/* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Fredrik Öhrström This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef UNITS_H #define UNITS_H #include #include #define LIST_OF_QUANTITIES \ X(Energy,KWH) \ X(Reactive_Energy,KVARH) \ X(Apparent_Energy,KVAH) \ X(Power,KW) \ X(Volume,M3) \ X(Flow,M3H) \ X(Temperature,C) \ X(RelativeHumidity,RH) \ X(HCA,HCA) \ X(Text,TXT) \ X(Counter,INT) \ X(Time,Hour) \ X(PointInTime,DateTimeLT) \ X(Voltage,Volt) \ X(Current,Ampere) \ X(Frequency,Hz) #define LIST_OF_UNITS \ X(KWH,kwh,"kWh",Energy,"kilo Watt hour") \ X(MJ,mj,"MJ",Energy,"Mega Joule") \ X(GJ,gj,"GJ",Energy,"Giga Joule") \ X(KVARH,kvarh,"kVARh",Reactive_Energy,"kilo volt amperes reactive hour") \ X(KVAH,kvah,"kVAh",Apparent_Energy,"kilo volt amperes hour") \ X(M3,m3,"m3",Volume,"cubic meter") \ X(L,l,"l",Volume,"litre") \ X(KW,kw,"kW",Power,"kilo Watt") \ X(M3H,m3h,"m3/h",Flow,"cubic meters per hour") \ X(LH,lh,"l/h",Flow,"liters per hour") \ X(C,c,"°C",Temperature,"celsius") \ X(F,f,"°F",Temperature,"fahrenheit") \ X(RH,rh,"RH",RelativeHumidity,"relative humidity") \ X(HCA,hca,"hca",HCA,"heat cost allocation") \ X(TXT,txt,"txt",Text,"text") \ X(INT,int,"int",Counter,"int") \ X(Second,s,"s",Time,"second") \ X(Minute,m,"m",Time,"minute") \ X(Hour,h,"h",Time,"hour") \ X(Day,d,"d",Time,"day") \ X(Year,y,"y",Time,"year") \ X(DateTimeUT,ut,"ut",PointInTime,"unix timestamp") \ X(DateTimeUTC,utc,"utc",PointInTime,"coordinated universal time") \ X(DateTimeLT,lt,"lt",PointInTime,"local time") \ X(Volt,v,"V",Voltage,"volt") \ X(Ampere,a,"A",Current,"ampere") \ X(Hz,hz,"Hz",Frequency,"hz") enum class Unit { #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) cname, LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X Unknown }; enum class Quantity { #define X(quantity,default_unit) quantity, LIST_OF_QUANTITIES #undef X Unknown }; bool canConvert(Unit from, Unit to); double convert(double v, Unit from, Unit to); Unit toUnit(std::string s); bool isQuantity(Unit u, Quantity q); void assertQuantity(Unit u, Quantity q); Unit defaultUnitForQuantity(Quantity q); std::string unitToStringHR(Unit u); std::string unitToStringLowerCase(Unit u); std::string unitToStringUpperCase(Unit u); std::string valueToString(double v, Unit u); Unit replaceWithConversionUnit(Unit u, std::vector cs); #endif