.TH WMBUSMETERS 1 .SH NAME wmbusmeters \- listen to wireless mbus radio traffic and relay the decoded telegrams to other software .SH SYNOPSIS .B wmbusmeters [options] {:suffix} ( [:] meter_key>)* .B wmbusmetersd .SH DESCRIPTION Wmbusmeters acquires wmbus telegrams, decodes them and relays them to some other software for further processing. It can for example listen to radio traffic using dedicated wmbus dongles like (im871a/amb8465/rfmrx2) or a generic software defined radio dongle (rtl_sdr). After the received telegram has been decrypted and parsed, it can then be relayed using a shell command, or stored in a log file. The shell commands can for example relay the telegram using MQTT (eg mqtt_publish) sent to a REST API (eg curl) or store it in a database (eg psql). .SH OPTIONS \fB\--addconversions=\fR[,] add conversion to these units for json and shell envs (GJ,F) \fB\--debug\fR for a lot of information \fB\--exitafter=\fR