#!/bin/sh BUILD=$1 DEB=$2 DEBVERSION=$3 DEBARCH=$4 if [ -z "$BUILD" ] then echo You must supply a directory for the deb contents. exit 1 fi if [ -z "$DEB" ] then echo you must supply a name for the deb file. exit 1 fi if [ -z "$DEBVERSION" ] then echo you must supply deb version. exit 1 fi if [ -z "$DEBARCH" ] then echo you must supply a deb arch. exit 1 fi rm -rf $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters mkdir -p $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN ./install.sh $BUILD/wmbusmeters $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters --no-adduser # Remove the conf files, they are to be installed by postinst. rm $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/etc/wmbusmeters.conf rm -rf $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/etc/wmbusmetersd # Build the control file echo "Package: wmbusmeters" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Version: $DEBVERSION" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Maintainer: Fredrik Öhrström " >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Architecture: $DEBARCH" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Installed-Size: 1" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.27)" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Section: kernel" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Priority: optional" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Homepage: https://github.com/weetmuts/wmbusmeters" >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control echo "Description: A tool to read wireless mbus telegrams from utility meters." >> $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/control mkdir -p $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/usr/share/doc/wmbusmeters # Install the changelog cp deb/changelog $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/usr/share/doc/wmbusmeters/changelog.Debian gzip -v9 $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/usr/share/doc/wmbusmeters/changelog.Debian # Collect copyright information ./deb/collect_copyrights.sh cp /tmp/copyright $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/usr/share/doc/wmbusmeters/copyright # Install the install/remove scripts. for x in preinst postinst prerm postrm ; do \ cp deb/$x $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/ ; \ chmod 555 $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters/DEBIAN/$x ; \ done # Package the deb (cd $BUILD/debian; dpkg-deb --build wmbusmeters .) mv $BUILD/debian/wmbusmeters_${DEBVERSION}_${DEBARCH}.deb . echo Built package $ echo But the deb package is not yet working correctly! Work in progress.