#!/bin/sh PROG="$1" mkdir -p testoutput TEST=testoutput TESTNAME="Test list-envs and list-fields" TESTRESULT="ERROR" $PROG --listenvs=amiplus | sort > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1 cat < $TEST/test_expected.txt METER_JSON METER_ID METER_NAME METER_MEDIA METER_TYPE METER_TIMESTAMP METER_TIMESTAMP_UTC METER_TIMESTAMP_UT METER_TIMESTAMP_LT METER_DEVICE METER_RSSI_DBM METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_KWH METER_CURRENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION_KW METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_PRODUCTION_KWH METER_CURRENT_POWER_PRODUCTION_KW METER_VOLTAGE_AT_PHASE_1_Volt METER_VOLTAGE_AT_PHASE_2_Volt METER_VOLTAGE_AT_PHASE_3_Volt METER_DEVICE_DATE_TIME METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_TARIFF_1_KWH METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_TARIFF_2_KWH METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_TARIFF_3_KWH METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_PRODUCTION_TARIFF_1_KWH METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_PRODUCTION_TARIFF_2_KWH METER_TOTAL_ENERGY_PRODUCTION_TARIFF_3_KWH EOF if [ "$?" = "0" ] then diff $TEST/test_expected.txt $TEST/test_output.txt if [ "$?" = "0" ] then echo OK: $TESTNAME TESTRESULT="OK" fi fi if [ "$TESTRESULT" = "ERROR" ] then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME exit 1 fi $PROG --listfields=amiplus | sort > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1 cat < $TEST/test_expected.txt id The meter id number. name Your name for the meter. media What does the meter measure? meter Meter driver. timestamp Timestamp when wmbusmeters received the telegram. Local time for hr/fields UTC for json. timestamp_ut Unix timestamp when wmbusmeters received the telegram. timestamp_lt Local time when wmbusmeters received the telegram. timestamp_utc UTC time when wmbusmeters received the telegram. device The wmbus device that received the telegram. rssi_dbm The rssi for the received telegram as reported by the device. total_energy_consumption_kwh The total energy consumption recorded by this meter. current_power_consumption_kw Current power consumption. total_energy_production_kwh The total energy production recorded by this meter. current_power_production_kw Current power production. voltage_at_phase_1_v Voltage at phase L1. voltage_at_phase_2_v Voltage at phase L2. voltage_at_phase_3_v Voltage at phase L3. device_date_time Device date time. total_energy_consumption_tariff_1_kwh The total energy consumption recorded by this meter on tariff 1. total_energy_consumption_tariff_2_kwh The total energy consumption recorded by this meter on tariff 2. total_energy_consumption_tariff_3_kwh The total energy consumption recorded by this meter on tariff 3. total_energy_production_tariff_1_kwh The total energy production recorded by this meter on tariff 1. total_energy_production_tariff_2_kwh The total energy production recorded by this meter on tariff 2. total_energy_production_tariff_3_kwh The total energy production recorded by this meter on tariff 3. EOF if [ "$?" = "0" ] then diff $TEST/test_expected.txt $TEST/test_output.txt if [ "$?" = "0" ] then echo OK: $TESTNAME TESTRESULT="OK" fi fi if [ "$TESTRESULT" = "ERROR" ] then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME exit 1 fi