
287 wiersze
10 KiB
Executable File

mkdir -p $TEST
performCheck() {
if [ "$?" = "0" ]
cat $TEST/test_output.txt | sed 's/"timestamp":"....-..-..T..:..:..Z"/"timestamp":"1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"/' > $TEST/test_response.txt
diff $TEST/test_expected.txt $TEST/test_response.txt
if [ "$?" = "0" ]
echo "OK: $TESTNAME"
echo "ERROR: $TESTNAME $0"
echo "ERROR: $TESTNAME $0"
echo "wmbusmeters returned error code: $?"
cat $TEST/test_output.txt
TESTNAME="Test analyze encrypted (no-key) ctr full telegram"
cat > $TEST/test_expected.txt <<EOF
Auto driver : multical21
Best driver : 00/00
Using driver : multical21(driver should be upgraded) 00/00
000 : 2a length (42 bytes)
001 : 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
002 : 2d2c dll-mfct (KAM)
004 : 99873476 dll-id (76348799)
008 : 1b dll-version
009 : 16 dll-type (Cold water meter)
010 : 8d ell-ci-field (ELL: Extended Link Layer II (8 Byte))
011 : 20 ell-cc (slow_resp sync)
012 : 91 ell-acc
013 : d37cac21 sn (AES_CTR)
017 : e1d6 payload crc (calculated a528 ERROR)
019 CE: 8CDAFFCD3DC452BD802913FF7B1706CA9E355D6C2701CC24 failed decryption. Wrong key?
"media":"cold water",
$PROG --analyze 2A442D2C998734761B168D2091D37CAC21E1D68CDAFFCD3DC452BD802913FF7B1706CA9E355D6C2701CC24 > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1
TESTNAME="Test analyze encrypted (no-key) ctr compact telegram"
cat > $TEST/test_expected.txt <<EOF
Auto driver : multical21
Best driver : 00/00
Using driver : multical21(driver should be upgraded) 00/00
000 : 23 length (35 bytes)
001 : 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
002 : 2d2c dll-mfct (KAM)
004 : 99873476 dll-id (76348799)
008 : 1b dll-version
009 : 16 dll-type (Cold water meter)
010 : 8d ell-ci-field (ELL: Extended Link Layer II (8 Byte))
011 : 20 ell-cc (slow_resp sync)
012 : 98 ell-acc
013 : 3081b222 sn (AES_CTR)
017 : 7a6f payload crc (calculated 54d6 ERROR)
019 CE: A1F10E1B79B5EB4B17E81F930E937EE06C failed decryption. Wrong key?
"media":"cold water",
$PROG --analyze 23442D2C998734761B168D20983081B2227A6FA1F10E1B79B5EB4B17E81F930E937EE06C > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1
TESTNAME="Test analyze encrypted (with-key) ctr full telegram"
cat > $TEST/test_expected.txt <<EOF
Auto driver : multical21
Best driver : multical21(driver should be upgraded) 12/12
Using driver : multical21(driver should be upgraded) 00/00
000 : 2a length (42 bytes)
001 : 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
002 : 2d2c dll-mfct (KAM)
004 : 99873476 dll-id (76348799)
008 : 1b dll-version
009 : 16 dll-type (Cold water meter)
010 : 8d ell-ci-field (ELL: Extended Link Layer II (8 Byte))
011 : 20 ell-cc (slow_resp sync)
012 : 91 ell-acc
013 : d37cac21 sn (AES_CTR)
017 : 576c payload crc (calculated 576c OK)
019 : 78 tpl-ci-field (EN 13757-3 Application Layer (no tplh))
020 : 02 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
021 : FF vif (Manufacturer specific)
022 : 20 combinable vif (PerSecond)
023 C!: 7100 info codes (DRY(dry 22-31 days))
025 : 04 dif (32 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
026 : 13 vif (Volume l)
027 C!: 08190000 total consumption (6.408000 m3)
031 : 44 dif (32 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value storagenr=1)
032 : 13 vif (Volume l)
033 C!: 08190000 target consumption (6.408000 m3)
037 : 61 dif (8 Bit Integer/Binary Minimum value storagenr=1)
038 : 5B vif (Flow temperature °C)
039 C!: 7F flow temperature (127.000000 °C)
040 : 61 dif (8 Bit Integer/Binary Minimum value storagenr=1)
041 : 67 vif (External temperature °C)
042 C!: 13 external temperature (19.000000 °C)
"media":"cold water",
"time_dry":"22-31 days",
$PROG --analyze=28F64A24988064A079AA2C807D6102AE 2A442D2C998734761B168D2091D37CAC21E1D68CDAFFCD3DC452BD802913FF7B1706CA9E355D6C2701CC24 > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1
TESTNAME="Test analyze encrypted (no-key) ctr compact telegram"
cat > $TEST/test_expected.txt <<EOF
Auto driver : multical21
Best driver : multical21(driver should be upgraded) 12/12
Using driver : multical21(driver should be upgraded) 00/00
000 : 23 length (35 bytes)
001 : 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
002 : 2d2c dll-mfct (KAM)
004 : 99873476 dll-id (76348799)
008 : 1b dll-version
009 : 16 dll-type (Cold water meter)
010 : 8d ell-ci-field (ELL: Extended Link Layer II (8 Byte))
011 : 20 ell-cc (slow_resp sync)
012 : 98 ell-acc
013 : 3081b222 sn (AES_CTR)
017 : c33d payload crc (calculated c33d OK)
019 : 79 tpl-ci-field (EN 13757-3 Application Layer with Compact frame (no tplh))
020 : eda8 format signature
022 : e475 data crc
024 C!: 7100 info codes (DRY(dry 22-31 days))
026 C!: 09190000 total consumption (6.409000 m3)
030 C!: 09190000 target consumption (6.409000 m3)
034 C!: 7F flow temperature (127.000000 °C)
035 C!: 16 external temperature (22.000000 °C)
"media":"cold water",
"time_dry":"22-31 days",
$PROG --analyze=28F64A24988064A079AA2C807D6102AE 23442D2C998734761B168D20983081B2227A6FA1F10E1B79B5EB4B17E81F930E937EE06C > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1
TESTNAME="Test analyze CBC IV (no-key)"
cat > $TEST/test_expected.txt <<EOF
Auto driver : supercom587
Best driver : 00/00
Using driver : supercom587 00/00
000 : ae length (174 bytes)
001 : 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
002 : ee4d dll-mfct (SON)
004 : 77777777 dll-id (77777777)
008 : 3c dll-version
009 : 07 dll-type (Water meter)
010 : 7a tpl-ci-field (EN 13757-3 Application Layer (short tplh))
011 : 44 tpl-acc-field
012 : 00 tpl-sts-field (OK)
013 : a025 tpl-cfg 25a0 (synchronous AES_CBC_IV nb=10 cntn=0 ra=0 hc=0 )
015 CE: E78F4A01F9DCA029EDA03BA452686E8FA917507B29E5358B52D77C111EA4C41140290523F3F6B9F9261705E041C0CA41305004605F42D6C9464E5A04EEE227510BD0DC0983C665C3A5E4739C2082975476AC637BCDD39766AEF030502B6A7697BE9E1C49AF535C15470FCF8ADA36CAB9D0B2A1A8690F8DDCF70859F18B3414D8315B311A0AFA57325531587CB7E9CC110E807F24C190D7E635BEDAF4CAE8A161 encrypted
$PROG --analyze AE44EE4D777777773C077A4400A025E78F4A01F9DCA029EDA03BA452686E8FA917507B29E5358B52D77C111EA4C41140290523F3F6B9F9261705E041C0CA41305004605F42D6C9464E5A04EEE227510BD0DC0983C665C3A5E4739C2082975476AC637BCDD39766AEF030502B6A7697BE9E1C49AF535C15470FCF8ADA36CAB9D0B2A1A8690F8DDCF70859F18B3414D8315B311A0AFA57325531587CB7E9CC110E807F24C190D7E635BEDAF4CAE8A161 > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1
#TESTNAME="Test analyze CBC IV (with-key)"
#cat > $TEST/test_expected.txt <<EOF
#$PROG --analyze=5065747220486F6C79737A6577736B69 AE44EE4D777777773C077A4400A025E78F4A01F9DCA029EDA03BA452686E8FA917507B29E5358B52D77C111EA4C41140290523F3F6B9F9261705E041C0CA41305004605F42D6C9464E5A04EEE227510BD0DC0983C665C3A5E4739C2082975476AC637BCDD39766AEF030502B6A7697BE9E1C49AF535C15470FCF8ADA36CAB9D0B2A1A8690F8DDCF70859F18B3414D8315B311A0AFA57325531587CB7E9CC110E807F24C190D7E635BEDAF4CAE8A161 > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1