
786 wiersze
27 KiB

ATTENTION! Counter suffix _int is changed to _counter.
New fields are added to lansendw, lansenpu, qsmoke drivers.
Eventually the old fields will go away in drivers.
ATTENTION! When a field is not optional in the driver description,
but alas, no data has arrived in the telegram, then the json now
contains a null for the value! Previousy 0 was used, which is misleading.
ATTENTION! The default location of the meter_readings directory has changed
from /var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings to /var/lib/wmbusmeters/meter_readings
This only affects new installations. Existing conf files will use the old location
as specified int the conf file.
Added ei6500 smoke detector.
Added kampress pressure sensor.
Added hydroclima HCA.
Add detection of bad CUL firmware.
Using :mbus as suffix to the meter driver now works to poll a meter of mbus instead of
listening to wmbus telegrams.
wmbusmeters --pollinterval=1h --format=json MAIN=/dev/ttyUSB0:mbus:2400 MyTemp piigth:MAIN:mbus 12301234 NOKEY
Added --pollinterval=<time> to set the poll interval for all meters to 10 minutes.
As <time> you can say 5s 10m 11h etc.
Added --ppjson to pretty print json, ie add newlines and indentation.
Alexander Streit added support for the Zenner Zelsius C5 ISF heat meter. Thanks Alexander!
Version 1.7.0: 2022-03-28
Added verio451mid heat meter.
Improved --analyze command significantly.
ldebomy fixed a bug in the izar decoding that for some meters dropped the most significant digit
in the serial number. Thanks ldebomy!
Germar Reitze fixed a bug where negative BCD values were not properly converted. Thanks Germar!
Fix unnecessary probing bug where a specified device like: /dev/ttyUSB0:im871a:c1
and im871a:c1 would still cause wmbusmeters to probe for all types of devices on the serial port(s).
Now it only probes for im871a which speeds up the startup time significantly.
The sharky774 was improved to handle more different meter configurations.
Michael Ott fixed a bug in oneshot. Thanks Michael!
Fix bug in mode 7 decryption when the encrypted data was followed by non-encrypted data.
NOTE! Json slight json output change drivers esyswm and evo868 where fabrication now is now properly reversed.
You can now combine --useconfig=<dir> with --oneshot --exitafter=<time>
--silent --verbose --debug --normal --trace to override the config file settings.
(Already existing possible overrides was --device=<device> and --listento<mode>.)
This can be useful if you maintain a large set of meter configurations but want
to start wmbusmeters from a cronjob regularly. You can also add oneshot=true
and/or exitafter=30m to the conf file to get the same result.
Krzysztof Lewandowski added support for multiple tariffs in the amiplus driver. Thanks Krzysztof!
Bibo added support for the itron water meter. Thanks Bibo!
Probutus added support for the heat meter Zenner Celsius C5 ISF. Thanks Probutus!
Added MicroClima heat meter.
MaxPeal helped add ANYID as a synonym for '*' when listening to any meter id.
This helps when invoking wmbusmeters from another shell and we want to avoid
escaping '*' multiple levels. Thanks Max!
Refactor driver source code structure. It is now much easier to add a new driver.
DomAtHome added support for the heat meter sharky774. Thanks DomAtHome!
Version 1.6.0: 2022-01-01
New year triggered a change to the apator162 telegram. This is now fixed.
DenysFrasinich improved the multical302 driver to handle meters configued to send MegaJoules. Thanks Denys!
Olli Salonen added support for the Zenner Minomess water meter. Thanks Olli!
Now any DLL crcs (frame A or B) are removed automatically
when telegrams are read from a simulation_... file or
passed as hex on the command line. If the DLL crc do not
check out (usually because they are not there), then the
telegram is kept as is. If the crcs are broken because
of a bad data, then the telegram will be passed on as is,
probably causing a bad parse later on.
Added multical602 heat meter.
Version 1.5.0: 2021-11-06
Close a security hole where you could trivially spoof an encrypted meter
by sending an unencrypted telegram with the same id.
Fixed a buffer overflow bug triggered by a bad variable length field at the end of a telegram.
Added support for Qundis Q heat 5.5.
Jacek27 added support for the Munia temp/hygrometer. Thanks Jacek27!
Apator162 decoding much improved.
Improved verbose logging to show if you are not in the dialout
group when trying to find dongles. Install now adds the current
user to the dialout group as well.
Added support for the Hydrocal-M3 heating/cooling meter.
Added support for the Apator uniSMART gas meter.
You can now decode a telegram just by supplying hex on the command line:
wmbusmeters --format=json <hex_string> MyMeter auto 12345678 NOKEY
or just
wmbusmeters <hex_string>
Added --listunits to list all quantities and the units for each quantity
that wmbusmeteres knows about.
Tomasz Gramza added manual offset setting to the apator162 meter driver.
You can now specify for example: apator162(offset=29) to use the 4 bytes
at offset 29 in the telegram as the water consumption. Other offsets
known to work for apators are 9,12,20,23. This is useful as a final
resort to get your apator162 readout working. You have to test different
offsets until it works. Thanks Tomasz!
Version 1.4.0: 2021-08-09
Fixed a race that sometimes caused wmbusmeters to crash when resetting the dongles,
which happens by default every 23 hours.
Fixed two crashes that could be triggered with broken telegrams. Crashes found by fuzzing.
Improved detection of the amb8465 dongle. The detection code could be confused
if the dongle was receiving a lot of valid telegrams at the same time.
Added telegram content sent by Axioma W1 meter to driver q400,
since Axioma identifies itself as a q400 meter.
You can now add constant fields using --field_extra_info=floor54 and
--selectfields=....,extra_info,.... to print constant values into
the fields format. --field_xxx=yyy is the new name for --json_xxx=yyy.
The old --json_xxx=yyy continues to work for backwards compatibility.
The timestamp field/key is the time registered by wmbusmeters
when the telegram was received. (The telegram itself sometimes
contain another timestamp when the telegram was sent.)
This timestamp field is encoded using the local time when used
in hr/fields (ie "2021-01-01 12:15.00") but UTC time within json
(ie "2021-01-01T10:15.00Z").
This will stay the same. However now you can explicitly select
the timestamp format for the selected fields. Select timestamp_ut
to print the timestamp as a unix timestamp (ie seconds since 1970-01-01).
Select timestamp_utc for the timestamp in UTC and timestamp_lt for local time.
Daniel Glaser added support for the Aventies water meter! Thanks Daniel!
Mblnk added support for Qundis QWater5.5. Thanks Mblnk!
Support added for the water meter Diehl IZAR RC I G4.
Version 1.3.0: 2021-04-09
You can now use "auto" as a meter driver.
Wmbusmeters will then pick the right driver when
the first telegram arrives. A warning will be printed
in the logs if no driver could be found.
If you do not specify a type= in the meter config file,
then it will default to auto.
Added --logtimestamps=important/never/always to prefix
a logged line in the log file or stderr output with a timestamp.
Important means timestamp warnings and device changes.
Daemon mode defaults to important.
Added support for firmware version 0x14 for im871a dongle.
(The old version is 0x13 and you can see the firmware version if
you run with --verbose.) The new version of the im871a firmware
supports listening to c1 and t1 at the same time.
Version 1.2.0: 2021-03-07
wmbusmeters now expects the latest version of rtl_wmbus with -s support.
The default behaviour is to use -s to listen to S1,T1 and C1 at the same time.
Check the README for more info.
Rattinca helped add support for the EI Electronics smoke detector. Thanks Rattinca!
Ignore duplicates is now enabled by default. Turn it off with --ignoreduplicates=false
Fixed problem with state maintaining meter drivers and wildcard ids.
A HCA driver was producing telegrams with values that jumped up and down.
This was due to the fact that the meter state in the driver was updated
through multiple different telegrams (this is how the meter works).
Clearly a single state object could not properly maintain the state for all
possible meters matching the wildcard, the state became a random mix
of whatever telegrams arrived.
The fix now, is that a meter C++ object for a uniqe id (not wildcard)
is created only when the first telegram arrives that matches the wildcard.
Thus each meter will have its own C++ object, in which the correct state
is maintained.
Version 1.1.0: 2021-02-20
Vincent Privat added code for properly decoding several types of izar meter.
He also added full support for the heat meter sharky 775!
Thanks Vincent!
Important! Since the new code decodes the correct meter id from the izar
telegrams, therefore your current izar meter setup will break! You have
to update your meter files with the new id. The id is still not
the id that is printed on the meter. However, the numbers that are
printed on the meter are now available in the json eg:
"prefix":"H19CA","serial_number":"026273" which makes it easier
for you to find the proper meter id to listen to.
Added support for telegrams with different dll id vs tpl id.
Such telegrams can be generated when a standalone radio converter
(with its own id) is attached to an mbus meter (with its own id).
Ie there are two distinct ids. The id specified to wmbusmeters will
be now tried both against the dll id and the tpl id, previously
it was only tried against the dll id.
Important! The meter id reported in the json "id":"........" will
now always be the tpl id, if such an id was part of the telegram.
For most meters this is not a problem, but if you have a standalone
radio converter, or a meter with a wmbus plugin (radio converter meter side),
then you might get a different id.
Added support for the Apator Elf heat meter.
Version 1.0.5: 2021-01-30
Xael South added support for the Gran-System-S electricity meters!
Thanks Xael!
Added support for evo868 water meter addon module.
Added support for whe542 heat cost allocator.
Marc Kolly improved the Waterstar meter and added better error codes
and another type/version detection combo! Thanks Marc!
Janus Bo Andersen fixed the omnipower driver! Thanks Janus!
Version 1.0.4: 2020-12-05
Nikodem added support for Multical803! Thanks Nikodem!
Added a warning to be printed if an rtl_sdr dongle is found when using auto
and either rtl_sdr or rtl_wmbus cannot be found in the path at startup.
Cinemarene added support for the Techem MK Radio 4 water meter.
Thanks Cinemarene!
Mira added support for Elster V200H water meter and the Elster Merlin 868 addon.
Thanks Mira!
Version 1.0.3: 2020-11-11
Add missing files and update man page for --nodeviceexit
Version 1.0.2: 2020-11-11
Fixed bug that prevented rtlwmbus[1234] from working.
Fixed a race that in one out of 100 runs, ignored a telegram
on stdin and exited without decoding it.
Wmbusmeters now warns if you have specified /dev/ttyUSB0:im871a:c1
but there is no /dev/ttyUSB0 or if there is an amb8465 on /dev/ttyUSB0.
Added --nodeviceexit
This option will force wmbusmeters to exit if no wmbus device is found.
For example if you specify /dev/ttyUSB0:im871a:c1 and you want
wmbusmeters to fail if there is no im871a on ttyUSB0.
Added --donotprobe=/dev/ttyUSB0
(Also made sure that specifying only rtlwmbus/rtl433 will not probe
serial ttys. Specifying fully specified devices like
/dev/ttyUSB0:im871a:c1 will also not probe the other serial ttys.
Only specifying auto or a generic device type im871a that requires a
serial tty, will probe the serial devices, exluding donotprobe ones.)
Added support for the sontex868 heat cost allocator.
Jacek27 added support for the Ultrimis water meter.
Thanks Jacek27!
psxde added support for the Sensostar 2 heat meter.
Thanks psxde!
Version 1.0.1: 2020-10-26
Fix bug that prevented /dev/ttyUSB0:im871a:c1 to work.
Fix bug in install.sh that did not add wmbusmeters to the plugdev group.
Add --ignoreduplicates (ignoreduplicates=true) to ignore
any duplicates. It remembers a history of 10 telegrams.
This is useful when you have multiple dongles for covering
a larger area of reception, but sometimes telegrams arrive
at multiple dongles at the same time.
Add proper support for FlowIQ2200 water meter.
Decode two vendor values in multical603 as energy forward and returned.
Accept t1 and c1 as linkmodes for multical21 meters.
Version 1.0.0: 2020-10-25
** BREAKING No udev rules
Wmbusmeters new default behaviour is to never exit if no wmbus
device is found. It stays running all the time even if no
wmbus device is detected. As soon as a device is inserted
it will detect/configure and start using the device.
(When reading stdin and files, then wmbusmeters will of course exit
as soon as there is no more data or stdin is closed.)
This means that the udev rules no longer are needed and must be
removed. This will be done automatically by the install script.
** BREAKING The background rtlwmbus/rtl433 command must be wrapped in CMD(...)
If you used your own command xxx to start rtlsdr+rtlwmbus then that command
was previously supplied like this rtlwmbus:xxx
You must now type rtlwmbus:CMD(xxx)
** There is a possibility to identify some dongles with their id.
The im871a/amb8465/rtlsdr dongles have an id. This id is printed when
wmbusmeters starts using the dongle. You can later use the same id to
configure different dongles for different frequencies and link modes.
You could for example have one rtlsdr dongle with an antenna tuned for 434 MHz
and use set the id of that dongle to dongleALFA (rtl_eeprom -s dongleALFA)
likewise for 868.95 MHz. Then you can start your two dongles at the same time:
wmbusmeters rtlwmbus[dongleALFA]:434M rtlmbus[dongleBETA]:868M
The full specification of a wmbus device is this:
tty/file/stdin : type [ id ] : bps : fq : linkmodes : command
Not all values are relevant for all dongles though.
** Use stderr for logging, stdout for data.
wmbusmeters now uses STDERR as default for info/verbose/debug/trace output.
This will not affect you if you run wmbusmeters as a daemon,
but if you start wmbusmeters yourself you should check where stderr is going.
To use the old style add --usestdoutforlogging.
** New features
To list the shell envs for a meter do --listenvs=multical21
To list the fields avilable for a meter do --listfields=multical21
To list all meters do --listmeters
To search for a meter do --listmeters=water or --listmeters=multi
The wmbus device used to received the telegram and the rssi level
is part of the json, eg: "device":"rtlwmbus[1234]","rssi_dbm":-47
Version 0.9.36: 2020-09-08
Added support for detection of the proper driver
based on the manufacturer, media and version fields in the telegram.
This driver is printed when listening without specifying any meters.
The driver will be reported as unknown! for meters not yet supported by wmbusmeters.
Avandorp added support for the AquaMetro / Integra Topas Es Kr water meter.
Thanks Avandorp!
IzeCube added the Techem Compact V heatmeter!
Thanks IzeCube! Though we still need an example telegram for
testing this meter to prevent regressions. So it is currently
not as well supported as the other meters.
Version 0.9.35: 2020-08-23
Added support for alarms (shell command triggered)
and resetting of dongle when no telegrams have been received
for a preset time, or if there are communication errors
with the dongle.
Added support for the Waterstar M meter.
Bug fix for long term problem where wmbusmeters did not properly
shut down background rtl_sdr|rtl_wmbus pipeline.
Eric added support for the Multical 403. Thanks Eric!
Bibo made snapcraft fixes. The snap now builds properly! Thanks Bibo!
Version 0.9.34: 2020-07-09
Wmbusmeters should now properly handle
partially encrypted telegrams in mode 5 and 7.
The docker image now builds rtl_wmbus from the weetmuts
Bibo supplied code to auto-update the Docker hub README.
Version 0.9.33: 2020-07-01
Bibo made docker fixes. Now rtl_sdr, rtl_wmbus
and rtl_433 are part of the docker image. Thanks Bibo!
Version 0.9.32: 2020-06-30
Added support for the Lansen Smoke detector, Door/Window sensor
and Pulse counter.
The tool wmbusmeters-admin can now factory reset your amb8465 dongle.
Version 0.9.31: 2020-05-09
You can add comments in the conf and meter files.
A comment is a line that starts with #.
When using --format=fields you can now supply
--selectfields=id,total_m3 to print only the selected fields.
Run with --listfields to see all the avilable fields from a meter.
Improvements in the izar driver. Thanks Erwan!
Bug fixes in the amd8465 driver. Thanks Henry N.!
Version 0.9.30: 2020-04-22
Erwan added support for building on FreeBSD. Thanks Erwan!
Version 0.9.29: 2020-04-03
Re-add the wmbusmeters.service file so
that the daemon can be easily started without
udev rules. Check the README.
Version 0.9.28: 2020-03-08
Improved docker work, thanks Bibo!
Better shell scripts for installing and daemon mode,
in preparation for rpm packaging. Thanks Damian!
Version 0.9.27: 2020-02-26
Added support for the apator08 meter.
Fixed important bug that caused rtl_sdr to hang
when daemon was stopped/restarted.
Added support for both T1 and S1 modes for the CUL-dongle.
Added helpful messages when startup of daemon using rtl_wmbus
fails because /usr/bin/rtl_sdr or /usr/bin/rtl_wmbus are missing.
Version 0.9.26: 2020-02-07
Cinemarene added support for the Techem
FHKV Data III heat cost allocator. Thanks cinemarene!
Version 0.9.25: 2020-02-07
Fix bug i esyswm and ebzwmbe that printed zero values
for phase 2 and 3.
Version 0.9.24: 2020-02-06
Added the electricity meter eBZ wMB-E01 (ebzwmbe)
Fixed bugs with detecting the wmbus dongles.
Fixed bug in im871a driver that could
get out of sync and never receive any more telegrams.
Version 0.9.23: 2020-02-02
Added the electricity meters:
ESysWM-20 (esyswm) from EasyMeter
eHZ Generation P (ehzp) from EMH Metering
Added the water meter:
Q400 (q400) from Axis Industries.
Fixed a bug in the auto-start from udev that
prevented rtlsdr/rtlwmbus to work properly.
Version 0.9.22: 2020-01-19
Bibo added docker support. Thanks Bibo!
Checkout https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/weetmuts/wmbusmeters
Version 0.9.21: 2020-01-19
Michal Bursa helped improve detection of a failing USB device
and added support for automatically starting multiple wmbusmeters
daemons if several dongles are inserted at the same time.
Thanks Michal!
Note! The wmbusmeters.service file is replaced with wmbusmeters@.service
and the contents of the udev file is changed. The install script
will properly install the new files and copy the old ones to ~/old.xxxx.backup files,
and tell the user how to reload the systemd and udev daemons.
Version 0.9.20: 2019-12-11
Added support for meterfilestimestamp
to get the effect of log rotation of the meter files.
Version 0.9.19: 2019-11-26
Chester4444 added support for the nanoCUL usb stick. Thanks chester4444!
Michal added a utility program (kem-import.py) to import KEM files. Thanks Michal!
Added support for the Diehl HYDRUS watermeter.
Added proper support for Multical302.
Version 0.9.18: 2019-11-10
Jacek added support for the Sappel/IZAR 868 meter. Thanks Jacek!
Version 0.9.17: 2019-11-03
Thanks to afl-fuzz I found and added
some (in retrospect pretty obvious)
missing checks to deal with
corrupted telegrams that crashed
Now afl-fuzz does not trigger any crash
after running for a couple of minutes.
Lets fuzz more....
Version 0.9.16: 2019-11-03
Significant rewrite of serial.cc.
WMBusmeters can now specify stdin as <device>
and continuously read wmbus frames from stdin.
Either raw, or rtlwmbus formatted if stdin:rtlwmbus
is supplied as the <device>. Check the README for
more additions.
Version 0.9.15: 2019-10-20
Added Bmeter (rfmamb) and Lansen room sensors (lansenth).
Added support for the rfmrx2 dongle.
Added rawtty (eg /dev/ttyUSB0:38400) support for dongles
that only transmit raw telegrams on the serial port.
Added the ability to add static json data tailored for the meter.
Version 0.9.14: 2019-09-16
Added negative match rule for ids. You can now write:
which will match any meter whose id begins with 78
but not match any meter whose id begins with 7812345,
nor the meter with the exact id 78222222.
The order of the match rules does not matter.
Version 0.9.13: 2019-08-14
Fix bug that prevented rtl_wmbus to run inside daemon.
Version 0.9.12: 2019-08-12
Added experimental detection for apator162 where the total water consumption
is located within the proprietary data.
Version 0.9.11: 2019-06-20
Added --meterfilesnaming=(name|id|name-id)
to choose the file name written meter file.
Naming using id or name-id is necessary when a meter
specification listens to many different meters using id
Version 0.9.10: 2019-06-13
Update logrotate to trigger HUP when rotating log files.
This will re-initialize the serial connection to the usb dongle
and reload the config files as well.
Added reload command to systemctl.
Version 0.9.9: 2019-06-11
Added support for the signal HUP to trigger wmbusmeters(d)
to reload config files.
Added significantly better tracking of listening modes (C1,T1,S1 etc)
and notify the user if the wmbusmeters configuration would not hear
certain meters specified.
The apator162 meter can send either on c1 or t1. Thus if you have
an imst871a dongle that can only listen on one of c1/t1, then
you have to specify which link mode you expect the meter to use.
You do that by suffixing the meter type with the link mode, like
this: `apator162:c1`
If you do not do this, then wmbusmeters will assume that it must
listen to both c1 and t1 at the same time. Which might
be fine for amd8465 and rtlwmbus dongles, but not for imst871a.
Version 0.9.8: 2019-05-22
Added support for the EurisII heat cost allocator from Innotas.
Version 0.9.7: 2019-05-04
FeatureExpert added support for the Vario 451 heat meter. Thanks FeatureExpert!
New feature: --addconversions=GJ,L
This feature required a major rewrite of how meters print their data.
When the new option --addconversion=<unit> is used, then
any meter that outputs a compatible unit (like kWh) will have
the additional unit (like GJ) also added to to the json.
So if there is a total_energy_consumption_kwh in the json,
there will now also be a total_energy_consumption_gj
For the human readable output and the fields output, the kWh is replaced with GJ.
ATTENTION! change in json keys!
Some untyped json field names, like "flow_temperature":10 had to
change name to "flow_temperature_c":0 (so that if --addconversions=F
is used, then "flow_temperature_f":32 will be added.)
Version 0.9.6: 2019-04-27
Added support for the MK Radio 3 water meter. Thanks FeatureExpert!
Version 0.9.5: 2019-04-26
Improved install/uninstall scripts. Thanks Bibo!
Fixed wrong default sample frequency for rtl_wmbus. Thanks inc90!
Version 0.9.4: 2019-04-03
The device auto can now detect an rtlsdr dongle and start
rtl_sdr|rtl_wmbus properly. It can only detecht the rtlsdr
dongle if the new udev rule has been installed, which will
create the symlink /dev/rtlsdr when the dongle is inserted.
Added the meter vendor Echelon to the generic amiplus meter type.
(The Echelon meter seems to be a standard electricity meter with a
wmbus addon sourced from Develco.)
Version 0.9.3: 2019-03-20
Added initial support for the generic Tauron Amiplus electricity meter type (amiplus).
This is actually a generic meter type, that will match the meter vendors
that provide meters under the Amiplus brand to Taurn. The first vendor to
be supported is from Apator.
Added support for the at-wmbus-16-2 snap on meter (apator162).
Unfortunately it uses a vendor specific protocol,
that is merely wrapped inside a wmbus telegram. Lets hope
the offset to the consumption is stable between
meters of this type.
Verison 0.9.2: 2019-03-12
Add max_flow to the iperl meter. This is based
on a guess that the flow value is actually the max
Note! Since max flow was added to iperl, there is an extra
column in the human output and --format=fields output.
There is also "max_flow_m3h"="123" in the json output, but that does not
affect existing code depending on json.
Verison 0.9.1: 2019-03-05
Added support for listening to multiple meters
with the same key (or no key). Simple use '*'
as meter id, or make a comma separated list.
Added experimental support for listening to
--n1a to --n1f and an imst dongle. Might not work.
Version 0.9.0: 2019-02-26
Reading the meter settings from config files
in /etc is now supported.
Running wmbusmeters as daemon is now supported.
Using rtl_wmbus to receive wmbus messages from
rtl_sdr is work in progress.
Updated README
Updated some command line options robot is now format.
Listening to qcaloric now seems to work.
Added support for MacOSX.
Version 0.8.4: 2019-02-23
Add config files support and daemon mode.
Version 0.8.3: 2019-02-17
Add experimental support for qcaloric.
Version 0.8.2: 2019-01-27
Properly supports short C1 frames after it has received a long frame.
(Ie the format signature hash is properly calculated and used.)
Now properly extracts temperature from short frames!
Added support for Multical21 meters with max flow configuration.
Note! Since max flow was added to multical21, there is an extra
column in the human output and --format=fields output.
There is also "max_flow_m3h"="123" in the json output, but that does not
affect existing code depending on json.
Version 0.8.1: 2019-01-04
Fixed memory leak in shell invocation.
Improved dvparser to properly handle the supercom587 telegrams.
(It still does not extract all the data, but the data is properly parsed and chunked.)
Added address sanitizer to debug build.
Added static analysis check.sh.
Version 0.8: 2018-11-29
Multical21 now reports flow temperature and external temperature.
Version 0.7: 2018-11-23
David Mallon contributed the iPerl water meter! Thanks David!
Version 0.6: 2018-11-02
Added --shell command to invoke for example: mosquitto to send an MQTT message
or psql to insert received data into a database.
Added proper T1 telegram support. First meter to use T1 is supercom587.
A large part of the supercom587 message is not yet properly decoded.
However the important part, the total consumption, is correct.
Version 0.5:
Added difvif parser to extract as much as possible automatically
from the the telegram.
Added initial support for Omnipower electricity meter.
Version 0.4:
Added initial support for heat energy meter Multical302.
Restructured to source to more easily support multiple meters.
ATTENTION! There is a difference in the command line interface.
You must now proved the meter type. Thus for each meter you
supply quadruplets instead of triplets.
Version 0.3:
Added support for wmbus USB receiver Amber AMB8465.
Version 0.2:
Initial working release supporting wmbus USB receiver IMST im871a and the meter Multical21.