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Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Fredrik Öhrström
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef METER_H_
#define METER_H_
#define LIST_OF_METERS \
X(auto, 0, UnknownMeter, AUTO, Auto) \
X(unknown, 0, UnknownMeter, UNKNOWN, Unknown) \
X(amiplus, T1_bit, ElectricityMeter, AMIPLUS, Amiplus) \
X(apator08, T1_bit, WaterMeter, APATOR08, Apator08) \
X(apator162, C1_bit|T1_bit, WaterMeter, APATOR162, Apator162) \
X(aventieswm, T1_bit, WaterMeter, AVENTIESWM, AventiesWM) \
X(aventieshca,T1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, AVENTIESHCA, AventiesHCA) \
X(bfw240radio,T1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, BFW240RADIO, BFW240Radio) \
X(cma12w, C1_bit|T1_bit, TempHygroMeter, CMA12W, CMa12w) \
X(compact5, T1_bit, HeatMeter, COMPACT5, Compact5) \
X(dme_07, T1_bit, WaterMeter, DME_07, DME_07) \
X(ebzwmbe, T1_bit, ElectricityMeter, EBZWMBE, EBZWMBE) \
X(eurisii, T1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, EURISII, EurisII) \
X(ehzp, T1_bit, ElectricityMeter, EHZP, EHZP) \
X(esyswm, T1_bit, ElectricityMeter, ESYSWM, ESYSWM) \
X(flowiq2200, C1_bit, WaterMeter, FLOWIQ2200, FlowIQ2200) \
X(flowiq3100, C1_bit, WaterMeter, FLOWIQ3100, FlowIQ3100) \
X(ei6500, C1_bit, SmokeDetector, EI6500, EI6500) \
X(elf, T1_bit, HeatMeter, ELF, Elf) \
X(em24, C1_bit, ElectricityMeter, EM24, EM24) \
X(emerlin868, T1_bit, WaterMeter, EMERLIN868, EMerlin868) \
X(ev200, T1_bit, WaterMeter, EV200, EV200) \
X(evo868, T1_bit, WaterMeter, EVO868, EVO868) \
X(fhkvdataiii,T1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, FHKVDATAIII, FHKVDataIII) \
X(fhkvdataiv, T1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, FHKVDATAIV, FHKVDataIV) \
X(gransystems,T1_bit, ElectricityMeter, CCx01, CCx01) \
X(hydrus, T1_bit, WaterMeter, HYDRUS, Hydrus) \
X(hydrocalm3, T1_bit, HeatMeter, HYDROCALM3, HydrocalM3) \
X(hydrodigit, T1_bit, WaterMeter, HYDRODIGIT, Hydrodigit) \
X(iperl, T1_bit, WaterMeter, IPERL, Iperl) \
X(izar, T1_bit, WaterMeter, IZAR, Izar) \
X(izar3, T1_bit, WaterMeter, IZAR3, Izar3) \
X(lansensm, T1_bit, SmokeDetector, LANSENSM, LansenSM) \
X(lansenth, T1_bit, TempHygroMeter, LANSENTH, LansenTH) \
X(lansendw, T1_bit, DoorWindowDetector, LANSENDW, LansenDW) \
X(lansenpu, T1_bit, PulseCounter, LANSENPU, LansenPU) \
X(lse_07_17, S1_bit, WaterMeter, LSE_07_17, LSE_07_17) \
X(mkradio3, T1_bit, WaterMeter, MKRADIO3, MKRadio3) \
X(mkradio4, T1_bit, WaterMeter, MKRADIO4, MKRadio4) \
X(multical21, C1_bit|T1_bit, WaterMeter, MULTICAL21, Multical21) \
X(multical302,C1_bit|T1_bit, HeatMeter, MULTICAL302, Multical302) \
X(multical403,C1_bit, HeatMeter, MULTICAL403, Multical403) \
X(multical602,C1_bit, HeatMeter, MULTICAL602, Multical602) \
X(multical603,C1_bit, HeatMeter, MULTICAL603, Multical603) \
X(multical803,C1_bit, HeatMeter, MULTICAL803, Multical803) \
X(omnipower, C1_bit, ElectricityMeter, OMNIPOWER, Omnipower) \
X(piigth, MBUS_bit, TempHygroMeter, PIIGTH, PiigTH) \
X(rfmamb, T1_bit, TempHygroMeter, RFMAMB, RfmAmb) \
X(rfmtx1, T1_bit, WaterMeter, RFMTX1, RfmTX1) \
X(tsd2, T1_bit, SmokeDetector, TSD2, TSD2) \
X(q400, T1_bit, WaterMeter, Q400, Q400) \
X(qcaloric, C1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, QCALORIC, QCaloric) \
X(qheat, T1_bit, HeatMeter, QHEAT, QHeat) \
X(sensostar, C1_bit|T1_bit, HeatMeter,SENSOSTAR, Sensostar) \
X(sharky, T1_bit, HeatMeter, SHARKY, Sharky) \
X(sontex868, T1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, SONTEX868, Sontex868) \
X(supercom587,T1_bit, WaterMeter, SUPERCOM587, Supercom587) \
X(topaseskr, T1_bit, WaterMeter, TOPASESKR, TopasEsKr) \
X(ultrimis, T1_bit, WaterMeter, ULTRIMIS, Ultrimis) \
X(vario451, T1_bit, HeatMeter, VARIO451, Vario451) \
X(waterstarm, C1_bit|T1_bit, WaterMeter,WATERSTARM, WaterstarM) \
X(whe46x, S1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, WHE46X, Whe46x) \
X(whe5x, S1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, WHE5X, Whe5x) \
X(lse_08, S1_bit|C1_bit, HeatCostAllocationMeter, LSE_08, LSE_08) \
X(weh_07, C1_bit, WaterMeter, WEH_07, WEH_07) \
X(unismart, T1_bit, GasMeter, UNISMART, Unismart) \
X(munia, T1_bit, TempHygroMeter, MUNIA, Munia) \
enum class MeterDriver {
#define X(mname,linkmode,info,type,cname) type,
#undef X
struct MeterMatch
MeterDriver driver;
int manufacturer;
int media;
int version;
// Return true for mbus and C2/T2 meters.
bool needsPolling(MeterDriver driver);
// Return a list of matching drivers, like: multical21
void detectMeterDrivers(int manufacturer, int media, int version, std::vector<std::string> *drivers);
// When entering the driver, check that the telegram is indeed known to be
// compatible with the driver(type), if not then print a warning.
bool isMeterDriverValid(MeterDriver type, int manufacturer, int media, int version);
// Return the best driver match for a telegram.
MeterDriver pickMeterDriver(Telegram *t);
bool isValidKey(string& key, MeterDriver mt);
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
struct MeterInfo
string bus; // The bus used to communicate with this meter. A device like /dev/ttyUSB0 or an alias like BUS1.
// A bus can be an mbus or a wmbus dongle.
// The bus can be the empty string, which means that it will fallback to the first defined bus.
string name; // User specified name of this (group of) meters.
MeterDriver driver {}; // Requested driver for decoding telegrams from this meter.
string extras; // Extra driver specific settings.
vector<string> ids; // Match expressions for ids.
string idsc; // Comma separated ids.
string key; // Decryption key.
LinkModeSet link_modes;
int bps {}; // For mbus communication you need to know the baud rate.
vector<string> shells;
vector<string> extra_constant_fields; // Additional static fields that are added to each message.
vector<Unit> conversions; // Additional units desired in json.
// If this is a meter that needs to be polled.
int poll_seconds; // Poll every x seconds.
int poll_hour_offset; // Instead of
string poll_time_period; // Poll only during these hours.
string str();
MeterInfo(string b, string n, MeterDriver d, string e, vector<string> i, string k, LinkModeSet lms, int baud, vector<string> &s, vector<string> &j)
bus = b;
name = n;
driver = d;
extras = e,
ids = i;
idsc = toIdsCommaSeparated(ids);
key = k;
shells = s;
extra_constant_fields = j;
link_modes = lms;
bps = baud;
void clear()
bus = "";
name = "";
driver = MeterDriver::UNKNOWN;
idsc = "";
key = "";
bps = 0;
bool parse(string name, string driver, string id, string key);
struct Print
string vname; // Value name, like: total current previous target
Quantity quantity; // Quantity: Energy, Volume
Unit default_unit; // Default unit for above quantity: KWH, M3
function<double(Unit)> getValueDouble; // Callback to fetch the value from the meter.
function<string()> getValueString; // Callback to fetch the value from the meter.
string help; // Helpful information on this meters use of this value.
bool field; // If true, print in hr/fields output.
bool json; // If true, print in json and shell env variables.
string field_name; // Field name for default unit.
struct BusManager;
struct Meter
// Meters are instantiated on the fly from a template, when a telegram arrives
// and no exact meter exists. Index 1 is the first meter created etc.
virtual int index() = 0;
virtual void setIndex(int i) = 0;
// Use this bus to send messages to the meter.
virtual string bus() = 0;
// This meter listens to these ids.
virtual vector<string> &ids() = 0;
// Comma separated ids.
virtual string idsc() = 0;
// This meter can report these fields, like total_m3, temp_c.
virtual vector<string> fields() = 0;
virtual vector<Print> prints() = 0;
virtual string meterDriver() = 0;
virtual string name() = 0;
virtual MeterDriver driver() = 0;
virtual string datetimeOfUpdateHumanReadable() = 0;
virtual string datetimeOfUpdateRobot() = 0;
virtual string unixTimestampOfUpdate() = 0;
virtual void onUpdate(std::function<void(Telegram*t,Meter*)> cb) = 0;
virtual int numUpdates() = 0;
virtual void printMeter(Telegram *t,
string *human_readable,
string *fields, char separator,
string *json,
vector<string> *envs,
vector<string> *more_json,
vector<string> *selected_fields) = 0;
// The handleTelegram expects an input_frame where the DLL crcs have been removed.
// Returns true of this meter handled this telegram!
// Sets id_match to true, if there was an id match, even though the telegram could not be properly handled.
virtual bool handleTelegram(AboutTelegram &about, vector<uchar> input_frame, bool simulated, string *id, bool *id_match) = 0;
virtual MeterKeys *meterKeys() = 0;
// Dynamically access all data received for the meter.
virtual std::vector<std::string> getRecords() = 0;
virtual double getRecordAsDouble(std::string record) = 0;
virtual uint16_t getRecordAsUInt16(std::string record) = 0;
virtual void addConversions(std::vector<Unit> cs) = 0;
virtual void addShell(std::string cmdline) = 0;
virtual vector<string> &shellCmdlines() = 0;
virtual void poll(shared_ptr<BusManager> bus) = 0;
virtual ~Meter() = default;
struct MeterManager
virtual void addMeterTemplate(MeterInfo &mi) = 0;
virtual void addMeter(shared_ptr<Meter> meter) = 0;
virtual Meter*lastAddedMeter() = 0;
virtual void removeAllMeters() = 0;
virtual void forEachMeter(std::function<void(Meter*)> cb) = 0;
virtual bool handleTelegram(AboutTelegram &about, vector<uchar> data, bool simulated) = 0;
virtual bool hasAllMetersReceivedATelegram() = 0;
virtual bool hasMeters() = 0;
virtual void onTelegram(function<void(AboutTelegram&,vector<uchar>)> cb) = 0;
virtual void whenMeterUpdated(std::function<void(Telegram*t,Meter*)> cb) = 0;
virtual void pollMeters(shared_ptr<BusManager> bus) = 0;
virtual ~MeterManager() = default;
shared_ptr<MeterManager> createMeterManager(bool daemon);
struct UnknownMeter : public virtual Meter
struct WaterMeter : public virtual Meter
virtual double totalWaterConsumption(Unit u); // m3
virtual bool hasTotalWaterConsumption();
virtual double targetWaterConsumption(Unit u); // m3
virtual bool hasTargetWaterConsumption();
virtual double maxFlow(Unit u); // m3/s
virtual bool hasMaxFlow();
virtual double flowTemperature(Unit u); // °C
virtual bool hasFlowTemperature();
virtual double externalTemperature(Unit u); // °C
virtual bool hasExternalTemperature();
virtual string statusHumanReadable();
virtual string status();
virtual string timeDry();
virtual string timeReversed();
virtual string timeLeaking();
virtual string timeBursting();
struct GasMeter : public virtual Meter
virtual double totalGasConsumption(Unit u); // m3
virtual bool hasTotalGasConsumption();
virtual double targetGasConsumption(Unit u); // m3
virtual bool hasTargetGasConsumption();
virtual double maxFlow(Unit u); // m3/s
virtual bool hasMaxFlow();
virtual double flowTemperature(Unit u); // °C
virtual bool hasFlowTemperature();
virtual double externalTemperature(Unit u); // °C
virtual bool hasExternalTemperature();
virtual string statusHumanReadable();
virtual string status();
virtual string timeDry();
virtual string timeReversed();
virtual string timeLeaking();
virtual string timeBursting();
struct HeatMeter : public virtual Meter
virtual double totalEnergyConsumption(Unit u); // kwh
virtual double currentPeriodEnergyConsumption(Unit u); // kwh
virtual double previousPeriodEnergyConsumption(Unit u); // kwh
virtual double currentPowerConsumption(Unit u); // kw
virtual double totalVolume(Unit u); // m3
struct ElectricityMeter : public virtual Meter
virtual double totalEnergyConsumption(Unit u); // kwh
virtual double totalEnergyProduction(Unit u); // kwh
virtual double totalReactiveEnergyConsumption(Unit u); // kvarh
virtual double totalReactiveEnergyProduction(Unit u); // kvarh
virtual double totalApparentEnergyConsumption(Unit u); // kvah
virtual double totalApparentEnergyProduction(Unit u); // kvah
virtual double currentPowerConsumption(Unit u); // kw
virtual double currentPowerProduction(Unit u); // kw
struct HeatCostAllocationMeter : public virtual Meter
virtual double currentConsumption(Unit u);
virtual string setDate();
virtual double consumptionAtSetDate(Unit u);
struct TempMeter : public virtual Meter
virtual double currentTemperature(Unit u) = 0; // °C
virtual ~TempMeter() = default;
struct HygroMeter : public virtual Meter
virtual double currentRelativeHumidity() = 0; // RH
virtual ~HygroMeter() = default;
struct TempHygroMeter : public virtual TempMeter, public virtual HygroMeter
virtual ~TempHygroMeter() = default;
struct SmokeDetector : public virtual Meter
virtual bool smokeDetected() = 0;
virtual ~SmokeDetector() = default;
struct DoorWindowDetector : public virtual Meter
virtual bool open() = 0;
virtual ~DoorWindowDetector() = default;
struct PulseCounter : public virtual Meter
virtual double counterA() = 0;
virtual double counterB() = 0;
virtual ~PulseCounter() = default;
struct Generic : public virtual Meter {
string toString(MeterDriver driver);
MeterDriver toMeterDriver(string& driver);
LinkModeSet toMeterLinkModeSet(string& driver);
LinkModeSet toMeterLinkModeSet(MeterDriver driver);
#define X(mname,linkmode,info,type,cname) shared_ptr<info> create##cname(MeterInfo &m);
#undef X
Generic *createGeneric(WMBus *bus, MeterInfo &m);
struct Configuration;
struct MeterInfo;
shared_ptr<Meter> createMeter(MeterInfo *mi);