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Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Fredrik Öhrström
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
struct MeterMultical302 : public virtual HeatMeter, public virtual MeterCommonImplementation {
MeterMultical302(WMBus *bus, MeterInfo &mi);
double totalEnergyConsumption(Unit u);
double currentPowerConsumption(Unit u);
double totalVolume(Unit u);
void processContent(Telegram *t);
double total_energy_kwh_ {};
double current_power_kw_ {};
double total_volume_m3_ {};
MeterMultical302::MeterMultical302(WMBus *bus, MeterInfo &mi) :
MeterCommonImplementation(bus, mi, MeterType::MULTICAL302, MANUFACTURER_KAM)
addMedia(0x04); // Heat media
addPrint("total", Quantity::Energy,
[&](Unit u){ return totalEnergyConsumption(u); },
"The total energy consumption recorded by this meter.",
true, true);
addPrint("total_volume", Quantity::Volume,
[&](Unit u){ return totalVolume(u); },
"Total volume of heat media.",
true, true);
addPrint("current", Quantity::Power,
[&](Unit u){ return currentPowerConsumption(u); },
"Current power consumption.",
true, true);
unique_ptr<HeatMeter> createMultical302(WMBus *bus, MeterInfo &mi) {
return unique_ptr<HeatMeter>(new MeterMultical302(bus, mi));
double MeterMultical302::totalEnergyConsumption(Unit u)
assertQuantity(u, Quantity::Energy);
return convert(total_energy_kwh_, Unit::KWH, u);
double MeterMultical302::totalVolume(Unit u)
assertQuantity(u, Quantity::Volume);
return convert(total_volume_m3_, Unit::M3, u);
double MeterMultical302::currentPowerConsumption(Unit u)
assertQuantity(u, Quantity::Power);
return convert(current_power_kw_, Unit::KW, u);
void MeterMultical302::processContent(Telegram *t)
vector<uchar>::iterator bytes = t->content.begin();
int crc0 = t->content[0];
int crc1 = t->content[1];
t->addExplanation(bytes, 2, "%02x%02x payload crc", crc0, crc1);
int frame_type = t->content[2];
t->addExplanation(bytes, 1, "%02x frame type (%s)", frame_type, frameTypeKamstrupC1(frame_type).c_str());
if (frame_type == 0x79) {
// This code should be rewritten to use parseDV see the Multical21 code.
// But I cannot do this without more examples of 302 telegrams.
t->addExplanation(bytes, 4, "%02x%02x%02x%02x unknown", t->content[3], t->content[4], t->content[5], t->content[6]);
int rec1val0 = t->content[7];
int rec1val1 = t->content[8];
int rec1val2 = t->content[9];
t->addExplanation(bytes, 4, "%02x%02x%02x unknown", t->content[10], t->content[11], t->content[12]);
int total_energy_raw = rec1val2*256*256 + rec1val1*256 + rec1val0;
total_energy_kwh_ = total_energy_raw;
t->addExplanation(bytes, 3, "%02x%02x%02x total power (%d)",
rec1val0, rec1val1, rec1val2, total_energy_raw);
int rec2val0 = t->content[13];
int rec2val1 = t->content[14];
int rec2val2 = t->content[15];
int total_volume_raw = rec2val2*256*256 + rec2val1*256 + rec2val0;
total_volume_m3_ = total_volume_raw;
t->addExplanation(bytes, 3, "%02x%02x%02x total volume (%d)",
rec2val0, rec2val1, rec2val2, total_volume_raw);
else if (frame_type == 0x78)
// This code should be rewritten to use parseDV see the Multical21 code.
// But I cannot do this without more examples of 302 telegrams.
vector<uchar> unknowns;
unknowns.insert(unknowns.end(), t->content.begin()+3, t->content.begin()+24);
string hex = bin2hex(unknowns);
t->addExplanation(bytes, 23-2, "%s unknown", hex.c_str());
int rec1val0 = t->content[24];
int rec1val1 = t->content[25];
int current_power_raw = (rec1val1*256 + rec1val0)*100;
current_power_kw_ = current_power_raw;
t->addExplanation(bytes, 2, "%02x%02x current power (%d)",
rec1val0, rec1val1, current_power_raw);
else {
warning("(multical302) warning: unknown frame %02x (did you use the correct encryption key?)\n", frame_type);