Version 0.9.14: 2019-09-16 Added negative match rule for ids. You can now write: id=78*,!7812345*,!78222222 which will match any meter whose id begins with 78 but not match any meter whose id begins with 7812345, nor the meter with the exact id 78222222. The order of the match rules does not matter. Version 0.9.13: 2019-08-14 Fix bug that prevented rtl_wmbus to run inside daemon. Version 0.9.12: 2019-08-12 Added experimental detection for apator162 where the total water consumption is located within the proprietary data. Version 0.9.11: 2019-06-20 Added --meterfilesnaming=(name|id|name-id) to choose the file name written meter file. Naming using id or name-id is necessary when a meter specification listens to many different meters using id wildcards. Version 0.9.10: 2019-06-13 Update logrotate to trigger HUP when rotating log files. This will re-initialize the serial connection to the usb dongle and reload the config files as well. Added reload command to systemctl. Version 0.9.9: 2019-06-11 Added support for the signal HUP to trigger wmbusmeters(d) to reload config files. Added significantly better tracking of listening modes (C1,T1,S1 etc) and notify the user if the wmbusmeters configuration would not hear certain meters specified. The apator162 meter can send either on c1 or t1. Thus if you have an imst871a dongle that can only listen on one of c1/t1, then you have to specify which link mode you expect the meter to use. You do that by suffixing the meter type with the link mode, like this: `apator162:c1` If you do not do this, then wmbusmeters will assume that it must listen to both c1 and t1 at the same time. Which might be fine for amd8465 and rtlwmbus dongles, but not for imst871a. Version 0.9.8: 2019-05-22 Added support for the EurisII heat cost allocator from Innotas. Version 0.9.7: 2019-05-04 FeatureExpert added support for the Vario 451 heat meter. Thanks FeatureExpert! New feature: --addconversions=GJ,L This feature required a major rewrite of how meters print their data. When the new option --addconversion= is used, then any meter that outputs a compatible unit (like kWh) will have the additional unit (like GJ) also added to to the json. So if there is a total_energy_consumption_kwh in the json, there will now also be a total_energy_consumption_gj For the human readable output and the fields output, the kWh is replaced with GJ. ATTENTION! change in json keys! Some untyped json field names, like "flow_temperature":10 had to change name to "flow_temperature_c":0 (so that if --addconversions=F is used, then "flow_temperature_f":32 will be added.) Version 0.9.6: 2019-04-27 Added support for the MK Radio 3 water meter. Thanks FeatureExpert! Version 0.9.5: 2019-04-26 Improved install/uninstall scripts. Thanks Bibo! Fixed wrong default sample frequency for rtl_wmbus. Thanks inc90! Version 0.9.4: 2019-04-03 The device auto can now detect an rtlsdr dongle and start rtl_sdr|rtl_wmbus properly. It can only detecht the rtlsdr dongle if the new udev rule has been installed, which will create the symlink /dev/rtlsdr when the dongle is inserted. Added the meter vendor Echelon to the generic amiplus meter type. (The Echelon meter seems to be a standard electricity meter with a wmbus addon sourced from Develco.) Version 0.9.3: 2019-03-20 Added initial support for the generic Tauron Amiplus electricity meter type (amiplus). This is actually a generic meter type, that will match the meter vendors that provide meters under the Amiplus brand to Taurn. The first vendor to be supported is from Apator. Added support for the at-wmbus-16-2 snap on meter (apator162). Unfortunately it uses a vendor specific protocol, that is merely wrapped inside a wmbus telegram. Lets hope the offset to the consumption is stable between meters of this type. Verison 0.9.2: 2019-03-12 Add max_flow to the iperl meter. This is based on a guess that the flow value is actually the max flow. Note! Since max flow was added to iperl, there is an extra column in the human output and --format=fields output. There is also "max_flow_m3h"="123" in the json output, but that does not affect existing code depending on json. Verison 0.9.1: 2019-03-05 Added support for listening to multiple meters with the same key (or no key). Simple use '*' as meter id, or make a comma separated list. Added experimental support for listening to --n1a to --n1f and an imst dongle. Might not work. Version 0.9.0: 2019-02-26 Reading the meter settings from config files in /etc is now supported. Running wmbusmeters as daemon is now supported. Using rtl_wmbus to receive wmbus messages from rtl_sdr is work in progress. Updated README Updated some command line options robot is now format. Listening to qcaloric now seems to work. Added support for MacOSX. Version 0.8.4: 2019-02-23 Add config files support and daemon mode. Version 0.8.3: 2019-02-17 Add experimental support for qcaloric. Version 0.8.2: 2019-01-27 Properly supports short C1 frames after it has received a long frame. (Ie the format signature hash is properly calculated and used.) Now properly extracts temperature from short frames! Added support for Multical21 meters with max flow configuration. Note! Since max flow was added to multical21, there is an extra column in the human output and --format=fields output. There is also "max_flow_m3h"="123" in the json output, but that does not affect existing code depending on json. Version 0.8.1: 2019-01-04 Fixed memory leak in shell invocation. Improved dvparser to properly handle the supercom587 telegrams. (It still does not extract all the data, but the data is properly parsed and chunked.) Added address sanitizer to debug build. Added static analysis Version 0.8: 2018-11-29 Multical21 now reports flow temperature and external temperature. Version 0.7: 2018-11-23 David Mallon contributed the iPerl water meter! Thanks David! Version 0.6: 2018-11-02 Added --shell command to invoke for example: mosquitto to send an MQTT message or psql to insert received data into a database. Added proper T1 telegram support. First meter to use T1 is supercom587. A large part of the supercom587 message is not yet properly decoded. However the important part, the total consumption, is correct. Version 0.5: Added difvif parser to extract as much as possible automatically from the the telegram. Added initial support for Omnipower electricity meter. Version 0.4: Added initial support for heat energy meter Multical302. Restructured to source to more easily support multiple meters. ATTENTION! There is a difference in the command line interface. You must now proved the meter type. Thus for each meter you supply quadruplets instead of triplets. Version 0.3: Added support for wmbus USB receiver Amber AMB8465. Version 0.2: Initial working release supporting wmbus USB receiver IMST im871a and the meter Multical21.