/* Copyright (C) 2019 Fredrik Öhrström This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"wmbus.h" #include"serial.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; enum FrameStatus { PartialFrame, FullFrame, ErrorInFrame }; struct WMBusRawTTY : public WMBus { bool ping(); uint32_t getDeviceId(); LinkModeSet getLinkModes(); void setLinkModes(LinkModeSet lms); LinkModeSet supportedLinkModes() { return Any_bit; } int numConcurrentLinkModes() { return 0; } bool canSetLinkModes(LinkModeSet desired_modes) { return true; } void onTelegram(function cb); void processSerialData(); void getConfiguration(); SerialDevice *serial() { return serial_.get(); } void simulate() { } WMBusRawTTY(unique_ptr serial, SerialCommunicationManager *manager); ~WMBusRawTTY() { } private: unique_ptr serial_; SerialCommunicationManager *manager_; vector read_buffer_; sem_t command_wait_; LinkModeSet link_modes_; vector received_payload_; vector> telegram_listeners_; void waitForResponse(); FrameStatus checkRawTTYFrame(vector &data, size_t *frame_length, int *payload_len_out, int *payload_offset); void handleMessage(vector &frame); }; unique_ptr openRawTTY(string device, int baudrate, SerialCommunicationManager *manager, unique_ptr serial_override) { if (serial_override) { WMBusRawTTY *imp = new WMBusRawTTY(std::move(serial_override), manager); return unique_ptr(imp); } auto serial = manager->createSerialDeviceTTY(device.c_str(), baudrate); WMBusRawTTY *imp = new WMBusRawTTY(std::move(serial), manager); return unique_ptr(imp); } WMBusRawTTY::WMBusRawTTY(unique_ptr serial, SerialCommunicationManager *manager) : serial_(std::move(serial)), manager_(manager) { sem_init(&command_wait_, 0, 0); manager_->listenTo(serial_.get(),call(this,processSerialData)); serial_->open(true); } bool WMBusRawTTY::ping() { return true; } uint32_t WMBusRawTTY::getDeviceId() { return 0; } LinkModeSet WMBusRawTTY::getLinkModes() { return link_modes_; } void WMBusRawTTY::getConfiguration() { } void WMBusRawTTY::setLinkModes(LinkModeSet lms) { link_modes_ = lms; } void WMBusRawTTY::onTelegram(function cb) { telegram_listeners_.push_back(cb); } void WMBusRawTTY::waitForResponse() { while (manager_->isRunning()) { int rc = sem_wait(&command_wait_); if (rc==0) break; if (rc==-1) { if (errno==EINTR) continue; break; } } } FrameStatus WMBusRawTTY::checkRawTTYFrame(vector &data, size_t *frame_length, int *payload_len_out, int *payload_offset) { // Nice clean: 2A442D2C998734761B168D2021D0871921|58387802FF2071000413F81800004413F8180000615B // Ugly: 00615B2A442D2C998734761B168D2021D0871921|58387802FF2071000413F81800004413F8180000615B // Here the frame is prefixed with some random data. if (data.size() == 0) return PartialFrame; int payload_len = data[0]; int type = data[1]; int offset = 1; if (type != 0x44) { // Ouch, we are out of sync with the wmbus frames that we expect! // Since we currently do not handle any other type of frame, we can // look for the byte 0x44 in the buffer. If we find a 0x44 byte and // the length byte before it maps to the end of the buffer, // then we have found a valid telegram. bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size()-2; ++i) { if (data[i+1] == 0x44) { payload_len = data[i]; size_t remaining = data.size()-i; if (data[i]+1 == (uchar)remaining && data[i+1] == 0x44) { found = true; offset = i+1; verbose("(wmbus_rawtty) out of sync, skipping %d bytes.\n", (int)i); break; } } } if (!found) { // No sensible telegram in the buffer. Flush it! verbose("(wmbus_rawtty) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.\n"); data.clear(); return ErrorInFrame; } } *payload_len_out = payload_len; *payload_offset = offset; *frame_length = payload_len+offset; if (data.size() < *frame_length) return PartialFrame; return FullFrame; } void WMBusRawTTY::processSerialData() { vector data; // Receive and accumulated serial data until a full frame has been received. serial_->receive(&data); read_buffer_.insert(read_buffer_.end(), data.begin(), data.end()); size_t frame_length; int payload_len, payload_offset; for (;;) { FrameStatus status = checkRawTTYFrame(read_buffer_, &frame_length, &payload_len, &payload_offset); if (status == PartialFrame) { // Partial frame, stop eating. break; } if (status == ErrorInFrame) { verbose("(rawtty) protocol error in message received!\n"); string msg = bin2hex(read_buffer_); debug("(rawtty) protocol error \"%s\"\n", msg.c_str()); read_buffer_.clear(); break; } if (status == FullFrame) { vector payload; if (payload_len > 0) { uchar l = payload_len; payload.insert(payload.end(), &l, &l+1); // Re-insert the len byte. payload.insert(payload.end(), read_buffer_.begin()+payload_offset, read_buffer_.begin()+payload_offset+payload_len); } read_buffer_.erase(read_buffer_.begin(), read_buffer_.begin()+frame_length); handleMessage(payload); } } } void WMBusRawTTY::handleMessage(vector &frame) { Telegram t; t.parse(frame); bool handled = false; for (auto f : telegram_listeners_) { Telegram copy = t; if (f) f(©); if (copy.handled) handled = true; } if (isVerboseEnabled() && !handled) { verbose("(rawtty) telegram ignored by all configured meters!\n"); } } bool detectRawTTY(string device, int baud, SerialCommunicationManager *manager) { // Since we do not know how to talk to the other end, it might not // even respond. The only thing we can do is to try to open the serial device. auto serial = manager->createSerialDeviceTTY(device.c_str(), baud); bool ok = serial->open(false); if (!ok) return false; serial->close(); return true; }