/* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Fredrik Öhrström This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"wmbus.h" #include"wmbus_utils.h" #include"wmbus_cul.h" #include"serial.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define SET_LINK_MODE 1 #define SET_X01_MODE 2 struct WMBusCUL : public virtual WMBusCommonImplementation { bool ping(); uint32_t getDeviceId(); LinkModeSet getLinkModes(); void deviceReset(); void deviceSetLinkModes(LinkModeSet lms); LinkModeSet supportedLinkModes() { return C1_bit | S1_bit | T1_bit; } int numConcurrentLinkModes() { return 1; } bool canSetLinkModes(LinkModeSet lms) { if (0 == countSetBits(lms.bits())) return false; if (!supportedLinkModes().supports(lms)) return false; // Ok, the supplied link modes are compatible, // but im871a can only listen to one at a time. return 1 == countSetBits(lms.bits()); } void processSerialData(); void simulate(); WMBusCUL(shared_ptr serial, shared_ptr manager); ~WMBusCUL() { } private: LinkModeSet link_modes_ {}; vector read_buffer_; vector received_payload_; string sent_command_; string received_response_; FrameStatus checkCULFrame(vector &data, size_t *hex_frame_length, vector &payload); string setup_; }; shared_ptr openCUL(string device, shared_ptr manager, shared_ptr serial_override) { if (serial_override) { WMBusCUL *imp = new WMBusCUL(serial_override, manager); return shared_ptr(imp); } auto serial = manager->createSerialDeviceTTY(device.c_str(), 38400, "cul"); WMBusCUL *imp = new WMBusCUL(serial, manager); return shared_ptr(imp); } WMBusCUL::WMBusCUL(shared_ptr serial, shared_ptr manager) : WMBusCommonImplementation(DEVICE_CUL, manager, serial) { reset(); } bool WMBusCUL::ping() { verbose("(cul) ping\n"); return true; } uint32_t WMBusCUL::getDeviceId() { verbose("(cul) getDeviceId\n"); return 0x11111111; } LinkModeSet WMBusCUL::getLinkModes() { return link_modes_; } void WMBusCUL::deviceReset() { // No device specific settings needed right now. // The common code in wmbus.cc reset() // will open the serial device and potentially // set the link modes properly. } void WMBusCUL::deviceSetLinkModes(LinkModeSet lms) { if (serial()->readonly()) return; // Feeding from stdin or file. if (!canSetLinkModes(lms)) { string modes = lms.hr(); error("(cul) setting link mode(s) %s is not supported\n", modes.c_str()); } // 'brc' command: b - wmbus, r - receive, c - c mode (with t) vector msg(5); msg[0] = 'b'; msg[1] = 'r'; if (lms.has(LinkMode::C1)) { msg[2] = 'c'; } else if (lms.has(LinkMode::S1)) { msg[2] = 's'; } else if (lms.has(LinkMode::T1)) { msg[2] = 't'; } msg[3] = 0xa; msg[4] = 0xd; verbose("(cul) set link mode %c\n", msg[2]); sent_command_ = string(&msg[0], &msg[3]); received_response_ = ""; bool sent = serial()->send(msg); if (sent) waitForResponse(); sent_command_ = ""; debug("(cul) received \"%s\"", received_response_.c_str()); bool ok = true; if (lms.has(LinkMode::C1)) { if (received_response_ != "CMODE") ok = false; } else if (lms.has(LinkMode::S1)) { if (received_response_ != "SMODE") ok = false; } else if (lms.has(LinkMode::T1)) { if (received_response_ != "TMODE") ok = false; } if (!ok) { string modes = lms.hr(); error("(cul) setting link mode(s) %s is not supported for this cul device!\n", modes.c_str()); } // X01 - start the receiver msg[0] = 'X'; msg[1] = '0'; msg[2] = '1'; msg[3] = 0xa; msg[4] = 0xd; sent = serial()->send(msg); // Any response here, or does it silently move into listening mode? } void WMBusCUL::simulate() { } string expectedResponses(vector &data) { string safe = safeString(data); if (safe.find("CMODE") != string::npos) return "CMODE"; if (safe.find("TMODE") != string::npos) return "TMODE"; if (safe.find("SMODE") != string::npos) return "SMODE"; return ""; } void WMBusCUL::processSerialData() { vector data; // Receive and accumulated serial data until a full frame has been received. serial()->receive(&data); read_buffer_.insert(read_buffer_.end(), data.begin(), data.end()); size_t frame_length; vector payload; for (;;) { FrameStatus status = checkCULFrame(read_buffer_, &frame_length, payload); if (status == PartialFrame) { break; } if (status == TextAndNotFrame) { // The buffer has already been printed by serial cmd. if (sent_command_ != "") { string r = expectedResponses(read_buffer_); if (r != "") { received_response_ = r; sem_post(&command_wait_); } } read_buffer_.clear(); break; } if (status == ErrorInFrame) { debug("(cul) error in received message.\n"); string msg = bin2hex(read_buffer_); read_buffer_.clear(); break; } if (status == FullFrame) { read_buffer_.erase(read_buffer_.begin(), read_buffer_.begin()+frame_length); handleTelegram(payload); } } } FrameStatus WMBusCUL::checkCULFrame(vector &data, size_t *hex_frame_length, vector &payload) { if (data.size() == 0) return PartialFrame; if (isDebugEnabled()) { string s = safeString(data); debug("(cul) checkCULFrame \"%s\"\n", s.c_str()); } size_t eolp = 0; // Look for end of line for (; eolp < data.size(); ++eolp) { if (data[eolp] == '\n') break; // Expect CRLF, look for LF ('\n') } if (eolp >= data.size()) { debug("(cul) no eol found yet, partial frame\n"); return PartialFrame; } eolp++; // Point to byte after CRLF. // Normally it is CRLF, but enable code to handle single LF as well. int eof_len = data[eolp-2] == '\r' ? 2 : 1; // If it was a CRLF then eof_len == 2, else it is 1. if (data[0] != 'b') { // C1 and T1 telegrams should start with a 'b' debug("(cul) no leading 'b' so it is text and no frame\n"); return TextAndNotFrame; } if (data[1] == 'Y') { // C1 telegram in frame format B // bY..44............ *hex_frame_length = eolp; vector hex; // If reception is started with X01, then there are no RSSI bytes. // If started with X21, then there are two RSSI bytes (4 hex digits at the end). // Now we always start with X01. hex.insert(hex.end(), data.begin()+2, data.begin()+eolp-eof_len); // Remove CRLF payload.clear(); bool ok = hex2bin(hex, &payload); if (!ok) { string s = safeString(hex); debug("(cul) bad hex \"%s\"\n", s.c_str()); warning("(cul) warning: the hex string is not proper! Ignoring telegram!\n"); return ErrorInFrame; } ok = trimCRCsFrameFormatB(payload); if (!ok) { warning("(cul) dll C1 (frame b) crcs failed check! Ignoring telegram!\n"); return ErrorInFrame; } debug("(cul) received full C1 frame\n"); return FullFrame; } else { // T1 telegram in frame format A // b..44.............. *hex_frame_length = eolp; vector hex; // If reception is started with X01, then there are no RSSI bytes. // If started with X21, then there are two RSSI bytes (4 hex digits at the end). // Now we always start with X01. hex.insert(hex.end(), data.begin()+1, data.begin()+eolp-eof_len); // Remove CRLF payload.clear(); bool ok = hex2bin(hex, &payload); if (!ok) { string s = safeString(hex); debug("(cul) bad hex \"%s\"\n", s.c_str()); warning("(cul) warning: the hex string is not proper! Ignoring telegram!\n"); return ErrorInFrame; } ok = trimCRCsFrameFormatA(payload); if (!ok) { warning("(cul) dll T1 (frame a) crcs failed check! Ignoring telegram!\n"); return ErrorInFrame; } debug("(cul) received full T1 frame\n"); return FullFrame; } } AccessCheck detectCUL(string device, Detected *detected, shared_ptr manager) { // Talk to the device and expect a very specific answer. auto serial = manager->createSerialDeviceTTY(device.c_str(), 38400, "detect cul"); serial->doNotUseCallbacks(); AccessCheck rc = serial->open(false); if (rc != AccessCheck::AccessOK) return AccessCheck::NotThere; vector data; // send '-'+CRLF -> should be an unsupported command for CUL // it should respond with "? (- is unknown) Use one of ..." vector crlf(3); crlf[0] = '-'; crlf[1] = 0x0d; crlf[2] = 0x0a; serial->send(crlf); usleep(1000*100); serial->receive(&data); if (data[0] != '?') { // no CUL device detected serial->close(); return AccessCheck::NotThere; } data.clear(); // get the version string: "V 1.67 nanoCUL868" or similar vector msg(3); msg[0] = CMD_GET_VERSION; msg[1] = 0x0a; msg[2] = 0x0d; verbose("(cul) are you there?\n"); serial->send(msg); // Wait for 200ms so that the USB stick have time to prepare a response. usleep(1000*200); serial->receive(&data); string strC(data.begin(), data.end()); verbose("CUL answered: %s", strC.c_str()); // TODO: check version string somehow serial->close(); detected->set(WMBusDeviceType::DEVICE_CUL, 38400, false); return AccessCheck::AccessOK; }