siunit.exp()))
if (out_siunit != NULL) *out_siunit = SI_COUNTER;
if (out != NULL) *out = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
return false;
double left_converted {};
convertTo(left, right_siunit, &left_converted);
double result = do_op(op, left_converted, right);
if (out_siunit != NULL) *out_siunit = right_siunit;
if (out != NULL) *out = result;
return true;
// Adding temperatures.
if (isKCF(exp()) && isKCF(right_siunit.exp()))
double left_converted {};
convertTo(left, right_siunit, &left_converted);
double result = do_op(op, left_converted, right);
if (out_siunit != NULL) *out_siunit = right_siunit;
if (out != NULL) *out = result;
return true;
// Operating on unix timestamps
if (exp() == SI_UnixTimestamp.exp() || right_siunit.exp() == SI_UnixTimestamp.exp())
if (right_siunit.exp() == SI_UnixTimestamp.exp())
// The timestamp is right, flip the arguments.
return right_siunit.mathOpTo(op, right, left, *this, out_siunit, out);
assert(exp() == SI_UnixTimestamp.exp() && right_siunit.exp() != SI_UnixTimestamp.exp());
// The timestamp is left. Lets handle all permitted additions to UnixTimestamp.
if (right_siunit.exp() == SI_Second.exp())
// Move right argument (day, hour, min, s) to seconds.
double right_converted {};
right_siunit.convertTo(right, SI_Second, &right_converted);
// Add the seconds to the unix timestamp.
double result = do_op(op, left, right_converted);
if (out_siunit != NULL) *out_siunit = SI_UnixTimestamp;
if (out != NULL) *out = result;
return true;
if (right_siunit.exp() == SI_Month.exp())
// Move right argument (day, hour, min, s) to seconds.
if (op == MathOp::SUB) right = -right;
double result = addMonths(left, right);
if (out_siunit != NULL) *out_siunit = SI_UnixTimestamp;
if (out != NULL) *out = result;
return true;
// Oups, should not get here....
return false;
SIUnit SIUnit::mul(const SIUnit &m) const
// Multipliying the SIUnits adds the exponents.
SIExp exps = exponents_.mul(m.exponents_);
double new_scale = scale_*m.scale_;
SIUnit tmp(Quantity::Unknown,
Unit u = tmp.asUnit(Quantity::Unknown);
Quantity q = toQuantity(u);
return SIUnit(q, new_scale, exps);
SIUnit SIUnit::div(const SIUnit &m) const
// Dividing with a SIUnit subtracts the exponents.
SIExp exps = exponents_.div(m.exponents_);
double new_scale = scale_/m.scale_;
SIUnit tmp(Quantity::Unknown,
Unit u = tmp.asUnit(Quantity::Unknown);
Quantity q = toQuantity(u);
return SIUnit(q, new_scale, exps);
SIUnit SIUnit::sqrt() const
// Square rooting SIUnit halfs the exponents.
SIExp exps = exponents_.sqrt();
double new_scale = ::sqrt(scale_);
SIUnit tmp(Quantity::Unknown,
Unit u = tmp.asUnit(Quantity::Unknown);
Quantity q = toQuantity(u);
return SIUnit(q, new_scale, exps);
SIUnit whenMultiplied(SIUnit left, SIUnit right)
return Unit::Unknown;
double multiply(double l, SIUnit left, double r, SIUnit right)
return 0;
bool isQuantity(Unit u, Quantity q)
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return Quantity::quantity == q;
#undef X
return false;
Quantity toQuantity(Unit u)
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) case Unit::cname: return Quantity::quantity;
#undef X
return Quantity::Unknown;
void assertQuantity(Unit u, Quantity q)
if (!isQuantity(u, q))
error("Internal error! Unit is not of this quantity.\n");
Unit defaultUnitForQuantity(Quantity q)
#define X(quantity,default_unit) if (q == Quantity::quantity) return Unit::default_unit;
#undef X
return Unit::Unknown;
const char *toString(Quantity q)
#define X(quantity,default_unit) if (q == Quantity::quantity) return #quantity;
#undef X
return "?";
Unit toUnit(string s)
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (s == #cname || s == #lcname) return Unit::cname;
#undef X
return Unit::Unknown;
string unitToStringHR(Unit u)
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return hrname;
#undef X
return "?";
string unitToStringLowerCase(Unit u)
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return #lcname;
#undef X
return "?";
string unitToStringUpperCase(Unit u)
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return #cname;
#undef X
return "?";
string strWithUnitHR(double v, Unit u)
string r = format3fdot3f(v);
r += " "+unitToStringHR(u);
return r;
string strWithUnitLowerCase(double v, Unit u)
string r = format3fdot3f(v);
r += " "+unitToStringLowerCase(u);
return r;
string valueToString(double v, Unit u)
if (::isnan(v))
return "null";
string s = to_string(v);
while (s.size() > 0 && s.back() == '0') s.pop_back();
if (s.back() == '.') {
if (s.length() == 0) return "0";
return s;
if (s.length() == 0) return "0";
return s;
bool extractUnit(const string &s, string *vname, Unit *u)
size_t pos;
string vn;
const char *c;
if (s.length() < 3) goto err;
pos = s.rfind('_');
if (pos == string::npos) goto err;
if (pos+1 >= s.length()) goto err;
vn = s.substr(0,pos);
c = s.c_str()+pos;
#define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (!strcmp(c, #lcname)) { *u = Unit::cname; *vname = vn; return true; }
#undef X
*vname = "";
*u = Unit::Unknown;
return false;
SIUnit::SIUnit(Unit u)
quantity_ = toQuantity(u);
switch (u)
#define X(cname,si_scale,si_exponents) \
case Unit::cname: scale_ = si_scale; exponents_ = si_exponents; break;
#undef X
quantity_ = Quantity::Unknown;
scale_ = 0;
SIUnit::SIUnit(string s)
Unit SIUnit::asUnit() const
#define X(cname,si_scale,si_exponents) \
if ((scale_ == si_scale) && (exponents_ == (si_exponents)) && quantity_ == toQuantity(Unit::cname)) return Unit::cname;
#undef X
return Unit::Unknown;
Unit SIUnit::asUnit(Quantity q) const
#define X(cname,si_scale,si_exponents) \
if ((scale_ == si_scale) && (exponents_ == (si_exponents)) && q == toQuantity(Unit::cname)) return Unit::cname;
#undef X
return Unit::Unknown;
string super(uchar c)
switch (c)
case '-': return "";
case '+': return "";
case '0': return "";
case '1': return "¹";
case '2': return "²";
case '3': return "³";
case '4': return "";
case '5': return "";
case '6': return "";
case '7': return "";
case '8': return "";
case '9': return "";
return "?";
string to_superscript(int8_t n)
string out;
char buf[5];
sprintf(buf, "%d", n);
for (int i=0; i<5; ++i)
if (buf[i] == 0) break;
out += super(buf[i]);
return out;
string to_superscript(string &s)
string out;
size_t i = 0;
size_t len = s.length();
// Skip non-superscript number.
while (i<len && (s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '.' || (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9')))
out += s[i];
while (i<len && (s[i] == 'e' || s[i] == 'E'))
out += "×10";
bool found_start = false;
while (i<len)
// Remove leading +0
if (!found_start && s[i] != '+' && s[i] != '0') found_start = true;
if (found_start)
out += super(s[i]);
return out;
string SIUnit::str() const
string r = exponents_.str();
string num = tostrprintf("%g", scale_);
num = to_superscript(num);
return num+r;
string SIUnit::info() const
Unit u = asUnit();
string unit = unitToStringLowerCase(u)+"|";
if (unit == "?|") unit = "";
string quantity = toString(quantity_)+string("|");
if (quantity == "?|") quantity = "";
return tostrprintf("[%s%s%s]",
int8_t SIExp::safe_add(int8_t a, int8_t b)
int sum = a+b;
if (sum > 127) invalid_ = true;
return sum;
int8_t SIExp::safe_sub(int8_t a, int8_t b)
int diff = a-b;
if (diff < -128) invalid_ = true;
return diff;
int8_t SIExp::safe_div2(int8_t a)
int8_t d = a/2;
if (d*2 != a) invalid_ = true;
return d;
bool SIExp::operator!=(const SIExp &e) const
return ! (*this == e);
bool SIExp::operator==(const SIExp &e) const
s_ == e.s_ &&
m_ == e.m_ &&
kg_ == e.kg_ &&
a_ == e.a_ &&
mol_ == e.mol_ &&
cd_ == e.cd_ &&
k_ == e.k_ &&
c_ == e.c_ &&
f_ == e.f_ &&
month_ == e.month_ &&
year_ == e.year_ &&
unix_timestamp_ == e.unix_timestamp_;
SIExp SIExp::mul(const SIExp &e) const
SIExp ee;
ee .s(ee.safe_add(s(),e.s()))
return ee;
SIExp SIExp::div(const SIExp &e) const
SIExp ee;
ee .s(ee.safe_sub(s(),e.s()))
return ee;
SIExp SIExp::sqrt() const
SIExp ee;
ee .s(ee.safe_div2(s()))
return ee;
#define DO_UNIT_SIEXP(var, name) if (var != 0) { if (r.length()>0) { } r += #name; if (var != 1) { r += to_superscript(var); } }
string SIExp::str() const
string r;
DO_UNIT_SIEXP(mol_, mol);
DO_UNIT_SIEXP(cd_, cd);
DO_UNIT_SIEXP(kg_, kg);
DO_UNIT_SIEXP(month_, month);
DO_UNIT_SIEXP(year_, year);
DO_UNIT_SIEXP(unix_timestamp_, ut);
if (invalid_) r = "!"+r+"-Invalid!";
return r;